Disabling Automatic Window Resizing?

Aug 4, 2010

I have two monitors, each with a large screen. I often move a window from one to the other. If I place it near the top of the screen, Windows happily expands it to fill the whole screen, something I'd rather not have happen.How do I disable this function?

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Disabling Automatic Restart In System Properties

Mar 7, 2011

So, I've been having a bunch of problems with BSODs lately and I've been struggling to find the cause because even after disabling automatic restart in the system properties, the damn thing still restarts. All I get is the Windows Error Reporting service starting up when the computer reboots and telling me my computer just Blue Screened. I'm pretty sure I could figure out what it is (I already know it's not RAM, because I ran memtest on it for 13 hours with no results) if I just could get at that error code on the blue screen, but that's hard to do when you never even see it.

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Set Automatic Window Refresh?

Dec 13, 2010

I'm finding in Windows 7 that when I do things like delete files, after the deletion is complete, the Explorer file window doesn't automatically refresh.

any way to set it to automatically refresh or is it a feature of Windows 7?

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Picture Resizing For Email

Nov 12, 2012

I am using Microsoft Outlook and I want to reduce the size of a photo and email it but when i right clic on a photo file to email there is no email selection for me to select therefore i cannot reduce the picture size.


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Unwanted Resizing Of Taskbar?

Dec 21, 2009

As a personal preference, I run with the taskbar positioned on the left side of the screen with autohide set. In all previous versions of Windows, when I set the width of the taskbar (usually about 1 inch, so I can see more than just the icon for each task and the quick launch area is three or four icons wide) it stays that way, whether the taskbar is locked or unlocked. With Windows 7, after I set the width, any time the system restarts, whether from Hibernation, reboot, initial startup, what-ever - the taskbar is back to the narrowest setting.

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Windows 7 Wallpaper Resizing?

Jan 28, 2010

I have windows 7 home premium running on my compaq (HP) presario laptop. When i select a photo for the wallpaper it stretches it out even if the photo is a potrait one, which means it cuts off heads of people and so on. I have tried going into control panel> appearance and personalisation> personalisation> desktop background> and tried to change the picture position to fit or centre or anything other then stretch but it wont change anything, the wallpaper stays the same. Anyone have any ideas? i have a feeling it may be a problem with windows or something. My dad is running windows 7 home premium on his home pc and i can change the wallpaper settings on it no problem.

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Cannot See Partition After Resizing With GParted

Sep 27, 2010

I've 4 primary partitions on my drive. I've resized the system partition (win 7) and the second one with gparted. No problem with the first but the second is gone. Disk management shows it but no way to format or change the drive letter.

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Will Resizing Old HDD Stop It From Booting

Oct 4, 2011

I have upgraded my PC from Windows XP on an intel Q6600 to WIndows 7 on an AMD 1090t processor. I have my new Hard drive (C) with windows 7 and my old hard drive (D) has Windows XP with all of my files.I would like to image the old drive and store it as a "just in case" measure. The old drive has a 500GB capacity with only about 150GB used. When I image the drive the image file is ~500GB.

1. If I resize the old hard drive using "Windows 7 Disk Management" will I still be able to put that drive in my old computer and have it boot up?

2. Will the image file be only the size of the new partition?

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High CPU When Resizing Windows

Aug 20, 2011

when I resize windows I get a considerable CPU hit, anywhere from 35% to 70%. My processor and GPU are decent so I'm not sure why this would happen, but it sometimes causes audio crackles and other glitches. I am on the Nvidia 260.99 drivers.

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Resizing Hard Drive

Nov 21, 2009

I have just purchased a new computer which came with Windows 7 home premium 64bit preinstalled with a 1T hard drive. I want to partition the available 931g hard drive into two partitions. I followed the instructions in Disk Management and shrunk the 931g partition by creating a 459.04g partition (blue line at top) and another simple partition of 451.38g which says it is unallocated and has a black line at the top.

HOW do I make the unallocated partition active (I have followed the new partition wizard but end up with a message box which eventually tells me no.) I have repartitioned hard drives in the distant past but used a program for that purpose which I no longer have.

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GParted Expanding Resizing Partition?

May 7, 2011

I have a System partition which is running out of space. Using GParted I took 1GB from the Data partition and made it unallocated. Now, how do I add that to the System partition?

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Resizing Partition With Unmovable Files

Dec 13, 2009

I want to shrink my C partition with Windows 7 installed, but Windows 7 partition manager wont shrink it past 200GB because of unmovable files. I dont know what files those are though.

If I use Partition Wizard to shrink the size to 100GB, is it safe to resize when there are unmovable files? Will this damage my system?

Why can a third party program shrink the partition, but Windows cant?

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Boot Problems After Partition Resizing

Jun 10, 2009

I installed windows seven beta a few weeks ago. I made the partition too small at the time and just recently used a live ubuntu cd's partition editor to add more space to the windows seven partition.

When I booted into vista it automatically check the drive and restarted with no problems.

When I attempted to boot into seven it gave me an error screen saying I need to reinstall my O.S.

I have lost my cd for the beta build. Is their anyway I could get a copy of the iso from Microsoft again? Or would it be easier to upgrade to the release candidate? Or can I posiblely repair without the cd (when I try to acess the extra features of f8 on the boot screen I get the same error as trying to load the os)?

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Desktop Items Keep Moving And Resizing

Jul 24, 2012

I'm running Windows 7 Home premium 64 bit Every time I bootup my icons have changed size to medium and are shifted to the left of my screen. The auto arrange in un checked so i'm really stuck

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Install Locks Up After Resizing Screen

Dec 1, 2009

during a clean install, after expanding and updating and it says "completing..." it resized the screen and then it freezes forever.

I have tried dozens of different ways to install windows7, from reinstall a clean install of vista and then just trying to upgrade, to many clean installs on windows 7.

Not only i cant load Windows7, but when i installed vista again, I cant get the media center to recognize my internal tv tuner.

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Not Booting After Resizing Partition, No Boot Error?

Nov 18, 2011

I had an empty 70 GB partition on the left of my computer and a 230 GB on the right side but I wanted to combine them. Windows was on the 230 GB partition. I booted GParted and combined them, it copied everything from the 230 GB partition over and resized it, it took a few hours.I assumed after it wouldn't boot and all I would have to do is pop in my Windows 7 install disc and go through the repair setup. At first I ran startup repair and it would say it found a problem, and I rebooted and still nothing.. After the bios loads and it lists my DVD drives I just get a cursor _ blinking, nothing else.. No BOOTMGR missing.Odd I thought, so I ran repair again, and again it found another problem. I did this several times before it said it could not detect a problem but it still would do the same thing.I opened the cmd prompt and issued the following commands

bootrec /fixmbr
bootrec /fixboot
bootrec /rebuildocd

I tried installing a second copy of Windows 7 on a 10 GB partition on the end, it went successfully but still blinking cursor. Theres a 54 MB partition at the beginning of type Primary, the main windows one is System and the test windows 7 partition is Primary as well. I thought the first one was usually 100 MB but maybe I am wrong.Still I am stuck with a blinking cursor?

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Hp Pavilion A815n Stuck After Resizing Partition?

Mar 3, 2012

I was going to partition my hdd it had 72gb free and it has 160gb so i partitioning the hard drive (i used partition wizard) i always use that program.After it finished it reboot then it got stuck at bios it would not load any cd or dvd it will just hang there.There it says two options "Press F1 to run setup" i press it and says "Entering Setup..." and nothing happens and "Press ESC for BBS POPUP menu i press it and says "Boot selection popup menu has been selected"This is what the screen says:

AMIBIOS(C) American Megatrends, Inc.
BIOS Date: 02/02/05 13:04:54 Ver: 08.00.10
Copyright 2005 by Hewlett-Packard Company


I was trying to resize my partition but it just stopped and got stuck at "Ultra DMA Mode-5, S.M.A.R.T. Capable and Status OK". As i mentioned above I tried to boot of a cd/dvd but it wouldnt work i have 2 other hard drives and the work perfect.

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Resizing Partition To Install Dual Boot?

Sep 11, 2010

I'm wanting to install Windows 7 as a dual boot alongside my existing XP set up and have been trying to follow the excellent guide at Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP

But I'm stuck at resizing the existing partition as described at Partition or Volume - Shrink

I get as far as the command prompt and selecting the drive, but as soon as I type "shrink querymax" or "shrink desired=15360" or even just "shrink" I get the message

"Diskpart has encountered an error: This service cannot be started in safe mode"

Now I can't see any way of getting a command prompt WITHOUT starting in safe mode.

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Software For Resizing Photos In Windows 7 64bit?

Jun 2, 2011

have a software like windows power toys for XP image resizer 32 bit only available. It there ant such for windows 7 64 bit?

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Resizing Partitions On Hard Drive Using Disk Management.

Sep 2, 2012

There was originally just one HDD and I wanted all my "Media" to be in one partition and then Programme Files etc. in another (being C). This was just so that I could copy the entire 'Drive' I had created making moving videos and photos around easier.So I used the built in disk partition manager and created some unallocated space, then called that space Drive (A) - But now that (A) drive is full and I want to add an additional 40Gb to it from the original C, but I the "Extend Volume" option is greyed out on the (A) drive even with the 40Gb as Unallocated.

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Corrupted Master File Table After Resizing Partitions?

Nov 11, 2012

After I used "Acronis Disk Director" in a HirenBoot CD to cut some space from my D drive to my C drive (boot drive), I've got this "Windows is checking the D drive" then "Corrupted master file table. Checkdisk is aborted" on my D drive. After doing some homework, I've tried corrected it by using testdisk's Fix MFT function but "Both of the MFT files are corrupted. Can't fix". I did not back up the whole partition. I do not really want to buy $60 + commercial software that TestDisk recommends just to fix this possibly once-in-a-lifetime issue. However, if recovery softwares is the only option left, then I have to use them.

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Adding 'open In New Window' To Search Results, & Opening In New Window?

Feb 16, 2012

Whenever I search in Windows 7, I want to have the ability to open found folders in a new window. If I r-click, that option is not there. Is there a way to add this to Windows 7?

Also: When I go to 'open file location', the file's folder opens in the same window - highly annoying. In Vista, it opens in a new window. Anyway to change this behvior in Windows 7 to act like Vista, so the file opens in a new window?

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0xc00000225 Error Code From Turning Off Computer While Resizing Partin?

Jul 4, 2012

Ok well i just bought this computer and i was resizing the partion and i turned off mycomputer, i restarted my computer and got the same error.I put in the windows vista restore disc and nothing at all happend even whe i ran with cdrom.

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Mouse Opens A Window, However Cannot Click Inside The Window

Aug 22, 2012

I am running into an issue where I can open a window/program with my mouse however once the window is open I cannot click inside of it. The window becomes inactive. I also have noticed I cannot right click on my desktop to bring up the properties. I can right click on the window in the task bar to close it but not in the window. Since this is happening I am limited to command prompt. I ran sfc /scannow with no errors. I tried with 3 different mice. I booted the computer into safe mode with command prompt and brought up the device manager to show devices not in use, and when the device manager window opened I could click inside it! since I could use the window I uninstalled all mouse drivers, and reinstalled my microsoft wireless usb mouse driver.. while in this safe mode I changed my mouse properties to system default as I read somewhere that can reset things. Next I booted the computer in safe mode (without command prompt) and still the same thing. I was trying to do a restore point as well however my Kaspersky antivirus 2012 is preventing that as i cannot find a way to kill the program through command prompt.

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[DESKTOP] Open Window Window Appears Requesting To Open Username Upon Windows Startup

Jan 26, 2011

I'm Running Windows 7(64bit)Each time I boot into Windows 7 Prem (64) a open window apears requesting my username at the top of the open window to specify a a program to open it?I've clicked on note pad and I get the following information that apears, each time though it requests, or looks for a program to use to open.

Interface List
1...........................Software Loopback Interface 1
14...00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e0 Microsoft 6to4 Adapter
16...00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e0 Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface


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DWM Keeps Disabling Itself?

Jun 23, 2009

Ive looked on google only thing i found is this guy with the same problem but no solution - Hacking Windows 7 beta problems - Computerworld BlogsIts happened on a few different builds now, latest is 7232 x64.Im running phenomII 940 BE on a DFI 790 fx mobo with 8600GT card.PSU- Antec 550W EarthwattsAt first i thought it may be an application like my antivirus causing the problem but ive tried lots of different apps.Has anyone had problems like this with Win 7 x64 When i apply the troubleshooter it reports DWM disabled (no other problems) & fixes DWM for sec

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How To Remove The Disabling Add-ons Pop-up

Nov 30, 2011

IE has a system pop-up that tells the user that disabling toolbars will speed up IE. It appears at the bottom of the window. I want to know how to disable this from IE9.lsewhere in these forums are the instructions for using the Group Policy Editor to do this; but� gpedit.msc is not available in Windows 7 HomePremium edition. The post I saw says that HomePremium users have to edit the registry manually.I'm happy to do a registry edit but which entries do I have to edit and what values do I have to use, please?Other forums suggest setting the time delay to some seconds but this merely affects the time it takes for the pop-up to appear.

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Disabling Alt + Tab Screen?

Nov 28, 2009

I've been trying for hours now to disable the alt+tab screen. I want to record a sequence of keystrokes, I want to be able to record ctrl+alt+tab, but whenever I press the keys, the alt-tab screen comes up so the buttons won't get recorded. I also have to record them in the actual order, I can't move them around so basically:

I need to be able to press ctrl+alt+tab without bringing up the swtich screen. I need to record theese keys in order. Is there something I can change, maybe in the registry?

Is it possible to change the hotkeys in windows? So that ctrl+alt+tab does nothing, and then switch it back after I've recorded the keystrokes?

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Disabling Nvidia Gpu?

Feb 8, 2012

Msi FX600 (MSI Europe ? Notebook - FX600) laptop has two onboard video cards - one for games, other for desktop/browsing/etc. IS it possible to disable nvidia gpu in order to save some energy. As I know, at IDLE, when I am looking at my desktop, GPU is still working at 127mhz speed. How to absolutely disable it without removing it?

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Disabling Virtual Memory?

Jun 13, 2011

Is it safe to have 0 megabytes of virtual memory? I have 8 GB of DDR2 and i don't see why i would need virtual memory. Plus i need to save some disc space

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Speed Up Browsing By Disabling Add On's

Jul 16, 2011

I keep seeing a window pop up saying "speed up browsing by disabling add on's".Should I do it, and what is a add on?

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