Delete Files All Time / Re-start System

Dec 19, 2011

When I download a file or not, or install any program or any action on the desktop once the reboot delete all your likes. [code]

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How To Delete E-mail Files On Windows 7 Start Search Bar

Jan 6, 2013

So basically whenever I search a word on Windows Start Search bar, all my emails that associate with that word show up as a file, many that are supposed to be deemed private and confidential to me...... I tried to delete it but it wont let me so I was wondering if anyone has the same problem or knows how to fix this.... Been stressing over it for so long

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Operating System To Start - Change Display List Time

Feb 4, 2010

How to Change Time to Display Operating Systems at Boot in Windows 7 ?

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Can't Delete System Files On Second Disc

Apr 3, 2011

I had an old P4 system that the PSU went out on, so while I was at the store getting a new PSU, I picked up a copy of Win7 also. Put the PSU and Win7 in and the next day, the Motherboard died. Went and bought a new i-core motherboard, processor, memory and video card and put it together using two drives. The one Sata drive from the old system is a 1T that has the Win7 from the other system on it along with about 75 movies, 500 pictures and 1500 songs. I used a 250 gig SATA to load the Win7 onto the new system. So now the new system is running off the 250gig and all my files are on the 1T drive along with the old Win7 folder. I want to delet the old Win7 folder but it won't let me giving me a message saying I need permission from a trusted installer to remove these files.

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Anyway Can Delete Some Files And Not Have Them Stay On System

Aug 30, 2010

Is there anyway I can delete some files and not have them stay on my system? I plan on deleting at least 10gigs of old Music, and don't want them to stay on my Hard Drive like usual.Also, if I use Revo/PC Decrapifier, does that get rid of any pieces of the program that there is, or should I run CCleaner/Registry Cleaner as well.

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Delete Locked System Files From Old Windows Install

Jan 21, 2012

I have recently updated my hdd with a clean windows 7 install, but had the old one on a secondary hard disk as a back up. I now need to delete these files to save space on my data drive, but am unable to delete the system and windows files as they are owned by TrustedInstaller.

I discovered how to take ownership of these directories, but now the UAC is telling me that I need permission from myself to delete the files which I own!

Is there anyway to get round this without shipping out my data and doing a format, which I don't want to do as I always seem to miss something important..

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Backup User And System Files - Delete Backups

May 21, 2010

How to Delete Windows 7 User and System Backup Files ?

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Delete System Error Memory Dump Files

Sep 1, 2012

I have 460 MB of system error memory dump files and 900 MB of temp files when I go to disk cleanup. I tried to delete the memory dump files but they remain. How, and maybe more importantly, SHOULD these be deleted? Will it harm anything?

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Safe To Delete System Queued Windows Error Reporting Files?

Apr 4, 2012

I was using Disk Cleanup in Windows 7 and noticed I had 715MB worth of System queued Windows error reporting files. Is it safe to delete these files?

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System Time Not Kept Correctly After Having Manually Changed BIOS Time

Apr 23, 2012

I spilt some water on my laptop a few days ago but fortunately it's completely dried out and working perfectly.... apart from this minor (but important) issue.

Problem: the system time does not stay correct. Even after manually updating the BIOS time and also even after manually syncing it with the various servers available under the time options.

Fix: set the internet time sync interval to every minute rather than its default setting? How do I do this?

P.S. This couldn't be a CMOS battery issue surely because even when the system is on and plugged in the system time still deviates from correct. (I assume the CMOS battery is only used when the system is powered off.) If I need it replaced, how does that sit with my Dell hardware warranty?

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Pc Does Not Start In First Time But Starts In Second Time

May 27, 2011

my window does not start in first time, it shows scattered graphics, when i again restart it it starts, every time this happening

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Start Menu Application Take Time To Start

Apr 12, 2011

The problem that i am facing is that, my windows 7 search is instantaneous but when i click on the application the application takes time to load but if i run the same application from Desktop it will load immediately. This happens only one first time after bootup.

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Have To Refresh Every Time Delete/rename/move

May 14, 2010

Every time I delete/rename/move a file...the changes are not reflected in the folder until I right click "refresh".

Is there a microsoft approved fix for this?

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Why Can't Delete Game Files From Program Files X 86

Jan 21, 2012

I have 64 bit windows 7. I deleted dungeon siege 2 using the control panel, remove program. It was removed except for one file in Program files x86/microsoftgames/dungeonSiege2. I tried manually deleting it but get this "the action can't be completed because the folder or file in it is open in another program. Close folder or file or retry" There is nothing open. I clicked properties of the file and security and clicked administrator and get the same message. Never had this problem removing remnants of programs in xp.

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Boot-start Or System-start Driver Failed To Load:dtsoftbus01

May 21, 2011

So ive been getting the black screen with movable cursor lately and have tried many a methods to remove it i tried checking in my event log for something, and this is waht it said "The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load:dtsoftbus01" So what does this mean and how can i fix this?

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Boot-Start Or System-Start Drivers Failed To Load

Mar 7, 2012

Monday couldn't boot up PC, had to go to system recovery and restore to previous day.

Log files show below that 4 things failed to load. Tuesday couldn't boot up PC again.. tried to restart like 4-5 times.. Finally comes up and in the logs there's numerous things that failed to load. Running a sfc /scannow right now.

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The Following Boot-start Or System-start Driver(s) Failed To Load?

May 8, 2012

I found corrupted system files, but it appears that the hard disk is fine. executed chkdsk and no bad sectors.Just looked into this on event viewer-The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load:xsoaynmfmfxpefxbozedltnzvijcvI am running Acer Aspire X3950-U3022 with Windows 7 Home Premium Home Edition.

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The Following Boot Start Or System Start Drivers Failed To Load

Oct 3, 2012

I'm not sure where to even begin to fix these problems. Some online searches suggested doing a system repair but I want to get some more feedback here before proceeding.Here is the message from the event log:The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load:



I realized some of these are not Windows 7 related but most are. While the computer "works", I do experience frequent reboots and freezes. Perhaps some of these driver loading failures are part of the cause of my issues.

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How To Set Max RDP Session To Start At One Time

May 4, 2010

Migrated to Win 7 from XP Pro.I have client VM's that I need to monitor from time to time. In a crisis I might have to open 100 RDP sessions at one time. I could do this in XP with a paging problem. This is one of the reasons I built this monster. I now have 6 monitors and 12 Gig of ram.Alas I can only open 15 RDP sessions at a time without having Windows 7 attempt to scan for viruses.Also is there a way to globally set ( or preserve ) the Registry data for RDP network connections.I have never been able to find a way to migrate a section of the registry from one machine to another.I have to enter in the user name and password for each of these users again. 200 plus.

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Start Up Time Is Long?

Jul 26, 2011

Im not a big tech freak and i dont even know my computer that well, but i know how to follow instructions. My laptop is taking an EXTREMELY long time starting up.. its taking like,, at least 6 minutes to start up.

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System Time Changes All The Time?

Jul 19, 2012

My time in the bottom right corner keeps changing!I don't know when it changes I just notice that it's wrong.

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Windows 7 Gets A Huge Time To Start?

Jul 25, 2011

my note book Compaq presario cq 40 108 TU i had installed Windows 7, but it gets a huge time to start it take 1 - 2 hours

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Delete Sleep From The Start Menu?

May 24, 2011

How do I delete sleep from the start menu? My specs are in sig.

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Computer Takes Long Time To Start

Apr 26, 2011

I have an HP Z800 Workstation with Windows 7 Pro 64 bit. When I start the computer it seems to be ready in somewhere under a minute after the desktop comes on, meaning there are no spinning circles the mouse moves smoothly etc. However if I try to launch one of the programs in the taskbar, Firefox, Thunderbird, it takes at least seven to ten minutes for the program to come on and be ready. At this point if I click Start>All Programs it is completely empty with no icons or folders at all in there and will be for about the same amount of time. The Start menu freezes open like that and all I can do is to wait. And wait I do because it makes it much worse if I hold in the power button and turn the computer off because then I can usually not go past that black screen that comes on for a brief second before it goes on the desktop. I have very few things that are active in msconfig so I have no idea what's going on and why the computer takes so long to start.

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How To Minimize Notebook Start Up Time From Standby

Apr 15, 2011

What is the best practice to achieve the quickest resume time for notebook? Notebook should be able to run normal Windows applications. Run time from batteries 3 hours plus standby time 24 hours. Applications Garmin and several other maps. Budget is limited to stay reasonable

1. Windows 7 32, 64 Pro or contrary is Starter version the best?

2. Which suits better standby or hibernation?

Obviously SSD is the must.

How short start times one can expect? How short times you have achieved?

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Logging Of Computer Start And Shut Down Time?

Aug 20, 2012

Does Windows keep a log of when the computer was started up and shut down?If so I would like to know how I can view it, or, if not, whether I can do this by enabling some feature or installing some software.

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Windows 7 Start Time Suddenly Much Longer?

Jun 19, 2012

I have been running Win7 64-bit for 2 years. My boot drive is an Intel SSD. Win7 used to load very quickly. It would come up with the Windows logo and quickly flick to the login screen. Boot Performance tracked in Event Viewer - Application and Services - Microsoft - Windows - Diagnostics Performance, perational would generally report 45 seconds or so. Recently, for no reason I can yet discern, that has jumped to 218 seconds. I have looked for 101 Event IDs (application boot performance), there are a few listed, but usually with very small footprints (degradation of 300 ms). Nothing which explains the 3 additional minutes.When the OS boot now, it comes up to the Windows splash screen, and as the 4 colours are coming together, it hangs. At first I thought there was something seriously wrong, so I restarted via the power switch, and ran Startup Repair. It ran, but boot was the same. After a few more power button restarts, thinking I had a very serious problem, I sat there stumped and..... it eventually booted! The 4 colours eventually started moving again, and the system booted. That is what I experience every time now. There is roughly a 3 min pause during the boot sequence, then it proceeds as normal.Things I have tried, Updated to latest Nvidia chipset and GPU drivers.Have almost nothing in Startup when Running MSConfig,Ran Intel's SSD tool. Reports everything A-OK. Made Boot Sequence "Hard Drive" only so it doesn't search for CD drive. Ran Windows Update to ensure all latest critical patches installed (for all I know, this caused it).

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Unable To Delete Folder In Start Menu?

Nov 22, 2009

installed a program and have moved the app to the start menu but the folder it installed cannot be deleted. when going into programdata/microsoft/windows/startmenu/programs and trying to delete it it gives the error;could not find this item, verify the items location and try again despite this it is always there, every reboot. ive tried taking ownership of the file (i have a menu option to do this) and everything else i can think of it still gives the error!

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Start Menu All Programs - Add Or Delete Shortcuts

Jan 15, 2009

How to Add or Delete Start Menu All Programs Shortcuts in Windows 7 ?

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Have To Reinstall Sound-card Drivers Every-time When Start The PC?

Jan 28, 2012

I have a xFI sound-card and every time I start my PC I have to reinstall the card's drivers. I have 2 pci slots on my board and an ATI pci express Radion. When I put the card in the other slot right next to the graphics card it works no problem what so ever accept it is blocking the graphics card fan and the GPU heat doubles so this is not acceptable.I have tried a audigy sound card in the slot and it works OK.

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Computer Restarts As Soon As Start Button Clicked Every Time

Jun 14, 2011

When I click the start button my pc restarts everyime without warning or error. I have formatted it and it does no good. I am using windows 7 64 bit sp1.

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