Dead Keyboard After Windows 7 Starter Shut Down By Empty Battery?

Nov 4, 2012

I allowed the battery on my Acer notebook to run out causing Windows to shut down and lock the current files. As I needed the files urgently I asked a professional to recover them, which he did. Later I connected the mains power and recharged the battery. Now the notebook keyboard will not allow me to enter my password when demanded. The mouse and touchpad work. I have used F8 to try to restore the previous status.

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Dead Internal Battery On Desktop?

Jan 11, 2013

If the internal battery on my desktop pc is dead,could this cause my pc not to start?And if so, by replacing it will I be able to start my,pc normally or do I have to do something else?Reason I'm asking is my pc has power but no splash,screen shows up. The light indicator that shows,activity goes on briefly and the dvd light indicator,turns on briefly. But nothing happens, black screen.

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Windows 7 Starter Laptop Does Not Shut Down?

Oct 27, 2011

My laptop does not shut down fully when I click on shutdown. The only way everything is shut down is using the power button. I also have some performance issues I have 2 drivers that are causing the laptop to run slowly - intel graphics kernal mode driver and Windows driver foundation mode.

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Cannot Get Machine To Shut Down With Battery In / Out

Dec 15, 2012

Have a laptop here (not with 7 though) that I have cleaned up as it has IE6 and XP SP2 only on it and in a terrible state.Now there are three problems the worst by far is that I cannot get the machine to shut down with the battery in - out and it has not problems.Secondly it has a terribly pop up on boot that keeps telling me to install the 2002 Office disk before it can do the updates..Thirdly the machine on idle keeps running the cooling fan up to max and then down again. I have checked with Core Temp and it reads 50C so I don't think it is a heat problem.

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Hotkeys On Cherry Keyboard All Dead After System Crash

Jun 7, 2011

i got a big problem with my cherry keyboard Cherry - eVolution SIRIUS XT Wireless MultiMedia Desktop

all hotkeys worked properly until my system crashed due to some OC. now all other keys work but hotkeys (play, mute, forward, backward, volume up, volume down, calculator, e-mail, home and sleep) which are all hotkeys my keyboard has. they were all global setted so i was able to skip tracks while musicplayer was in tray on default settings. i tried to reinstall windows plug&play-drivers

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No Monitor Signal, Keyboard And Mouse Dead At Random

Sep 8, 2009

I have a really strange problem, after a while (1-2 minutes) Windows just seems to freeze, the monitor signal dies and so does the keyboard and mouse. This seems to be pretty much random and does not occur at a specific time. Safe mode works well without the problem. This problem occurs both during the installation and on the installed OS. I managed to install Windows using safe mode (multiple times). I have been running XP and Linux on the same machine for a long time without any problems.

I have tried to install it multiple (allot) times, using different CDs and USB memory, same result. Even different isos. The iso I'm using is from MSDNAA and it's CRC checked. I have removed all "extra" hardware, disabled BIOS integrated hardware and usb stuff. No luck. I only have 1 monitor connected so it's not a multiple monitor problem, even tried booth DVI connectors. Have installed all the latest updates and tried different nvidia drivers.

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Laptop Low Battery Shut Off Disable

Jan 2, 2012

I have a HP G71 with windows 7 64bit and its really annoying when I get to 13% battery it says low battery and when it gets to 8% it just shuts down... i was wondering if there was a way to disable that function or if there was a way to completly eliminate this function. Ive searched all the battery settings and have searched the internet and sadly cannot find anything about how to get rid of it.

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Ace Aspire 5672 Battery Causes Keyboard And Touchpad Malfunction

Dec 4, 2012

I upgraded my Acer Aspire 5672 from win xp to Windows 7 hm prem 32bit. I realised that the keybd and touchpad fails to function when I have the battery unit installed, but they work fine as soon as I remove it. Before the upgrade, I run the microsoft upgrade advisor program and it did not flag the battery. Secondly, I dual boot with ubuntu 12.04 and the keybd and touchpad works well in the ubuntu platform except that it receive very minimal charge. The laptop runs on the minimally charged battery for a short period.

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Show Keyboard / Mouse Battery Condition In Taskbar?

Feb 20, 2011

my battery condition levels for mouse and keyboard have vanished from my taskbar.running win7 home premium on desktop?

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Programs Unrespond, Keyboard Acts Up, Random Shut Downs And Blue-screen?

Feb 6, 2013

I have had my HP Pavilion g6 Notebook PC (with Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit Service Pack 1) for less than a year and I am encountering a ton of problems.Whenever I go to open a program, it unresponds for a short while before I can continue to use it.Sometimes my keyboard acts up, for e.g. if I were to press T whilst in an internet browser, it would open a new tab, as if I was pressing the CTRL button when I'm not.Sometimes my laptop shuts down - sometimes there is a blue screen error message before, other times it just shuts down without one.I have Trend Micro Tiatanium anti-virus protection and have done scans and nothing has showed up.

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Windows 7 ACPI Doesn't Detect Battery But Battery Is Working?

Aug 30, 2012

I have an ASUS K50IE laptop that i had for 2 years now. been working fine until 2 days ago.this problem has been bugging me for the last 2 days. here's laptop suddenly didn't detect my battery. thought it was because my battery was dead. I searched the net on things to do before "throwing in the towel" on my battery and today i came across a blog where the instruction was to uninstall the Microsoft ACPI compliant control method battery driver. I did just that and my battery suddenly worked! well sort of. now here's where it gets all weird.every time i open my laptop i do the following:1. plug in AC to laptop.. turn on laptop.3. unplug AC.3. laptop runs on battery.4. log on to windows.5. battery icon shows up as an empty charging icon then shows the "Battery is not detected" icon again.please take note that my laptop is still ON and WORKING. so this means (MAYBE?) that my battery is working.

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Battery Replacement Toshiba OEM Or Battery-Biz?

Mar 7, 2012

I have to replace the battery on a toshiba L355-S7915 laptop. Which battery is better? The Toshiba battery or the B-5040H from battery-biz.

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Windows 7 Stops Dead On Some Games

Nov 7, 2011

I recently tried to play Dr Who, which I downloaded from the BBC. Twice at the same spot it came to a dead stop. No warning no shutdown sequence, just a dead stop. I have had similar stops on other games, but do not know where to begin to sort it out. The Graphics drivers are up to date.

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Ethernet Port Dead After Full Windows 7 Install?

May 30, 2012

On a Dell desktop with pre-installed Windows 7, due to a bad HD, I bought and installed a full retail version of Windows 7. Now the ethernet port is dead.

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Audio Becomes Dead After Connecting Modem On Windows 7 Professional

Sep 24, 2012

My new laptop with Windows 7 professional (64 bit) has strange problem related to audio. As soon as I connect modem with vendor software, audio becomes dead

well, If I remove the modem device then audio works as usual.

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WAN Miniport (IKEv2) Drive Dead - Windows 7 - Can't Delete?

Jun 13, 2011

A windows update failed, and didn't back out properly. My machine is left crippled and cannot access the Internet (so can't use MS Driver update!). It won't let me manually download the driver (AGILEVPN.SYS)

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Apply A *.reg Script Into The Registry Of A Dead/not Running Windows 7 System?

Jan 11, 2012

The scenario is as follows:

A Win7 system has some problems and could NOT be booted itself. So I took an additional bootable repair or LiveSystem CD and start the computer with it. I have now a running WinOS and another dead Win7 e,g, on a partition C: on a hard disc.

Now I want to apply an existing *.reg Script into the registry of the dead system (=NOT the currently running system. Can I do this somehow? Is there e.g. a command

regedit myscript.reg -writetowin C:Windows

whch writes the *,reg file to the Registry of the Win7 system which it find on partition C: in folder "Windows"?

Maybe I can address the target registry file directly regedit myscript.reg -writeregistrydirect C:windows txxxxxxx.dat

In which file(s) is the Registry stored? Second question: Can I at least read from such an external dead Registry?

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Image Windows 7 Ultimate From Dead MacBookPro SSD To New Lenovo X1 Carbon?

Nov 26, 2012

I've been using a Macbook Pro 15" for years, with Windows 7 Ultimate installed. Naturally I have everything just so.. It died a few days ago. I figured it was the SSD, but it was the mainboard or something. I now have a new Lenovo X1 Carbon, and the SSD from the MacBook Pro is in an ext. USB enclosure. How would the experts recommend that I image the old installation onto the new laptop?I found this article (Restore Windows 7 to different computer ) but it requires the old computer to be working. (keep in mind the X1 doesn't have an optical drive -- I will have to create a bootable USB key for this process.. Or perhaps it's possible to boot off of the external HD -- I'll check the BIOS)

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Dead Laptop - Transfer Windows Home Premium To New Computer?

Nov 28, 2010

My lappy is dying a certain death and I want to remove the Windows 7 Home Premium OS from it and install it on a new desk top that I am building. Can this be accomplished? I really don't want to spend the $100 for an OEM version when I don't need to.

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Hotmail Dead At 16:39 GMT?

Jan 15, 2013

Anyone else experiencing a problem with Hotmail? I cannot sign in, tried to access Hotmail (via Outlook) at 16:39 GMT. Hotmail message was "Sorry Hotmail has a problem." Downer, have to email several people today.

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Test CPU Is Dead Or Not?

Jun 2, 2011

how test CPU is dead or not? I have i5 750 and whit it My working PC doesn't boot up, when I set it

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LCD Dead Or Stuck Pixel?

Feb 25, 2012

I just bought the new Sony Vaio Z series.After 3 days it has a pixel issue:On a white background, the pixel is red On a lighter blue background, the pixel is black On a green background, the pixel is black On a red, dark blue or black background, the pixel seems normal (the right color and blends in with the rest as it should)Is this a dead or stuck pixel?

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Moving Stuff From Dead PC To New One?

Nov 17, 2011

My 3-year-old $300 Gateway desktop does not respond to the power switch which tests good. Rather than investing any more time or any money in this machine, I'm going to buy a new one.Can I just replace the new HD with the HD from the old PC so that it will be the boot drive?If not, is there a way to get everything from the old HD to the new one? (The new one will have Win 7 Home Premium. Can I install the Win 7 Ultimate that I had used on the Gateway on it?)

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Set Up Email As A Day Of Dead Altar?

Jan 4, 2013

I am trying to eail someone from a file, but when I try it says there is no email program associated to perform the requested action. Please install an email programor, if one is already installed, create abn association in the Defaulf Program panel.

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All Browsers Dead, Only Opera Working?

Jul 17, 2012

After I went on holiday, all my browsers stopped working.IE and chrome just dont start at all, and Firefox and SeaMonkey(I even tried that one!) give me the error that the Microsoft Registry Server stopped working.Opera is the only one that still works, but I can't get comfortable with it.Firefox Safe mode does work, only when I choose to delete all my data of Firefox(all settings, bookmarks, saved passwords and cookies) normal Firefox starts, only for 2 times when I have to do it all over again.They all stopped right after my holiday, and I didn't change anything.I've already tried reinstalling chrome and firefox several times, clearing all data for IE, restoring to a previous point, but nothing seems to work.

Computer -> properties:

This is all on my desktop, I've entered all specs I know in my profile.

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PCI Simple Communication Controller Dead

Jun 14, 2010

I have an HP dc7700 that we are upgrading to Windows 7 and have a PCI controller error. The hardware ID is: PCIVEN_8086&DEV_2994&SUBSYS_2802103C&REV_02.

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Left 4 Dead DirectX Crash

Aug 24, 2009

Just my bad luck - first CoD4 crashes with DirectX error and now Left 4 Dead does that too (those are unrelated problems as far as I can tell, but still)

Anyways, straight to the point: I get "Failed to lock index buffer in CMeshDX8::LockIndexBuffer" error right after intro movie starts. So far none of the solutions I found thanks to google worked so I was wondering if any of you nice people seen that problem. Or even better - solution.

Made me sad when two of my favourite games refused to work in freshly installed system

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How To Mend A Dead Pixel's Heart

Mar 9, 2011

I have a black spot on my taskbar and from my search here on SF and Googling, the difference between a stuck pixel and a dead one is that a stuck pixel will be white or a colour while a dead pixel will be black. This leads me to my conclusion that what I have is a dead pixel (my warranty ran out about 2 weeks ago so the timing seems right).The majority of opinions is that there is no fix for a dead pixel. When I Google, however, there are 2 or 3 hits that claim there is a fix.

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Dead Slow Right Click On Desktop?

May 6, 2009

When right clicking on the desktop. You can Create a new Folder, Enter the Nvidia Control Panel (and I do often), go to personalize, and something else I do often. "Refresh" I right click and do refresh all the time. It's a bad habit I started in XP.

Basically When I first loaded 7.. it seemed fine. I installed a bunch of drivers, so I'm not sure what one did it. But now when I right click while I'm on the desktop. It takes a solid 3 or so seconds to pop-up.. that is WAY to slow. Vista it was instant.. and Windows 7 was at first also.

Everything else seems speedy. Starting from Shutdown.. opening programs. Everything is pretty speedy. But the right click feature I use often. It's really slow.

Also, when I right click on Taskbar, or any of the desktop icons, it's super Fast. only the right click on the actual desktop.

I think I might go back to WHQL Nvidia driver instead of the BETA for 7. that is what I think I'll try first.

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Geforce 8800gtx Dead Help Getting New Card

Aug 6, 2011

i want to get NVIDIA GeForce GT 430 PCI-E Graphics Card ut will my motherboard support it i got my pc back in 2007 and my previous card was geforce 8800gtx

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Recovering Files Off A Dead Laptop?

Jul 24, 2012

My laptop was fried when it crashed during a BIOS update and I need to get the files off of it. I do not have a SATA adapter but I do have another laptop that I can plug the hard drive into (which isn't corrupted). Obviously I cannot boot the computer up since the Windows installation is going to differ but I was wondering if there was any sort of bootable CD software that I could run to recover files from the drive. The hard drive was running 64 bit Windows 7.

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