Damaged/Corrupted System File - Worth Reformatting?

Apr 19, 2012

when I ran sfc scan recently it found a problem that can't be repaired (I've run the scan numerous times). upon checking sfc details, this appears to be the problem.Cannot repair member file [l:22{11}]"PINTLGB.IMD" of Microsoft-Windows-IME-Simplified-Chinese-Core, Version = 6.1.7601.17514, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 (9), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch Cannot repair member file [l:22{11}]"PINTLGB.IMD" of Microsoft-Windows-IME-Simplified-Chinese-Core, Version = 6.1.7601.17514, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 (9), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch This component was referenced by [l:202{101}]"Microsoft-Windows-Foundation-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.1.7601.17514.WindowsFoundationDelivery" Could not reproject corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:62{31}]"??C:WindowsIMEIMESC5DICTS"[l:22{11}]"PINTLGB.IMD"; source file in store is also corrupted? This laptop is only 3 weeks old. I ran sfc scan on my old computer (about 5 years old), expecting many corrupt files but it showed no damaged files.

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Corrupted File System After Chkdesk

Jul 3, 2011

I have an Acer Aspire 5734Z with Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit installed and ever since I got my computer I've been having trouble starting Windows normally. Like many time before, a week ago my computer started again freezing at the Windows logo every time I put it on. Here's what I tried to do to get things back to normal: 1. I ran CHKDSK /r, and got my computer working, Two days later, I had the same problem. So, I ran CHKDSK /r (found 48 unreadable file segments, deleted 60 index entries, corrected and deleted file names..), but it froze at stage 3 of 5, "verifying indexes", and after 19 hours I shut it down. Still having the same freezing problem, I ran CHKDSK /r once again (found 13 bad clusters..) and I noticed the line "Windows has made corrections to the file system". After the check was complete Windows wouldn't still start. I tried all the different Safe Modes, but got stuck at loading "windowssystem32DRIVERSAVGIDSEH.sys" or the file after that.

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All File Associations Corrupted For Windows 7 Account - System Restore?

Jan 20, 2013

Windows 7 Pro 64 SP1. He has 2 accounts on his PC (administrator, and 'user'). Both have admin privileges. When he logged in this morning using his user account, the file associations for all applications appear to have been corrupted. In his user account, all programs launch with the IE download manager which gives me an option to run or save. When 'run' is selected from IR download manager, a window quickly flashes on the screen and closes. I am unable to run any application including windows explorer, regedit, cmd, etc, including system restore.

He has Symantec Endpoint which also launched in IE download manager. My friend does not recall installing anything recently. I tried booting in safe mode and logging into the user account and the behavior is exactly the same. When I log in using the admin account (in regular mode) everything seems to be fine. The system restore option is available as are all the file associations. A Symantec scan using the admin account shows nothing other than a single tracking cookie. The only thing I can think of doing is a system restore from the admin account but thought I'd post this to the group to see if there was something else I should try first.

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Find Which File Is Damaged?

Sep 8, 2011

I did a error scan with HD Tune Pro on a 2TB WDEADS20 and it says that error at 63248 MB.

The health status says I have 16 unstable sectors. How can I find which file is damaged before backing up my files to another drive?

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How To Replace Damaged File In Windows 7

Jul 12, 2012

I have established that I have a damaged or corrupted file in Windows 7. The file name is "Fltmgr.sys". How to get a new copy and replace it. I do have the OS disk. ?

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System Drive Do Not Appear When Reformatting Os

Nov 30, 2012

When I reboot the laptop to install Windows XP, it goes well. But when it comes to the page where you can Select, Delete or Create a partition, the laptop's system drive is not showing. The page only shows the USB drive as my drive C, because it is my priority right? So now, I cannot reformat the laptop because the system drive of the laptop is not showing. What and where is the problem? Is it the bootable USB? or there is another way to make a downgrade? or the problem is my system drive?

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Reformatting On A Dual Boot System?

May 18, 2011

My PC is set up for dual booting...first OS installed is Windows XP sp3 and the second is Windows 7 Ultimate x32. Both are installed on separate hard drives. I want to reformat the drive with Windows 7 on it and do a clean install of itctions on how to do this? For some reason I can't get the PC to boot up with the DVD disc instead of the hard drives, and I don't know much about the BIOS to mess around in there.

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Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working Error; Damaged File Ole.dll?

Aug 7, 2012

My mom has an HP Mini 210-1044NR laptop. It no longer boots up right. I've tried to get the desktop screen to load in normal mode and safe mode, yet I keep getting the same error message.It says Windows Explorer has stopped working. Windows can check online for a solution to the problem the next time you go online.If I click close the program, it gives her a black screen and nothing happens. I cannot get to the start menu, even. Ctrl + Alt + Del brings up task manager, but it doesn't really give me much to work with.I did have the desktop loaded at one point, but then it all froze up and shut down.The problem details are:Problem Event Name: InPageErrorError Status Code: c0000010Faulting Media Type: 00000003OS Version:6.1.7600. ID: 1033Is there any way to fix this? Maybe bring the desktop back up? Or even get to the start menu to run something and fix it? I am going crazy trying to figure out what to do

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Explorer.exe File And Svchost File Corrupted?

May 8, 2011

Explorer.exe file and svchost file corrupted??how do i find them? i am running Windows 732 bit?

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MBR Damaged And Windows 7 System Recovery Menu Doesn't See An Operating Sys?

May 20, 2012

What I had initially: Quote: 120 GB hardisk divided into 3 partitions.1st partition (22.2GB) with XP, second partition (30GB) with win 7 and rest (60 GB) as mass memory for storage.What I did: Quote: Installed Ubuntu 12.04 LTS desktop 32 bit with USB on the partition which had XPFor that I had to format it and convert to ext4 and also create a swap memory of ~3GB.Thus I finally have 1 partition with ubuntu another with win 7 and another with mass memory.Now, Problem:MBR got damaged as win XP partition was formatted (which had bootloader) and thus I can't login to win 7 from Ubuntu Grub.To solve this problem I had to create a USB recovery disk for Windows 7. But now the problem is even after using bootrec command which gave sucess result for fixmbr, fixboot, scanos and rebuildbcd i am not able to boot into win 7. The computer just hangs after bootup with a blinking cursor.

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Reformatting Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit System - Process Initialization Failed

Oct 1, 2010

I have a system I have used for a while now and I actually reformatted a few months ago. The system has been working great with no problems but recently during a boot up I noticed an issue. Right when Windows begins its setup to take you to the login screen I noticed a bluescreen and a quick reboot. So I used F8 to boot from the last known good config, no change. I went and disabled the automatic reboot after a crash so I could read the error and it's the:

"Process1_initialization_failed" error.

I looked around for that error and found this: Fix: STOP 0x0000006B PROCESS1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED Blue Screen | The Windows Club

However, when I tried to get into the C: to remove that file, it said "Access Denied" and locked me out. I have yet to be able to get into the system since. To make matters worse I gave up and decided to just reformat the drive and start fresh. However, when I load up my Windows Installation DVD it is noticeably slow, it takes 5-10 minutes to go from step to step. So I got to the "Install" button screen, clicked it and it says "Setup is starting..." and then...nothing. It just stays on that screen for a long time, I gave it 30 minutes last night. So I'm unable to even reformat.

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Missing/Corrupted Hal.dll File?

Jul 30, 2010

I started up my computer around an hour ago and found the following message; "The file system32/hal.dll is missing or corrupt.re-install the file." So, at a loss as I'm not a Tech-person in any yway, I turned to the internet and found, after several XP posts, some to do with Windows 7. I'm on 64-bit, and have tried inserting my installation disk as well as the system repair.I've looked at this, but seeing as I'm Windows 7 & not XP I can't see why it would work; Error Message: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt I'm following another Microsoft guide that asked to me run a command in a command prompt, Bootrec.exe which in turn gave me 4 options, only I'm not sure which option to choose.

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Pst File Corrupted - Repair

Mar 24, 2010

How to Repair a Corrupted pst File ?

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How To Delete Corrupted File

Mar 12, 2012

I was having troubles with deleting some files and folders in windows 7, I used a software called longpath. It works fine. Do I have any other options to do that thing? Or is it ok to be with longpath?

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Usb Data Transfer File Corrupted

Jan 3, 2010

problem either stopped on the usb data transfer from windows 7 PC to a usb HDD or flash drive; or crashed and give errors. However, i dont encount this sreious problem but rather annoying problem.

As soon as i use my Windows 7 PC to copy a file to usb stick, the process is all ok, but when i read the file, it seems to be corrupted, example, if i have put a avi file in the usb drive, it will play as skipped.

I have updated the hotfix http://support.microsoft.com/kb/976972 but still doesnt fix my problem. I have updated the chipset driver from nvidia web site, still no help.

I know for sure that problem occured after i fresh installed to windows 7 from xp pro. I have also tried to uninstall the usb root hub but still give me the same driver as it was.

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Deleting A Corrupted File On An External HDD?

Dec 9, 2012

I cannot delete files. Error message comes saying that files are corrupt. How to empty my external hard disk? I don't want to save the files.

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Computer Won't Start; System32 File Corrupted

Oct 10, 2012

Every time I try to start my computer, it says "windows is loading files," which it normally doesn't, and then Startup Repair pops up. I let it run for about an hour, and it finally finished, but it said it could not find the source of the problem. I looked in the log for the Startup Repair, and it said that everything ran smoothly, except for the file scan. it took over 100,000 ms for it to process, and it said the test failed, along with mentioning that the system32 file was corrupted. I don't know much about computers, not do I remember getting an installation disc. (The computer was a gift to me.)

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Why Does Saving Word File To .doc Leaves It Corrupted

Jan 31, 2013

I'm using Word 2007 and it gives me the option of saving a file to the .doc format instead of .docx. However it gets corrupted and it ends up looking like a notepad file when I open it.

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Windows System Corrupted?

Dec 15, 2012

AMD Phenom II x6 t1055
Biostar A770E3 / A78XAA3S-R03 v6.0
2x4GB Kingston pc3-10600 (1333Mhz), just new installed.
ATI HD5750 True Color
Windows 7 x32 & x64 Ultimate NL Retail

I had some issues after doing what an Anti Virus software asked me to do and register cleaning.Windows looked acting slow and some futures (both still) don't work.I have to mention that I had a bad memory that killed two slots on the main baord.Previously the Windows 7 x32 didn't start completally, it didn't get to the login screen. The mouse pointer was vissable and the screen was black.

I looked on the net for answers, but found non. So, I tried to expermimanted some F8 functions ad the MBR screen. I found one that did work, something for domein users. All the other options didn't work.I got it started (safe mode) and deleted the last month installed software.Did a chkdsk /F and restarted. [URL]I found one site with the command sfc /scannow to check the system files and fix them.After a while (not minutes as it says) I got the notification that not all system files could be fixed.It installed a log file ad WindowsLogCBS about 24MB.How to fix these errors?no reinstallation. I have software that came from GiveawayOfTheDay, the software can only be installed once.Or,After a reinstall, would it be possible to reinstall the software from the Old installation. Actually stupid to do, can have bugs too.

Is there a total Windows 7 x32/x64 repair disk that comes with the programs itseld and can check the net for information and can install and deinstall software for download?I forgot to burn the one that came with Windows 7.I downloaded a Repair disk, but it kept asking for Backup and Command prompt didn't work either.Guess, the DVD program did need those files on the Windows HDD installation too.Autoback up was disabled, don't know how. So, no backup at all. No restore points either.

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Error : 0x80070570 The File Or Directory Is Corrupted And Unreadable

Jan 22, 2011

I have Dell 15r, which runs on win 7 home basic, i recently started using toshiba hard disk,i have some files in the external hard disk when i try to move them or delete them i will get this kind of error message. Error : 0x80070570 The file or Directory is corrupted and unreadable.

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File Icon Corrupted After Windows 7 Suddenly Shuts Down

Dec 27, 2011

after surfing the net. watching videos from Internet, my computer suddenly shuts itself off. after rebooting my computer. the folder icon became corrupted and i can't seem to delete it. it gives the message ' windows is not responding '. after restarting the computer once again, the folder becomes accessible again but the file icon is still corrupted. i tried changing and restoring the icon but neither seem to work.

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Corrupted Master File Table After Resizing Partitions?

Nov 11, 2012

After I used "Acronis Disk Director" in a HirenBoot CD to cut some space from my D drive to my C drive (boot drive), I've got this "Windows is checking the D drive" then "Corrupted master file table. Checkdisk is aborted" on my D drive. After doing some homework, I've tried corrected it by using testdisk's Fix MFT function but "Both of the MFT files are corrupted. Can't fix". I did not back up the whole partition. I do not really want to buy $60 + commercial software that TestDisk recommends just to fix this possibly once-in-a-lifetime issue. However, if recovery softwares is the only option left, then I have to use them.

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Error 0x80070570: The File Or Directory Is Corrupted And Unreadable

Apr 10, 2012

recently i've been having a problem when trying to move ISO files from one harddrive to another. I've tried with 3 different ISO files and all come up with the same error:"An unexpected error is keeping you from copying the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.Error 0x80070570: The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable."First time I got this error i just thought something had gone wrong with the download so i deleted the file and downloaded it again. Same problem. This made me think that maybe it was just that download but now I have tried 2 other files and gotten the same error every time. This only happens with ISO files though as in case it was the harddrive or connection issue I tried transferring some other .avi files and they went across without problem.

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Recorded Footage With Fraps - WLMP Corrupted File

Sep 1, 2012

I recorded some footage with Fraps, opened each file in WLMP and Saved Project. Tried to open it in Windows Live Movie Maker and it wouldn't work. I have each file in a zip file: Clips.zip. I deleted each original file after saving it as WLMP.

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XP Boot Error: Missing Or Corrupted File System32driverpci.sys

Dec 2, 2011

I converted an old XP machine to a VHD with disk2vhd. Once imported into virtual pc the machine starts up but fails before booting with the message: missing or corrupted file: system32driverpci.sys

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D Drive Is Not Accessible File Or Directory Is Corrupted And Unreadable

Aug 5, 2012

I am a moron and I messed up the disk partitions on my laptop. I was tryin to increase my Cdisk space by allocating the free disk space from my D. I used this software called "partition magic" and just when everything was going smooth..some error occured and the partition did not take place..to make things worse..I can't acces my D, The error message says "D: is not accessible.The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable."No clue what to do..I NEED to recover my data from my D drive..What should I do?

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Reformatting Windows 7 System To XP / "No Drive Found"

May 17, 2010

I had an old thread on Windows 7 running really unreliable on my system, and after speaking with a Sony support person today, I've found out that Sony does not support Windows 7 on my system. It's a bummer but, at any rate, I'm trying to put Windows XP back on the system.I've downloaded the Windows XP Professional with SP3 from MSDN student website.I have the ISO burned to a disc, and I boot the computer from CD drive.After the initial setup, it ask to start windows and press enter.I do so, and I says to select the drive I wish to reformat.There are four slots, all of which say "No drive found" Whenever you press ANY button, I get a BSOD.Any reason as to why it doesn't recognize any drives, or why I can't get any further into the process without it crashing?

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Hard Drive Inaccessible - File Or Directory Corrupted And Unreadable

May 2, 2011

I got pop up in utorrent says a directory is corrupt, I start to run chkdsk on that drive. In this case in have drive letter E. I click on computer, then go to the drive, right click, properties, tools, check now. It says the drive is need to to forced to dismount. I click on ok. then in computers, the drive just show the letter, not size or disk meter. In the open windows on task bar, I did not see scan disk running, or maybe I accidentally closed because I was switching between several programs.

I thought restart pc the drive will show again, but after restart, the drive does not show up, it says 'E: is not accessible, the file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.' I tried to start pc 2 times, still same. I downloaded Partition Wizard Home Edition (minitool partition wizard home edition 5.2) and running it, it showing my files are still in the drive, but not accessible in windows. I also run chkdsk in recovery environment, but still says disk is corrupt, chkdsk cannot continue.

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Startup Repair Error : Boot Critical File C:\ci.dll Is Corrupted?

Jun 1, 2011

Every time the computer is turned on or restarted it runs Starup Repair. When i look at the diagnosis it says 'boot critical file c:\ci.dll is corrupt'. I have already tried to restore the computer but i don't have the discs where i have backed up the computer. I have also run a virus scan with Avira and it did pick up 4 viruses and i removed them but the error still occurs.

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Error 0x80070241 - File Is Corrupted Or Missing And Installation Cannot Continue

Oct 22, 2009

I have Vista Home Premium 64 bit and I'm trying to upgrade to 7. I bought the college copy so I only have the download, no DVD.

When I get to like 10% of installation I get error 0x80070241, and it says that a file is corrupted or missing and installation cannot continue.

I know everyone hates n00bs who ask questions that have already been answered, and I did google this first (and call Microsoft), but the results I found on google went right over my head and Microsoft was not helpful at all (I shot them off an e-mail thinking I might get better service that way, but they haven't responded yet.)

Anyway, what can I do? I really really want Vista off my computer but it like refuses to die lol.

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Windows 7 Fresh Install - File Getting Corrupted During Network Transfer

Mar 24, 2011

My company computer (hooked up to our internal network; no homegroup) has just had a fresh install of Windows 7 Pro 64-bit. I went through the process of mapping network drives and had a problem when it came to connecting to IP addresses and folders in the format of '\servershared folder'. Turned out that I had to change a security setting.

Following the instructions on this site, I was able to resolve that issue. These network locations are CNC machines and the files that I am placing on the machines contain CNC code (G&M code and X, Y, Z values for 3D machining). Basically, G&M code cannot have multiple X, Y or Z values on the same line (it wouldn't make sense to go to two X locations in the same move).

When I transfer CNC files from a network location (all of our files are stored on a server) to the CNC machine, they occasionally get corrupted where part of one file is contained in another file. I have tried transferring one at a time and in bulk, both with the same result.

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