Choosing Contacts By Category With Title And Full Address

Dec 8, 2011

I wish to display Contacts I have in one of my Categories by Title, Full Name and Address.

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Where Is Windows Live Mail Address Book (contacts) Folder Located

Jun 5, 2010

I want to backup my Windows Live Mail address book or contacts but I could not find its folder.I thought it would be at C:UsersUser nameAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindows Live Contacts{36 characters folder name} but this folder is empty. Next I tried C:UsersUser nameContacts. This folder is also empty. I did a file search for *.wab but could not find any.Where is the address book or contacts folder located in Windows 7?

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Windows 7 Contacts Integrate With Outlook Contacts

May 1, 2011

can windows 7 contacts integrate with outlook contacts. if not they should.

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Outlook Category Delete

Oct 15, 2011

Outlook 2007/Windows 7 I've read How categories and calendar labels from earlier versions are updated for Office Outlook 2007 - Outlook -

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Category Modified In Resource Monitor

Dec 10, 2009

In Resource Monitor there is this category Modified the intrigues me. Does anybody know what that is.

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Export Wlm Contacts To Contacts Folder?

Sep 8, 2010

How do you use the contacts folder in Windows 7.Do i have to manually imput the contacts or can i export my wlm contacts direct.

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Control Panel View - Category Or Icons

Nov 17, 2008

How to Change the Windows 7 Default Control Panel View ?

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Kernel-Power: Event ID 41 - Task Category (63) BSOD's?

Apr 17, 2010

I've been having this problem from some time now. My computer randomly locks up, it's not shutting down or going to blue screen. It just locks up and stays there until I hard reset the entire computer. My computer specs.

Intel Quad-Core i7-920 L3 Cache 8MB 2.67Hz 2.79Ghz 2793 Mhz.
Nvidia GeForce BFG OC MaXcore GTX 260 896 MB DDR3
6GIG OCZ Triple Channel DDR3
Gigabyte Technology Co, Ltd Untra Durable 3 DDR3 Freq 1366+
2x Terabyte Western Digital HDD
OCZ GameXStream Power Supply 750W
Micrsoft Windows Vista Ultimate x64

When I run SpeedFan 4.40 my CPU core temp for all 7 cores are sitting at about 42-45c without any applications running. While I'm gaming they normally hit about 50-55c. At first I though these crashes may have been caused by the CPU overheating to I was thinking about picking up an Hydro Series H50 CPU Cooler but I really doubt this would resolve the issue. My GPU cloaks at about 50-52c without applications running.. even that's rather high. But again, I don't think overheating is the issue. I've updated all the hardware in my computer to the latest that was available and BIOS. This problem started happening a few months ago, and today alone I've had 3 lock ups in the last hour.

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'No Internet Access' IP Address Shows Router Not The Modem IP Address

Jul 7, 2012

My internet connection shows 'no internet access' even though my ISP shows the connection is coming into the house just fine. I usually use a router (NetGear-WNR3500U) but I right now I have the Ethernet connection plugged directly into my PC. I tried directly plugging into my laptop and the internet works just fine. So I know the problem resides in the PC.

Some troubleshooting things I have tried.

-Power cycled my modem, router and PC.

-Repinged my connection from my ISP(Comcast Xfinity)

-Used the reset option on the router and the modem

-I was walked through the internet options needed with the tech support from my ISP to make sure DHCP was enabled and every other setting was correct, and he cleared me that all settings were correct.

-Tried ipconfig commands to /renew and /release my IP When I tried ipconfig /renew I get the error 'An error occurred while renewing interface Local Area Connection : unable to contact your DHCP server'

-Restored my PC to a restore point where the Internet was working

All of these options did not work.

What I think the problem is and I am not sure how to fix it, when I run the ipconfig /all command my Auto configuration IPv4 Address shows which I was told is a router IP address even though I am plugged directly from the modem to my PC with an Ethernet cord. So I think that's my problem? But I am not sure.

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Choosing Different Language

Dec 13, 2009

I am going to order my free windows 7 upgrade . The problem is i want to choose different language for order (my current language is russian and i want to install english). Will i have any problems if I choose another language? Has anybody expirience about ordering windows 7 upgrade with other language? I really need your help, because i dont want to spend 20 bucks (for shipping) and find out i throw away my money and free copy of windows 7.

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Rip Cd Japanese Characters In Title?

May 15, 2012

how do i prevent this?

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Choosing An Intel Chipset?

May 27, 2012

I'm unsure exactly how to choose what chipset I want to buy for him. Previously, I just sort of looked at each of my available motherboard options, and chose which one had the requirements I was looking for. However, my friend is on a budget, so I feel like buying a specific chipset might be a better, cheaper option (instead of buying one with the ports that he wants, but with other ports he doesn't need).Is there an easy way to compare the different chipsets? The Wikipedia article is somewhat useful, but also seems to have some inconsistancies (I own a Z68 motherboard with USB 3.0 support, something the Wikipedia article doesn't list). Then again, perhaps this is normal for motherboards,To elaborate on my friend's preferences, he has no need for any integrated graphics, and would be.interested in future-proofing (SATA III, USB 3, PCI-e 3), if the price is right. He'll be buying an Ivy Bridge LGA 1155.

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Cannot Change Title Of Video File

Sep 1, 2012

I'm just posting here because there are these video files which the title of the file is different to the 'name' of the file which appears below the icon. Although not the end of the world, it is annoying since when I put the files on my external HDD to play through my PS3 and that shows the title and as they all have the same title I can't tell what I am watching.

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Disabling Title Bar Transparency For One Program

Jul 10, 2009

I have two applications. One is a game, another is a helper (sadly, not updated any longer). The helper program modifies the title bar of the game with some stats.

It displays correctly in XP, when I have Aero turned off and when I have clicked "Disable Desktop Composition" in compatibility, but not when Aero is running.

I'd like to disable aero (or just the titlebar transparency) for only this program but keep Aero running for everything else, is that possible?

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How To Hide Window's Title And Icon

Jul 27, 2011

I wanna hide this: How can i do it?

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Move A Windows 7 Without Touching Title Bar?

Sep 10, 2011

I have an application where the subwindows are placed too high so that the title bar of the subwindow is underneath the menus of the application window.

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Tab Title Flickers On Window Resize

Jan 1, 2013

Just reinstalled Windows 7 x64 (no SP1) and I noticed a weird problem. It happens everywhere, but I can best explain it with Task Manager. If you have Task Manager open and you try to resize the window with your mouse, the top tabs (Applications, Processes, Services etc.) flicker.

I have "show windows contents while dragging" enabled. I have Windows classic theme, but I asked a friend with the default Windows 7 theme and he has the same problem.

I don't remember having this problem before re-installing Windows 7 and I have the same chipset/video drivers.

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Numbers Included In Song Title

May 6, 2011

I have numbers in front of some my music files. Not tracknumbers. The numbers are included in the file name. (03 Sunflower or 01 - Beyond The Sea) etc. My question is, is there anyway to remove the numbers. I can do by renaming each file. Is there any to do this other than renaming one file at a time.

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How To Change Title On Large Amount Of MP3

Mar 28, 2012

I have about 150 MP3's I want to play in order but my phone doesn't organise them by "name" like windows can, it organises them by the "title" they're assigned. Is there a fast way to change the # on these MP3's? I don't really want to go through them 1 by 1.

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Monitor Choosing Wrong Resolution?

May 4, 2012

I saw someone had posted earlier about what I think is the same issue, but the page disappeared. My TV is not going to the resolution that I set on the computer. It is going to 1920x1080 which looks awful since it is not its native setting. I wanted it set to 1360x768 which looks the best. Does anyone know why my TV is doing this? I use to be able to do it but had trouble recently when I showed my friend today.

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Choosing New Destktop PC Parts For Building It

Sep 1, 2012

I need help choosing parts for building a Desktop PC! I will use it for gaming, programming, watching HD movies, and I want to watch 3D (if my budget can). My budget is $1,500.I want my processor Intel, and i7 if it is good!These are what I choose for RAM and Storage: [code] I want to add WiFi adapter, and I want the Mobo to have so much PCI slots.I don't mind if the Mobo is so big, because the case I will choose is Full Tower!

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Choosing Default OS Or Removing An Option

Sep 3, 2010

I have Windows 7 installed on my computer. I'm helping a friend fix his computer. He has a netbook with no DVD drive and I couldn't find my external DVD drive. I plugged his hard drive into my computer to access it. I successfully installed windows to his hard drive form my computer. I then removed the drive and will place it back in his computer when my computer boots it tries to boot from the Windows 7 installation I did to his hard drive. I get an error saying that the drive has been removed or is not accessible or whatever. Obviously that's because I removed it.can I change the default OS to boot from? I have 2 Windows 7 options (mine and the installation I just did on his). Can I remove the option to boot from the recent installation I did on his hard drive?

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Restarting When Choosing Projector Only On Windows 7?

Jun 2, 2011

I've came across a problem where one of our clients chooses projector only so he can have his desktop on a monitor rather than his laptop, when he does this the laptop restarts then asks for admin creds... it's a sony vio laptop, i can't see anything online about this, and his is the only mechine that does this.

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Choosing Program To Open Files With?

Jun 4, 2011

I was downloading a screen recorder called camstudio and once I downloaded it it asked to choose a programme to open it with, so I chose winrar because most of my other files were opened with this, but then once I chose this all of my icons in the bottom bar were changed to the winrar programme logo, so I thought if I uninstalled the winrar software the problem would be solved, so I did but now all the icons are gone and every time I try and open something it asks me to choose a programme to open it with!

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Advanced Display Options: Title Bar Color?

Jan 15, 2013

I can't find the "Advanced" choice under Display: I want to change the

� Active Title Bar color
� Inactive Title Bar color
� window color
� text color
� desktop background color
� Message Box color

etc Where's "Advanced"?(I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1)

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Title Bar Colour Gradient In Windows Classic?

Nov 12, 2009

My main consideration in choosing the appearance of my desktop and windows thereon is clarity, ease of reading any text, and distinguishing between windows at a glance, and also keeping performance to a maximum. To this end, having tried various Aero themes, although I did like the rounded corners of windows, for the sake of clarity I abandoned Aero for my own customized Windows Classic appearance. Not flashy but at least clearer for me than any of the other themes.When I installed Windows 7 I quickly reverted to Windows Classic, and chose for the active window title bar colours dark green as Color 1 and a lightish blue for Color 2 (with yellow text), so there was a gradient from green to blue along the title bar. I'm not bothered about whether anyone else likes that - it's served me well for the best combination of clarity and agreeableness through various Windows versions.

Yesterday I followed a tip from a magazine and ran the Windows 7 screen colour calibration facility. After I'd run that I noticed that all my active windows had just the dark green and no gradient. When I went into the Personalize facility to change that back, I found that Color 2 was greyed out, so that I could not set it again.I know this is a silly little point, but actually the gradient did make the active windows look less severe and 'blocky', and I'd like to restore my ability to set the second colour.Reverting to Aero is no option as far as I'm concerned, for to me multiple windows look to me extremely confusing in Aero, and some taskbar text is difficult to read, no matter what colour / lightness settings one uses.Somehow I doubt whether my calibrating the screen colours had anything to do with the little problem I've run into; I assume it must be just coincidence. I did, however, recently switch to manual a few supposedly non-essential services, and just possibly the change occurred then but I didn't notice it till after I'd done that screen colours calibration.

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Aero Background And Title Bars Scrambled

Nov 23, 2009

When I turn on Aero settings my desktop wallpaper is scrambled along with title bars of applications. Everything else will work fine for a bit, but after a while it 'crashes' and Aero is automatically turned off.

The card I'm using is the ASUS SILENT Radeon HD 3650.

I've searched the threads and solutions to no avail. One member has a similar issue and solved it by switching motherboards (started with a SIS 648 chipset). Unfortunately I only have a SIS 648 chipset motherboard available.

Has anyone else experienced this and found a solution? I've attached screenshots of the effects described.

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Taskbar Toolbar Blank Title Entry

Sep 14, 2011

I discovered the following entry in my taskbar toolbars: url...As you can see the blank entry does not appear when i right click on taskbar and select toolbars (taskbar1.png). However when i right click on taskbar and then click on properties, the last tab (toolbars) displays an unknown entry (not seen before) with blank title (taskbar2blank.png).I noticed that the same happens even when the system boots in safe mode.A google search didn't help much. I am very familiar with registry editing, but am unable to find the key where these toolbars are added. I also tried running hijackthis but it is very difficult to find something with no name.

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Disc Title Printer 64bit Drivers

Dec 12, 2009

I can't find any disc title printer manufacturers that have a 64 bit driver for download for their little title printers. I have a casio CW-E60 and want to use it with my windows 7 64bit operating system.

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Choosing Operating System In Boot Up Process

Nov 4, 2012

When I boot up my Win 7 Pro x64 computer I have to choose either Windows 7 Pro or Windows 7 Pro. One works but the other cannot startup so how do I remove it. I've searched on the internet but they all seem to be for WinXP and require me to choose edit but there is no edit button available.

System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 930 @ 2.80GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 26 Stepping 5
Processor Count: 8
RAM: 12286 Mb
Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series, 1024 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 953866 MB, Free - 911718 MB; D: Total - 152627 MB, Free - 133648 MB; E: Total - 953765 MB, Free - 888220 MB; H: Total - 953866 MB, Free - 935786 MB;
Motherboard: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd., X58A-UD7
Antivirus: Microsoft Security Essentials, Disabled

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Choosing A Decent Vcard For Online Gaming

Jan 31, 2012

I need help choosing a decent vcard for online gaming. Games like Lineage II, LoL, Bloodline Champions, Dragon Nest... i dont mind playing with low details, i just like to have smooth gameplay and I usually don't play full screen unless it has no option to play windowed.Seeing on the system specs they usually have for minimun requirements for the games i download is the geforce 6600 gt, though, after asking my pc tech friend, he said that card is old so people dont sell it anymore and he suggested the GT430. After some googling, it seems that many people came to agree that the GT430 isnt good for gaming and they gave comments saying at least get a GTX460 for decent gaming. I'm totally new to the video card world so i have no idea how to choose one. [code]

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