Changing Icon Size Every Time Boot Up Using Windows 7

Jan 14, 2012

Using Windows 7, every time I boot up the icon size and font is different size either , large or small. I want large, but how do I change to and keep it that way (make it default). Windows 7 now gives me what It wants. No pattern

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Changing The Size Icon In Windows Explorer?

May 18, 2011

When I'm using Window Explorer, for me is hard to see the icons of the drives on my computer at the left pane (at the left side) under the Organize and New Library option is. Does anyone know how to make this icons large size? is it too hard? I don't want use the registry because I don't want to get in troubles.

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Changing Taskbar Icon Size?

Apr 12, 2010

I really loved XP's smaller taskbar, I don't mind windows 7's big bulky icons, but i absolutely hate the windows 7 smaller icons on the taskbar option.

They are just TOO SMALL to see, and they make the image look like 16x16 images, is there anyway to make them SLIGHTLY bigger? Maybe a regedit hack of sorts?

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Font Size Changing Whenever Changing Settings In Personalization?

Jul 8, 2012

This all started whenever I wanted to change my text size different by changing my DPI settings. What I did was right click, go to screen resolution, and clicked on "Make text and other items larger or smaller". From this I changed it to 100% from 125%. I noticed it had changed my font size to the 100%. It then made everything SUPER small when I changed my theme settings.Whenever I right click and go into personalization settings, I do the usual customizing to my likings. Since I want to save the theme, I do so by naming it, blah. Now I want to use the blah theme by click on it, and I do so. Everything is fine and dandy until I right click my desktop to refresh(out of habit). This is the before and after of the font sizes.


My workaround was to set a custom DPI setting, log off like it prompts me to, then changing it back to 100%, again prompting to do so. It is so annoying to do so.

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Change Taskbar Icon Size To Specific Size Other Than Small Or Large?

Mar 7, 2011

Can we change taskbar icons' size to a specific size other than two default windows defined sizes?

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Changing/Understanding Size Of Partitions Windows 7?

Feb 16, 2013

Laptop running Win 7 Pro'm a bit unsure of how the hard drive is divided, and what each partition is doing. When Win Explorer open, it shows C drive (67Gb) and D drive (66.9Gb). However, on expanding the drives, ie in the left hand panes, D drive says 'empty'Having now downloaded Easus Partition Manager, it shows what apparently looks like 4 partitions, and I assume one of them is the Recovery (15Gb, of which 7Gb is used). When adding up the Gb showing in EPM it suggests a 250Gb drive but I have seemingly only got 66Gb accessible.I'd like to re-organise the drive/partitions, so that I have increased storage for general use, and the Recovery partition.

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Changing Virtual Memory/PageFile Size In Windows 7?

Jan 5, 2012

I have a videoediting software that I am runing on 32 bit Windows 7 with 4 Gb RAM, the company that makes the software suggests to set the Virtual Memory/PageFile Size to double the RAM amount.I looked and mine is set to auto, I have many drives and all say none and are grayed out under paging file size for each drive. Which drive should I double the paging file ? the drive the software is installed on ? what about all my other drives, once I take it off auto they will not be managed. Should I set them all to double the RAM and if so how will it affect my system?

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Changing Font Style & Size Permanently In Windows Live Mail?

May 22, 2012

How do I change the font style & size in windows live mail,Permanently ? I'm using win 7 & had to format the drive,which lost my settings.

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Changing Text Size?

Jun 18, 2011

Windows 7 64-bit I can adjust the display so it's large enough to read everything but the text. For instance, now have it set at 150% of normal and the title of this post is large but what I'm typing now is so small it's barely readable. MUCH smaller than 10-point.There is a way to customize the display, but anything more than 150% is so large it overflows my wide-screen monitor. Surely there must be a choice between way too large and way too small, but I can't find it.A message on my screen now says to run TSG Sysinfo Last time I downloaded something similar, here, I ended up with a $40 Uniblue program on my computer that I had to fight like crazy to stop invading my world. I never got my money back, either.

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Changing The Size Of The Taskbar?

Jun 6, 2012

I was just wondering if it is at all possible to alter the height of the taskbar in Windows 7? On Windows Vista I had made my taskbar thinner to be about the same size as the taskbar in Windows 98 etc.I cannot remember how I did it, but I was just wondering if it is possible to do the same in windows 7?

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Icons Keep Changing Size?

Sep 10, 2010

I bought a new Gateway laptop. Installed Windows 7 home premium 32-bit that came with it. Once in a while, after I close the lid, my desktop icons will change size, sometimes smaller, sometimes bigger. It's really annoying because when it's really big, the icons move around. I'll have to change them back to the size I want and move them back to the place they were. I've updated everything i.e. windows update, hardware drivers etc. I've disabled desktop gadgets but it still does it.

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Increasing Taskbar Icon Size In Windows 7?

Jun 4, 2011

I want to change the icon size in the windows 7 task bar from 32x32 px to 64x64 px.. is there a way to do this?

I was thinking maybe increasing the dpi of the task bar only?

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Stopping Print Size From Changing?

Dec 31, 2011

how to stop the print size from changing when I click on a link within a web page? At the moment I have a 150% print size but that changes to a very small 100% when I open a new link. This happens nearly every time I click on a link or open a new webpage. How can I prevent this from happening at all?

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Changing Bit Size From 64bit To 32bit?

Sep 30, 2010

I Need To change my windows 7 ultimate 64-bit to 32-bit Widnows 7.Will it be easy to change my OS.My configuration is 3GB ram with Pentium(R) Dual-Core Cpu T400 @ 2.14 GHz

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Sky Email - Changing Font Size?

Oct 26, 2011

How do I change the size of the font for my viewing and composing emails? I cannot tools/preferences to change these settings.

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Windows 7 System Time Keeps Changing?

Oct 23, 2012

So I've got an ASRock motherboard that's about 3 months old and I'm running Windows 7. Earlier today, I started having a strange problem with the system time changing randomly. At first, I thought it was just a daylight savings time issue, so I disabled the automatic updating for daylight savings time. The problem still persisted. I also tried disabling the automatic time synchronization, but that didn't fix the problem either. I thought it may have been the CMOS battery, so I rebooted and checked the time in the bios. The bios shows the correct time/date. The only incorrect time and date is shown in Windows itself. After this, I tried updating the synchronization task to run every 5 minutes, but the clock is still changing to a different time. The time change is random, from around an hour to up to six or seven hours. The date doesn't change, just the time. My timezone is correct, and as the problem persisted without having automatic adjust for daylight savings time enabled, I can't see that it's the problem.Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this? About the only idea I have left is some sort of virus. But AVG and Malwarebytes haven't picked anything up. Is there some kind of software that gets auto-installed that can screw with system time?

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Icon Size - Change In Windows Explorer Window

Oct 11, 2009

How to Change the Icon Size in a Windows 7 Explorer Window ?

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Changing Size Of User Account Picture?

Aug 9, 2011

i am currently using windows 7 home premium 32 bit and having problem with changing size of user account picture.

what it is is when i change the 128 x 128 picture's size to 64 x 64 and set it as user account picture and see the log on screen, it doesn't actually shrink. instead what i am getting is a blurry version still with the size of 128 x 128.

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Windows Folder Icon Changing On Rename

Jun 29, 2012

I am having very bizarre behavior with the folder icon changing when I rename a folder. On my C: drive, I have a folder named mydata. I created it using Google Drive, and renamed it to mydata. The folder at first showed the Google Drive triangle icon, and now shows the recycling arrows on folder icon, showing it needs updating. So far, so good.

I now created a separate folder on my C: drive named "mydata backup". Upon creation of the folder, it gets the google drive icon (recycling arrows). If I create a folder with any other name, it gets the standard folder icon. If I rename a folder to "mydata anything", it immediately takes on the google drive icon! If I rename it to "xmydata anything", it goes back to the normal folder icon!

I doubt that Google Drive is changing the icon, since in theory it doesn't know about a new folder or a folder rename outside of the folder it controls, so I assume the icon change comes from Windows 7 itself. Has anyone seen anything like this? If not, I will go to the Google Drive people and see if they have an answer.

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How To Stop Windows 7 From Changing BIOS Time

Jul 11, 2011

I like to keep my BIOS time set to UTC, which works perfectly with Linux, but whenever I log into Windows, the displayed time is UTC even though I have set the timezone. When I change the time manually or with synchronization, it changes BIOS time itself instead of simply using it as a base for localtime.

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Registry Hack To Set The Desktop Icon Size To Small - Windows 7 64bit

Nov 9, 2012

I am trying to find the registry key that will change the desktop icon size to small.

This is mainly for new users, or for the default user. I have workstations that have several people sharing them and need this for everyone.

I have looked in these locations: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsShellBags1DesktopIconSize And HKey_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktopWindowMetricsShell Icon Size I played with both these settings for myself, and the desktop icons do not change. If I reboot, the first key value goes back to 32, and the second key stays at 96. But my icons never change in size. I am looking for any way to do this in the registry. I could try copying the ntuser.dat but fear I will still have issues with paths, and other defaults that will cause the same problem I had originally.

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Game Hardware Cursor Disappears After Changing Text Size

Dec 7, 2011

For months now I've been fighting that my hardware cursor disappears in World of Warcraft on my home theater system and time I switch modes to full screen and sometimes even in windowed mode and the reason for this is apparently due to me setting my display text size to 150% or 125%. I did find via some searching WoW customer service forums that if I set it back to 100% (default) OR 149% customized, my hardware cursor works again. I'm going to leave it at 149% because I really do need the larger text size on my HDTV and using 149%, I don't have to change back to normal, log out, log in, then start my game.

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Any Way To Change Default Icon Size?

Dec 17, 2011

I've been trying to find a way to change the default icon size in Windows 7. My machine defaults to 'small' icon size, but I prefer the 'large' one, in just about every case. Instead of needing to manually change the size for each individual folder, is there a way I can set 'large' to be the default for all folders? I couldn't find anything in the control panel and haven't been able to find anything about setting a default size yet.

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Reduce Size Of An Icon On Desktop?

Jun 15, 2011

In Windows7, how do you reduce the size of an icon on the desktop

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Specify A Custom Taskbar Icon Size?

Feb 23, 2011

Can I actually specify a custom size for these taskbar icons other than small or large as here? I have so many of them and my taskbar have already two rows and sometimes when I open programs or whatever else that is NOT included as a shortcut button on the taskbar, it takes extra space at which point the taskbar becomes scrollable with 3 rows. Not a good thing. I hate it with a passion. Yes I could make my task bar with 3 rows, but no, I don't like to waste my precious screen space. So basically I'd like to to make these icons a little smaller, kind of like the QuickLaunch icons.

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Icon Size On Desktop Toolbar?

Aug 18, 2009

I've searched for a while now but can't seem to find a way to increase the size of the icons on the desktop toolbar. Maybe it's something that can't be done but it'd be good because they look silly that small when you have large icons set on the taskbar

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Quick Launch Icon Size?

Jun 24, 2012

Windows 7-HPx64 offers easy changes from small to large icons in the Taskbar but QL icons seem to have one size only - small.In trying to set up / maintain Windows 7 for an older person I want to offer her a QL with large icons, just like the Taskbar.Do I ditch the QL and just pin apps to the Taskbar?

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Folder Icon Changing?

Jan 12, 2013

I have a custom icon for my music folder, in which if I open a song in WMP, the icon of the folder is changed to a thumbnail of the album cover for that song. How can I prevent this? I am tired of changing my icon back over and over again!

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Changing Drive Icon

Dec 5, 2009

I have multiple drives in My Computer, and I want to change the icon for those drives to match the content in there. How do I do this?

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Desktop Icon/font Size On The Laptop?

Dec 15, 2010

I have connected my laptop to a 40" LCD TV using HDMI cable and everything works fine. Since the desktop icons/fonts on the TV shows default (small) size from the laptop, in order for me to see it from the distance I have to change the desktop icons/fonts to a larger size.Here is my question; Is there a way to set up a different desktop icon/fonts size to match the TV and the laptop? (perhaps different profile settings???) Meaning, when I disconnect the HDMI cable from the TV, I want the size of the icons/fonts go back to default/small size icons and vice versa

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How To Change Default Icon Size In Folders

Apr 22, 2011

All my folders appears to be in list detail views, is it possible to change views of all the folders altogether?

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