Can Access Some Folders, Not Others

May 16, 2012

I have an "EntCent" pc in the lounge. IT records and TV and has DVD sand CDs stored on it.I want to be able to stream TV and DVDs etc to other PCs on the LAN. They all use Win 7 home prem SP1.I have set up to be able to see the Lounge TV from my workroom PC. I have made sure I shared both the DVD folder and the Recorded TV folder, to the Homegroup, read/write. There is a LAN password, but the folders are shared without any further encryption.I can see Recorded TV, but I am told I do not have access to DVD. As far as I can see they are identical regarding permissions. Is there anything I should be looking at?EDIT: I will add that I have tried opening the DVD folder in Win Explorer, and also tried adding it as a folder in WMPlayer, by selecting it as a network multimedia device. I can add the folder but then WMPLayer says it cannot access the folder. Both methods above work on the Recorded TV folder on the Lounge Machine?

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'Access Denied' To Folders?

Sep 16, 2012

After backing up my files to another drive, I couldn't access some of the files on my C: drive [the one I backed up files from to my D: drive]. I'm always on the administrator account, and there are no other users on this computer, and I've set the file so that the administrator has full control over it.Normally, I should be able to access the files [for example, my 'My Documents' and my 'My Videos' folders are unaccessible].

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How To Enable Access To All Folders

Apr 4, 2011

I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate as system administrator, however it happens for certain folders that Windows does not enable me to open them. How can I have Windows 7 grant me full access to ALL folders in my PC?

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Drive Folders Cannot Access

Nov 5, 2012

I have a personal drive but its on a shared network drive (school) that i have access to but i cannot open any of my folders inside the drive and when i am able to open the folders i cannot open any of the content inside them its keeps poping up access denied how can i fix this or bypass so i can get to my work?

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XP Can't Access Windows 7 Shared Folders

Oct 11, 2011

We have just installed Windows 7 on one of our computers last week and we have 2 other computers that have an XP operating system The XP computers need access to shared folders on the Windows 7 computer and this was working fine yesterday However today it has suddenly stopped. I am getting errors about cannot access this drive etc I have checked up on security settings etc [URL]

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How To Open Locked Folders - No Access

Nov 17, 2011

I have recently had to reinstall Windows 7 Pro x64 after a problem with trying to reinstall Rollback Rx. Now when I try to access some folders I see a small padlock icon on the folder and am unable to access it. I am the only user of this pc and previously I had full access. What have I done this time? I normally crash my computer about once a month but the last 5 days I have had to reinstall 4 times. I am registered as the Administrator.

Info on my system:-
System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 930 @ 2.80GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 26 Stepping 5
Processor Count: 8
RAM: 12286 Mb
Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series, 1024 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 152524 MB, Free - 120039 MB; D: Total - 99 MB, Free - 84 MB; E: Total - 134073 MB, Free - 132258 MB; F: Total - 152627 MB, Free - 148604 MB;
Motherboard: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd., X58A-UD7
Antivirus: Internet Security Anti-Virus, Updated and Enabled

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Shortcut Folders With Access Denied

Nov 23, 2009

I have just upgraded to 7 from xp pro. When I open my username folder there are several folders with the shortcut arrows on them. When I click on one all I get is the "access denied" popup box. Just to let you know that there are also similar folders without the shortcut arrows which I can open, like My Documents and Local Settings and Nethood. What I want to know can I delete these shortcut or link files from my username folder?

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VPN Connects, But Not Access To Folders In Server?

Jul 18, 2012

I recently re-installed Windows 7 to my hard drive and subsequently re-installed the VPN needed to access a remote server for work. I can connect to the server, but don't see any of the drives and/or folders within the servers. The tech at work said I had to configure my network to allow VPN traffic, but didn't explain how.

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Networking Problem - Cannot Access Folders

Nov 13, 2009

There are 2 PC's in my house (soon to be 3), and they are running Windows 7 RC. I have a couple of drives that are dedicated to media (TV shows & Movies). When we both had XP Pro installed, all I had to do was right-click on the drive, go to Properties, Sharing and share the ENTIRE drive and it worked with no problems.

Now the problem I'm having is that when I try to share my media drive, I go through the same steps. The other Windows 7 computer can see the drive, he can go into it and see the folders inside that drive, but cannot access the other folders.

I also tried sharing the individual folders that are in the drive with the Homegroup and the same thing happens. He can see the folders just fine, but when he tries to view the contents of the folders it doesn't let him. Keeps telling him he doesn't have permission.

Here I thought Windows 7 improved their home networking, but it's really just became a big pain in the ass.

Can someone help? I just want to be able to share the entire contents of the drive with the other computer.

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Win7 Cannot See Or Access Folders On Desktop XP

Mar 22, 2009

I am having major networking issues. I’ve two systems that I’m trying to network. One’s a laptop running Windows 7 Beta (Build 7057) and the other is a desktop running Windows XP Pro SP3.

I’ll detail the problem first, and then describe what I’ve done to eliminate the problem (but failed miserably so far). The desktop (windows XP) can see the laptop (Windows 7) and has access to the shared folders and everything. No problem on that account. The laptop (Windows 7), however, cannot see or access the folders on the desktop (windows XP). I want complete and smooth sharing between the two systems.

The network is setup in the following way:

Motorola Modem --> Wireless Netgear Router --> Desktop (wired) and Laptop (wireless)

The desktop and laptop are assigned ip’s from the router.

I turned off the third-party firewall (Kaspersky) on the desktop as well as the Windows Firewall and also the Windows Firewall on the laptop (Windows 7) and tried to run the network then but no go. The computers can, however, ping each other.

I’ve installed the LLTP (something something) on the desktop (XP) but that didn’t really do much except for making the XP desktop visible in the Network Map tool on Windows 7.

On Windows 7, network discovery is ON, file and printer sharing is ON, public folder sharing is ON, password protection is OFF. The network location has been set as private as well.

On XP, I ran the network wizard but again no change.

Strangely enough, I can access the shared folders on XP if I type //computername in Windows 7 and I’ve full access to them then. But they just don’t show in my network folder.

I’m at a loss as to what to do next. I’ve been going through the forums and one of the solutions people seem to be offering is that I should make matching user accounts and passwords on both the computers but that just sounds messed and impractical. It’s the least efficient way of solving this problem. Can someone please help?

I just want a simple file sharing network for my home. Office comes later, there i’ve a domain so that’s gonna be a completely different sorta headache I guess :/

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Got Some Folders I Cant Delete Access Denied

Aug 31, 2012

theres files on my storage drive my computer absolutly will not let me delete what could i do or use to delete them

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Can't Access Windows 7 Shared Folders From Media Box

Oct 20, 2011

I'm using Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit and it's on a network with a Techgear MB902 PVR. I used to be able to watch movies in my Windows 7 shared folders on my TV via the MB902 but after I bought a new PC and installed Windows 7 I've had problems accessing the Windows 7 shared folders.

When I connect to my PC it asks for a login and password, and none of my pc or network passwords work. Strangely enough, when I restart Windows 7 the problem goes away and I can login successfully without a password, but then later the same day or the next day the login/password problem has returned.

I've trawled the internet looking for solutions, and tried all of the plausible looking ones, editing the registry, unsharing and then resharing. They all seem to work but then I realise that it's the reboot that works and not the fixes because the problem returns.

The MB902 has a hard drive and I can access the files on that from my PC with no issues it's just going the other way that I have problems.

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Allow Access Only To Certain Folders Within A Share Based On User?

Aug 10, 2012

This seems like a basic concept, but I can't quite figure out how to make it happen.In a domain environment with Windows 7 systems, I want to create a shared folder that all domain users have access to. However, when any domain user accesses the share, they should only be able to access certain subfolders.For example, assume the shared folder is \servershareme, and it contains subfolders aaa, bb, ccc, and ddd. Further assume that there are three domain users: user1, user2, and user3. How can I allow user1 to browse shareme, but not open any of the subfolders; allow user2 to browse shareme and also open any of the subfolders;allow user3 to browse shareme but only open subfolder aaa?

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Access Private Folders Network Windows 7?

Jan 29, 2013

I have been searching the 'Net to no avail - is there any way I can access a private folder over a home network? I have a private folder on my desktop that I would like to access over my network, but don't want others to be able to access it. All of our computers (desktop, laptop, netbook) are all on the same homegroup.

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Cannot Delete Empty Folders In Windows 7 - Access Denied

Jun 27, 2011

I am trying to delete some useless empty folders, but I am having an administrator issue that I can't seem to get around. I know already that I'm probably having this administrative problem because these folders are located on a separate hard drive than the one with my old and current installation of Windows 7. From what I've read, this leads to administrative issues, preventing me from deleting the folders. Right now, windows cannot detect who the current administrator is, and so far, every time I have tried to edit or change the administrator to my current admin account, I get some errors reporting that my access is denied. I have managed to change the parent folder's admin, but the two subfolders I can't ever seem to change or modify.

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Cannot Access Shared Folders On Windows 7 Computer From Xp Pro Laptop

Jul 31, 2012

I have a windows 7 os on my main pc and xp pro on my laptop. when i try to access files on my main pc (windows 7) from my xp pro laptop I get asked for a user name and password. Yet when I do it the other way round I have full access with out any password ect. I have not set up any passwords and have tried my home group password but not got any joy. I have 2 other laptops both running windows 7 and have no problems networking between all windows 7 systems. all computers are running norton firewall and are configered the same.

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Cannot Access NAS Folders - Not Showing In Explorer On Windows 7 Laptop

Aug 10, 2012

I have an LG N2A2 NAS box with a wired connection into my router. I then have two laptops that are generally connected to the router wirelessly but sometimes via cable, if I am transferring a large amount of data. The main laptop is running Win 7 Pro (64 bit) and the other one is running Vista Business. Until a couple of weeks ago the NAS would show up under computers in Windows Explorer on the Win 7 laptop, and the shared folders could be accessed. At that point I connected the other laptop via cable to the router.

Since then NAS has not been showing under computers in WE on the Win 7 laptop and I haven't been able to access the shared folders. The NAS is still showing as a media device and I can log in via IE - but I cannot get at the files directly or back up to a NAS folder. I have tried entering the device name and IP address in WE but I get the error message "Windows cannot access XYZ...". I ran the troubleshooter but it didn't work. The NAS came with a NAS detector utility and sure enough this detects the NAS but when I click "Open Network Folder" nothing happens. I have tried changing the IP of the NAS but this does not make any difference.

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Unable To Access Desktop (Files And Folders) - New One Is Created

Oct 13, 2012

Today when I loaded windows 7 I clicked on my account and after a slight delay a message appeared "preparing your desktop". When it appeared it was a new desktop and a message on the task bar stated "you can not access you files and folders". I have followed a few steps about unlocking locked accounts but my account wasn't locked. A few other things have been happening over the last week so I am worried I might have a virus.

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Possible To Grant Full Access Except Delete On Folders And Files?

Dec 2, 2012

we have a computer at school that's being shared by young students, but they get a kick out of deleting files. they have a shared folder on a separate partition for all their activities. it's okay if they can open or even modify each other's files, but we just don't want them deleting anything. is there a user policy/security setting that can make this possible?

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Cannot Access Shared Folders Or HomeGroup Shares On This Computer?

Nov 26, 2012

The HomeGroup shares have been a recurring issue that I haven't been able to solve, but the really perplexing one is the shared folder issue which just cropped up. Some of my shared folders still work, but e, g and h (music and video respectively) for some reason spit back "Access Denied" on all of the other computers in my house, this is in spite of the fact that Permissions on them are set to Full Control for Everyone.With regards to HomeGroup shares, they simply don't show up no matter what I do, I'd like to fix that one too, but I'm not sure what I can do to fix that.

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No Access To Newly Created Folders After Updating Office

Apr 12, 2010

I have recently updated our office computers to Windows 7 Professional. Before we used Windows XP Pro that made use of roaming profiles that was stored on a Win 2003 server. Now with Windows 7 running it is creating new username.V2 folders in the roaming profile folder. Myself as administrator has no access to these newly created folders on the server, unless I take ownership of the folder. If I do this then the userprofile cannot be accessed by the user logging on at the workstation. A temporary profile is loaded and I get a message that all changes will be deleted when the user logs off. This still happens even if I give the user full permission to his folder. The only way that I have found around this is to logon as the user, so that the .V2 folder is created. Log off and log on again as the user. I then go to the network share where the roamingprofiles is stored and give the administrator full access to the folder, will I am logged on as the user. Only then can I access the folder as the administrator on the server.

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Access Denied Errors / Itunes Music Folders

Feb 13, 2010

Okay, it's all still there but here's my issue in detail: I was trying to reorganize my itunes/music folders. The way I have been doing it is I basically have my music in 2 different folders (iTunes and another seperate music folder). I did this because I am a bit new to how iTunes organizes my music and I like having my music in folders the way I want.

Anyway that's not the issue; the issue is I decided to start fresh with deleting all my iTunes music (still stewing in recycle bin) and just do the the old drag and drop from my backup music folder. So I just dragged all my folders into iTunes. Then I went to browse my music folders (non iTunes) and it keeps giving me a "Permission Denied"

If it makes any difference all my media music/videos are stored on external Seagate 320GB HD. I can still access all my Videos but every time I try to open any of my music folders I get the this error "you do not have permission to view this object's security properties"

Well I got past that buy changing that folders permissions under advanced. The issue I have now is I have to do this for EVERY FOLDER AND EVERY FILE/SONG IN THOSE FOLDERS.

What did I do, and is there a easier way to fix this?

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Get Full Access Of Windows 7 System Files / Folders?

Jun 7, 2012

not sure this should be the right category or not. but i need full access to my OEM win7 pro. all system files. just moved from XP. never got a problem as admin in XP. but cant get any in win7 even as admin.

system folder examples:

1. c:documents and settings

2. c:usersxxxAdmin@AllUserProfileapplication data

access is denied

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Get Full Access Of Windows 7 System Files / Folders?

Jun 7, 2012

not sure this should be the right category or not. but i need full access to my OEM win7 pro. all system files. just moved from XP. never got a problem as admin in XP. but cant get any in win7 even as admin.

system folder examples:

1. c:documents and settings

2. c:usersxxxAdmin@AllUserProfileapplication data

access is denied

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Full Access To Files/folders On Vista Partition

Feb 24, 2009

I'm trying to get access to my word documents and files from my Vista partition without the "Read-Only". Do I have to log-on to Vista and change the settings from that OS? What settings do I need to change, it is confusing because I right-clicked the Vista Partition and enabled sharing but that did not work

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Old Hard Drive In New Windows 7 Computer But Can't Access Files & Folders

Jul 28, 2011

I have an old hard drive with a ton of pictures and other irreplaceable files on it from a computer I had few years back. In case it makes any difference, the computer that hard drive originally was in ran Windows XP Pro.I recently got a new computer, with Windows 7 and had the hard drive put into this new computer, along with the hard drive that came in the computer.I can get to the drive itself, but when I try to access folders or files, either access is denied or folders which should contain more folders, are empty. I have tried changing the permission and ownership options on the drive, but no luck.

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Display Hidden Folders / Files To Access An Appdata Folder

Feb 5, 2011

I was trying to display Hidden Folders/files to access an appdata folder under C:Usersusernameappdata. (it's to fix an issue with the game Dead Space 2) Anyway, I opened My Computer, then C drive, then Users. In here, I right clicked on empty space and opened properties. I checked 'Hidden' and apply. Said it needed administrator rights, I accepted. Then most desktop items disappeared, most files from my documents disappeared and after reboot, The ATI catalyst control centre is popping up an error message saying 'failed to start'.I realised I chose to hide all the files within that folder instead of showing hidden files/folders..I went to folder options and chose Show Hidden file and I can see them again but they have that see through look to them. ATI catalyst still won't start on reboot. I tried system restore to yesterday but still exact same.When I go to User Properties on the C drive again, it shows the files as Read Only and Hidden is unchecked.

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Hiding Folders / Files - Impossible To Access Contents Without Password

Feb 21, 2012

Maybe I'm just over thinking here, but say you hide a file, sure you can access it through changing the folder options from show to do not show. So whats the point of hiding stuff unless you're hiding it from someone who is a novice at windows 7. My main goal here, is to have a folder, which is password protected, and have it filled with things that can not be accessed through any means other than entering the correct password and therefore entering the folder. I basically want it to be completely impossible for someone to access the contents of the folder without the password.

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Selective Sharing On Network - Read Access To Specific Folders

Sep 4, 2011

I have main PC [office_PC]. On that PC is basically everything. music, pics, videos etc. It is the primary computer but I also have a laptop and a tablet that access that data too. I need/want full access to everything on the office-PC read/write. no problem easily done and I have had no issues currently until today. (64 bit win 7 system)

My daughter saved up and purchased a netbook [Morgan-Netbook] (OS:win 7 starter). I got her on the network and when connected it asked about homegroup so I said yes and now I see her and she sees me. BUT she has full read/write access to everything on the PC. I can access everything I would expect via the homegroup but then under the "network" icon I can see all my shared folders and she has way more access.

I would like her to have read access to pics, videos and specific folders but not necessarily everything else. I have tried adding her as a user in the sharing permissions but my Office PC only wants to see Location as "office-PC" so I cannot choose her from a list to restrict her access specifically. If I limit the access globally then I lose it for me as well. How do I limit access to just her so that she can see the folders we want but she only has READ access?

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Restricting Access To Shared Network Folders For Specific Windows 7 Pc's?

Dec 4, 2011

i have multiple family members in the household, along with two Windows 7 desktops and three Windows 7 laptops. All pc's are on the same workgroup with file and folder sharing working faultlessly - we do not use Homegroups.I have a large amount of important data on my desktop that serves as a data backup for all work I do on my laptop. On top of this it contains a large amount of media files that get shared to all pc's too. All communication is done over the network. However, as the other family members are far less tech savvy, shall we say, than I, I am growing concerned with how easy it would be for someone else to access my laptop backup work, as it is all business related, and do something disastrous to it.I would like to have it so that my laptop is the only machine allowed to access this backup data from my desktop. The rest of the shared folders on this desktop would have to remain accessible to 'everyone'.

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Windows 7 Folders Taking A Long Time To Access Files?

Dec 6, 2011

I could not find the correct thread to post so please accept my apologies if this is an old resolved bug.This has been winding me for a while now, but today it has totally done my head in.! when I access my music folders from external USB and I click on a folder the grey bar at the top of the folder window takes ages to move across... then I get the red cross in the button. This is a major problem now, the cpu fan goes crazy and well its quite disturbing.To get around this I would access my file from within the music editing software to avoid this problem, but as I'm a Mastering Engineer I need to access the files in their respective folders.

This was never a problem on any other machine I have had before. All drives are fine tested on other machines. They are good. So today I tried it again, same thing. The grey bar at the top went crazy when I tried to access a wav folder to master with 2.5 gigs of data in.The grey bar at the top slowly moves across the top then the red cross thing again in the button, I refresh and the same thing again. Meanwhile the fan goes on and the thing then seems to hang on finding files in folders. So I back out of the folder close it down. Then I went to My computer on the start menu... erm the grey bar again slowly moves to the right, No C drive shows up is empty and the fan kicks in and it sounds like it is going to take off.Then I have to close the machine down as it cannot find anything in thefolders.This is very strange indeed. This only happen when I search for files in folders before hand, normally I can see my drives when I click my computer.I have just rebooted the laptop now and it is good but when I open a folder it goes nuts.

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