Access Denied Errors / Itunes Music Folders

Feb 13, 2010

Okay, it's all still there but here's my issue in detail: I was trying to reorganize my itunes/music folders. The way I have been doing it is I basically have my music in 2 different folders (iTunes and another seperate music folder). I did this because I am a bit new to how iTunes organizes my music and I like having my music in folders the way I want.

Anyway that's not the issue; the issue is I decided to start fresh with deleting all my iTunes music (still stewing in recycle bin) and just do the the old drag and drop from my backup music folder. So I just dragged all my folders into iTunes. Then I went to browse my music folders (non iTunes) and it keeps giving me a "Permission Denied"

If it makes any difference all my media music/videos are stored on external Seagate 320GB HD. I can still access all my Videos but every time I try to open any of my music folders I get the this error "you do not have permission to view this object's security properties"

Well I got past that buy changing that folders permissions under advanced. The issue I have now is I have to do this for EVERY FOLDER AND EVERY FILE/SONG IN THOSE FOLDERS.

What did I do, and is there a easier way to fix this?

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Access Denied Itunes Music Folder?

Mar 20, 2012

I just noticed I have not access to my itunes download folder. The problem with this is that I cannot sync my computer to my itunes now. When I double click the folder it tells me access denied. Any time I try to change security it tells me I don't have permission. I tried to apply ownership to my name over the folder and it give me an error that access is denied.

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Can't Download Anything And Get Access Denied Errors

May 19, 2012

I hopped on my laptop, Windows 7 service pack 1, and went to download a picture on chrome. At the download bar it says download interupted, and thats the same thing i get with downloading ANYTHING on the internet. I tried downloading anything with internet explorer and i get access denied errors and cant download or save anything either. Ive tried malwarebytes and it found 1 bug thing and it was wierd cause when i went to remove it, it said access denied as the notepad showed up and it doesnt show up anymore on the virus scan so im assuming it is gone. I'm very frustrated and I cant even download FF cause i cant even dl the installation file. idk what i did but everything runs fine other than that happening.

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Administrator Getting Access Denied Along With CHkdsk Errors At Startup

Apr 13, 2011

I have not seen the problem but according to phone conversations when she turns the PC on she gets a black screen with a message that the file system is being checked, but the checking stops with an "unknown error", the black screen flashes and then she gets to her normal log-in screen. This has been going on for a few weeks (ARRRGGHH). The only reason she called me was that she lost internet connectivity this morning.I had her login, open a command prompt, and type in CHKDSK /f but the system returns an ACCESS denied and says she need elevated credentials to run this. As I said she is the only user and she is listed as an administrator under account controls. I had her create a new user account with administrator privileges but NO JOY she still cannot run CHKDSK /f.This is sounding a bit like a virus but I was wondering if anyone had some thoughts on why, or how, administrator privileges are being overridden?

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'Access Denied' To Folders?

Sep 16, 2012

After backing up my files to another drive, I couldn't access some of the files on my C: drive [the one I backed up files from to my D: drive]. I'm always on the administrator account, and there are no other users on this computer, and I've set the file so that the administrator has full control over it.Normally, I should be able to access the files [for example, my 'My Documents' and my 'My Videos' folders are unaccessible].

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Shortcut Folders With Access Denied

Nov 23, 2009

I have just upgraded to 7 from xp pro. When I open my username folder there are several folders with the shortcut arrows on them. When I click on one all I get is the "access denied" popup box. Just to let you know that there are also similar folders without the shortcut arrows which I can open, like My Documents and Local Settings and Nethood. What I want to know can I delete these shortcut or link files from my username folder?

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Got Some Folders I Cant Delete Access Denied

Aug 31, 2012

theres files on my storage drive my computer absolutly will not let me delete what could i do or use to delete them

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Cannot Delete Empty Folders In Windows 7 - Access Denied

Jun 27, 2011

I am trying to delete some useless empty folders, but I am having an administrator issue that I can't seem to get around. I know already that I'm probably having this administrative problem because these folders are located on a separate hard drive than the one with my old and current installation of Windows 7. From what I've read, this leads to administrative issues, preventing me from deleting the folders. Right now, windows cannot detect who the current administrator is, and so far, every time I have tried to edit or change the administrator to my current admin account, I get some errors reporting that my access is denied. I have managed to change the parent folder's admin, but the two subfolders I can't ever seem to change or modify.

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"Denied Permission To Access Folders"?

Feb 18, 2010

Yesterday I reformatted my PC, everything went just fine. However, when I'm now trying to access a folder in my (D hard drive I get "you have been denied permission to access this folder" I do know how to fix the problem folder and files each, but how can I fix this error for my hole (D hard drive? Is there a more simple way to fix this without going through all my files? There's also "unknown" users with numbers that have access to the files, like it would be my old user before reformat. How can I remove them the most simple way?I also want to know why did this happen? I have reformatted before and didn't encounter this problem, and I can't think of anything that would make this happen.How can I prevent this from happening again? I reformatted my PC after fixing some of the access to see if it would happen again, and it did.I also noticed that on some folders there are a lock on the icon, as well as that most of the folders are write protected and I cant remove

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Way To Get Music Into ITunes?

Jul 25, 2011

I have over 3,000 music files, and I would like to know the best way to get them into iTunes. From a training video about using iTunes, I learned that there is a folder called "Automatically Add to iTunes", which is monitored by iTunes for new files to import into the iTunes library. However, I would like to know if this is the best way to do this. For example, can I just *move* my 3,000 music files into this 'Automatically Add to iTunes' folder and then let iTunes do its thing?* ill iTunes *move*the files that it is able to manage*OUT*of this folder and into one of its managed folders, such that there would be no duplicate file left behind? Is it correct in saying that the files that are left in this folder that were not able to be handled by iTunes and must be handled differently before they can be imported into iTunes. Or is there just an all around different, and better, way to get these music files into iTunes?

The other question I have involves 'restoring' a previous iTunes library that was backed up to disc (CD or DVD). I have a couple of these and want to _merge_ them with my existing (current) iTunes files, but in a way that I don't have 2 folders for some artists and double tracks, etc. How can I *best* import these iTunes library back ups into my latest iTunes installation.Last is a question which is about ripping my audio CDs into iTunes. I have 2 optical drives on my computer, and I would like to know which one will be most efficient at ripping audio CDs into iTunes. Is there someway to test the read / error correct speed of both drives to get an idea of which one is going to be faster?

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Cannot Listen To Music On ITunes

Jan 15, 2012

Downloaded iTunes(10.5.2) on my PC but can not listen to my music. It worked before on previous versions. Sound is OK.

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Putting Music Videos On Itunes?

Jan 28, 2011

I ripped my DVD music videos, and when i try to add them to itunes, they go to the Movies library. I want them in the Music Video library. Any one know how i can add them to to music video library?

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Trouble Importing Music Files Into ITunes

Nov 22, 2009

I cannot get all my music files/folders into iTunes. They are all on an external hard-drive in a folder called "our music". Prior windows 7 i used to point to this folder and all 3000 imported. Now they only impport 191. I have re-installed several times no luck. I also get when i go to any of the folders/files an error message stating i do not have permission to access this file.

If I look at properties, it has read only and "cannot display owner" in fields. I have tried to re-assign owner via edit option and take off read only property - but an error message received that it can't do that without owner permission and go to security tab. I still then get the same message.

I have just had to re-install everything as I had Windows 7 about month ago first put on, and i didn't have these problems then. I think i must have set something up in security but i can't see any options to change that would prevent this from happening - As I have spent the last 4 weekends uninstalling etc as the image I created wouldn't load either, and system restore couldn't complete. I really do not fancy having to do the lot again, if i can trace the error it would be great.

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Any Alternatives To ITunes For Syncing Music Between Computer And IPhone?

Dec 21, 2012

I want to rid of my computer of anything apple related. I am getting sick of everything being confusing and difficult to use. And the new ITunes update did not work. Problem is I have an IPhone. And can't sync without ITunes. I've heard something about winamp able to sync IPods, but cant find much info on it. I could care less about backups and all the other garbage ITunes offers. All I want is a way to play music on my computer and also move that music to my IPhone. Nothing else.

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BSOD Playing Music From Network Drive Using ITunes

Jul 19, 2012

I have had a BSOD lately that I cannot seem to figure out. It mostly happens when I play MP3 files using iTunes. They are stored on my network drive, and my other computers do not have this problem. Here is my system information.

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Windows Media Player Or ITunes For Music Library?

Sep 14, 2012

I should get Windows Media Player or iTunes for my media library. I know iTunes is sometimes glitchy, but also, sometimes wmp is too. I don't want to slow down my computer, I just want to listen to music while I work.

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Transfer Music Files In Media Player On Desktop To Laptop On Itunes?

Jul 1, 2012

I have a windows 7 laptop and a dell desktop. The desktop has no enternet use and has a few songs in the Windows Media Player that I would like to transfer over to my laptop itunes library to sync to my ipod touch, but I don't know how to do that.

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"PLAY ALL" Does Not Start Music Player If Music Is In Sub Folders?

Sep 23, 2011

I am using a third party music player, MusicBee, to play my music, however if I select a folder in windows explorer of an artist that has more than one album in sub folders under the artist name then the "PLAY ALL" button does nothing.

If I select a folder without sub folders inside the PLAY button works fine and open MusicBee to play the music.

I also have VLC installed and if I right click on any music folder I get the Play with VLC option, how can I add this same option for MusicBee.

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"Access Denied:" How To Overcome Denied Access To A Folder

Jun 2, 2011

I'd like to put a .cmd file in my c:Documents and SettingsAll UsersStart MenuProgramsStartup directory, but Documents and Settings has a lock on it and tells me "Access denied" when I click on it. Is this a job for "Take Ownership" or is there another way? The instructions for "Take Ownership" say not to use it on the C drive, but it's not clear if that applies to the whole drive, or individual files/folders on it.

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Multiple BSOD Of Various Errors With Internet/videos/music?

Mar 29, 2012

recently, i have had many bsod consecutively. recently, i have had about 9 bsod over about 5 days (although the report lists a break between my bsod between 2/21 and 3/27 because i was on break for most of this). in the past i have gotten bsod while playing games, but the recent ones have been while doing mundane tasks such as browsing the internet or watching Internet videos?i have used bluescreenview to try to discover the cause of my problem, but every bsod seems to have a different error and file associated with it. many of them are blamed on ntoskrnl.exe, but have different error messages. some are from different files.i am running windows 7 64 bit on a desktop i built about 15 months ago. since then, i have gotten many error messages, but more recently. i have 8 gb of ram, geforce gtx 470, amb phenom ii black multicore processor, and gigabyte 890gpa-ud3h motherboard. i assembled the desktop components and installed all software new onto the computer.

things i have tried recently: resetting the ram in different slots, running antivirus (i have avg free, malwarebytes, and spybot), cleaning the computer fans, uninstalling/driversweeping the video card drivers and reinstalling, disabling the motherboard sound card through bios so the external sound card i have installed does not interfere, running cmd /chkdsk with fix to try to correct any errors found. i have been dealing with bsod a lot frequently, although it has usually only been about 1 per week in the past. these are extremely frequent recently with multiple per day and it is interfering with my work. attached are the files requested.

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Access Vista Shares From XP But Not From Windows 7 (access Denied)

Sep 20, 2011

I have one PC running Vista (home basic), one running XP (professional) and one running Windows 7 (home basic). There is a printer connected to the Vista box, which is shared.

On the XP box I can both see and use the printer on the Vista box (i.e. a "net view \vistabox" shows the printer, and under "printers and faxes" I can install and use it).

On the Windows 7 box, however, I can see the Vista box (i.e. a "net view" shows it in the list of available PCs on the network) but a "net view \vistabox" gives me an "access denied" error.

The Windows 7 machine has a password on it, the Vista and XP machines don't. All machines are on the same workgroup name (which is "WORKGROUP"). On the XP box I don't need a password to access the shared printer on the Vista machine; it just works.

Extensive Googling has failed to render enlightenment, nor has browsing this forum. I'm sure it has something to do with security and passwords, somewhere, somehow, but I have no idea in which direction to look for it, let alone fix it. I have also read some things about workgroups and homegroups not being the same in Windows 7, but I'm not sure if this is correct (and if so, relevant).

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Get Access To Access Denied Drives With Notepad Program?

Apr 14, 2012

i kept security to c drive now i cant change it

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Access Denied D Drive, How To Get Access Back

May 11, 2012

I created a guest account. I didn't wan't the d drive accessable to the guest account. Some how I now can't access d drive at all.

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Access Is Denied - Cannot Access Shared Drives

Aug 31, 2009

I haven't really had any issues since I first installed Windows 7 and now I'm trying to access a shared drive over a network and I'm getting this annoying error message that I cannot access a shared drive over the network.

I decided to reinstall Windows 7 and before that I never had this issue.

I have not installed any third party software, I've enabled network discovery and right now I cannot access any shared folders or drives, at all, though it can see it.

I'm getting that stupid error message: "<Network drive> is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of the server to find out if you have access permissions. Access is denied."

What am I doing wrong here?

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Can't Open Pictures / Videos And Music Folders

May 3, 2012

I can't open My pictures, my videos and my music folders in my documents.It says the location is not available and access is denied.

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Windows Media Player Deleted All Music Folders

Jan 21, 2013

I was managing my music in windows media player and I accidentally clicked delete. Not only did it delete music in the library, but it also deleted ALL MY MUSIC ON MY COMPUTER!! How do I get it back? I have checked the recycle bin and it is not in there at all.

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Cannot Access Certain Network Resource Through Itunes

Aug 16, 2011

Things I've already tried: Refreshing the folder view Re-opening the "Open iTunes library" window Restarting iTunes altogether Typing \VBOXSVR in the browse window (result: one of those "network path could not be found" errors)While I was trying to access the resource in iTunes, I had no issues manipulating the network resource through Windows Explorer.

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Media Center Deleted All Folders For Pictures / Videos And Music

Aug 25, 2011

On Windows 7 I installed the xbox 360 extender using Media Center, all my media files show up, but after exiting the extender, all my media files do not show anymore on their default windows folders for Pictures, Videos, and Music. Re-enter Media Center, and I am able to see all my media files, but unable to reach them through my PC, even after exiting again, and using my PC normally.

1- Advance searched my files to no avail, restored WMP library to no avail, restarted several times to no avail.
2- Used old Vista tricks in regedit to no avail, files still don't show up, they only do when I start the extender, and I see them through the extender only.
3- Restored to previous point in history on Windows to no avail.
4- Disabled WMP and WMC in Windows services and features, and re-enabled them, to no avail.

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Windows Media Center Setup Changed Permissions Of Music Folders

Jun 8, 2012

I've had an xbox for several years now. A few years ago I set up my computer to stream music to my xbox. It was cool for awhile and it worked fine, but eventually I just stopped using it. Today I decided I would use it again, but I found that wasn't working. No problem, its been a few years and sometimes settings just get lost. I go out on the web to find a guide again that would tell me how to do it, which led me to [URL]. At the part where I name my library and hit "OK", my "OK" button is grayed out. I know I could try and set up windows media center again. Again, I went to Xbox's support at [URL]. Everything was set up fine and dandy and everything worked.

I get back on my desktop to check something in my "My Music" folder. I get the "You need administrative privileges pop-up", which i thought was weird but i hit continue and it worked fine. Now, whenever i try to open ANY folder, sub-folder, or file, not only does it try to tell me I need admin privileges, once i hit continue it says that i don't have permission to that folder, etc. I think that if I were to go in and reset all the permissions that everything would be fine, but I've got a pretty large library and it could take forever to do that. Is there a simpler way, or a setting that I can change so that Windows Media Center doesn't block me from my own files?

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Keep Getting Access Denied?

Feb 1, 2013

more and more I keep getting Access Denied. This is with 403 access denied.Guy System Info Utility version Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bitProcessor: AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 630 Processor, AMD64 Family 16 Model 5 Stepping 2Processor Count: 4RAM: 3839 MbGraphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 4200, 256 MbHard Drives: C: Total - 702932 MB, Free - 656088 MB; D: Total - 12368 MB, Free - 1523 MB;Motherboard: FOXCONN, 2AB1 Antivirus: Norton 360, Updated and Enabledu

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Access Is Denied?

Sep 8, 2011

i use win c drive properties i have denied all permission

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