Win7 Cannot See Or Access Folders On Desktop XP

Mar 22, 2009

I am having major networking issues. I’ve two systems that I’m trying to network. One’s a laptop running Windows 7 Beta (Build 7057) and the other is a desktop running Windows XP Pro SP3.

I’ll detail the problem first, and then describe what I’ve done to eliminate the problem (but failed miserably so far). The desktop (windows XP) can see the laptop (Windows 7) and has access to the shared folders and everything. No problem on that account. The laptop (Windows 7), however, cannot see or access the folders on the desktop (windows XP). I want complete and smooth sharing between the two systems.

The network is setup in the following way:

Motorola Modem --> Wireless Netgear Router --> Desktop (wired) and Laptop (wireless)

The desktop and laptop are assigned ip’s from the router.

I turned off the third-party firewall (Kaspersky) on the desktop as well as the Windows Firewall and also the Windows Firewall on the laptop (Windows 7) and tried to run the network then but no go. The computers can, however, ping each other.

I’ve installed the LLTP (something something) on the desktop (XP) but that didn’t really do much except for making the XP desktop visible in the Network Map tool on Windows 7.

On Windows 7, network discovery is ON, file and printer sharing is ON, public folder sharing is ON, password protection is OFF. The network location has been set as private as well.

On XP, I ran the network wizard but again no change.

Strangely enough, I can access the shared folders on XP if I type //computername in Windows 7 and I’ve full access to them then. But they just don’t show in my network folder.

I’m at a loss as to what to do next. I’ve been going through the forums and one of the solutions people seem to be offering is that I should make matching user accounts and passwords on both the computers but that just sounds messed and impractical. It’s the least efficient way of solving this problem. Can someone please help?

I just want a simple file sharing network for my home. Office comes later, there i’ve a domain so that’s gonna be a completely different sorta headache I guess :/

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Unable To Access Desktop (Files And Folders) - New One Is Created

Oct 13, 2012

Today when I loaded windows 7 I clicked on my account and after a slight delay a message appeared "preparing your desktop". When it appeared it was a new desktop and a message on the task bar stated "you can not access you files and folders". I have followed a few steps about unlocking locked accounts but my account wasn't locked. A few other things have been happening over the last week so I am worried I might have a virus.

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Win Can Access Xp Laptop But Xp Can't Access Win7

Jun 9, 2009

Why is it that I can do anything to my Xp laptop shares from Windows 7 but Xp asks for a username and password to access Win?

Am I supposed to know what this username and password is? Did I create a username and password while not paying attention?

I've turned off password protected sharing in advanced sharing settings, turned on file and print sharing, both computers are joined to WORKGROUP. I went through the file sharing setup wizard on Windows 7 which spat out a password at the end but like so what? There's no username to go with it and it doesn't work if you enter that password from Xp anyway.

Can someone please put me on the right track here?

I hope that MS realise that there's an ocean of idiots like me that just want to copy a file from PC A to PC B at home and that the wizard should set all this up for us and not make us google around for half an hour just to find out how to copy a file from box to box. Unless it's intentionally not backward compatible?

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Browsing Win7 Shared Folders In Home Network - How ?

Dec 5, 2009

I have installed Windows 7 on a new PC and been playing around with it for a couple of days.

I have added it to my home workgroup and shared out some folders. I have turned off Windows firewall, however if I try to view the shared folders from other machines (XP) on the home network I get asked for a login and password.

Yet if I browse the other XP machines from the Windows 7 machine I can see all their folders. I can't find a setting anywhere that would seem to address this!

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Network - XP Cannot Access Win7

Jun 9, 2009

I am having an apparently common problem: my Windows 7 machine can access my XP/SP3 laptop just fine but though the XP can see the Windows 7, it can't access it at all. What I get is...[Windows 7 machine] is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource... yada yada yada.

I've looked up the topic and this phrase and find lots of answers, some ridiculously complex (registry hacks?), most of them contradicting each other. Nothing I've found offers a step-by-step how-to.

I'm one of those who skipped Vista, so I'm not familiar with all the new security. When my home network was all XP, I just connected a computer to the workgroup, gave folder permissions, and go. (I don't use passwords.)

So how do I do it now?

There are/will be a lot of us moving to 7 straight from XP, and we need some sort of "you used to do this, now you must do this" type of guide.

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Can Access Some Folders, Not Others

May 16, 2012

I have an "EntCent" pc in the lounge. IT records and TV and has DVD sand CDs stored on it.I want to be able to stream TV and DVDs etc to other PCs on the LAN. They all use Win 7 home prem SP1.I have set up to be able to see the Lounge TV from my workroom PC. I have made sure I shared both the DVD folder and the Recorded TV folder, to the Homegroup, read/write. There is a LAN password, but the folders are shared without any further encryption.I can see Recorded TV, but I am told I do not have access to DVD. As far as I can see they are identical regarding permissions. Is there anything I should be looking at?EDIT: I will add that I have tried opening the DVD folder in Win Explorer, and also tried adding it as a folder in WMPlayer, by selecting it as a network multimedia device. I can add the folder but then WMPLayer says it cannot access the folder. Both methods above work on the Recorded TV folder on the Lounge Machine?

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Laptop Can't Find Desktop Computer - Both Win7

Dec 22, 2009

I have a home network set up on my desktop running Windows 7. Homegroup is NOT activated. My laptop has INTERNET access from the wireless card to the router attached to the desktop, but I can't get the laptop to "recognize" the desktop computer. When I type in computer name, it tells me that it can't locate that computer.

So I can't print from my laptop, because the printer is attached to the desktop. I've tried everything I can think of -- renaming networks, etc. -- nothing has worked. The weird thing is that the laptop could find the printer last week, and I don't remember changing anything. Advice???

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'Access Denied' To Folders?

Sep 16, 2012

After backing up my files to another drive, I couldn't access some of the files on my C: drive [the one I backed up files from to my D: drive]. I'm always on the administrator account, and there are no other users on this computer, and I've set the file so that the administrator has full control over it.Normally, I should be able to access the files [for example, my 'My Documents' and my 'My Videos' folders are unaccessible].

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How To Enable Access To All Folders

Apr 4, 2011

I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate as system administrator, however it happens for certain folders that Windows does not enable me to open them. How can I have Windows 7 grant me full access to ALL folders in my PC?

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Drive Folders Cannot Access

Nov 5, 2012

I have a personal drive but its on a shared network drive (school) that i have access to but i cannot open any of my folders inside the drive and when i am able to open the folders i cannot open any of the content inside them its keeps poping up access denied how can i fix this or bypass so i can get to my work?

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Dell Dimension 5100 Desktop From Winxp To Win7

Jan 21, 2010

I have difficulty of upgrading my Dell Dimension 5100 Desktop from Windows XP to Windows 7.
Any hardware parts that I need to upgrade in order for me to upgrade my OS?

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XP Can't Access Windows 7 Shared Folders

Oct 11, 2011

We have just installed Windows 7 on one of our computers last week and we have 2 other computers that have an XP operating system The XP computers need access to shared folders on the Windows 7 computer and this was working fine yesterday However today it has suddenly stopped. I am getting errors about cannot access this drive etc I have checked up on security settings etc [URL]

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How To Open Locked Folders - No Access

Nov 17, 2011

I have recently had to reinstall Windows 7 Pro x64 after a problem with trying to reinstall Rollback Rx. Now when I try to access some folders I see a small padlock icon on the folder and am unable to access it. I am the only user of this pc and previously I had full access. What have I done this time? I normally crash my computer about once a month but the last 5 days I have had to reinstall 4 times. I am registered as the Administrator.

Info on my system:-
System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 930 @ 2.80GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 26 Stepping 5
Processor Count: 8
RAM: 12286 Mb
Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series, 1024 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 152524 MB, Free - 120039 MB; D: Total - 99 MB, Free - 84 MB; E: Total - 134073 MB, Free - 132258 MB; F: Total - 152627 MB, Free - 148604 MB;
Motherboard: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd., X58A-UD7
Antivirus: Internet Security Anti-Virus, Updated and Enabled

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Shortcut Folders With Access Denied

Nov 23, 2009

I have just upgraded to 7 from xp pro. When I open my username folder there are several folders with the shortcut arrows on them. When I click on one all I get is the "access denied" popup box. Just to let you know that there are also similar folders without the shortcut arrows which I can open, like My Documents and Local Settings and Nethood. What I want to know can I delete these shortcut or link files from my username folder?

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VPN Connects, But Not Access To Folders In Server?

Jul 18, 2012

I recently re-installed Windows 7 to my hard drive and subsequently re-installed the VPN needed to access a remote server for work. I can connect to the server, but don't see any of the drives and/or folders within the servers. The tech at work said I had to configure my network to allow VPN traffic, but didn't explain how.

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Networking Problem - Cannot Access Folders

Nov 13, 2009

There are 2 PC's in my house (soon to be 3), and they are running Windows 7 RC. I have a couple of drives that are dedicated to media (TV shows & Movies). When we both had XP Pro installed, all I had to do was right-click on the drive, go to Properties, Sharing and share the ENTIRE drive and it worked with no problems.

Now the problem I'm having is that when I try to share my media drive, I go through the same steps. The other Windows 7 computer can see the drive, he can go into it and see the folders inside that drive, but cannot access the other folders.

I also tried sharing the individual folders that are in the drive with the Homegroup and the same thing happens. He can see the folders just fine, but when he tries to view the contents of the folders it doesn't let him. Keeps telling him he doesn't have permission.

Here I thought Windows 7 improved their home networking, but it's really just became a big pain in the ass.

Can someone help? I just want to be able to share the entire contents of the drive with the other computer.

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Got Some Folders I Cant Delete Access Denied

Aug 31, 2012

theres files on my storage drive my computer absolutly will not let me delete what could i do or use to delete them

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Cannot Create New Folders On Desktop

Mar 20, 2011

I don't know what I downloaded that caused the problem, but now when I try to make a new folder on the desktop of my new Windows 7 computer, I have only the following choices: Shortcut, Bitmap Image, Contact, Microsoft Word Document, Journal Document, Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation, Text Document, Microsoft Excel Worksheet, and Briefcase. No new folder choice.

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Get The Desktop Folders Look And Act Like Windows XP?

Jul 9, 2012

How to I get the desktop folders look and act like Windows XP. When I right click the desktop and add a new folder-Rename-add shortcut icons, the folders defaults directly to the location in windows explorer. That is stupid and takes up space on the desktop. Is there a way to open the desktop folders like WINXP?

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Desktop Folders Won't Open?

Nov 1, 2012

The deskop folders do open if I don't use google chrome. However, after I have been browsing on chrome for a while and want to open any desktop folders, they don't.

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Desktop Folders Won't Open

Nov 1, 2012

The deskop folders do open if I don't use Google chrome. However, after I have been browsing on chrome for a while and want to open any desktop folders, they don't.

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Can't Access Windows 7 Shared Folders From Media Box

Oct 20, 2011

I'm using Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit and it's on a network with a Techgear MB902 PVR. I used to be able to watch movies in my Windows 7 shared folders on my TV via the MB902 but after I bought a new PC and installed Windows 7 I've had problems accessing the Windows 7 shared folders.

When I connect to my PC it asks for a login and password, and none of my pc or network passwords work. Strangely enough, when I restart Windows 7 the problem goes away and I can login successfully without a password, but then later the same day or the next day the login/password problem has returned.

I've trawled the internet looking for solutions, and tried all of the plausible looking ones, editing the registry, unsharing and then resharing. They all seem to work but then I realise that it's the reboot that works and not the fixes because the problem returns.

The MB902 has a hard drive and I can access the files on that from my PC with no issues it's just going the other way that I have problems.

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Allow Access Only To Certain Folders Within A Share Based On User?

Aug 10, 2012

This seems like a basic concept, but I can't quite figure out how to make it happen.In a domain environment with Windows 7 systems, I want to create a shared folder that all domain users have access to. However, when any domain user accesses the share, they should only be able to access certain subfolders.For example, assume the shared folder is \servershareme, and it contains subfolders aaa, bb, ccc, and ddd. Further assume that there are three domain users: user1, user2, and user3. How can I allow user1 to browse shareme, but not open any of the subfolders; allow user2 to browse shareme and also open any of the subfolders;allow user3 to browse shareme but only open subfolder aaa?

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Access Private Folders Network Windows 7?

Jan 29, 2013

I have been searching the 'Net to no avail - is there any way I can access a private folder over a home network? I have a private folder on my desktop that I would like to access over my network, but don't want others to be able to access it. All of our computers (desktop, laptop, netbook) are all on the same homegroup.

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Folders, Files Disappeared From Desktop

May 14, 2011

I was attempting to backup my system to an external drive, interrupted it, then all the files I saved on my desktop were gone. I can't find them through the start menu search nor are they in the recycle bin. I tried to restore the system to an earlier save, no dice.

1. are the files gone?

2. what happened?

3. is it a bad idea to save files to the desktop? It looked like that is where windows places my documents by default? Is it dangerous to just create C://documents for a computer with one user?

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Folders Locked And A Desktop.ini File

Apr 29, 2012

Yesterday I was having a problem getting rid of some bugs. I posted the problem in a malware forum on another site and then did all the scans that I was supposed to do. The funny thing is that right after I posted that thread, I found bugs with ad-aware and I was finally able to quarantine and restart.My only problem now is that my folders were locked (My Videos, My Pictures, My Music) possibly from running scans. I am not sure if they were locked from ccleaner or combofix or Mgtools. But they are locked and I seriously need to unlock them.I also have a desktop.ini file that mysteriously popped up after I ran the scans. I am the administrator of this computer. I cannot access certain files like My Videos, My Pictures, and My Music.

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Multiple Desktop Folders In Explorer

Jun 14, 2009

Anyone seen this before or know what causes it? My mom is suffering from it. I did move her default desktop location to her data drive.

Here you can see the properties. The one on the left is the default location one which appears in explorer but shouldn't. The one on the right is the real desktop that I moved to her data drive. 2 copies appear for the one on her data drive.

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Clean Windows For Desktop Folders?

Jul 2, 2011

Is there a way to get clean windows (folders) on the desktop, without all the navigation bars and icons? For about two decades, I've organized my Windows desktop with a handful of folders containing links to the most-used programs - sort of an always-up start menu. The folders are in Startup so they open on boot.Even with the navigation stuff on the left closed, the Windows 7 folders have too much stuff on the top and bottom.

Is there a way to get something that looks more like the classic Windows folder? They don't have to be consistent with the other folders, but they do have to be there all the time.

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Desktop Located In My Name And Temp Folders

Jan 17, 2013

I am new to computers and studying Networking and had an assignment where I had to load a recording program onto my desktop. I did not know that most people have the desktop in my computer. In the front so to speak but mine is located in CMyNameusers or the same path but also located in the temp folder. My instructor was suprised by this and I was wondering if someone set it up wrong or something. I am running Window 7 home premium on a Gateway NV55S. Is this where the Desktop folder should be located. If not how do I put it in the start menu?

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Missing Desktop Folders In Windows 7?

Jan 25, 2012

I think this problem is with the OS. I am using Windows 7 on my laptop (lenovo g560) 4gb ram etc. Every time there is some updates something goes wrong with my laptop. First my USB DataCard got blocked and I had to re-install everytime I use it. Then my DVD disappeared and it took my 4 day to get it back (believe me it came back acccidentally, I cannot provide you the steps I did to get it back). Today morning there was an update and the system was requesting for a restart. I postponed it twice because I was into serious time critical work. And people let me tell you, when I left the laptop idle to take a break it got restarted on its own and when I logged back in, all my work is gone. Not even a trace of the folders and files.I dont understanding why they have to push us for updates when they are not sure about their updates.

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Missing Desktop Folders/Files?

Aug 31, 2012

All of my documents, pictures, music and favorites have disapeared, everything else is fine.

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