CLR20r3 - Applications Not Running

May 25, 2012

Just recently I've been having some difficulties with an error that has shown itself on two programs so far, but no others. The first is Puush, and it's screenshot is here:Originally I thought my computer was having problems with just Puush, but I found another program that this happens to. It's's update checker. Here is the screenshot of that one:I've tried everything I could think of, and everything I could find online.

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No Applications Running - 800mb Ram Usage?

Aug 31, 2010

I've removed some services and applications and I reduced my usage by about 130mb of ram but is 800mb fairly normal for a laptop running Windows 7? If not what can I do to reduce this even more?

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Running Applications With Admin Privilege

Oct 1, 2010

I am having issues with running certain apps with admin privilege.I have installed Notepad++ which i use for my .js files.Now here's what's happening: When im editing a file which is located in the programfiles folder, it wouldn't allow me to save it. I can only save it if i close the app, give it admin privilege(right click->compatibility->check run as admin).This is fine with me. But if i do that, another issue pops up. I am then not able to open files in notepad++ via the context menu. neither can i drag drop the file onto notepad++.

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Applications Running Slower Than Usual

Dec 11, 2011

I have been noticing on my friends computer, some longer starts on Windows Media Player with slow response, Internet Explorer takes a little bit longer to load. I noticed after I booted my OS, the start menu froze for a while.


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Possible To Stop Automatic Shutdown From Terminating Running Applications?

Dec 6, 2012

I have used a power option to hibernate/shutdown my desktop after (say) 2 hours. This works correctly so that the system does not shutdown automatically when I am running interactive applications. At least one scheduled weekly task (McAfee virus scan) can take many hours and I normally run it overnight. But when it is the only task running, the PC hibernates (apparently after the prescribed interval) even though the application is still running.

I do not want to change my power settings to prevent automatic hibernation completely or to lengthen the interval meaninglessly. So: Is there any other way to ensure that the virus scan is allowed to complete before the system hibernates? During a scheduled scan, McAfee has an option to run "in the background". Would cancelling that option have the desired effect?

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Some Applications Running Slow On High Performance Computer?

Aug 28, 2011

I recently built a great system. It has the following specs:

Core i5 2500k 3.3GHz
Radeon HD 6790 1GB
8 GB of Corsair C9 kit of memory
PH67S-C43 (B3) motherboard from MSI.
Caviar Black 750gb
Greenpower 1TB

The only problem is, it runs very slowly in some applications such as Firefox and Minecraft. I've installed all drivers listed on the MSI website as well as my GPU drivers. Still no luck. I've installed Steam, microTorrent, Microsoft Security Essentials, Java (x64), Adobe Flash, and Adobe Reader X.

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Windows Automatic Shutdown When Running Loaded Applications

Dec 11, 2011

I am having an unexpected shutdown when i run loaded applications like games and all that.

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Running 64bit Operating System And Applications On 32bit Processors

Jul 11, 2012

I tried installing a 64 bit Windows 7 on 32 bit processor(Dual Core, 2.80HGHz) having a DDR RAM of 2.5GB. But I could not do so due to 'Hardware Incompatibility'.I then tried to install a 32 bit-Windows7 Home premium, but again the same 'Hardware Incompatibility' appears on screen and prevents the installation.

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CLR20r3 - Program Has Stopped Working?

May 25, 2012

Just recently I've been having some difficulties with an error that has shown itself on two programs so far, but no others. The first is Puush, and it's screenshot is here: Originally I thought my computer was having problems with just Puush, but I found another program that this happens to. It's's update checker. Here is the screenshot of that one: I've tried everything I could think of, and everything I could find online. My next step I might try is to uninstall every .NET Framework on my PC, and then re-install.

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BSOD Running When Running Intel Driver Update Utility And More Apps

Aug 12, 2012

ive been getting BSODs and finally figured out how to debug it with WinDbg (x86) and set the symbols for windows but i cant read the text. ive tried reinstalling my GPU and Java but no luck. when i try to run intel driver update utility as soon as i run it i get a BSOD ive got the minidump here if anyone knows how to read it, so here you go.

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.2.8400.0 X86
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Loading Dump File [C:UserskalyeDesktop�81212-36504-01.dmp]


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Windows 7 Running Slow, Not Running Games Properly?

Nov 1, 2011

I'm just installed windows 7 on my 2009 imac through bootcamp. However there are some problems. Ive noticed when i try to play something on windows media player it will tell me that my computer is running low on memory and to close some windows. Also games run poorly if at all. I suspect its a driver issue but have gone through all the auto updates etc.

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Two Desktops Running At Same Time / Background Programs Running

Jan 29, 2012

As I shutdown/restart my laptop, I notice it switches to a secondary desktop that has been running programs.A good example would be trying to open my Task Manager, I can Ctrl-Alt-Del and it will allow me to open Task Manager - however when I click on Task Manager, it opens on the Desktop running in the background. I can't even access the Desktop in the background, it only shows up as I'm shutting down - closing programs that I tried opening awhile ago.

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Applications Keep 'refreshing' Itself

Jan 30, 2012

I'm currently experiencing a strange problem with my laptop. Whenever I certain gaming program run in the background (not in focus) the applications seem to shift back and forth from from "Running" and "Not Responding" almost like it constantly refreshes itself (every 3 or so seconds). However, if I keep one of those programs in focus, the problem doesn't occur as often. The task bar always seems to be moving as a result of this (almost doing a dance if I open enough programs that have this problem).I've tried updating drivers, installed all service packs, scanned computer with Malware Bytes, Norton.I'm using Windows 7, 64 bit 6.1 (7061), ATI Mobile Radeon HD 5650

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Take All Applications From Pc And Transfer Them To Another?

Sep 21, 2011

Do you any of you know of a way i can take all applications from Pc and transfer them to another?

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Applications Won't Load

May 29, 2012

On some nights my computer works perfectly fine, I can surf the net without incident, open applications, play games etc and everything appears to be fine.Then there are the other nights (which are increasing in frequency) where the computer boots up fine but then I run into application after application which refuses to load - I will click on the application and the "loading" icon will appear on screen and then just stay there.The only way out is to cntrl-alt-delete and bring up task manager, but this can also then refuse to either load or - if it does - will not respond when I click on the first offending application in an attempt to close that down.I also noticed on the last few nights that when trying to start a particular game clicking on the icon would appear to have activated nothing - yet when I attempted to start it again I would get a message saying that I couldn't start the game until the one I had running had been shut down - but nothing appeared to be running.My computer was built in January of this year. I have regularly run disk cleanups etc and run virus checks at least once a week and nothing shows up.

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BSOD With Various Applications

Sep 27, 2012

I am seeking some assistance with multiple BSODs caused by application errors, generally the most frequent cause is video games.

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Lockdown Pc Except Certain Applications?

Jul 26, 2012

I have a post-secondary student who will be taking his exams in our office. He uses a text to speech reader (TTS) along with whatever program his text requires. I want to lockdown the computer as much as possible.For instance, one week he may need his TTS with word. The following week he may need his TTS with Excel and the internet. What is the best way to lockdown the pc, based on the fact that each week he will need access to different applications?

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Carrying Over MS Applications To New OS

Dec 20, 2012

On a PC I'm working with at home. It was on Vista but now i want a clean install but i have MS office and Digital suite 2006 and I was wondering is there anyway of copying them over? Without doing an Upgrade.

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32 Bit Applications On Windows 7 64-bit?

Feb 2, 2012

Does anyone know if running 32 bit applications on the 64 bit edition of windows 7 will impact performance. My new laptop is consistently slow and unresponsive yet the task manager shows memory usage of just over 50% (2.1Gigs out of 4Gigs) and the CPU usage is minimal (like 20->30%). One thing I do notice on the resource manager though is that a significant number of the processes running are post-fixed with *32 which I believes indicates that they are 32 bit applications. Could this explain why my machine is so slow? Or should there be no significant overhead to running 32 bit applications? Also, if there is a significant overhead why does it not show up as increased memory/CPU usage rather than just making the machine unresponsive and slow?

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Can Applications Go To Different Speakers

May 4, 2011

My laptop has 2 plugs for headplugs, so I was wondering If i had 2 applications, for example, if I had a movie playing and music in windows media player, can the movie go to one headphone and the music to the other?

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Applications Are Not Installing?

Aug 4, 2012

I am using windows 7. In the start every application that i downloaded installed correctly. But now it started showing problem. No application is installing and shows dialogue box saying check your internet connection and firewall settings. My internet connection is working good and to check firewall settings i disabled it but still no programs or applications are installing. Also updates of some programs are not working. (I am using eset security)?

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Run 32 Bit Applications On 64 Bit Windows 7?

Dec 24, 2012

How to run 32 bit applications on 64 bit windows 7

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Can't Open Exe. Files And Applications

Jul 21, 2011

i use window 7 home premium Gateway laptop NV52. yesterday, i opened file location on an icon on destop and on that interface, i tampered with the "open with" and my entire applications and files on windows changed. any of the "open with" options like window media, paint, picture viewer, adobe etc entirely changes my applications and files. even window files were affected. if i try opening a file, it will show me adobe reader or any few mentioned above cannot open this file. i tried using system restore and program access default on control panel but to no avail. so folders on my control panel attempts opening with any of the choosen file above. my exe. files cant open.

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Applications Crashing On Windows 7

Jul 26, 2011

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:MapleStory.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp:4d47e598
Fault Module Name:ntdll.dll
Fault Module Version:6.1.7600.16559
Fault Module Timestamp:4ba9b21e
Exception Code:c0000005
Exception Offset:00028ebf
OS Version:6.1.7600.
Locale ID:3081

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Cannot Open Applications In Windows 7

Aug 1, 2011

I cannot open many applications in Windows 7 including Firefox, MS Word, and Excel. Some that do open will freeze during use. I suspect that a virus or malware could be causing these problems. The applications open in Windows Safe Mode okay. Here's the Hijackthis and DDS log:

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.4
Scan saved at 11:38:51 AM, on 08/01/11
Platform: Windows 7 SP1 (WinNT 6.00.3505)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v9.00 (9.00.8112.16421)
Boot mode: Safe mode with network support


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All My Applications Won't Open Correctly

Nov 10, 2011

It seems all my applications are acting up so I have to use a separate computer. I know its not a virus since I never accessed the internet but all my applications went hay-wire, if I double click for example: notepad, it tries to open up internet explorer then shuts that down and asks me to run or save the file application, either choice I make causes the screen requesting those two options to reappear over and over. It all started when I made my falloutnewvegas.exe try to open with the falloutnewvegaslauncher which was the only one allowing the game to launch. so after that every application has a internet explorer icon in the middle of it with a blank page.

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Applications Hanging After Login?

Jan 22, 2013

I'm seeing some odd issues with stanard windows services. Windows Management Interface, Security Center or Windows Update svchost.exe processes gobble up a ton of ram and nothing will execute until that svchost process is killed. This includes already open and new tabs in Chrome browser.I will post TSG SysInfo and HijackThis after I reboot. I already can't run/install either with this attempt.

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Applications Do Not Close On Exit

Mar 8, 2011

From looking at others' questions, this seems to be a recurring problem under Windows for a long time. My version: running Windows 7, 64-bit, with Spyware Doctor. Several applications fail to close on exit, and I have to manually close them in Task Manager before they will work again. Always happens with Outlook 2007, Google Chrome, sometimes happens with Firefox and Acrobat Reader. Outlook also hangs on the last message in a "send and receive" operation.

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Windows For Applications Popping Up

May 31, 2011

I am experiencing a strange problem with my Windows 7 for last 2-3 weeks. When I use any application, suddenly Help Windows for application will pop up and it will not go away. If I try to close it, it opens again. This problem is spread across applications. Help Windows come up for SQL server, Microsoft Word and IE. Sometimes Help Windows won't let me do anything and I have to restart. It was only annoying till now but this problem seems to be spreading.I have checked F1 key and it is not stuck. Problem seems to be happening since I installed SQL server 2008 R2 around a month ago. I have Lenovo G450 with Windows 7 ( 64 bit ) installed.

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Is Windows 7 Caching The Applications

Aug 8, 2011

I have a mystery I need to solve. I updated an Access application on a Network share. Users have a shortcut on their desktops pointing to the application as follows: Target: \Chtg02PublicGeneralReports and statsWTGReportsWTG_General.accdb All WinXP users see the updated application when they double click the shortcut, one Win7 user gets the previous version of the application when he double clicks the same shortcut. Questions: 1. Is Win7 caching the application? Where? 2. If 1. is yes, how do I refresh the cache manually?

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Way Can Backup Only Applications And Drivers

Aug 18, 2011

system details: Win 7 professional 32bit OS got corrupted. need to reinstall it.i have installed many applications. its a pain to reinstall all those applications and drivers after i reinstall OS. is there a way i can backup only applications and drivers and not any OS component in my C drive? i tried to use builtin backup feature. unfortunately it backs up everything in c drive including windows files.

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