Applications Hanging After Login?

Jan 22, 2013

I'm seeing some odd issues with stanard windows services. Windows Management Interface, Security Center or Windows Update svchost.exe processes gobble up a ton of ram and nothing will execute until that svchost process is killed. This includes already open and new tabs in Chrome browser.I will post TSG SysInfo and HijackThis after I reboot. I already can't run/install either with this attempt.

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Windows 7 And Applications Randomly Hanging For Several Seconds

Apr 16, 2012

I just did a fresh format and install of Windows 7 because of some issues I was having previously. I formatted the drive, installed Windows and updated all my drivers and programs today.

Randomly now, the computer will 'hang' and be unresponsive for 3-15 seconds at a time. It seems multiple things cause the problem, sometimes it's loading a webpage, or opening a program, or navigating between folders in Explorer.

Prior to my format and reinstall I never had this type of issue before, and all the hardware aside from the DVD drive is the same, so I'm wondering if it's some sort of a Driver conflict, but I really don't know to tell.

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Windows 7 And Applications Randomly Hanging For Several Seconds

Nov 30, 2012

Windows 7 and Applications Randomly Hanging For Several Seconds

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Applications Hanging After Windows 7 Wakes Up From Sleep Mode?

Jul 23, 2011

Whenever my system is woken from I assume its sleep mode ( My power options are Sleep mode after 30mins and 'Turn off Display' after 10mins". I commonly find some programs will not work,they start to load up and then hang.A windows 7 prompt comes up and I then click 'Show problem details' to reveal the following below in the case of my attempted starting of Paint Shop Pro. This particular time around, Excel and Word opened all the way and also alowed data entry but as soon as you click on the round symbol in the top left corner to save etc it also did nothing but say 'program not responding in the very top bar.Description:A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.[CODE]OS and most applications all installed on a 120gb OCZ Vertex 2 SSD with a 1Tb Samsung F3 Spinpoint drive holding all my pic,movie,sound files, word docs, excel docs etc. I try to save zero application files on the SSD but all on the HD.

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Windows 7 Hanging After Login

Oct 10, 2011

My window 7 Ultimate OS is hanging after logining into to. After desktop and Task Bar appears nothing more works. Even Ctrl+alt+del also not appears. After a long break it says "Failure to Display security and shutdown options". i have gone through all the options from F8 repair options since 3 days. Opened in safemode and checked the event viewer. i found many errors in it but don't know which is causing this problem. after checking all i found this may be responsible and searched it on google and taken what ever measures they said and got an advance from login screen to desktop and taskbar appearance and hanging there (present situation). Error: Session "ReadyBoot" stopped due to the following error: 0xC0000188, event ID:3, Source: Kernel-Event Tracing.i was able to get into safemode.I have a backup at the time of installation after which i have so many updates and softwares installed. If backup is restores 10s of software installation i loose. and esp. i want restore IE, Chrome and Firefox pages to restore. I have done restore point use (only 1 i have). Tried "last known good configuration", disabling some services incl. readyboot. no use.

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Windows 7 Hanging At Login Screen

Apr 24, 2012

I bought my wife a Dell Inspiron Zino HD with Windows 7 Home Premium preinstalled about 3 years ago. It has been working well since, with a few hiccups here and there.Three days ago it started behaving really badly: it would boot normally up to the welcome screen, but when I click on one of the users icons it simply stays there with the rotating icon forever. It won't even show me the usual box to insert the password.If I boot to a safe mode (no matter which) it boots without problems, but I see nothing wrong with either the device drivers or anything else.

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Windows 7 Pro Login As Admin But No Need To Have Login Screen?

Apr 12, 2012

I'm using Windows 7 Pro. I have remove the login pw in my user account now I do not need to do the login and able to use the computer right away. But I found I am using the computer as a user not administrator. How can I skip the login screen and go straight into desktop as administrator.

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Windows 7 Professional Blinking Twice At Login And Again Once Login

Jan 25, 2013

There's nothing wrong with my computer that I know of, just noticing these black flashes for some time now and thought I would finally seek information on why this could be happening. It happens everytime I turn on my computer, two black screen flashes at the login screen and another black flash in the main menu screen right after logging in.

2x flash at the login screen
1x flash at main menu screen

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Login To RDP Session From Windows Login Screen

Nov 26, 2011

I have an RDP Server on a windows 7 ultimate 32 bit and i would like to be able to use another system login screen to connect to this server. As in when i turn of display last local users, so that if i was to enter XXX into the username and XXX into the password and it will connect Although i wouldnt mind being able to set up roaming profiles between these systems either.

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Hanging On Shutdown

Jan 31, 2012

i had constant problems with win7 hanging of the shutting down screen or just system is clean of malware and i have modified some registry keys but some are not there (havent been created).how do i enter new keys without screwing up the registry or is there another method of doing this?

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Hanging On Start Up?

May 8, 2011

the issue i'm having started a few months back. When I reboot or start up after being shut down the PC shows the Asus P6T screen where i can hit delete for setup, etc. On this screen it has been staying up for a good 1.5-2+minutes. This hasn't always been the case, only the past few months. I just performed a restore and performing a quick reformat for the drive and a fresh install of windows and this is still happening. overclocked if that matters.Below is the system info, copied and pasted from my profile page.[CODE]

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Why Computer Is Hanging Always

Dec 6, 2011

if i turn on computer than mouse is not working but i restart computer mouse is working

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Why Computer Is Hanging Always

Jul 8, 2012

when i play any game or movie my pc hang after every 10mins.

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My Computer Keeps Hanging

Aug 25, 2012

in these past few days, long, 30-second hangs have been occurring increasingly frequently, with no more than a few seconds between hangs today. It starts out one program not responding at a time, then spreads to all the rest of the programs. Sometimes it's so bad that the computer ignores ctrl-alt-delete. I don't know what's causing it, but it is made more perplexing by the fact that no more than 10% of the i7-2600K cpu is being used at any time, and the programs only use 3-4 GB of 16 RAM.

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Hanging Of Laptop After Every 4-6 Second

Nov 11, 2012

my dell laptop 500 gb harddisk, 4 gb ram, i5, window 7. it is hanging up after every 4-6 sec. now, videos and pdf files are not opening directly as before. not even scaning happaning fast. firebox is showing 'not responding' again and agian. right now, process 88, cpu 25% are showing task bar.

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PC Is Hanging And Freezing

Feb 7, 2013

My windows 7, IE 8 is freezing, hanging quite a lot lately. It happens when I click on links in emails or go from one website to another while surfing. I have only email and a website page or pages open, so shouldn't be putting a lot of demand on memory. Do security settings cause this while checking security in the background before allowing page to come up. Often my mouse also freezes so I have to wait. When I start task manager (ctrl-alt-del), it reports all applications are running; however they are not.

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Mouse Works At Login, But Not After Login?

Dec 27, 2011

I have a Microsoft Intellipoint 2000 usb mouse that has been working flawlessly for about 8 months, and a windows 7 laptop 64 bit. Recently however, the mouse would work at the login screen, but after I would login, it would stop working. Its drivers are up-to-date. It seems as though something changed recently that disables it after login, and if I reconnect it I sometimes get Error Code 43, and it says it is not recognized, then again, sometimes it will work flawlessly, until i put my computer to sleep.

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Windows 7 Hanging On Install?

Apr 4, 2010

I'm having a problem with installing windows 7. I start the computer and boot from my dvd-rom and it gets past the "Windows is loading files..." screen occasionally i get to the "starting windows" screen with no logo over it. other times i get a random blue screen. I've read a bunch of different forums online and none of the remedies seem to be working for me. I've tried disabling usb ports, unplugging all peripherals not necessary for the install, swapping harddrives, swapping video cards (including using the integrated),swapped psu, and messing with other bios settings.

My build is:
i5 661 3.33GHz cpu
Biostar TH55 HD motherboard
2x2GB 1333MHz Corsair Memory
600w thermaltake PSU
1TB Western Digital Caviar
500GB Western Digital Caviar

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Windows 7 Logo Hanging And More?

Jul 9, 2011

After a recent power failure at my home, I tried to turn back on my computer and I get hanged at the windows 7 logo. I tried to restart multiple times but it don't work. So I to to do safe mode but it don't work either. It gets stuck when it loading to drivers. So I tried to put in the windows 7 installation disk to try and reformat my hard drive, but even that gets hanged at the logo screen when it tries to boot up.

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Hanging Blank Desktop - WMI?

Dec 1, 2012

Recently, about every 1 in 3 or 4 times that I boot up my computer, Windows (7 Ultimate, no SP1) goes through the normal startup screen, but upon arriving at the desktop, no icons/Explorer/taskbar appear, nor does the cursor- it's almost completely frozen, just showing the desktop background. The only response I can get is via Ctrl+Alt+Del, which just brings me to a black screen, and Esc brings me back to the blank desktop, that's it. I don't have to hard reset to shutdown, if I just press the power button once, the desktop will fade to black (like a normal shutdown), and just turn off correctly (no unexpected shutdown messages or Kernel Power errors) after a while. It seems to be occurring increasingly often.I have not seen the problem occur in safe mode- however, because the problem does not occur every time, it could just be that I've only booted in safe mode on occasions when it wasn't going to do it.Looking at Event Viewer, the most consistent error I get in relation to this is WMI Event 10:

"Event filter with query "SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "Win32_Processor" AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 99" could not be reactivated in namespace "//./root/CIMV2" because of error 0x80041003. Events cannot be delivered through this filter until the problem is corrected."Now, for this error, obviously the online help for that event suggests that the fix is to update permanent event subscriptions with the WMI Event Registration tool, but I'm very unfamiliar with WMI and such things, and while I'm sure I could figure it out given time, I'd rather solve this sooner rather than later, and I'm not getting anywhere with that program. Additionally, I ran WMI Diag, which came up with a large number of errors.

Other possibly related errors include:Event 1002 (though this is described as an unimportant, self-fixing error, which I can confirm, but it continually reappears, even though it's being fixed in between): The IP address lease for the Network Card with network address 0x001F337767D6 has been denied by the DHCP server (The DHCP Server sent a DHCPNACK message).Event 7001: The Network List Service service depends on the Network Location Awareness service which failed to start because of the following error: The dependency service or group failed to start.Event 11: The driver detected a controller error on \Device\Harddisk7\DR7.


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Mozilla Firefox Hanging Up

May 25, 2011

I seem to be having issues with Mozilla Firefox. I think the issues revolve around the latest version, It will stop responding and do it several times in a row. I end up having to kill the process entirely from task manager. [code]

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Hanging DMI On New Windows 7 64-bit Install?

Aug 14, 2012

Bought lots of cheap RAM, so I thought I'd upgrade from my current 32-bit Vista to 64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate. Easier said than done. Since my DVD drive is busted, I opted to do a USB install using win2flash.

I got to the stage where I had to set up my user account and home share password, but when it rebooted after that, it gets to the Verifying DMI Pool Data and hangs. There are no other HDDs attached, only the primary SATA HDD. The faulty DVD is disconnected. I'm only using 2GB RAM for the install.

Now I can't even get it to boot from the USB...I've selected 'removable drive' on the boot priority list, but with the USB plugged in, it doesnt detect it.

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Hanging At Extracting Files

Jul 22, 2010

I got me a new 1TB HD and Windows 7 Pro 64 bit (not USB install, actual new DVD. I was trying to install it. The initial parts were painfully slow but they worked.I got to the part where it Copies Files. Then it goes to Extracting Files and it stayed at 0% for about an hour (before I gave up). I could still move the mouse and I clicked on cancel (and then it did very little again).

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Windows 7 PC Hanging When USB Plugged In

Oct 13, 2011

My pc hangs when i insert usb. Initially hanging problem started when I mounted in daemon tools den when I inserted memory card reader and new when I insert my pendrive. Sometimes it also hangs suddenly. But everything works fine in safe mode. No virus -Quick Heal and No malware even in online panda security scanning.

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Hanging On Windows 7 Updates?

Dec 18, 2012

I am just curious.Everytime I open Windows Updates window it hangs for 5 secs and then get back after that .I tried system restore but didn't worked.

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Why Is Windows Hanging During Shut Down

Nov 22, 2011

I've had this happen a few times now - I tell my computer to shut down and it takes forever. It took at least a half an hour last night - and this was with no updates.

Is it my SSD? Do I need to do a reformat? Is it something else entirely?

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Computer I Hanging And Getting Bsod

Feb 12, 2012

My computer was hanging a long time on shut down. On reboot, all seemed okay until at the next shutdown when I got a BSOD

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Pure Red Screen Cause Hanging

May 22, 2012

I built a new rig lately.

ASUS P8Z77-v Deluxe
i5-3570K /w CM 212 EVO (not OC yet)
Asus GTX680-2GD5 /w driver 301.10
2x SSD Intel 520 120GB
2x WD 2TB Caviar Black
4x4 G.skill F3-12800CL9D-8GBSR (16Gb Total)
Seasonic 850X
Windows 7

Sometime i get a pure red screen (completely red with no text) the the system hang
I can't tell what cause because i get it whenever i surfing internet, gaming or watching movie

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How To Remove Hanging In Windows 7

Jun 4, 2012

when i login my user id then system is hanging out and running backgrond process,but when i login administrator account,then its working fine,how to rectify in my user id.

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Computer Hanging On Splash Screen?

Mar 22, 2011

It boots fine but when it gets to the windows 7 splash screen the log in box takes up to 20 mins to display. When it does display I can log in and the computer runs fine.I have tried:

- virus scan which is clean
- malwarebytes comes up with nothing
- restoring to before the problem started

But, the problems remains - up to 20 mins for the log in to appear. It is almost as if it forgets to put it up.

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PC Suddenly Started Hanging Frequently?

Dec 3, 2011

i left home for a few days over thanksgiving, and when i came back i found that my computer was behaving oddly. i built the computer myself only this may?

first, the specs:

cpu: intel core i5-2500 3.30 ghz (quad-core)
ram: 4 gb
mobo: asrock p67 extreme
gpu: ati radeon 5770 1g
hdd: seagate momentus xt st95005620as 500gb 7200 rpm 32mb cache 2.5" sata 3.0gb/s with ncq solid state hybrid drive [url]

basically, what is happening is that the computer will frequently hang for one, two, or even three seconds while performing basic tasks. i first noticed it while watching videos on Internet, and now it�s very obviously happening with everything i do on the computer. the computer had been performing wonderfully up until that point; it just developed this problem all of a sudden.

here�s a breakdown of the performance issues that i�ve noticed:

startup: startup seems to take longer to get from power off to desktop.

watching streaming video: the video will frequently freeze for a couple of seconds, but the audio will continue as normal.

clicking: when i hover over something with the mouse, it sometimes takes a second or two for the item to be highlighted. computer occasionally hangs when clicking on anything: a link, a program icon, etc.

scrolling: sometimes hangs when scrolling with mousewheel, even on pages with simple text.

opening programs: occasionally takes significantly longer to open than normal. program begins opening up but does so slowly.

closing programs: when i click to close a program such as a word document, it sometimes takes a second or two to begin closing when before it would do so instantaneously.


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