BootMgr Is MIA If Install HDD Selected In BIOS

Oct 15, 2010

After an attempt to dual boot my system with 32 bit OS, I couldn't boot back into 64, it wasn't even an option. So, I figured I must have messed up the install and it was time for a clean one. Now I get an option to dual boot windows 7 or windows 7 (recovered).

Recovered is the one I want, but if I switch my boot HDD to the one that Windows 7 (recovered) is on, bootmgr is suddenly MIA.

I have not a clue how to restore it, and I even wiped the second HDD clean.

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Missing Bootmgr And Cannot Reach Bios

Feb 22, 2011

i had a computer that a freind gave me and he had it so certain websites were all blocked i wanted to get rid of that but i needed passwords and other log ins he didnt give me. i tried getting a hold of him no answer ever so i decided to wipe the hard drive why i dont know but i did. now my computer wont start because the bootmgr is missing and i cant start on safe the only options i have are f10 and f12. they. i cant reach my BIOS or anything and i have tried using a USB but my cpmputer wont recognize it. and to top it off my computer doesnt have a cd drive just usb ports.

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Bootmgr Missing And Bios Not Loading?

Apr 25, 2012

i have msi cx640 model laptop and it is showing error like BOOTMGR is missing pressctrl+alt+del to restart, and when i insert win7 bootable disk it is not booting and when i try to load bios to view boot disk priority by pressing f10 suddenly msg appears that is bootmngr missing it is not allowing anything to operate

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Can't Access Bios Missing Bootmgr Message In Windows 7

May 1, 2012

I can't access my bios and get msg missing bootmgr enter ctrl alt delete to restart, I can't use my win 7 disk or any other disk to fix this because my computer won't read it, and I can't get into the bios to reset the boot priority. I can't use a zip drive cause the computer won't read that either. All I seem to be able to do is hit ctrl, alt, del. but why do that is it doesn't boot my rig. when I put the drive into my second computer, windows is there, and the boot manager is there too. I want to use this computer for a folding contest on May 15.

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Once Initial Language Selected On Install - Can It Be Changed Later?

Jan 27, 2012

I have purchased a brand new laptop with an OEM Windows 7 Home Premium. On the first boot it runs that wizard asking you to select locale etc. After doing some research I see that supposedly only Win7 Ultimate will allow multiple languages which is confusing since Home Premium is allowing me to select one. My questions are...

1) If I select a language on this first time boot wizard, once it configures/installs can I change it to another selection at a later? If the answer is "No" then...
2) If I re-install fresh from the accompanying rescue CD will I then be presented with the first time boot wizard again allowing to select the locale and thus changing it there?

I haven't decided if I want to run the box in English or Japanese yet but both options are available on the first time boot screen which I find very confusing since by all accounts Ultimate is the only version that should allow this.

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Windows 7 Is Unable To Install To The Selected Location. Error: 0x80300024

Feb 11, 2010

Im trying to install windows 7 64bit on my 160gb SATA HDD but gets an error saying....WINDOWS IS UNABLE TO INSTALL TO THE SELECTED LOCATION. ERROR: 0X80300024 i can install windows xp just fine.

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Bootmgr Is Corrupt - Lagging Install

May 14, 2011

I got my new computer at Christmas time and up until now its worked great. This morning my computer was lagging as was the internet to i rebooted and i saw bootmgr is corrupt - system cannot boot. I went to repair it with the Windows 7 disc but the 'loading files' bit seems to take ages and it takes forever for the language and keyboard selection screen to come up. When i hit repair or new instal (ive tried both) it seems to be loading but then a black screen will appear and the dics in my comp will be spinning, but then nothing happens. The red loading light on my tower seems to blink on a repeated pattern.

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Windows 7 Fresh Install BootMGR Missing

Feb 8, 2011

I just purchased Dell Inspiron n4010 laptop without OS.. I am trying to install Windows 7 enterprise edition but every time i get the error

Press CTRL.......

I have changed the default boot options to dvd from hard disk...but the error persists I also tried to install Windows XP but the installation halts at a blue screen saying that system is shutting down to avoid any loss...(Code 00X00....)

I then tried to install Free Dos that came alongwith the system but even that is also not installing and error is generated that many of the files are not located on the DVD...

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Bootmgr Is Missing Message When Trying To Install Windows 7?

Apr 8, 2012

I am trying to install Windows 7 on a laptop that previously had Vista that would not start. I deleted the partition and formatted the C:. Now when I place the Windows 7 disk in during the boot, it will start reading from it and then the below message will be displayed BOOTMGR is missining Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart?

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Can't Clean Install Windows 7, Bootmgr Is Missing?

Sep 23, 2012

I have been trying to troubleshoot my PC for a month now with no success when a standoff on my motherboard came loss and my motherboard shorted-out. I already warrentied my motherboard; no difference. Then I went and bought new RAM; also no difference. How do I get passed this stupid "bootmgr is missing" message. I have no existing OS on the drive.

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Can't Clean Install Windows 7 (missing BOOTMGR)?

Nov 14, 2012

So I attempted to install win 8 on a 4gb RAM laptop, setup wouldn't go through, it kept freezing on me. I decided to go back and stay on win 7. So windows is loading the files and TWICE, and it automatically reboots and goes over it again and command prompt comes and says BOOTMGR is missingPress Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart and the whole process goes all over again. I took out the harddrive and put it in my pc to see if I can get somewhere with it well, setup comes up properly I format the partition and I get a 0x80070570. From what I found, that's a virus I believe. The setup won't go through and BOOTMGR is missing again.

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Bootmgr Is Missing After Failed Windows 7 Install

May 22, 2012

I just wanted to document my ordeal here for two reasons: 1.) in order to share my experience and 2.) beacause after 36+ hours of attempting to find a solution to my problem I could NOT find one and did a few things myself to remedy and fix the situation. This experience needs to be shared in case someone else goes through this and like me, NONE of the suggested fixes work.After a failed windows 7 install using an upgrade disc (clean install, no previous OS - this is possible with the right sequence of installation, google it). I continually recieved the error "Bootmgr is missing press ctrl+alt+delete+ to restart".There are many walkthroughs on the internet detailing how to remedy this problem BUT all of them are assuming Windows has been successfully installed and that you can repair it using the install disc and clicking "repair" when putting it into the disc drive and loading it before booting. My problem of course was that the OS was not successfully installed, therefore I had no way to access the repair options.I removed the hard drive and put it into a working PC and it was detected; reformatted the drive, scanned it using Western Digital's (it's a WD Caviar Blue 500gb) software to check for drive health as I assumed the drive was bad. The drive was reformatted successfully and the long test revealed no issues, the drive was healthy. I put it back into the new rig, checked cables, replaced sata cords, powered on and "Bootmgr is missing press ctrl+alt+delete+ to restart"

Went into BIOS and made sure boot order was correct - it was.Used a piece of software meant to fix bootmgr issues (url...) - no luck.I went ahead and performed memtest86+ 4.21 and detected tens of thousands of errors in the ram. This narrowed it down. I replaced the ram with ram I know has no errors and booted up. "Bootmgr is missing press ctrl+alt+delete+ to restart".This is when I realized that it must be connected to the bad install and that before tossing this PC out of the window of a moving car, I should wipe the drive completely and start over, as something on the drive must be corrupted, despite the reformat and health of the drive. Using DBAN Boot and Nuke ( I wiped the drive completely (took 10 hours or so). I prayed this would solve my problems and guess what: IT DID! At this point after restarting after Boot and Nuke and putting in the upgrade disc and went forward with my installation NO "Bootmgr is missing press ctrl+alt+delete+ to restart" and the install went perfectly.

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BootMGR Missing After Failed Windows 7 Install

Nov 2, 2012

I can't boot my windows 7 after creating a partition E and activated it, to install windows 8. It asks me to press any key to start from dvd and when I do that, I am prompted to press ctrl +alt+delete to restart but nothing happens and the screen freezes. In other words, I can just access the bios.Afer many trials to boot from dvd or usb or hard disk ,the computer is somehow dead. The pc is running an intel Dual Core on a gigabyte "GA-EP41-UDL3".

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Windows 7 Install Error 0x80070017 - BootMGR Missing

Nov 24, 2011

I have had number of errors, the latest being 'Error number: 0x80070017' when trying to install windows 7. I'll start from the top. Originally I had problems exactly the same as on this thread below, incl same model PC except with Vista, also USB mouse often freezes or stops working: [URL]. I ignored the problem until crash during online streaming (assumed problem was to do with graphics card), usual multi coloured horizontal lines on monitor, repeating sound. Manual push button shutdown.

On restart, black screen no boot activity. Recovery DVD doesn't work/ don't have all the discs. So I bought Win 7 upgrade instead. Now I have a combination of 'BOOTMGR is missing', and when that doesn't occur PC freezes on any screen you can think of. Sometimes I can get all the way to 'expanding files' when installing Win 7, then I get Error number: 0x80070017. I have tried copying DVD to USB drive (in case it's a dvd drive speed problem), but then cannot copy the whole DVD usually there's an error stopping me (on another pc).

Also no OS available to select during repair system selection on Win 7 upgrade/install screens. Finally error regarding 'USB drive unplugged during boot' or something to that effect, also tells me DVD or CD or hard drive might no be connected properly. Had that message twice, again locks up. I've checked inside, every thing connected.

So to summarise:
Bootmgr missing (on boot)
Error number: 0x80070017 (on Win 7 install)
No OS available to select (System repair)
Constant freezing

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BootMGR Corrupt System Cannot Boot After Fresh Install

Nov 5, 2012

I was having trouble migrating my OS to a new ssd and received the "Bootmgr is corrupt system can not boot" screen repeatedly after restoring from system image, kept happening so I just decided on a fresh install. Install went well and was fully functional (eg drivers and devices) yet when restarting after installing microsoft office, I got the "Bootmgr is corrupt system cannot boot" appeared and now cannot get the pc past this point no matter how many reboots.

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Install Windows 7 From USB Into The BIOS?

Oct 17, 2011

I'm building a new computer without a CD drive, because I realized I have no use for it. I know that you can install W7 from a USB into a PC with an existing OS, but obviously as I am building the computer, I will have to install the OS into the BIOS.  I am getting a Biostar A880G+, but I'm not sure what BIOS it uses. Note: when I asked this question on Yahoo! Answers, many people thought that I was trying to update the BIOS with a USB, which is already a feature of the A880G+, but that's not what I am doing!

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Updating BIOS For Windows 7 Install?

Oct 16, 2012

I want to say that this computer has the Windows 8 beta on it as its only OS. It's very clunky and full of bugs and whatnot and I want it off so I'm putting windows 7 on it and erasing everything on it. This shouldn't be a problem for these forums since everything I"m having problems with has nothing to do with the OS. Besides installing. now, basically this computers main parts are better than my own (it's not that great anyway) It's motherboard is x65 bit, it had 2 gb 800 mhz ram (my computer had the same amount but only 667mhz) it's processor is 3.00 GHz (mine is 2.3 GHz)So basically it's a better computer for the main parts. I've not looked at the PSU but I'm sure it's better aswell. The only thing that isn't better is the graphics card. It's a 7 series while mine is a 9. So, basically I want to put the best of my computer to this better one. Mine feels newer (since I keep it dusted so it sounds really smooth, while this one sounds a bit old. But either way I want to install windows on it. The only problem is that the BIOS is inoperable. When loading into the BIOS the keyboard no longer seems to work. Its light go off. But every once in a while on trying, I can get it into the boot menu so I can move it to put from CD rom. But at this point, no matter what, it won't let me scroll through the options.So naturally I went to google and came with some results that it could be the BIAS needing an update OR taking the CMOS battery out and allowing it to load default values. I tried the latter first, overnight actually. This brought it to default settings, but no luck. It didn't help the keyboard. Now, I'm on the "update BIAS" part. But I can't even seem to find the right update for this motherboard. I tried installing CPU-z but this Windows 8 needs framework to run the software since it's not made for W8. So I just look around on the MB myself and find the Model Number. It's D33C98. I googled it and mostly game up with Gigabyte results but I can't find BIOS updates for this model anywhere. I see manuels but I can't find much of anything for this MB.I thought about just putting the HD in my current computer and loading windows 7 on to it and putting back in the other one so I could just use my computers BIOS, but I've heard this isn't the best thing to do.

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How To Setup Bios To Be Able To Install From A USB Device?

Jun 14, 2011

I recently read an article about using a USB thumb drive to install Windows 7.Set Up a USB Drive as a Bootable Device to Install Windows 7 IT Professionals.I would like more information about how to do this. After reading the article the questions I had were:Where do I get the Windows 7b ISO file? Can I make it from my present install disk or do I have to buy it? How do I setup my bios to be able to install from a USB device? I am not sure that is possible on the PC I have.

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BSOD 124 On Install After BIOS Update

Aug 19, 2009

Windows 7 works fine, except some things. But I wanted to reinstall it after I updated my BIOS from 1.1 to 1.8.

After it loads my working install dvd, it gives me BSOD with stop code 124

Its the same problem he has: windows 7 crash on install bsod stop 0×00000124 - Windows 7 Forums

But i'm in another situation.

Maybe I could downgrade my BIOS, but I don't know how. Or maybe ill just have to change a BIOS setting.

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Windows 7 Can't Find SSD For Install But Bios Can

Jun 13, 2010

Ok so I have 2 Hard drives on my notebook one HDD and a SSD. I have Windows 7 installed on the HDD and can boot to it. Ive been able to access the SSD and move files to it from Windows 7 installed on the HDD.When I try to install Windows 7 on the SSD Windows cant seem to find the SSD.The SSD is Intels X25-M SATA 80GB. Any clues on what I can do?

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BIOS Boot Loop, Error When Try To Re-install

Feb 21, 2012

I have a laptop with Windows 7 x64, I re-partitioned my drive in Disk Management (shrink) and now my system won't boot.

Here is what happens:

1. Acer Splash Screen
2. Small blinking cursor.
3. Rinse, repeat (Acer screen again!)

When I try to boot from Windows 7 DVD, I get CDBOOT: Could not find BOOTMGR.

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Reformatted HDD Not Recognized In Bios Or Windows 7 Install

May 19, 2012

A friend of mine's computer stopped working a few days ago. When turned on they only get a message to change the boot sequence or insert boot media.

I took out their HDD and attached it as a external to my computer. I then backed up all their files (the drive appears to be working fine.) not being sure what the issue was I decided to reformat the drive and re install a clean version of win 7.

After finally getting the drive completely erased I reformatted as NTFS and installed it back into the computer. At this point The bios did not recognize any HDDs or optical drives (I had the win 7 disk in the DVD drive).

I created a bootable USB win 7 disk which the computer did recognize and initiated set up. At this point the set up process does not recognize any drives.

Not sure what to do to get it to recognize the drive. My initial thoughts are formatted incorrectly.

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Windows 7 Ultimate X64 Will Install On System But Not Boot After BIOS

Feb 8, 2013

I was running Windows 7 ultimate x64 on my system (specs below), and I usually let my computer go into hibernate as it does that automatically after some time of system inactivity. Usually it will boot back up with no problem but then last week I tried to boot it up, it crashed and said system error.. I can't remember everything it said as it was obviously coded; since then I haven't been able to bring up the same warning screens.

Instead what happened was I reinstalled windows 7 on the same drive, formatted and all, and after installation it would finalize my settings, etc. After which, it would do a final reboot and, after bios goes, the computer hangs on a command prompt type screen with just a flashing underscore. Asking my family members, they proposed it might be a hardware issue so I bought a new hard drive (Seagate Barracuda 1tb.. not sure if that matters) and tried installing windows on that drive; same exact problem.

I also tried different combinations of RAM with my board, including just one stick of RAM, tried taking out the video card, tried taking out the sound card, etc. No dice. So my dad took his drive from his computer, that has an install of VISTA x64, and I plugged it into my computer and it worked perfectly. Conversely, I plugged my drive with the Windows 7 install into his computer and it also worked perfectly. We tried playing around with a few settings in the BIOS, etc. but nothing gives.

MOBO: Intel DP45SG
Chip: Q6600
Ram: Hynix 2x2gb and 2x1gb kingston
Vid card: Zotac GeForce GT 610
Sound: Creative X-Fi Xtremegamer
BIOS: Should be up-to-date, irregardless it ran Windows 7 before

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BIOS Not ACPI Compatible On Clean Install Of Windows 7?

Dec 12, 2010

I'm trying to install Windows 7 on a Compaq Presario 2100 laptop with 1GB of RAM and known good HDD. I ran memtest 86 for 12 hours with no errors.The BIOS sucks and has no options for ACPI, power management, or even serial/parallel port addressing, only boot order, system info, and password. The only device option in the BIOS besides video memory (tried every setting there) is legacy usb support (tried that too). I've been googling for 2 hours about this and found the whole F5 and F7 thing for XP, but I'm not sure if there's a similar option in 7 to only use Standard HAL. There's no Press F6 prompt in 7 install to press F7 at.

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Change Setting To AHCI In Bios And Then Install Windows 7

Mar 1, 2011

Im installing a new SSD and i wanted to use it as an oppertunity to change everything over to AHCI and wanted to clarify one thing before i went ahead. Im going to change the setting to AHCI in the bios and then install windows 7 on the SSD. Once i get into windows i was going to plug in the old Hard drives. With the old hard drives being used when my computer was on IDE will they be able to be read or will all the data be lost.

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Black Screen After BIOS Splash And Before Windows Install Comes Up

Dec 11, 2012

I'm loading a new system and encountering a problem I haven't seen before. I have a Gigabyte Z77MXD3H motherboard with an Intel i5 3570 proc. When I boot to the Windows 7 install disk I get the BIOS splash screen, then the monitor goes so dim I can't read any text during the boot process but I can tell there is text on the screen. The monitor's menu also appears so dark its unusable. After some time the text mode finishes and the Windows install menu pops up and everything returns to normal. I can find loads of posts about black screens after windows boots, but not before.

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Getting "BOOTMGR IS MISSING" After Clean Install Of RC1

May 5, 2009

Installation goes fine - have tried both the 32 and 64 bit image.

I had XP on the install partition. During setup of Windows 7 I chose to format that partition in order to do a clean install (and no dual boot). Installation finishes perfectly. Reboot. But no luck. Something goes wrong, and my computer is just telling me "BOOTMGR IS MISSING" leaving me with no options. Didn't have that problem when I tested Windows 7 beta back in January (also formatting the XP partition during installation).

Have tried to make BIOS adjustments such as changing the AHCI/SATA settings. Have also tried repair from the Windows 7 DVD.

Hardware: AMD 790 chipset, Nvidia 9500GT graphics, AMD 4850e processor, 2 GB RAM.

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New Hard Disk Recognized By Windows 7 But Not By BIOS, Install Failed?

Aug 23, 2012

I have a compaq CQ60 104TU laptop, my previous harddrive crashed and i has an external 500GB hardrive lying around. So, I opened it up and took the Harddrive out and inserted into my laptop.When I am trying to load windows into it I get the errorWindows cannot be installed to this disk. This computer's hardware may not support booting to this disk. Ensure that the disk's controller is enabled in the computer's BIOS menuThe Hard disk has no data, and i don't have a CD-Rom, have made my USB bootable manually using DISKPART (this method of installation has worked for me before)[CODE]

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BIOS Menu Detected USB Device But Cannot Boot To Install Windows 7

Nov 7, 2010

So im having issues with my PNY 8gb Flash drive that im trying to use to install 7 onto my desktop. The problem is that whenever I insert it into my computer and try and boot off it, (Clean install btw) even though the bios menus detect the drive when I boot it acts as though it didnt insert. I need my desktop.

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BIOS Not Working - Windows Cannot Install Required Files (Error Code 0x80070017)

Dec 24, 2011

I have Dell Inspiron N5010. I was using windows 7 home basic 32 bit os. I wanted to change it to windows 7 ultimate. So I have inserted windows 7 Installation disk into CD drive. Then I went to through the installation and I chose the Custom as the installation type.When the partition page appeared, I have formatted all the disks including C which contains windows files. Then I got 298 GB unallocated space. Then I split them in to 4 partitions. Then I have selected one partition to install the windows. Then installation started .

Copying windows files succeeded. Expanding Windows files(0%) is still be like that for 20 minutes. Then I got the error message like: "Windows cannot install required files. Error code 0x80070017". And I thought it would be the installation disk problem. But it works fine in other systems. I tried several disks. No use. Also I got another problem. When system boots I tried to enter into BIOS using F2 and F12 which was mentioned in screen. But it did not enter into the BIOS, Instead it goes to the installation.

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Install A 32bit Program On A Windows 7 64bit System By Turning On A Function In The Bios?

Oct 12, 2012

Can I install a 32 bit program on a Windows 64 bit system by turning on a function in the Bios.

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