Boot Camp - Windows 7 Wants To Set Up Again?

Aug 9, 2011

I have been using boot camp to use Windows programs for a while now, and just recently, I tried to boot up and it now wants me to set up the computer again.

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Boot Camp Windows 7 Resized Partition Now Wont Boot?

Aug 23, 2012

I have a Boot Camped Mac Mini with Windows 7. I recently needed to allocate more disk space to it as i only had a gig left, i booted into MacOS and used Disk Utility to make the Mac partition smaller, i rebooted into windows and downloaded software called 'Partition Wizard' from I dragged the Windows partition all the way so that it used up all the Unallocated Space, it required a reboot to finsih and when it did it displayed an error such as thistatus:0xc0000255Info: The Windows Boot Configuration Data file is missing required informationI have the Installation Disk and i have tried repairing more than 3 times and it seemed to do nothing, so i tried using the CMD and bootrec.exe and now when i start the repair wizard it says there is no windows partition yet i can still try repairing things (Yet still does not repair anything). I downloaded EasyBCD but im on my Mac partition right now and its an exe, i have no clue how to run that within windows to try and repair the Bootloader. I do however have access to the BOOTCAMP partition through the mac side, and i can access all the files. Is there some way i can repair the bootloader through this?

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Install Windows 7 On A Apple Mac Without Using Boot Camp?

Apr 9, 2012

as the title itself described, I wanna know if I can install Windows 7 on a apple mac without using boot camp or any virtualization. I meant a clean installation as we do on our desktops and notebooks

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Windows 7 On MAC Boot Camp Partition No Sound?

Jun 11, 2010

I have an audio problem that I can't figure out.I installed Windows 7 on a Boot Camp partition in my 13" Mac Book. The Mac is not a Mac Book Pro. Its an Aluminum Uni-Body Mac Book purchased new in December 2008. The Mac partition has MAC OS 10.5.5 loaded on it. I have been told by several Apple geniuses that there is no such thing as this model so let me clarify that there is. It has no fire wire port and no back lit keys.
The problem is no sound when booted into Windows 7. Nothing out of the speakers and nothing out of the headphone jack. Audio works fine when I am booted into the MAC OS. I have not tried SPDIF as I have nothing to test it with. In Device Manager everything is fine, working normally and enabled. Speakers Properties are all set to default - 16 bit 44.1Khz sampling rate. Both Exclusive Mode boxes are checked. Enhancements are all off, level is up and balance is at 50 % Left/Right.


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Upgrade Vista Then Install As Boot Camp On IMac?

Feb 6, 2011

Current state: I have a Dell with Vista HP 64 that hangs alot Near Future State: I fought this problem on my Dell PC / Windows Vista for sometime now and I'm fed up. I'm going to get a iMac and use boot camp to have both Mac OS (Snow Leopard) and Windows 7. Best of both worlds on superior hardware (my and other's opinion, not my point though).Here's my question: I think I'm going to buy Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit full installation (not upgrade) and use that to "upgrade" my Dell with Vista. Then when I get the iMac, I will use that same product to do a new installation of Windows 7 on the iMac (and decommission the Dell).Is this the right approach? I don't think Windows 7 upgrade will work for the iMac part of the plan. Is this true? Will I be able to "move" Windows 7 full install from Dell to iMac?

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Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device Or Insert Boot Media In Selected Boot Devic

Jan 4, 2012

[code] Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot devic &press any key

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Cannot Boot Into Windows 7 / File /boot/BCD Is Missing With An Error Code Of 0x0000007

Mar 26, 2011

I cannot boot into Windows because it says that the file /boot/BCD is missing with an error code of 0x0000007. If I run Repair from my installation disk and in System Recovery Options, it says that it has detected problems and asks if I want to repair it. The items it wants to repair are: " The following startup option will be repaired:Name: {bootmgr}Identifier: {9DEA862C-5CDD-4E70-ACC1-F32B344D4795}

The following startup options will be added:

Name: Windows 7 Ultimate (recovered)
Path: Windows
Windows Device: Partition=C: (476938MB)
Name: Windows Recovery Environment (recovered)
Path: Recovery9426aa67-30ff-11e0-a348-506313b5e718Winre.wim
Windows Device: Partition=C: (476938MB)

A copy of the current boot configuration data will be saved as C:BootBCD.Backup.0002"If I click yes, it says that it cannot save the current settings for the BCD and refuses to continue. When I choose Startup Repair, it attempts to fix the problem but fails.

The problem details are:

Root cause found:
No OS files found on disk.
Repair action: Partition table repair
Result: Failed. Error code: 0x3bc3

I think that this is because Startup Repair is trying to fix the thumbdrive that I keep my Windows 7 install files in. I am overseas now and as my computer does not have an internal optical disk drive and my external drive is back home, thus using my thumbdrive is the only way to access the repair console.

I tried running a few commands, namely:

bootrec /fixmbr
bootrec /fixboot
bootrec /rebuildbcd

Fixmbr and fixboot work, but when I run RebuildBCD, it detects C:Windows as having a Windows installation, but if I type Y(yes) or A(all), it says that the requested system device cannot be found.

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Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit Won't Boot, Just Plays Boot Animation?

Jul 22, 2012

My Windows 7 has stopped booting after a restart, the system would just endlessly play the boot animation and not boot properly... system restore won't work, startup repair won't work, chdsk and sfc won't work. I have yet to try and see whether a Registry fix works. Windows loads the WRE VERY slowly.

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Windows 7 Boot Files Or Boot Manager Installed In Wrong Partition?

Dec 25, 2012

this is what I did, since I have no CD-ROM, to install Windows 7 I created a partion X: NTFS and set it as the ACTIVE ONE, the put there the Windows 7 installation files, and opened prompt command to type bootsect.exe /n60 X: , next I restarted my computer, and automatically it booted into the Windows 7 setup, I installed Windows 7 on the partition C: and formatted the partition C:, everything installed and after the installation finished, a multiple choice menu appears that reads:[CODE]

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Dual Boot Windows 7 And Vista Boot Error Winload.exe

Oct 14, 2009

I installed Windows 7 on a partitioned harddrive with vista on the other half. After the installation i have my boot menu with:Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows vista still works but when i try and load windows 7 i get a boot error message

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Restore Points Missing From Windows 7 After Boot In Xp (dual Boot)

Aug 8, 2012

I have dual boot with Xp and windows 7.when i log into my Xp all the restore points being deleted from windows 7.when i check the disk management information in 7 it shows windows 7 create a logical drive with my Xp primary drive.even i am hide the drive from both windows means Xp drive from windows 7 and vice verse.So i like to unmount or remove the drive partition of windows 7 from Xp and Xp primary from windows 7.So that they dont affect each others system files with being deleted the partitions.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot Past Windows Splash Screen - Will Boot To Safe Mode

Dec 29, 2011

WIndows 7 premium home version on a lenovo laptop freezing at splash screen. I can boot into safe mode just fine. Whereby I have to run a system restore back to an older date but the issue still comes back up and this seems to be especially true when trying to wake it from sleep mode.

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Cannot Boot Windows 7 After Installing Opensuse 12.1 On Dual Boot

Apr 6, 2012

I installed opensuse 12.1 on dual boot along with my other windows 7 installation. Installation of opensuse is successful and i can use it. But when I tried to use windows 7 on grub, it says bootmgr is missing. I've already encountered this problem a long time ago so i tried to use bootrec /fixmbr, bootrec /rebuildbcd and bootrec /fixboot in the recovery console in the windows 7 DVD. Rebuildbcd and fixboot did not work and it said something like it cannot find my windows installation. I also tried bootrec /scanos, it returned a windows installation on D:\Windows but my windows is in drive C. I think this has something to do with me messing up the active partition in disk management a month ago but i already fixed it by setting the active partition to the system reserved partition. Only fixmbr is successful, but now i can't boot on any OS because it says: Missing operating system.I also tried bcdboot C:\Windows but it failed with a message that goes like: Failure when attempting to copy boot information..

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Laptop Cannot Boot Into Windows, Possible 0xc000000f Boot Failure

May 1, 2012

whenever I turn on the laptop, it seems to boot into Windows 7, in that the "Starting Windows" text appears and the little animation of colors forming the logo shows, but as some point it fails. This message appears on screen:autocheck not found - skipping AUTOCHECK After a few seconds a BSOD shows up, but too fast for me to make out what it says. It used to, but after some hasty fix attempts no longer does, cycle around to a menu that informed me of this error:Status: 0xc000000f Info: The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible. Here's the longer history:As some point in the past I decided to try out dual-booting Windows 7 and Linux on the laptop. I got it to a state where this worked fine. I had partitions roughly as follows:[Ubuntu][Windows 7]([Data and files][Boot]) The parentheses denote a logical partition. The Boot partition was very small and only held what was necessary to launch GRUB. This week, I realized that I hardly ever used the Linux partition and decided to get rid of it to reclaim storage space. This is where the trouble begins. I rebooted into a thumb drive that could run GParted and modified the hard drive layout in the following steps: Delete the Ubuntu partition Delete the Boot partition Grow the Data/Files partition to take up the space left by Boot Shrink the Windows 7 partition to make it faster to move Move the Windows 7 partition to the front of the volume Expand it to take up the remaining space. What I ended up with was: [Windows 7]([Data and files]) My naive and fatal mistake was to trust that the Windows Repair CD could fix any boot issues, and also that there would be no catastrophic hardware failures. Both of these assumptions turned out to be false.

First, the laptop's CD/DVD drive has either broken or is too unreliable to use. I have noticed it becoming more and more unstable over time, but now (when I need it most!) it simply does not seem to want to spin up and function at all. This forced me to create a Windows Repair USB drive. However, I can't load any installation media. This is because the laptop did not come with an install DVD. It had a recovery sector, which I cannibalized for the Linux partition. I did copy the stock recovery stuff to a series of DVDs, but, well...This is all to say that any solution that requires a DVD drive is straight out until I can replace it, which I'd like to consider a last resort.My expectations for the Windows Repair CD/USB have been dashed. Attempting to automatically fix boot issues either fails for some specific reason (I can probably reproduce it and provide the details, if necessary), with a dialog to send a report, or fails because it cannot detect any problems. I have tried a variety of things based on my own research to fix this through the command prompt: Running chkdsk /x /r on all drives. Does not find any errors. Running various bootrec commands: /fixmbr, /fixboot, /rebuildbcd, /scanos. All complete successfully, but the last 2 report finding 0 Windows installations. Using bcdboot and bootsect to recreate the bootloader. Again, no errors result, but it does not fix the issue. I guess it should have been obvious that none of the boot record fixes would matter, since the laptop does boot into Windows 7, briefly.

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Cannot Boot Laptop / Windows Can't Find Any Hardrive To Boot OS

Dec 27, 2012

Today when I was surfing on my laptop (G74S Series) I wanted to restart the laptop because the internet crashed and it usually helps to restart. But I restarted it holding down the power button thing.So, I restarted it and while I was waiting, staring in to the screen, the blinking "_" thing when you start up was doing that for a while and nothing was happening, and a couple of seconds later the computer tells me that it can't boot the laptop/pc because no drive was found. I saw an error code but I didn't catch it, but it was something like "0x0000".So then on later, it sent me in to "Image Restore" But I have no image to restore with, so I cancel it, and then it sends me into the menu where. I can choose to "Restore Computer" or "Scan for startup errors" or something like that (I don't really have a such accurate memory.)And on the top it also says "os unknown on (unknown) local disk".Everytime I start the computer it sends me to that menu where I can choose to restore my computer etc..And I can't really do much about it since I don't have the windows 7 disc/dvd thing either.And this all came all so sudden I don't really know what to do.I don't have any backu or anything, and windows can only detect my /D: drive and not /C:, and I have my OS on /C/

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Windows 7 Won't Boot After Installing Ubuntu Dual Boot?

Dec 3, 2010

I can't get Win 7 to boot after setting up dual boot (Ubuntu 10.10) on my GF's laptop. I'll describe the problem and everything that has been tried so far. REALLY hoping somebody has an idea, I'm getting desperate.I installed Ubuntu last night via the Live CD. Used the Live version to install alongside Windows and partition the drive, install Grub, etc. At reboot, after POST it would just go to a black screen with a flashing cursor. I could only run off the live CD. A forum member determined the Grub was trying to load from the wrong partition. We changed that and voila! Grub now loads properly. I can boot into Ubunto via Grub with zero problems. HOWEVER: when I try to boot into Win 7 from Grub, it just locks at the same flashing cursor of death screen. The 7 partition is till intact, I can see and access all the files on the 7 partition from within Ubuntu, however 7 will not boot. I have tried downloading and burning the Win 7 repair disk and doing all of the following,Running the automatic Start Up Repair - several times. All it does is remove Grub, but booting still goes to the flashing cursor and I have to reinstall Grub again to be able to do anything after POST.I have used the command prompt to run "bootsect /nt60 SYS /mbr". Has the same effect as above.I have used all the bootsec.exe /fixmbr, /fixboot, and /rebuildBCD commands. Again, all have the same effect and I have to reinstall Grub to get anywhere.I don't have an installation disk to try and just do a repair install because Asus apparently doesn't feel that I would need one of these. All I have is the recovery disks from the Asus AIRecovery application that want to just re-format the entire drive and start over. This isn't an option. It's my GF's laptop (mine gave up the ghost last week) and we both have WAY too much highly important data on here. Not to mention she would castrate me . Now from all my research the only other thing I've come across that sounds possible is that the boot flag needs to be set to a different partition. Somebody had a somewhat similar problem and it turned out the way Dell set up the system the boot flag had to be moved to a recovery partition and it worked fine. I'm wondering if Asus has something similar going on, but I can't figure out how to move the boot flag. I'm going on 12 straight hours of working on this now

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Dual Boot - Change OS Name In Windows Boot Manager

Mar 11, 2009

How to Change the OS Name in Windows Boot Manager ?

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No Windows Boot Animation After Asrock Instant Boot

Aug 1, 2012

I have an Asrock Extreme6 Z77 motherboard, and of course it comes with their signature Instant Boot.I have a Crucial m4 so booting wasn't an issue but I enabled it anyway to test it out. It didn't really do anything so I disabled and uninstalled it. However, now when I reboot there is no Windows loading screen, it just goes black after the Mobo splash screen and then shows the Windows login.This isn't a huge deal but I can't seem to figure out why this is happening. When the screen goes black, my USB keyboard and mouse go off too (the back-lights go off). I don't know if this has anything to do with anything but I thought I would mention it.Also, in msconfig the option for No Boot GUI is not checked.

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Install Windows 7 But Boot Manager Won't Show Dvd Boot

Jan 13, 2013

ihave windows 8 my lpatop is acer aspire E1-531, I am trying to install windows 7 but boot manager wont show me dvd boot !! it show me only network boot what can i do to be able to boot from dvd

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Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device / Insert Boot Media In Selected Boot Device / Press A Key

Mar 21, 2012

when I turn on my pc I get the follolwing error message "Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key".

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Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device / Insert Boot Media In Selected Boot Device

Dec 1, 2012

I am having a problem starting my PC! I have to start it in the boot menu under the RAID option. If I do not do this a message saying "Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key.." comes up, and just keeps popping up regardless of what I press! I would try using my boot disk but for the life of me I can't find it, and as windows 7 was already installed on this computer when we got it 3 year ago, I can't accurately recall if it came with one!I am no expert on BIOS, but I have read other problems similar to this one, and know that if I don't have the boot disk or the OS disk, I will need to know that at least.I am curious if the (Hard drive) is the issue. The BIOS tells me that anything in parentheses is disabled from corresponding type menu.

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Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device Or Insert Boot Media In Selected Boot Device

Oct 25, 2011

I recently received a new laptop. After starting after time with no problems I received a blue screen with Verticle black stripes then it shut off. After attempting to reboot it I receive this error in a black DOS like screen.

"Intel UNDI, PXE-2.1 (built 083)
Copyright (C) 1997-200 Intel Corporation
This Product is covered by one or more of the following patents:
US5,307459, US5,434,872, US5732,094, US6579,884, US6115,776 and
Realtek PCIe FE Family Controller Series v120 (01/26/10)

Reboot and select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device press a key"

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Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device Or Insert Boot Media In Selected Boot Device?

Nov 24, 2011

i am facing problem while booting before Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot devic this screen is coming

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Change From Dual Boot To Windows Boot?

Aug 6, 2012

I have installed a year before UBUNTU on my pc with dual boot (i.e. use either window 7 or ubuntu).the NTFS partition that contains the UBUNTU was corrupted and i wanted to take the dual boot from my PC. I used the instructions from the web site: the disk management tool would not let me delete the NTFS partition.Could any one help me delete the NTFS partition and use just windows 7 as the only boot. step by step help would be great.

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Windows 7 And XP Dual Boot - Invalid Boot.ini?

Feb 17, 2009

I got windows 7 running fine for a while now and ever since my XP did not boot anymore.I was not worried to much about it since i did not need it at the time.But now i really REALY need it,See i got all my Cubase projects in there and my cubase plug-ins al setup in XP and i need to get to the projects?At first it did not do anything and using easyBCD did not help either.I cpoied ntldr and detect to the root of C: wich contains my XP and now it shows the bootscreen but hangs on a black screen.The thing is right before the bootscreen shows i see the text" invalid boot.ini" flashing by very quick.I am able to enter that winXP install in safe mode and i tried safe/vga mode as well wich works but thats all.

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Windows 7 Boot In Boot Recovery Mode?

Nov 2, 2012

Every time I boot my computer, it come up loading files, the open the boot recovery mode. If I leave it, it says that it fix one error, then it restarts and does the same again. The error was that it the boot.ini was missing. So I booted it up with ubuntu, and created an empty boot.ini file, then booted the minitool partition wizard (Partition Wizard Bootable CD allows user to manage partition directly with partition manager bootable CD.) and configured the boot.ini. But still no luck. It's booting into recovery mode because that is the first partition.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot (Can't Even Boot Startup Repair)

Aug 8, 2012

Hardware Information (This is from memory and may not be completely accurate):The computer model is emachines The processor is a dual core Intel Pentium The graphics card is NVIDIA (Can't remember the model.)4GB of RAM installed Software Information (Also from memory, but this is likely to be more accurate than the hardware.): Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit Antivirus software is Comodo Internet Security - Also the firewall (product information).I often used Advanced System Care for optimization.-product information.after searching the internet for ways to fix my problem for the past three days, I'm at a complete loss. I was told by a professional that my registry was likely corrupted and that my best bet would be to re-install Windows entirely. I was hoping it wouldn't come to that, but was prepared nonetheless.So I inserted the installation disk, and wouldn't you know it, the installer wouldn't recognize my hard drive (BIOS recognizes it though). Searching for reasons why this was happening only turned up people saying to make sure it was recognized by BIOS, which I considered a no brainier. When it still didn't work for people in certain threads, they were told to try wiping their hard drives. I've done it. Windows still doesn't want to notice my hard drive.After that, I decided to try and install Windows to an external hard drive. I know this isn't how Windows was designed, and I knew it wasn't how Windows was meant to be used, but I was (to my knowledge) out of other options (Also, the external hard drive has 1 TB of space on it, so I wasn't concerned about speed loss). So, I searched for ways to do that, and I came across PWboot. The first half of the installation worked, the second half did not. I began getting an error that read (bootmgr is missing press ctrlalt+delete to reboot.) Which I did. But that didn't fix anything. So I tried the entire process again, and it didn't work.The "Repair your computer" feature in the windows install disk turned up nothing as well. I can't "Factory Reset" because it can't detect any installation of windows, the startup repair function can't "repair this computer automatically", and none of the other options will even open (with the exception of the command prompt, but most of the commands aren't valid for some reason.)

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MBR Error 1 On Boot - Windows 7 (32-bit)/XP SP3 Dual Boot

Nov 9, 2012

I have a laptop I bought a year ago on which a created a dual boot Win 7 (32bit)/Win XP SP3 install, each on a separate partition. It was my first Win 7/XP dual boot install, and my first personal system that I allowed to have a Win 7 install on it at all, so although I have plenty of experience working on pretty much every previous version of Windows, I have very little experience with Win 7 and dual boot configs.

Today about 2 hours ago my audio spontaneously stopped worked for no good reason, so after shutting down each program to see if that cured it (which it didn't), I restarted the system. Out of the blue, for the first time I've ever experienced it, I received the msg "MBR Error 1" - Press any key to boot from floppy. I don't have a floppy of course on my laptop, and if I press any key I simply get the same msg. I turned the system off for a few minutes to make sure it was a good cold boot, but every time I still get the same msg. I tried switching the BIOS setting from IDE to AHCI (IDE is required for XP to boot, AHCI required for Win 7), but I still get the same error msg before I'm even prompted with the OS boot selection, so it made no difference of course.

I looked up this issue and found various suggestions, but none of the ones I found took into consideration a dual boot config., they were all Win 7 specific solutions. I don't what to try and repair the MBR only to have it screw up my dual boot config and be unable to access XP, which is what I use almost exclusively, nor do i want to lose access to Win 7 if at all possible.

I had a backup HD of my complete system that I saved several months ago when I upgraded my HD, and I periodically refresh the most important files on it, so I'm currently running on the laptop in question using my old HD, and it's working just fine. Worst case I can just clone my old HD to my newer HD that's screwed up, but I'll still lose a lot of changes I've made to the OS since I upgraded the HD and have to reinstall and config a number of programs, so that's my last option. I'll also have to back up about 200GB of data from the newer HD which is much larger than my old HD, and then restore it back after the clone, something that will take a lot of time and unncessary effort if I can just fix the MBR.

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Lost Boot Files To Boot Into Windows 7?

Jun 6, 2010

Just now I lost boot files to boot into Windows 7... I am running triple boot with XP, Vista and Windows 7,.... Now I cannot boot into Windows 7 XP and Visa are OK... I can see and access Windows 7 drive from any of 2 OS but can not boot into it.

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Fail To Boot In Windows 7 (repair Or Any Boot)

Sep 9, 2012

Over last week i had problem in my Windows7 to boot I get Over than 20minute to boot (Repair/Formate Or normal boot or in CD)despite my config :

Os : Windows Xp
CPU : Core2Duo e4600
Gpu : Nvidia Ge Force 9500GT
Ram : 2go

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Windows 7 Will Not Boot When The Boot Disk Is NOT In The CD Drive

Jul 24, 2010

2 months ago, I installed windows 7 pro with no problems at all. Fast forward to today, I decided to reformat because the boot would get stuck in the middle of trying to boot into windows, it wouldn't flash the windows logo. I didn't think much of it so I just reformatted. This is where my real troubles began.So I reinstall windows 7 pro with no problems (the boot disk is in there the cd drive the entire time) I install my programs and what not and install my updates. All 100% Fine. Then I take out the boot disk and restart again... and I get this error message saying:

Nvidia Boot Agent 229.0525
Copyright 2001-2005 Nvidia Corp
Copyright 1997-2000 Intel Corp

Client Mac Address: 00 30 1B BC1F59 GUID: 12973077-FFFF-FFFF-FFFF-FFFFFFFFFFFF DCHP....

Then I press escape, then it says this:

PXE-EA0: Network Boot Canceled
PXE-M0F: Exiting Nvidia Boot Agent

So the first time I got this error, I just thought, Oh, something must have happened no big deal, so I reformatted again and again. But I kept on getting the same exact error. It'll load into windows just fine when my install disc is in the cd drive, but when I take it out, that error pops up. *My windows is authentic, each time I have been able to validate my copy.* I have tried installing from my hard drive and from the install disc with same error.*

This is my current set up:

Shuttle XPC SN27P2 (Barebone) Comes with motherboard, PSU, and case.
AMD Athlon 64 X2 5200+ @2.6GHz 65W
OCZ Reaper Memory 4GB PC-6400 DDR2-800
WD 74GB Raptor
WD 640GB Internal
WD 2.0TB Internal
WD 1.5TB External
WD 400GB External
Cavalry 1.0TB External
Shuttle 450 Watt PSU
Logitech G15 + MX518 + FuncPad 1030 Blk on Blk
Sony Optirac 18x DVD-/+RW drive
Dual Samsung SyncMaster 225BW 22" LCD Wide Screen Monitors

So how can I get windows to boot up with out having the boot disk in the cd drive...It worked the very first time I installed windows 7 on my PC...

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