BSOD Starting All Games?

Aug 29, 2012

The problem started yesterday while I tried to run Counter-Strike Global Offensive by launching it with the ESEA client and got a BSOD.At first I thought it was a CS:GO related problem as the game is relatively new and there were GPU problems in the past when the game was beta (I have a NVIDIA GTX560M on a Qosmio x775).
Following forums I figured I may have to flash BIOS and update graphics card drivers. However, despite these updates I kept BSOD'ing every time while trying to launch the game.Taking my research further I realized the computer would crash while starting ANY game. Even opening the NVIDIA client to change 3d settings led to a BSOD. After a lot of frustration and futile updates, I thought perhaps it was an overheating issue and left the laptop off for the night with all USB ports unplugged.I really need to know what is going on as I haven't the faintest clue. I've attached a diagnostic error report of one of the crashes (there have been many) and I am willing to provide any extra information just as long as I get some responses!

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BSOD Mainly When Starting Games But Also While Multitasking

Aug 18, 2012

I get the BSOD mainly when starting games, such as Eve Online or Call of Duty 3, using Steam, but I have also got it while reading email in Outlook in between typing in MS Word and using Firefox.

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All Games Freeze Soon After Starting

Aug 6, 2012

I recently reinstalled Windows 7 Proffecional 64bit on my computer. I was having several problems prior to doing so including explorer.exe crashing on startup, very slow start up, and my recovery drive was repeatedly reformatted to a RAW partition. All these problems got resolved with a reinstall but were replaced by a new problem.

The reinstall I used left my personal files and programs intact. Now whenever I run a game, any game I run into the same problem. What happens is the game starts up fine with no problems, but when I perform certain actions (e.g. Battlefield 3 � if I fire my weapon it will trigger a freeze, Arkham City � throwing a punch or using a gadget will trigger a freeze etc) the game will freeze up but the sound will continue playing. I can use Ctrl, Alt,Delete to start up the task manager and end the process. This closes the game but the process hangs as it is and cannot be stopped, even though the computer carries on functioning fine. I can even start a different game but the difference is the game won�t crash or freeze anymore. It seems as through if one game crashes it somehow stops it happening again to other games.

On a side note I do not get any errors if I disable Windows Audio Service in MSConfig for start-up services. The fixes I have tried include: Running in safemode �for Windows 7 and for individual games Running the games in DX9, DX10, DX10.1 and DX11 Running with CPU overclocked and without overclocking Running with GPU overclocked and without overclocking I have tried increasing Virtual Memory (currently at 50GB)I have tried a few specific fixes for individual games I have also tried with Crossfire enabled and disabled Updating all drivers, Updating the BIOS and Installing Win 7 updates

I tried all these fixes to no avail, the only thing that resolved the issue was disabling the Windows Audio Service, however this leaves me with no sound at all. I have no idea what do try next or what could be causing the problem and I need help. At this point I am willing to try just about anything.

My specs are :
i5-2500K at 4.5GHz
Asus P8P67 Pro Motherboard B3
XFX AMD Radeon HD 6870 Black Edition
MSI R6870
12GB ram
800W PSU

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Computer Shuts Down When Starting Games?

Mar 17, 2012

It started yesterday when I went to play Borderlands with my brother. My computer just shut down after a few minutes in the game. I was playing Civ 5 all night long just the night before and played Borderlands like 2 days ago and I didn't encounter any problems.Right now, whenever I run a DX9-11 game, it just shutdowns my computer either after a few minutes loading or while loading. (Tried with Borderlands,ANNO2070, Kingdom of Amalur, Civ 5) It does not crash when I only surf on the net or play some flash games (ie. Dofus)[CODE]

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Some Games Not Working Properly Or Not Starting

Aug 13, 2010

I have got a 64-bit processor and am running home premium 64-it, however i am getting anoyed with some of the old software, and also some games (generaly old ones) not working properly or not starting. I was supplied with a 32 bit version of windows and was wondering whether this software would work if i was running a 32 bit copy of windows or is it the fact that i have a 64 bit processor the thing that makes running the software. I am a bir of a novice at this kind of area but not completly illiterate when it comes to using a computer. Would dual booting be the solution, i don't want to have to wipe the hard drive and would like to keep the 64 bit versions as the main boot. Would insalling on an external hard drive be a good solution.

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Computer Major Slowdown After Starting Up Games?

Jun 16, 2012

I have recently had a problem where my computer slows down so much it wont start programs up or even shut-down. It is usually after starting games like counter-strike source and such up.

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BSOD When Computer Is Idle. No BSOD When Playing Games For Hours?

Jul 3, 2012

I started getting BSOD two weeks ago. As far as I can remember the first time I had a BSOD was on the day I installed Max Payne 3 (I read somewhere that the some guy had also this problem when he installed max payne). There were two occasions that I got a BSOD upon starting Max Payne 3. But lately I'm getting BSOD when doing low-load stuffs like browsing with no other apps opened. I've already done memtest with 10 passes with no errors. I'm 24 hours prime95 stable. I just don't get it! I've manually set my timings for my ram. I'm not doing any overclock. Everything is on stock settings.

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BSOD When Starting Computer?

Jul 30, 2012

Before saying you dont have the requirements to post a Bsod theard its because i just want a single question cuz the cause is alrady known I got this bsod of Bugcode_usb-driver 0x000000fe when i was atempting to start my comuter and i was having a single usb driver besides my keyboard and mouse it was my portable vodafone internet usb and thats the single cause i can see and i want to ask you the pro-s if i should do something about it?

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BSOD When Starting Video

Oct 4, 2012

Recently I have been experiencing some BSOD problems. The BSODs only occur when I am opening video programs, e.g. games and movie editing software. I am still able to run processor intensive programs such as AutoCAD. Some software still works when I am using the integrated graphics. Would it be power supply? Drivers? I would be able to supply .dmp files if needed.

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BSOD When Starting Computer: %hs Is Missing?

Sep 26, 2012

I have a Macbook Pro and I'm running Windows 7 through Bootcamp. Everytime I try to start my computer a BSOD appears after the window logo with "STOP: C0000135 The program can�t start because %hs is missing. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem." I have tried booting through safe mode and all the modes listed when pressing F8 when starting the computer. None of the boot properly. All I get is a BSOD and computer shuts off and restarts.

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Random BSOD's During Starting Windows 7?

Mar 28, 2012

I have been struggling with this for some time so I will try to describe everything I've done to date. I have: Windows 7 Professional 64 Bit The hardware is under 2 years old. I have recently re-installed the OS but the trouble predates that. Since last June, I have been receiving BSOD's after the Post but during Starting Windows screen.They all seem to revolve around "ntoskrnl.exe" and my WhoCrashed program has consistently indicated its a driver issue. So I started peeling back the layers.I took out the SLI'd second video card. Still happened, I uninstalled Norton, still happened. I ran the RAM diagnostic tool, everything came back clean. It hit a spike recently and I RMA'd my motherboard. That was a week ago. I installed Windows on a brand new hard drive to mitigate variables. It worked great for 2 days then today, BAM, my first BSOD since the rebuild. This BSOD is consistent with the ones I was receiving before the rebuild. It seems to be random, I can go a week with no BSOD, and then BSOD repeatedly for the next several days. I'm slowly being driven insane little by little. I have used the UniBlue driver scanner and it tells me everything is up to date except for the Marvell Driver which is a raid controller and a controller that I have nothing plugged into. I did not install that this most recent build. Could it be a RAM problem? A BIOS issue? I am not a pro at the BIOS configuration but it doesn't "feel" like that's the problem since it consistently boots, etc.Anyway, I put myself at the forum's mercy.

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BSOD After Starting Windows. (install)

Apr 24, 2009

im trying install windows 7 (7100 x86) on my computer.

but... he load files and after Starting Windows in first time get a BSOD.

0x00000124 (0x00000004, 0x813508D4, 0x00000000, 0x0000000)

i try:

- remove all usb (mouse and webcam)

- Change DVI to VGA

- burn DVD 4x and 8x

- download others versions (7077, 7057 and 7106)

but always give BSOD. now i cant use Windows 7 somebody know anythink ?

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BSOD Starting To Occur More Often On Windows 7 Pro X64 Computer

Dec 16, 2011

I've been experiencing a number of BSOD's in the past 2 days. Up until then my computer has been working nice and dandy. You'll find attached my log, etc all zipped up.

My hardware specs:
Retail windows 7 Professional x64
Asus P7P55D deluxe mobo
8GB G.Skill ECO DDR3
Gigabyte 1GB HD 6850
60GB OCZ Vertex SSD
320GB WD
2 x 1.5TB WD

All the parts are 2 years old and under except for the 320GB hd

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BSOD Error 0x000000F4, When Starting Up Windows 7?

Mar 4, 2012

My friend has a virus on his laptop, which deleted his winnet.dll files. After trying everything he could he decided to do a restore. When he tried to restore he said it was taking way to long and decided to just to turn off the laptop. Leading to more problems, now every time he tries to boot the laptop it shows the loading files followed by the Windows loading screen. After that it shows a blank screen with the mouse. Anyway to fix this.I tried booting from safe mode but that didn't work, it would just crash with a BSOD

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BSOD Starting Autodesk 3ds Max 2013, Error 0x00000050

Aug 6, 2012

Every time I start up Autodesk 3ds Max 2013, I get a BSOD shortly after it begins initializing with the error of PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA. Everything else runs fine, and Autodesk products are the only things that cause any form of error. What do I do to make this no longer happen?

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BSOD Frequently After Starting Windows 7 X64 Error 0x00000050

Apr 22, 2012

Currently I am experiencing a major issue with my computer. I will start my computer up and I get a BSOD within about 10 minutes. It has happened 10 times already and I have no idea how to fix it. I have read numerous forums, tried updating graphics card drivers, hard drive drivers. I have performed disk check and run a memory test with no errors. I am not sure if it is a hardware fault or other. The BSOD also occurred while I was in safe mode with netowrking turned on. I have tried doing clean boots and even tried disabling my graphics cards, network adapters and audio drivers. I will post the dump file which is always the same every time the BSOD happens.

Dump File : 042212-9937-01.dmp
Crash Time : 22/04/2012 4:13:52 PM


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BSOD Just After Starting FS9, Error 0x0000003b, Tcpip.sys Driver

Aug 4, 2012

FS9 (Flight Simulation 2004) used to run OK, no problems. After installing REX2004 patches and Overdrive, a few seconds after starting FS9 a BSOD occurs. So far no other programs have caused a BSOD. I have tried fully uninstalling FS9 and reinstalling it and the BSOD returns after the reinstall. At present FS9 is not installed. Have now created the file folder you requested to support this thread, see attached. I can again run FS9?

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BSOD When Starting Certain Programs, Error 0x0000008E (0xC0000005, 0x8?

Aug 22, 2012

anything from the dump files? Problem appeared out of the blue, system had been working fine.

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BSOD Starting, Playing, Internet Explorer And In Idle. Error 116?

Nov 20, 2011

A couple of months ago, I bought a new graphics card: a Nvidia 560GTX (Gigabyte GV-NV56GOC) and a new PSU (Corsair CX500 V2 Builder Series, 500 W) to run it and after 3 weeks the PC began to fail with the 116 error.At the begining it crashed only at Windows 7 blue starting screen (after the loading screen with win logo and a progress bar). It happened once every 4 or 5 days.After a month it was almost imposible to run unless starting in "FailSafe Mode" and began to crash in the desktop in idle. I tested it with another drivers, clean installs, changing cabes, etc... and nothing worked, only with another graphics card (an old nvidia 220GT wich came with the PC) and worked properly so I decided so send the card in RMA.

A couple of days ago the seller sent me an email saying that they couldn't find any issue with the 560GTX and they sent the card to Gigabyte to further testing (I wil have to wait 20-30 days to have more info). Yesterday my PC with the old card (the 220GT) began to fail while playing Skyrim with a grey screen and a strange buzz in the speakers. After 2 seconds it restarts saying that there was an system error bccode 116. Today it has crashed 4 times in 5 hours while playing (same as yesterday), "youtubbing" or (I think, but not sure than) in idle with a white screen and a strange buzz in the speakers, but not starting like with the 560GTX.

I had to change my HDD a month ago too so I tested in 2 diferent HDDs, drivers are OK and I guess that the PSU is enough for the new card and more than enough with the old one. I also ran sfc.exe /scannow witho no problems.I'm running Windows Home Premium x64 (Service Pack 1) OEM, reinstalled one or 2 months ago. I will attach minidump files with errors of both cards.

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Uninstalled Ubuntu - BSOD Received After Starting Windows 7 Screen

Feb 17, 2013

After 3 days of frustration to get the Tux for TF2, I very stupidly uninstalled Ubuntu incorrectly, the result was no longer being able to boot Windows 7. I receive a BSOD after the Starting Windows screen. After some googling, it appeared my Master Boot Record was corrupt. I followed all the step which involved using my Windows 7 'legit' installation disk and using the command prompt to restore the MBR, but my Windows 7 still refuses to boot. I honestly do not want to format my current HDD and install Windows 7 again and download all my games and such back. That seems to be my only option next to buying a new HDD.


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BSOD Only During Games?

Nov 27, 2012

Each time i launch a game, a few minutes later my PC goes BSOD. I d really love to know why as i have updated every drivers.

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BSOD While Playing Games

Nov 14, 2011

i getting random BSOD while playing games , they don't usually happen but sometimes it happens after like 15 minutes of play most of them happen while playing battlefield 3, i included my mem dumb also here's a screen grab from a bsod checker program.

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BSOD When Playing Games

Mar 24, 2011

I have had my computer for about over a year now. It has worked absolutely perfect until maybe a month ago. I got my first Blue Screen after playing World of Warcraft for some hours. Installed " BlueScreenView "

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BSOD When Playing Games

Jan 30, 2012

I never get the bluescreen doing anything but playing games and it's not often but it happens about twice a week. It crashes and WhoCrashed or Bluescreen view always points to ntoskrnl.exe or ntkrnlmp.exe or hal.dll it's always two of those 3. Other than games it runs fine. I did all the memory tests for 3 days and tried the best I could re-seat stuff. It's an alienware so they have it all secured in a way that makes it difficult to get around, and the case weighs around 105 lbs or something crazy.

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Sometimes Get BSOD When Playing Games?

Jul 13, 2011

I sometimes get BSOD when playing games.

here is my BSOD log
Dump File : 071311-41168-01.dmp
Crash Time : 7/13/2011 10:03:01 AM
Bug Check Code : 0x1000007e
Parameter 1 : ffffffff`c0000005
Parameter 2 : fffff880`04de4573


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BSOD When Exiting Games?

Oct 26, 2011

I only get BSODs when exiting any game with decent graphics after playing for about an hour. If i play these games in windowed mode i dont seem to have that problem..When playing Battlefield 3 yesterday the game seemed to froze-up every 5mins and would only unfreeze if i alt tabbed and hit CTRL+ALT+DEL and then open the task manager (had the same problem in other FPS).My configuration, i have the latest drivers installed and i tried all kinds of older drivers for my VGA:

Windows 7 64-bit
Mainboard GA-MA785GT-UD3H
Phenom II X2 555 - no OC
Nvidia GTX 460
4x1GB Corsair 1333 CL9
1x HDD WD Caviar Black 500GB
PSU Antec True Power 550W ~ 4years old

- ran the memtest in DOS for 5 hours with no errors

- ran prime95 for 20min with no errors, temp at 34 degrees max

- ran furmark for 15min, GPU at 61 degrees max

- ran both prime95 and furmark for 10mins, no problems

The windows have been reinstalled about 5 months ago, i had the same problems before that also.

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BSOD While Playing Some Games?

Mar 17, 2012

i'm getting Blue Screens when playing The Sims 3 and World of Warcraft, i have installed Windows 7 twice now and it still keeps going on, but i can play Skyrim and Mass Effect 3 without any problems.

Here are my components:

Motherboard: Elitegroup ESC H61H2-M2
CPU: Intel i5 2500k
GPU: Nvidia Geforce GTX 560 ti
RAM: 1x Patriot DDR3 4 GB and 1x Patriot DDR3 2 GB
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate edition

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BSOD While Playing Games

Mar 25, 2012

I have been having BSOD for a while now and need some help resolving them. [code] I have tried updating drivers and and even re-formated windows and reinstalled everything, but still getting the blue screens.It seems to me that the problem started when i installed the geforce nvidia 295.73 drivers, but im not sure this was the original problem. I have tried reinstalling nvidia 265.58 through the newest 296.10. they all seem to give BSOD. Thought it seems more frequent with the newer drivers. Today i have had 4 BSOD while playing Skyrim.I am not sure why but a dump file is not always created only about 50% of the time. I am posting the ones that i have. I am also posting the system health check and the Dump system file collection from jcgriff2.

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BSOD Mostly When Playing Games

Apr 18, 2012

I've been getting these BSOD's for more than 6 months now.At first I ran memtest for an entire night, and it gave allot of errors, so I replaced 3x1GB RAM for 2x4GB,I think it could also be the CPU, but I don't know how to test that.Is Windows 7 - x86 (32-bit) or x64? x64 - the original installed OS on the system? no, it came with vista - an OEM or full retail version? full retail - OEM = came pre-installed on system - Full Retail = you purchased it from retailer - What is the age of system (hardware)?4 years I think, I can't remember really - What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS?)I had windows 7 for a while on it before I got any BSOD's, I re�nstalled windows 7 but it didn't fix the BSOD's.

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BSOD While Playing Various Games

Apr 28, 2012

first time poster looking for help as I can't diagnose my issue after trying numerous things. Currently when I play a game the BSOD happens randomly, I can go a whole day without it, or it can happen frequently. It happens the most when I close or exit a game, then it'll kick to a blue screen. I really appreciate what you guys do and I hope I followed all the instructions right on how to post my logs and stuff, here's the attachment and some basic system specs.

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BSOD While Playing Games?

Jun 8, 2012

im always getting BSOD and its always making me here i have attached all 20 Dump Files?Im using windows 7 ultimate 32 bit?

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