BSOD On Windows Resume?

Jan 23, 2011

simply put every time my computer is on hibernate i get the BSOD when i resume windows, if i choose resume windows normally it works fine as if nothing happened, I've searched online, and lots of threads and forums say that i should locate and upload my dump files or folder and so on, i have windows 7 64x, but i can't seem to find any dump, no folder and no .dmp files either also tried *.dmp i got a few Mozilla dumps but that's it, even used SF Diagnostic Tool, and it says no dumps found?

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Windows 7 Crashes With BSOD On Sleep Resume?

Mar 19, 2012

I am using windows 7 ultimate and facing great problem. Whenever I put my PC to sleep, on resuming it crashes giving a blue screen of death message. I am never able to put my PC on sleep which quite inconvenient. Actually my video card does not support windows 7 aero or there are no WDDM drivers available for my card which is ATI RADEON 9250. I am ready to upload any crash minidump files or any other log files. Also tell me if any WDDM drivers are there for my video card as I am not able to get them anywhere. Is this video card the only reason for the problem

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Sleep Mode Resume Bsod

Jan 10, 2012

i am including the minidump from the latest crash to see if i can get some help with this one, it is driving me nuts. i put the pc to sleep at night and then when resumed in the morning i am either greeted with a smooth working desktop or a bsod. i am at my wits end trying to sort this out, so i will come and ask the experts.

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BSOD Bad Pool Caller On Resume From Hibernate?

Feb 11, 2011

Ever since i did a fresh install of Windows 7 Ultimate x64 I have been unable to resume from hibernate.My laptop is Toshiba Qosmio X305-Q706?

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Screen Does Not Resume On Resume From Sleep?

Oct 17, 2012

I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium SP 1 64-bit on a HP 620 (just a year old).

Lately, whenever I return to the laptop having left it alone for some time (Power Management set to 'Sleep' after 10 mins), and try to resume, I can hear the it resuming (fans etc.), however, the screen remains completely black.

The only solution is to shut down the system manually and boot it up again.

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Windows 7 Won't Resume

Feb 21, 2013

My computer wont resume with windows resume loader. Anytime i start the computer from a shutdown or hibernation/sleep it gives me the option of continue with system resume or delete restoration data and proceed to system boot menu. If i click continue with resume it gives a black screen with this "_" in the upper left corner and never loads. It doesn't let me go back to what i was doing upon using hibernate, sleep, or anything that would save what i was doing.

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Windows 7 Hibernation Does Not Resume

Dec 5, 2010

I have a problem with hibernate/sleep in windows 7.when i set pc to hibernate or sleep, the power turn off, but it does not resume. I press any key on keyboard, power does not come back on, then i push power button, power on and display not windows unexpected shutdown screen, choose safe mode or start windows normally, no blue screen or crash dump. I tried all kinds of settings. still same.

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Can't Resume Windows 7 On Dell SRS?

Oct 4, 2012

I tried hitting the on off button. Says windows is resuming but nothing happens and screen goes black. Hear fans come on. Last night I had recovered a Word Document Office 2010 and not saved it. Son logged off and recovery file was created last night.Was able to get on this morning and recoved the document, but never saved or named it. I may have closed the laptop lid. Not sure if that makes laptop go into sleep mode or hybernate.F2 setup and F12 reboot are available options when the Resuming window come up. Then that disappears and screen is blank. Makes sounds like it will come up but it doesn't.Saw an earlier post that said: If its trying to resume then it should give you an option to either

1) Continue w/ system resume, or

2) Delete restoration data and proceed to system boot

Try option 2.If you are not given this choice, restart the computer manually and start hitting F8 about once a second until you get to a selection screen. Choose to start windows normally and let us know how it goes.I tried hitting F8 and nothing happens. Then I saw another post that said to hit F12 and run the diagnostics... that is what I am doing now. It is in the prediagnostics now and said the next test is 30 minutes. All tests were passed and it is doing memory checks. Other post said it ran all night.Do you need to go through all the diagnostics to be able to use F8?Or will I need to turn the computer off and on again and see the resuming screen and then hit F8?

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Windows 7 Resume Loader?

Apr 10, 2012

My key board is locked. I cant use my usb mouse. All I get on start up is the last attemp to resume the system frome its previous location failed. Attempt to resume again? continue with system resume or delete restoration data and proceed to system boot menu on a black screen.

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Windows Resume Error?

Nov 3, 2012

I built my own system quite sometime ago and unfortunately I don't know much programming and I have ran into troubles... I tripped a circuit breaker in my house and my computer shut down but now when I turn it on I get the windows failed to load message.... I am using windows 7 just to give an idea and the message says "the last attempt to resume the system from its previous location failed. attempt to resume again? Under that it says continue with system resume or delete restoration data and proceed to system boot menu. I have tried the first option and it says resuming windows then goes to a blinking

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Frozen Windows Resume Loader

Feb 9, 2013

I have done some looking around and have found lots of mentions of the same issue but people tend to skip through some of the in between key steps as they are working on their own computers and not trying to do this blind.

I had no idea at first what she'd done but apparently this is a common problem. Basically, if a netbook's battery goes dead while it is hibernating then it creates a problem when the user reboots. The machine gets to the windows resume loader page and then freezes there. It offers you a choice but the keyboard is unresponsive. I got her to force quit and restart but same thing.

I found that many were able to use a PS2 keyboard to work around this but my mom does not have one. She doesn't have a start up disc or anything like that.

I found this solution elsewhere but as you see, the guy skips the key steps: Hopefully your computer gives you the opportunity to visit you bios settings/ peripherals. You can usually access this at the very beginning of startup by following the prompts such as "F1, F9, DEL, TAB, "....etc. I am pretty sure that each Motherboard has a different setup. Once I found My way to the peripherals I was able to scroll down to "USB keyboard" and saw that it was disabled. I enabled it, saved those settings and continued on to the "RESUME LOADER" page that had not been responsive before and Ta-Da!!!! it worked.

So, I need the easiest, most explainable steps to follow so I can walk my mom through them. It is the f8 key you press upon startup to get to get to safemode? Or does this guy mean to actually press F1 then F9 and so on?

manually enable the keyboard on her netbook and get past this.

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Resume Windows Straight To Desktop?

Nov 3, 2011

I just bought a new ultrabook and I love its SSD and instant-resume. What I don't love, is that it instantly resumes to the login screen. I have only a single user account, with no password associated with it, and yet I'm still unable to find a way for my computer to skip the login screen when I lift the lid of my notebook after the machine has suspended. Other posts say how to do it to skip the login on first booting the system (netplwiz), or how avoid entering sleep / hibernate modes, but neither of those options are quite what I'm looking for

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Windows 7 Freezes On Resume From Sleep?

Jan 13, 2013

Win 7 home premium,4 GB RamApparently the computer resumes from sleep but really it freezes and no input from the keys or mouse are valid---at this point only option is to reboot.

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Windows 7 Does Not Resume Correctly After Sleep

Feb 6, 2011

Every time I put my computer to sleep or hibernate and wake it up, the computer resumes to a screen stating "Windows failed to shut down correctly" A recent hardware or software change might be the cause and I'm asked to choose how to restart.Quite similar to the screen I would get after a crash.

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Windows 7 Won't Resume From Sleep; Restart Not Available?

Apr 25, 2011

My laptop (Dell Vostro V13) is stuck in some kind of limbo. It went into sleep mode and won't wake up fully! It "resumes" the boot-up sequence right up until the four windows colors do their characteristic swirl animation - then the screen goes black.I can't seem to force a fresh restart b/c every time I power off and back on, the laptop tries to *resume* and gets stuck again.Hitting F2 and F12 allows me to run bios and memory tests, but to no avail. The laptop always attempts a resume.How do I break this sleep-resume cycle and do a fresh restart? Reinstalling the OS is out of the question (too many important files will be erased

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Windows 7 Installation Can't Resume After 1st Restart

Oct 13, 2010

In Windows installation process, After installation files of Windows 7/Vista are copied, laptop can not boot anymore to resume the process. Also this occurred even after the image backup is restored on formatted C:! However, after this the laptop can not boot by any bootable DVD! - it pauses on a black screen with a blinking hyphen.

After C: is recreated and formatted, this process can be repeated!

I repeated this with a new brand HDD; That occured again! I think something wrong with my laptop (hp pavilion dv2000).

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Windows 7 Resume Loader Frozen?

Oct 24, 2009

Everytime my PC loads it gets stuck on the Windows Resume Loader page. It's gives me two options to select, "continue with system resume" or "delete restoration data and proceed to system boot menu". Problem is there is no keyboard response so I can't select either option. The keyboard is working fine as I can acess the boot menu and other options.

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Windows 7 Pc Slow To Resume From Sleep

Oct 1, 2012

Having problems with my Windows 7 PC which is periodically slow to resume from sleep.System Specs is up to date, note op system is on 128GB Sandisk SSD.

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HP Stuck On Windows 7 Resume Loader?

Jun 11, 2012

HP stuck on Windows resume loader. Tried 'restart' many time with same results.

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Windows 7 Resume On Power Failure?

Nov 8, 2012

I live outside US, which means, a power outage from time to time is normal, but when that happens in the middle of a crucial moment is very stressful. I went to the BIOS and turned on the option Restart After Power Failure, though it wasn't what I was looking for. Is there a way to set my Windows 7 to resume my last session (all the programs I was using) after power failure ?

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Windows Only Prints Borders But Not Text Of Resume?

Nov 6, 2012

I am trying to print my resume, and all I get as a print out is the borders, and not my text.

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Windows 7 - Attempt To Resume From Its Last Location Failed

Aug 17, 2012

Left my computer on overnight, came in this morning and rebooted from sleep mode and it started to load then I got a black screen with the message "the last attempt to resume from its last location failed - attempt to resume again? The message continues - "continue with system resume" or the other option is to "delete restoration data and proceed to system boot menu" - this is highlighted but the enter key or arrow will not activate. I have the original Windows 7 ultimate disc but it will not boot it up, also cannot access safe mode with f8. I have an accounting package for my business on this computer and cannot lose it.

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How To Bypass Windows Resume Loader At Startup

Jun 1, 2011

My battery died and my computer always freezes at the "Windows Resume Loader" I have no way to bypass this god da** screen. If I can't get past this, how the hell will I retrieve my files? I don't want to lose everything.

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Keyboard No Power During Windows Resume Loader?

Aug 10, 2012

Desktop was sleeping. Woke up this morning to windows resume loader. No time out on this menu for some extremely idiotic reason. USB keyboard has no power. Tried with a USB to PS/2 adapter and still no power. Tried another keyboard, didn't work neither. There's power on my USB rails for sure as I have tried plugging in headphones and they work. Can't even get into BIOS because keyboard just doesn't work. Currently resetting my BIOS.

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Desktop Pc Windows 7 Freezes At Resume Loader

May 31, 2011

Today my desktop windows 7 32bit PC failed to load and has frozen at windows resume loader option page. I cannot select either of the options available as my KB will not select or move between the two options offered. I have entered BIOS where my KB works fine to look for USB options but there are none available on my system. My mobo is an abit KV-7 running phoenix BIOS.

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Computer Froze During Reinstall Of Windows 7 Setup Will Not Resume?

Aug 10, 2012

I was trying to reinstall windows 7 and my computer froze. Now there is an error saying that the setup will resume after I restart, however when I do the same message pops up.

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Black Screen On Resume Thinkpad T60p Windows 7

Nov 13, 2011

Whenever my machine sleeps/hibernates on its own, for battery or whatever, the display doesn't come back upon resume. The O/S comes up and I can actually ctl-alt-del and hear myself log in, but I cannot see anything.

I think I am having an ATI Mobility FireGL V5200 driver issues on Windows 7, but I've not seen any updated driver. Also I tried uninstalling the driving and running a less than ideal default windows display driver which works fine, but eventually gets overwritten by windows update with the latest and faulty driver.

I have to power down and potentially lose work to get the display back. If i self sleep/hibernate the machine, it comes back fine. It's only when after some time on battery or if its sleeps due to inactivity that this happens.

I see a bunch of Linux/Ubuntu wikis on workarounds but nothing for Win 7 so far.

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Windows 7 Taking A Long Time To Resume From Hibernate?

Mar 25, 2010

I just upgraded my HP TX252NR laptop to an Intel X25-M 160 GB SSD. I did a clean install of Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit. I have 3 GB of RAM. My laptop takes about 70 sec from a cold boot to login. This is much faster than the 5400 rpm drive and Vista Ultimate 64 bit. My problem is that if I hibernate the laptop it takes over 3 minutes for it to get to the point I can login. The resuming Windows screen comes up in about 20 sec which is roughly how long it takes to get to the starting Windows screen, then it seems to hang here anywhere from 2.5 to 3.5 minutes. The disk activity indicator is off and the CPU fan is running full speed. My disk score is 7.6 and my processor score is 4.8. I have update the SSD firmware to the latest. I have updated the laptop to the latest BIOS as well. Win 7 is updated with all the latest patches.

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Resume From Hibernation Stops On Freshly Installed Windows 7 Computer?

Apr 18, 2011

On a brand new, freshly installed Windows 7 Ultimate 64. I get the following error when resuming from Hibernate: "Your computer can't come out of hibernation. Status 0xc000009a". No other info, no reference to any file such as hyberfil.sys. I have tried to "powercfg -h on/off", reboot defrag and reactivate hibernation, however the problem is still there.....what can I try?

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Drivers Causing Windows To Resume Slowly - Startup Time Lengthy Due To Errors

May 2, 2012

Dell Inspiron 1545.
Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1
Pentium Dual-Core CPU T4200 @ 2.00GHz
4.00 GB
64-bit Operating System

This error keeps coming up and keeps making startup time very lengthy or not at all.

Log Name: Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance/Operational
Source: Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance
Date: 30/04/2012 21:11:10
Event ID: 351
Task Category: Standby Performance Monitoring
Level: Error
[Event Log] .......

I tried editing the register and I tried updating my drivers (no yellow triangles) but nothing has worked?

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Set A Welcome Screen On Resume?

Mar 23, 2011

Is it possible to set a welcome screen on resume? I know that on display properties there is an option to set a logon screen on resume, but I would like to get a welcome screen.Actually, I'm pretty sure that my settings were like that till yesterday - after 10 minutes of inactivity my display would turn off, and then on resume I would get a welcome screen.

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