Automatic And Manual Windows Update At Same Time?

Jul 1, 2011

I've always wondered if running a manual automatic update (XP, Vista, 7) while you have auto updates turned on would slow things down? Often times I'm updating manually and then the icon pops up saying it is downloading or there are updates ready. Does Windows Update detect if there's already an update going or will it re-download the entire update?

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Windows 7 Desktop Will Not Enter Into Automatic / Manual Sleep Mode

Jan 13, 2012

My Windows 7 desktop will not enter automatic or manual sleep. In both cases the computer does an "unsuccessful shutdown". I have to cycle power to reboot the computer. Restart and Shutdown work normally. I have enabled automatic sleep with both Power Options, powercfg, and BIOS.

Powercfg -energy reports no unusual errors rather than the usual USB devices not entering suspend state. I believe I have performed most of the steps outlined in the tutorial by Brink in the Vista forum "How to Troubleshoot a Vista or Windows 7 Sleep Mode Problem".

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Windows 7 Manual Update For Laptops?

Sep 14, 2011

1. Brand of laptop (I want a 17 " ) that would be the best buy.

2. General comments about Windows 7. I see a lot of negative comments re installing updates. Are there other issues of significant magnitude to make one avoid Windows 7?

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Manual Windows 7 Service Pack 1 Update

Apr 24, 2011

After I reinstalled it, and went on to update the W7 SP1 a strange noise came out of my machine just as it began installing it, and then it seemed like my hard drive crashed, so the PC became unresponsive and I had to shut it down by holding in the button (it tried to recover files when I started it up again, hence my hard drive problem theory).I've since reformatted my machine five times and the exact same thing happens, everything, including hard drive works perfectly until I get to installing Service Pack 1.

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Windows Automatic Update Reboot Stalls

Dec 26, 2012

For the past month, every time windows update automatically reboots my computer to finish the updating process, the computer shuts down, fades to black, but then something curious happens. Instead of the BIOS coming up, the screen remains black, and every single fan in my system (GPU, CPU, and 3 other case fans) spin up to full speed and remain there, with the pc never rebooting. I thought this was a BIOS issue, so I updated my BIOS, but this did not fix the issue. All my drivers are updated, and there are no yellow exclamation marks beside any items in Device Manager. My system is running 64 Bit Windows 7 Ultimate, SP1.

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Install Drivers Manually Or Wait For Windows Automatic Update

Feb 23, 2012

I've notice that Windows Update, after just installing the OS, gives you some optional updates, and those updates are the drivers for your devices, and it seems that if an update for that drivers goes out, Windows will let you know so if you want to download it you can do so. Now my question is, Is it better to go to the manufacturers website and download the latest driver manually or is it just the same to let windows search for it automatically and download them when there is an update?...

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Consistent Automatic Alt-Tabbing After Update?

Jul 11, 2012

Every single time my windows 7 updates, my windows keep randomly tabbing or something, making it almost impossible to type anything for more than 2 seconds. So if I am typing something in Word, I will be typing for about 2 seconds when I notice that the Word Icon on the control panel becomes unhighlighted (at which point I can't type anything), and then becomes highlighted again in the next few seconds and I can type again for a bit. This cycle continues to repeat itself and I have resorted to just restoring my computer over and over again so that it has not recieved updates (Im like 20 behind or something). That's the only time the problem seems to resolve but eventully I will be needing updates no? How do I fix this?

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Limited Access To Wireless Network, Automatic Update Error?

Sep 13, 2011

I have this problem with my new Asus laptop which was fine yesterday, but cannot connect to any wireless network now. When I click the Network connections button on my task bar it shows me my internet connection with the words Limited Access next to it. I've been on google for a good 2 hours and can't really find the answer. I may know what's wrong, however. Yesterday I pressed the shutdown button on my laptop and then it starts those automatic updates that happen when you shut down. It said something like "Updating 1 of 1 updates". It took a while so I put thelaptops screen down, and when I checked on it again 5 minutes later... Blue screen. I held the power button down on my laptop and shrugged it off.. but now I can't connect to any wireless network.Assuming the network driver is the thing that was updating last night, I searched up what to do, Rollback the dri

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Brand New Laptop - Stuck On Blue "Bird" Screen After Windows 7 Automatic Update Install

Aug 4, 2011

I just received a brand new laptop less than 24 hours ago. It's an HP, 4 gig RAM, Windows 7 pre-installed, etc.I was using it all night on the internet, putting my music collection on iTunes, etc. I had a lot of fun and was very impressed with this laptop.The second time I turned on the computer (the first being the initial install), Windows Updates was configuring and installing all of these automatic updates that it downloaded the first time I turned off the computer. I couldn't believe my eyes, it actually said it was configuring over 22,000 updates after I booted it up. Yes, THOUSAND. This went on for less than half an hour.Then it went to "installing" the updates, which had a progress bar that reached 100% in maybe 5 minutes.Then it was "starting Windows".Then it got hung up on a blue "bird" desktop background that said Windows 7 Premium at the bottom. The mouse was completely moveable but there was absolutely no action I could take. I left it like this for 30 minutes thinking, "well, it's just installing, but it really should give me a progress bar so I know what the hell is happening."At the 45 minute mark, I couldn't take it anymore. I called HP (the manufacturer of the laptop) for support. The guy asks me for the serial number, and I regretfully wasn't pleasant. I think I said "serial number? I haven't even owned this computer for 12 hours yet!"Anyway, he had me force a shutdown. And then upon booting the computer, I got the "this computer wasn't shut down properly". This is complete BS for a computer that even as I write this,hasn't been in my possession 24 hours yet. I am returning this piece of crap, but I want to know how can I prevent this from happening to the next computer I purchase. Is it necessary to not use Windows Updates, because whoever made these has their head up their ***? I mean "configuring 22,687 updates" on a brand new, 64-bit Windows 7 machine?

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Windows 7 Update Is Take Very Long Time?

Aug 2, 2012

Mostly I always switch off Windows Update. Because Windows Update is take very long time for me. My Internet connection is too low. I was off Windows Update. So What can be happen if I didn't update? One of my friends computer also want to switch off Windows Update. But when I open Windows Update Icon, It was appear the text like that " #elementModuleHeaderText# "So What is that mean? How to switch off Windows Update that computer.

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When Is Best Time To Do Windows Update In A Fresh Install

Nov 5, 2011

I am rebuilding a workstation here and I am wonder "when" (In terms of order) do you guy run Windows Update during a bare metal reinstall of Windows 7?I currently do ALL my drivers first (and confirm all devices are working) and then move over to Windows Update. But I see some folks go to WU right after the Windows 7 installer is done and you are placed on the desktop for the first time?

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Why Getting Automatic Restore Points Named "Critical Update"

Jan 13, 2013

I have my Windows update settings to "notify but do not download." When I check my history of restore points I see that there are several created anyway with the description "Windows Update-Critical Update." I checked one of them for changes to programs and drivers and the were none. This seems to happening about every 3 days. Is this just an automatic update that is mislabeled? And why every three days - from my research it appears recovery points are supposedly scheduled every seven days?

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Explorer Folder View Won't Update In Real-time, Windows 7?

May 9, 2011

You know how when you make changes inside a folder or any directory under windows 7 using explorer, updates, new files downloaded, any changes will reflect in that folder listing/view instanteously, without you having to hit the "refesh" button on the address bar to see what changes took place in that folder.My problem is with the new Fantom Drive ext USB HDD I bought. Anything I do inside that drives folder hiearchy of files. Like downloading new files from firefox, or unraring a bunch of archives; all changes will not show until I go manually hit the folder refresh button every time.Why is that not automatic? Like it is with my main internal C Drive, and my other ext usb LaCie HDD.

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Update A Time Field?

May 1, 2012

I have a Table with 2 fields. The 1st field is Labeled "TimeStopped". The 2nd field is Labeled "TimeDiff". I need to subtract the next record of TimeStopped field from the preceeding record TimeStopped field and put the difference in field 2 TimeDiff so I can know how long each stop was.

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Unable To Update Internet Time?

Jan 23, 2012

I am trying to update my computer's clock by synchronizing with an internet time source, but keep getting "Unable to continue - you do not have permission to perform this task. Contact computer administrator for help"!! As I am the only user, presume I am therefore the administrator, and have never had any trouble previously?

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Explorer.exe Freezing In Time, Won't Open Programs Or Update Itself

Jul 14, 2012

My explorer.exe is bugging. I cannot open anything, even Windows Task Manager and it seems to be that it's frozen in time. Windows Task Manager is not open, and I have two icons in my tray for it, both frozen. Skype won't update itself, like, my friend, I was IMing him and I read the IM, and it's still saying I have a notification, on Skype AND on explorer.exe (Task bar wise).

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Windows 7 User Manual Upload Pictures?

Feb 8, 2013

I am trying to upload pictures on EBay and can't. How do I do it?

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Windows 7 SP1 Not Auto-installed & Old Updates Popup After Manual Install?

Dec 14, 2011

Just found out Win 7 SP1 was not auto-installed in a netbook and a home PC today, even though both machines were set up to auto-update. The SP1 was sitting in the Windows update notification. Is this normal?Also after manually installing SP1 (i.e. click OK in Windows update), some old updates started to pop up and asked to be installed. I suppose they were for the SP1. Is this normal?

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Cannot Shut Down Without Doing Manual Power Off

Nov 23, 2011

My computer will not shut down with the "shut down" command. It goes to a screen with message "shutting down" then just sits there. I need to power off manually to shut it down. Once I reboot I can then shut down properly. But after some time of normal use I can't shut down. Are oine or more of my programs leaving some residual piece in place that doesn't stop when I close the program?

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU 530 @ 2.93GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 37


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Manual Editing Of Desktop.ini Has No Effect?

Aug 3, 2010

I've been trying to modify the "folder picture" for a large number of folders, and to that end am going to write a script to modify the desktop.ini in each folder. The thing is, changing the desktop.ini doesn't seem to have any visible effect.If I manually change the picture (folder properties->Customize->Choose File) the new picture is used, and the desktop.ini is created or modified.However,if I open the desktop.ini in notepad, and make the same change there i.e. adding the line

Logo=C:Path To Filefile.png

to the [ViewState] section, there is absolutely no discernible effect. I've tried restarting explorer.exe, deleting the thumbs.db files, even restarting windows, but the changes are never picked up. Win7 seems determined to ignore any changes to desktop.ini it didn't make itself.

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Manual Change Of Drive Icons

Nov 28, 2009

I can gather from the Icon packs I've downloaded from Mr. Grim that certain dll's need to be edited, probably with Res hacker. Can some one confirm that if I wanna be able to use my own icons, I just need to run restorator on those dlls and change the icons that Mr.Grim changes? If this is the case, is there a tutorial which lists the icons in those dll's?

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Unable To Sort Files Manual?

Oct 26, 2009

I using Win 7.when I entering Computer example D disks I can't sort item manually. when I used Win vista it's was simple, and now I can't. there are many types to sort folders ( By name, Type, Size, Date ...) but not manually?

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Reset Wireless Password To Manual?

Nov 23, 2011

my laptop automatically logs on to my wireless router. i changed the password and now the laptop tries unsuccessfully to logon with the old password. how do i find the box to enter the new password manually or change the automatic password to the new one?

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Deleting Manual Restore Points?

Jun 16, 2012

I get this thingie alot and cannot find what is causing this.I use windows 7 and make a manual restore point. Then maybe a week later I want to make use of that restore point but *voom*. Restore point is gone.I know ccleaner does this when you run it. So I never bother running it until after a few months.What the hell is deleting my manual restore points any ideas where to start looking? I reserve 3% on a 500GB drive so that is good.

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Download Kogi Monitor Manual?

Jul 8, 2012

what do u do when the screen says oversize below that it says recomand mode

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SEAPORT Service Disappeared After Set It To Manual?

Jan 4, 2013

A couple of re-formats ago, I was in the process of windows updating, and noticed norton internet security crashed, during the update installations (while I was hooked up to the internet, still). When I checked the windows system log, I noticed a service had crashed at the same time as norton--SEAPORT. So, after re-formatting again, I load Windows 7 Home Premium, and "stop" SEAPORT service, and set it to "manual"I just noticed in services, it is not listed, anymore. I was going to scroll down the list of services, after all the updated, and "start" SEAPORT again, and, set to "automatic"....but it's gone.

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Is There A Manual Way Removing Brute Force

May 28, 2010

I have recently upgraded from XP. I used Laplink Pc Mover to transfer all my files. Most thing work but i am having trouble with .NET. When i had XP, i was running a 32bit Version, i am now running 7 Professional 64bit. When i try install .net for 64 bit it complains that i have it already installed. I go the Uninstall programs and select the 32bit version of .NET. This is where my problem occurs when i try uninstall .NET 32bit it says i need a 32bit version of 7 to uninstall. Is there a manual way removing it?

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Manual Restore From Dell Recovery Partition?

Aug 28, 2011

how to perform a safe manual restore from the Dell Factory Image Partition. The problem is that i dont have the inbuilt option in the RECOERY MENU OPTIONS PAGE because i performed a fresh install of Windows 7 using the Resource DVD that shipped with the system The recovery partition is intact as the Fresh Install worked only upon the OS partition C:. The contents of the Recovery partition are visible in Command Prompt. In the Explorer it contains the following:

1. Recovery(Folder)
2. Info(Application)

Clicking on the "Info" opens a screen pop up which says: "Warning, This is dell recovery partition. Its contents must not be altered." The contents of the Recovery folder are hidden in the command prompt, but using dir /ah I can see the contents and it contains some of these folders and files as i am seeing it right now:

1. Autorun.inf
2. Desktop.ini
3. info.exe
4. A long list of "Protected.arabic" and like files
5. system 32 (dir)
6. windowsre (dir)

How can i restore the Factory image? After reading a lot of pages in different forums, i feel that it is possible to do a manual restore from this Recovery Partition.

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Manual Restore Point Growing Too Fast?

Jun 21, 2012

When I start with a vlean slate (that is deletion of all restore points and create 1 manually after virus-scanning). This Restore point grows pretty fast. Starts with 72MB and grows to 140 MB wihtin 2 hours. 1 Gb within two days.I have 1 500GBsystem harddrive and 2% reserved for System Restore.

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Computer Freezing And Requires A Manual Shutdown?

Oct 20, 2011

my computer is freezing up requiring a manual shut down and sometimes restarts by itself. My cpu fan went bad and i just had that replaced. Sometimes it takes 30-45 min before it acts up but most of the time it does it shortly after i boot it up. I have done a full reformat on the computer, installed windows again and everything.

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User Manual For Dell Inspiron 1545?

Jun 19, 2011

How do I disable the built in mouse touchpad, I prefer external mouse.

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