Auto-fit All Explorer Windows 7?

Aug 29, 2011

Is there a way to set Windows Explorer to always "auto-fit" the columns ? Now I have to right click and manually 'fit' each and every window I open in Explorer

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Turn Off Windows 7 Explorer Auto-Suggest?

Oct 23, 2012

Is there any way to turn off the windows explorer auto suggestions (and scrub the current data it shows)

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Disable Auto-Focus In Windows Explorer

Jun 10, 2012

Not sure if "focus" is the right term here, but anyway. I use "list" view almost exclusively so this may not be an issue with other views. But one of my beefs with Windows 7 is: if you're viewing a folder that has multiple rows of files or sub folders; then you click on of the the folders that's more to the right of the window and the entire contents of the window reorients itself so what you clicked on is now more towards the left area of the window. Know what I'm saying?

Here's a before and after of what I'm talking about.. Open Window...

Now I click on a file that's slightly out of view and it does this without me touching the slider at all.....

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How To Finish Auto-login In Explorer Of Windows 7

Mar 15, 2012

I am using windows 7 home premium. If I use one login name and password in explorer it remeber automatically and did not even ask before login next time

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Have Vertical Auto-scroll When Viewing Folders And Files In Windows Explorer

Feb 6, 2011

Is it possible to have vertical auto scroll when viewing folders and files in windows Explorer, ie. click mouse wheel and then move downwards to scroll down and vice versa?Currently my WE does not allow me to select auto scroll vertically.

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Stop Auto-hide Taskbar From Being Auto-ticked?

May 20, 2012

I bought a Asus U36J laptop back in April of last year and ever since then I have been beating around an issue that I dont seem to be able to resolve one way or the other. When ever the laptop is on battery and in battery saving mode it has my taskbar on autohide. If I turn that off, then it stays off right until it is put back into battery saving mode at which point it is "magically" ticked on again.

Is there no way to simply disable that feature, as its annoying me greatly. I know its tied into the battery saving desktop, and I want to keep the battery saving desktop but want a full taskbar all the time. I found a supposed fix to make that happen, and while it actually makes the taskbar appear all the time, it still is a bad hack as any windows I have open wont "attach" to the taskbar but attaches to the buttom of the screen.

So for the love of god is there no sane way for me to keep the battery saving desktop but get rid of the autohiding taskbar. Otherwise I know Asus most likely wont be my laptop of choice next time aroumd.

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Auto-check Program Not Found - Skipping Auto-check

May 9, 2012

Auto check comes up 4 times right after windows7 starts up. But will continue to boot normally. BEreg Query comes up with this.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager
BootExecute REG_MULTI_SZ autocheck "autocheck ""autocheck autochk *"""\0autocheck "autocheck ""autocheck auto_reactivate \\?\Volume{a80f420c-d16d-11de-a2bb-806e6f6e6963}\bootwiz\asrm.bin"""\0autocheck "autocheck ""autocheck lsdelete"""\0autocheck "autocheck ""autocheck lsdelete"""\0autocheck "autocheck ""autocheck lsdelete"""\0autocheck "autocheck ""autocheck lsdelete"""\0autocheck "autocheck ""autocheck auto_reactivate \\?\Volume{a80f420c-d16d-11de-a2bb-806e6f6e6963}\bootwiz\asrm.bin"""\0autocheck "autocheck ""autocheck lsdelete"""\0autocheck "autocheck ""autocheck lsdelete"""\0autocheck "autocheck ""autocheck


Have 1 SSD drive for OS /C No partions and one HDD/D with 2 partions with acronis backup on one the other is clean.

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Auto-hide Taskbar Fails To Auto-hide?

Mar 4, 2012

I set the Taskbar tab (in Taskbar & Start menu Properties) to Auto-hide the Taskbar.When I select Apply, the taskbar dips and disappears for a second and then comes right back and stays there.

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Windows Explorer ( Not Internet Explorer) Starts Up When Turn On Computer?

Dec 22, 2011

Windows Explorer ( not internet Explorer) starts up when I turn on my computer ( without my request). This just started to occur yesterday. It must be in some startup menu . Where do I look for this to remove it ?

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How To Make Windows 7 Explorer Look Like XP Explorer

Mar 5, 2010

how to make W7 explorer display the file tree the same way that XP did? The W7 way is a total mishmash, IMHO. I can't understand the directory structure. The indentation on the display is very slight and hard to see so that it is very hard to tell where a subdirectory starts and ends. It takes a long time to fill in the file structure so that after several seconds, even minutes, the display is still jumping around. There are a lot of things that I like about W7 but this is NOT one of them. I use windows explorer a lot.

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Windows Keeps Auto-Restarting

May 31, 2012

A laptop of mine contracted a virus, and installed a fake antivirus program. I was able to uninstall the fake antivirus, but now I have another problem. Every time I turn on / restart the laptop, I get the message "Windows has encountered a critical problem and will restart automatically in one minute, please save your work now". The laptop then restarts, ad infinitum. Now, having done a quick google search, I see lots of reccommendations involving either going into Safe Mode or using the Advanced Boot Options. Problem is, I can't get the F8 menu screen to come up on the problem laptop. I have another laptop of the exact same model - this one is uninfected and I can get the F8 menu up just fine, so it's nothing to do with me mis-timing pushing the button. I have tried going into Safe Mode via the Boot options in msconfig, but alas I get the same error message in Safe Mode, too, and again my computer is forced to restart.

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Windows 7 Won't Auto Update

Aug 1, 2010

I got a warning in the message centre telling me that windows in unable to auto update i rtied munually updating and that won't work either

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Auto-run Windows Will Not Open

Nov 27, 2011

I have a laser usb card reader with a 2gb CF card. The autorun window will not open. Can anyone suggest an answer to this problem. Card works in the camera.

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Windows 7 Auto-Restart?

Mar 11, 2010

I'm using win7 ultimate & win xp sp2 pro in the same pc. When working few hours continuously win7 restarts instantly without showing any error. Sometimes after rebooting BSOD is appeared. Bu XP doesn't give a that kind of error.

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Windows Auto-deleting .exe Files?

Feb 18, 2011

Everytime I try to extract a file to my desktop, the .exe shows up for a second and then dissapears but the other files remain. I turned off McAfee and rebooted but still no luck. The file I'm trying to extract is a trainer for a game if that helps any.

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Auto Login To Domain In Windows 7

Mar 12, 2012

I am on a domain at work and get tired of entering my password every time I turn my computer on. Is there anyway I can can do something so my computer automatically logs me in?

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Can't Turn Off Auto-arrange In Windows 7

Aug 8, 2012

About a month and a half ago, I noticed all my desktop icons were on the left side of the screen in alphabetical order. Turning Auto-arrange off or on does nothing. As soon as I refresh or restart my PC, the icons revert back to the auro-arrange display. We have four user on my PC and oddly enough only my account (which is the admin - not sure if that matters) has the problem. I've read a number of old posts (1-2 years old) that discuss accessing the registry.

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How To Disable Auto-run Successfully In Windows 7

Sep 4, 2012

How do I successfully disable autorun in Windows 7 home edition 64 bit? I have read different instructions on how to do this and was needing the right one to do this

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Lost Auto-play Windows 7?

Oct 7, 2011

I have a new Samsung RV511 l/top. Coming from XP I wasn't familiar with Autoplay & it popped up all the time so I read on the MS website that it could be disabled, which I did, hoping that when I inserted a DVD or attached my camera I would get a wizard or a 'run' box/instructions of some sort but nothing happened. So I re-enabled Autorun, set everything to 'ask me everytime' but nothing happens at allnow when I insert a DVD ot attach my camera. It was only disabled for 5 mins

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Windows 7 With IE9 Auto Complete Not Working?

Aug 13, 2011

Basically as it says in the title. .turned on autocomplete to remember email addresses etc and its various threads on other sites before i started this thread but not clued up enough and quite wary to use their methods.

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Windows 7 - Auto Hide Task Bar?

Jun 9, 2012

I am looking for a one click shortcut to turn on / off the Auto Hide Task Bar setting.currently I right click the task bar and choose properties. Then check or uncheck the box for auto hide the task bar.

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How To Auto-Shutdown And Run Program On Windows 7

Aug 13, 2010

I like enjoy music before sleep use my PC, but always forget to shut down my PC with windows 7 installed, and another thing is I want to run some program automatically like play a song at 2:30 PM [URL]

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Auto-shutdown When Try To Install Windows 7?

Jan 30, 2011

I try to install Windows 7 on acer aspire 5536 but when i get windows loading files or when i need to press any key to start up the windows install it just shutdown. Now it has vista installed. What could be the problem? On acer website it says that it's compatible with Windows 7

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Auto-play Not Working On Windows 7?

Nov 1, 2011

Just a short rant please...just purchased a new Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit and I cant count the hours I have spent in trying to get this thing to work correctly. Had an XP until it couldnt run no more, hated to move to anything else and thus far my experience confirms that fear.I have an HPE-519C and its a couple of weeks old. My current problem is that auto play doesnt work when I insert a fill in the blank, DVD, CD, data disk, anything.

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Windows 7 : Auto-log-off Permanently After Login?

May 26, 2012

My university has an application that students must run it to do test (midterm, final,...). It really annoy to all students. It will close all file it can close on computer. (system file too...). So, users must turn account control to default level so... this app cannot auto close it.I don't know this before. My account control is lowest level. So, when run this app, it will automatically restart. (because some system file has been closed). After twice times, I login at meet that error : No matter how I login, Windows appear Welcome, and logoff permantly after.When I create another account and set account control to default level, I can run this app and can logon.But I still want to use old account.

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Windows Taskbar Won't Auto-hide?

Dec 26, 2012

Windows taskbar is often really pesky and won't hide even if I checked the "auto hide the taskbar" in the taskbar properties.

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Windows 7 Auto-Post Install?

Oct 21, 2010

I am trying to create a disc that will automatically install and activate Windows 7 Professional. Included in the installation disk will be several ninite installers that will install the latest versions of programs needed for my department. After windows 7 installs and activates, when the user logs onto the computer he/she needs to be prompted with options to install either Essential List of Programs Suggested List of Programs Complete List of Programs Choosing any of the three options will run Ninite Installer associated with the option. For now the prompt will be implemented as a simple VBScript. I've managed to get the unattended activation and installation step working, but I'm stuck on the prompting step. Does anyone know any way to configure the installation CD to run a script as soon as the user logs onto the computer? In case you're wondering, I'm using VLite to help create the installation CD.

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Auto-start Of Windows 7 Not Happening?

May 16, 2012

On boot the DOS lookalike screen stops and waits for me to allow 'Recovered Win 7 Ultimate screen. It will boot from there but I have to waut 30 seconds.How do I reconfigure so it boots directly into Windows 7?

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Windows 7 & WMP Auto-Generates Album Art?

Mar 2, 2012

I'm having very frustrating issues with my music library and trying to organize it to have the right album artwork. Here's the scenario below. Typical scenario1. Under the library tab every single option is unchecked, specifically "Retrieve Additional Information from the Internet" = UNCHECKED2. Browse to a folder containing 45 mp3 files. 44 are from one album. The last one is from another band with no album artwork. So it should display the generic music note symbol when I play it in WMP 12 correct? Well it DOES do this if I open it up first. HOWEVER IF3. First file opened in WMP creates a folder and AlbumArt jpeg.4. Subsequent files opened in that folder now use these jpegs displaying the wrong image for the mp3 file.Here's the thing, I do not want to keep occurring. WHY is it happening.ow do I make it stop most importantly of all? my media library littered with jpegs, I like my files to be portable with any art included within the file.NOTE: I've even tried making the entire Music folder "Read Only" which I think is very extremely and a higly retarded "solution" but at this point I'm so fed up I'm willing to try anything. However the "Read Only" option is a bunch of sh*t. It doesn't work. The folder.jpg is still being created by WMP and Windows 7 after I play a song within that folder.

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Way That Can Have Windows Auto Configure IP Setting

Oct 22, 2012

Is there a way that I can have Windows auto configure my IP settings, so that when I'm connected to my home network, it uses the static iP settings I have, but when I'm at school or anywhere else, switch back to dynamic? Normally I have to go into the settings and turn it on and off every time.

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Windows 7 Retail Can't Auto-activate

Nov 10, 2012

After having installed my Windows 8 Pro Upgrade, and regret it, I installed a fresh Windows 7 Ultimate x64 from my retail dvd. When it came to activation, it wrote "unsuccesfull, please use phone activation".I then tried that, and as first I had to answer on how many PCs this key was used. I press 1, and the phone-activating was done normally.

But after a while I got to think, WHY MS had to ask me this? My retail DVD (and the key to it), has not been activated for over 2 years, so maybe another is using my key?

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