All In One Cleanup Tool

Jul 9, 2011

I am regarded as the family and friends computer problem solver and in a lot of cases e.g. slowdown/virus etc it is just doing a bit of housekeeping which they don't or can't be bother doing. However this takes a bit of time and I was wondering if there was a good tool out there that you would recommend to save me crawling through their PCs uninstalling unused programs, clearing out .tmp files etc etc - you know the kind of things.

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Intel Gen1 SSD Cleanup

Dec 17, 2011

I plan to reinstall Windows 7 on an Intel 1st generation SSD. Unfortunately the Intel tools do not work for the Gen1 SSDs. Anybody know how I can give that a go cleaning.

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Check Everything When Run Disk Cleanup?

Feb 21, 2012

can i check everything when i run Disk Cleanup?

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Disk Cleanup - Open And Use

Nov 1, 2009

How to Open and Use Disk Cleanup in Windows 7 ?

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Files Missing After Malware Cleanup

Feb 1, 2013

Missing files after malware cleanup. How to get rid of files I see in my Secunia psi program but never see them listed in windows uninstaller, Revo uninstaller or even Iobit uninstaller.

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What Is Safe To Delete During Disk Cleanup

Apr 4, 2012

So I want to perform a disk clean up on my laptop, except I have no idea which items in the list are safe to delete and which are not. I've looked through Google and a lot of sites say it's safe to just delete everything, but I want to make sure.

The following:

Downloaded Program Files - 0 bytes
Temporary Internet Files - 0 bytes
Game Statistics Files - 3.71 KB
Recycling Bin - 0 bytes
Service Pack Backup Files - 920 MB
System error memory dump files - 5.00 MB


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Disk Cleanup Stopped Working

Jan 17, 2012

I've recently formatted my laptop, maybe a month ago or so and this is the first time i experience such a problem. I click in Disk Cleanup and it simply crashes, I googled around couldn't find anything useful, I tried most of the solutions suggested here: In Windows 7, Disk cleanup stops working on System Files after - Microsoft Answers and nothing.

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Windows Installer Cleanup Utility

Feb 10, 2011

When I ran the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility, 2 items were there I didn't recognize.

1.(All Users) Shasta [7.01.0000.0001]

2. (All Users) SFR [7.01.0000.0003]

bTW I ran the utility to get rid of Macrovision and Cyberlink malware.

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Slow Speed Of USB After Using Disc Cleanup?

May 6, 2011

I installed SP1 and everything was just fine (for months).Then I used "Disk Cleanup" to remove the SP1 installation files and other temporary files.After a few restarts,I got some USB problems.Peripherals started to work at USB 1 speed. Here's how the USB section of the Device Manager looks:

I restored the system partition a few times and I can say pretty confidently that using Disk Cleanup is the cause. Although I'm not sure if the problem is caused by removing SP1 files or some other temporary files.Motherboard is an Asrock ALiveNF6G-VSTA. I'm also using a USB hub, but the problem (slower speed) happens on _all_ USB ports, both on the hub and directly on the motheboard.Windows 7 64 bit, everything updated.

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Way To Analyze And Cleanup The AppData Area?

Feb 27, 2012

I was shocked to see how large my AppData area has gotten since the Windows 7 installation. I'm finding it hard to believe that everything in there is still "in play". Is there a way to do a safe, examined cleanup of these directories?

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Folders Are Not Showing After Successful Virus Cleanup?

Nov 4, 2011

Well my computer was infected with a strange virus recently which I managed to get rid of with help of various antiviruses and anti spywares, and my pc is all clean again. But the problem I have now is that great number of folders have disappeared! I have already checked if they were hidden or even deleted, but when I manually access those folders from browser address bar it works just fine. (I.E theres no way I can see my "program files x86" in the browser, but yet when I type in C:program files x86 it would take me there just fine").

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Amigo360,Avg PC Tune Up And System Scan/cleanup?

Jan 3, 2012

I have purchased these two "optimizers" and i want to use them for some purpose,both 2011 versions,and at least 10 other cleaning/maintance programs,And here i will bring an WARNING,do not ever use powersuite from uniblue,it is a killer to your OS. this is the one click system scan(avg pc tune up)and one click cleanup(amigo 360 system speedup)any good,can i use these two features without harm done to my system.I have hundreds of questions regarding these "snake-oil",as you call it,softwares that i regred i have purchased.

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Safe To Delete All Contents Of Disc Cleanup

Jul 4, 2012

I ran a disc cleanup a couple of days after I got my new PC and there is approx 1gb of material which it is showing as files for removal which I think are mostly system files.Is it safe to delete all of this content ?

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Disk Cleanup Windows 7 Home Premium?

Nov 1, 2012

disk cleanup is not deleting any files and my local C disk is not getting any free space. I have used disk cleanup and tried to delete tham but when I try again they are still there can this be fixed

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High Memory Usage / Virus Cleanup

Dec 7, 2011

Amd Phenom II x4 B55 BE, 4gb ram, 2 1tb hdd, 1 250gb external, win7 prof. 64-bit, running kaspersky now. Was using avast prior to problem. Ok to the problem: Unusual or perhaps just new memory usage being high (cpu usage just fine)Direct cause: svchost.exe (system, pid 888) to be exact..Possible Indirect Cause: Virus (most notably the fakeAV trojan)Ok, so i got the fakeAV trojan last night late. I have i believe cleaned it completely, still running a few last scans to check, then rerunning a few in safe mode, but so far everything has come back clean lately. (at least each program once clean, usually multiple).So what this virus does is install a fake av pop up, which of course didn't click and a program called arc.exe (which runs in task manager as microsoft 8 direct blah blah bull) and downloads trojans. So I manually deleted (end process tree, file location, delete, it was in a temp folder) the arc.exe (which was the fake anti-virus pop up blocking me from accessing anything on my computer), but it damaged the registry and I could no longer execute any .exe files, open any programs, or install anything. I did the manual delete etc etc in safe mode with networking.

So out of necessity I restored the computer to a week ago to fix the registry/file access issue to be able to get av software etc etc.(I also deleted all the temp folders, prefetch (it had a lot of download instances of the trojan for the arc.exe file) and a few spot files i knew were bad (i keep close tabs on what I've put on my computer when, and using search modified and looking at date created, deleted a few folders and such that were no good).

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Windows 7 Won't Boot After Disk Cleanup In Sleep Mode

Sep 23, 2011

My netbook was working normally but I was running low on space so I decided to run a disk cleanup. I opted to compress the files as well. Then I put the netbook to sleep.

Trying to restart this morning, the "Toshiba" screen came up (with access to the boot menu) and immediately after a black screen with the following message appears:

YKNRE is compressed
Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart

When I follow the instructions, the same cycle repeats. This is a nebook without a CD drive. I am traveling in Iran and am stuck.

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Start Menu Shortcuts Missing After Virus Cleanup?

May 27, 2011

I recently removed the Windows 7 Recovery virus, but now a bunch of my start menu shortcuts are just empty folders (no shortcut to Word/Excel for example).

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After Disk Cleanup , Can't Use My Audio System In Safe Mode?

Apr 13, 2011

I ran the disk cleanup and it freed up several GB of space on my C drive (I have a Dell laptop with a C drive with about 62 GB of space and a D drive with 426 GB.I let it run overnight because it said it was going to take 6 hours (no idea how long it actually took).

It had either shut down or hibernated, so I turned it back on the next morning. Windows booted up, but has not been working--I can't use the shortcuts, and even if I click on something from the start menu it won't run. (Firefox, for example, or other programs). It gives me an error message about the data not being found with an I/O error.I am able to use the internet and some programs in Safe Mode, which is what I'm doing now.I can't use my audio system in Safe Mode.I have the upgrade CD for Windows 7--they sent it after I had bought the computer. Do I need to reinstall Windows 7?Can I do it from the update CD?Do I need to back up all of my files (photos, etc) before I reinstall it?

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'Files To Delete' On Disk Cleanup Are Automatically Recreated?

Nov 18, 2011

The " Files to Delete" on disk cleanup are automatically recreated.? Because I check all and some dont appear anymore and other yes are still there but with 0 bytes.

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Secondary HDD Works Fine But Cannot Be Disk Cleanup Or Defrag?

Jul 2, 2011

I have a two HDD setup with a newer Western Digital Caviar Black 500GB as my secondary drive. It stores all my bigger files such as video games, videos, and so on. Whenever I try to optimize that hard drive using Disk Cleanup or Disk Defragmenter, it doesn't seem to execute the program. The hard drive is running and DC and DD have it on their list but when I use DC it would just come up with 0 mb to clean every time and DD always run a lot faster than the smaller primary drive which is also Western Digital. Is there somewhere in Windows 7 configuration that I need to change to enable the disk to be optimized?

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Loss Of Disk Space On Samsung External 1TB Drive After 'cleanup'

Sep 20, 2012

I know about the immediate 'loss' of disk space owing to the two different methods of measurement. 1Tb to 931Gb - it's annoying, but I'm used to it.No, before a defrag by Fixbee I had 701Gb free, afterwards - in a matter of 2 hours - I had 537Gb. Obviously, I'm not going to use this product again, where a clean-up is obviosly a 'dirt up', but how do I undo the damage that it's caused - especially if it's not the only 'clean up' tool that might do this?

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Disable The Infernal Obnoxious And Useless Desktop Cleanup That Keeps Deleting The Shortcuts That Put On The Desktop?

Sep 29, 2012

How do I disable the infernal obnoxious and useless desktop cleanup that keeps deleting the shortcuts I put on the desktop.

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Have No Tool Bar On Windows 7

Mar 6, 2011

I want to change my email default. All the infro says go to tools. I have no tools on my upper tool bar.

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Windows 7 Usb Dvd Tool

Aug 27, 2012

Not sure if this is in the right part of the forums? but here we go. I am formating and reinstalling windows 7. I have a Dell Inspiron 1720 laptop. Intel 2.3 ghz duel core, cpu. upgraded to 4 gig of ram. done months ago. New 750 gig HDD. New to this install. just bought it. Installed with a dell windows 7 disk. It activated fine. had a few problem with the install. could not install Windows 7 usb dvd tool could not install Office 2010. Did get NOD 32 install and all the windows updates. I figured there was aglitch in the install. I formated and reinstalled windows 7 from a usb drive i created on another computer. that i just installed the windows 7 usb dvd tool on. windows loaded fine, so first thing i tried to install the windows 7 usb dvd tool would not install. so formated and started again. All went well windows 7 activated fine. tried to install the windows 7 usb dvd tool again no joy. so I went ahead and installed all the updates. NOD 32. windows office all went well. tried again to install the Win 7 usb dvd tool no joy. I have googled the problem there is no info out there on this problem. I searched the problem in this forum nothing. I had this tool running on the original install before i started this whole thing and it worked fine. Any suggestion would be great! Nothing invested but time!

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RAM Diagnostic Tool

May 10, 2009

I purchased 4GB of RAm a few mnths ago and also got a copy of Vista HP64. From the get go I had all sort of issues in Vista - games would not run, the OS seemed to crash a lot, would get messages like MS Outlooks data file was not closed properly. Windows defender would crash all the time.Tried about 15 different nVidia drivers... gave up. I tried 3 different HDDs too.

So anyway I moved back to XP because I assumed it was simply Vista.

This week I downloaded Win7RC1!! I'd heard nothing but greta things on podcasts, in forums etc. So i installed.

From the start I've had again defender crashing, "windows logon" errors, action centre shows me a LOT of errors that it's detetced and fixed. I get a few "explorer has stopped working" errors too. UGH! Games do not work - they freeze either on loading or after 30 seconds or so of gaming. I've had 4 or so BSODs which I had heard were basically unheard of in Windows 7! They were of varying variety.

All these erros in 3 days worth of running Windows 7? Seems a lot.... and errors on core components of Windows 7 too.

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How To Set Up The Modeling Tool In 3d Maya

Sep 27, 2012

how to set up the modeling tool in 3d maya

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New Registry Backup Tool

Jun 1, 2012

I received Don's permission to tell you about this program. It is for the average user like me who cannot run ERUNT on Win 7 with a schedule and without the hard workarounds.It is being released from Beta Sunday June 3rd '12'.I have system restore and Acronis but sometimes you cannot get to system restore from within windows or for corruption issues and Acronis takes awhile.This can be found @ where the owner, Shane has developed this for the normal user. Read the threads about it, watch the videos etc. It is so ez with three tabs to backup, restore and settings. There are even shots to show you how to restore if youcan't boot up. The last part was too hard for me so he made it easier. I only know him because he replied to my request for an ERUNT replacement -he was the only one of ten people.It is going to have videos, tutorials and prntscns shots to make it ez.I asked around for along time because so many techs swear by ERUNT and I wanted it or a replacement. Unfortunatley the author of ERUNT developed it up to XP but Win 7 users were stuck unless very techy.This is what I was avidly looking for and he said awhile ago he woud do it.So, if you are like me and make errors you would like to erase, add another backup tool to your toolbox.It is freeware and he promises there are no nasties.

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Tool Bar / Right Click Features

Feb 12, 2011

Just learning the ropes on Windows7; used Vista for coupla years: TOOL BAR: What happened to Edit function of for that matter File? RIGHT CLICK: What happened to Copy to and Move to ? The point being, how do I move selected files to another location on my computer?

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How To Use The Windows 7 Snipping Tool

May 27, 2011

how to use the windows 7 snipping tool?

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HP Printer Tool Box Not Compatible?

Oct 30, 2011

When I made the move from Windows XP to Windows 7, I no longer have the HP printer toolbox icon on my desktop. Even tho I had to do a clean install from the original printer CD, I can't find it.

Before posting here I tried looking on the web+I'm thinking the toolbox is not compatible with Windows 7?

It was always nice to be alerted when I was running low on ink,+ now I don't even have the option to clean the print heads. If the program is not going to work with my current system, is it possible for me to manually clean the print heads?

My printer is an HP PSC 1401 All-in-One

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Snipping Tool Has Vanished

Jul 3, 2012

I have been using the snipping tool quite regularly but come to use it tonight and the programme is not in my programme list any more . Also a search can't find the program on my laptop. Any suggestions please to find the programme?

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