32-bit IE8 Crashes In Flash10d.ocx

Dec 26, 2009

When closing this web page, 32-bit IE8 ver 8.0.7600.16385 crashes consistently in Flash10d.ocx. Flash version: Web page: Game of the Year Category - GameSpot's Best Games of 2009

Neither Chrome nor FireFox 3.5.6, nor 64-bit IE8 crash. Of course 64-bit IE8 can't run 32-bit flash, but Chrome and FF do.

Solution: in IE8 Tools | Internet Options | Advanced, click Reset button labeled "Reset Internet Explorer Settings". After that IE8 doesn't crash on the above web page.

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USB Hub Crashes

Feb 22, 2009

I have an odd problem with Windows 7 that I can fix

If I have my USB hub (and external USB drive) plugged in to my laptop when I shutdown, the PC crashes and restarts, so I can't shutdown properly!

My drivers are all up to date and I have done a clean install and the same thing happens

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NHL 99 Crashes On Windows 7?

Jun 19, 2011

I installed NHL 99 to my Windows 7 laptop (Home premium 32-bit) but all i get the screen with their copyright info and then it ends and my computer says it had stopped working...

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Various And Repeated Crashes

Nov 29, 2012

I came home from vacation a couple days ago, powered my computer on, and it crashed after approximately 2 minutes. It now continues to crash every 60-120 seconds after a boot.I am able to run fine in safe mode, so I began a process of turning all my peripheral drivers off and enabling them one by one to see if I could isolate the problem, but have not had any luck so far.

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Unknown Causes Of Crashes?

Jan 8, 2012

My computer is running standard Windows 7 Home Edition (64 bit) and I have been having some problems with it recently.1. Windows Explorer crashes when I try to access files from My Documents, My Music etc. This only seems to be when I access them from the start menu. If I go via My Computer > Users etc all is fine.2. After a short period of gaming, the computer freezes and starts running unbelievably slowly. It is unable to create textures on games and all I can see is characters on a blue screen. I have tried this on Fifa 11 (which now does not run at all), Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and Counterstrike: Source. It seems to be fine with browsing and low-end programs though, so I can listen to music and use the internet all fine. All of the games are legally bought etc and worked fine. I left my computer for a few months while away and nothing has changed on it apart from a few windows updates.

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Computer Crashes Very Often?

Aug 23, 2012

I did as you said Centaur. i've attached the zip folder and i updated my system specs. sorry for the bad posting the other day.

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SLI Crashes, Drivers

Feb 3, 2009

I just installed the Windows 7 Beta and installing all the drivers and software were a breeze. I was pretty amazed at the performance compared to Vista. My boot-times were about 20% faster than Vista and the "Aero" effect appears smoother for me. One problem i encountered was that I could not run any games including Counter-Strike:Source and Crysis without locking up. I have a pair of 8800's paired up in SLI and all the spec's are running in stock clock. Does Windows 7 not support SLI at the moment? I am running the NVIDIA 181.22 WHQl Drivers.

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Getting Intermittent Crashes

Aug 18, 2011

I've been expirementing intermittent crashes on my PC and was looking to get some ideas of what my be the underlying issue. From what is happening, my immediate thoughts are this is a hardware issue. I have re-installed windows, on top of a freshly formatted drive, and the problem persists.

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Pc Crashes And BSOD

Oct 30, 2009

Yesterday I installed some software to help me partition my HDD. After the install my pc instantly crashed via BSOD. I cant even enter safe mode without this BSOD haunting me.

Ive tried to reformat with Windows 7, but now it wont even recognize my HDD.

My MB is a GA-MA770T UDP.

What do I do?

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Nvidia GTX 680 SLI Crashes?

Jul 18, 2012

I have a brand new Alienware R4 with dual GTX 680 SLI. my computer often crashes when either trying to load a game or, when trying to run the windows experience index test.I read one post somewhere who said their problem was fixed when he/she reduced the windows color setting to 16bit. Well.. that worked for me last night but, this afternoon it has already crashed on me 2 twice. Once all on it's own, the second time when I tried to play Lord of the Rings Online.

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Pc Crashes After Restart

Oct 16, 2012

After downgrading my AVG antivirus to the free version I restarted. After restarting my PC will no longer load windows 7. After "Launch startup repair (recommended) kicks in it goes to a loading screen. After that it goes black then after a short pause I get a blue screen that says: STOP: c000021a (FAatal System Error) and basically says that the system has been shut down. I can get to my FOXCONN motherboard setup but cannot get to safe mode.

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Keep Getting Different BSOD Crashes

Nov 3, 2012

My problem is that I keep getting random BSOD crashes and this has been happening for about 2 months now.Now, my computer doesn't overheat so its not an overheating problem..It crashes at random times so if I play games it crashes randomly either after 1 hour or after 5 minutes of playing or sometimes it doesn't crash at all. It also crashes when I'm just surfing the web or watching videos but not as much as when playing games.

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Explorer.exe Crashes Every 5 Min

Dec 30, 2012

Added an SSD (everything was working perfectly after this step). Today I added another 6870 (CFX'd), 750w psu, and put it all in a new case. And starting today I've been getting constant APPCRASH errors from explorer.exe, it happens almost every 5 minutes (it's making me want to rage). I know the problem is ati/amd/catalyst from the error log.I'm installing the newest beta drivers after this posting and will update accordingly. [code]

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Are You Getting Bsod And Crashes ?

Dec 1, 2009

Then please go to C:WindowsMinidump

Zip the contents and attach to a post using the paperclip while starting a new thread.

I can have a look and we can most likely fix your issue(s) this way.

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Windows Explorer Crashes

Apr 27, 2011

As described here: 'Microsoft is offering users running Windows 7 a fix designed to resolve issues related to Windows Explorer. According to the software giant, Windows Explorer can crash in certain scenarios, a glitch which also seems to be impacting Windows Server 2008 R2, not just Windows 7. It appears that the issue is not exactly new, since it affects the RTM versions of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2, as well as the two operating systems after their first upgrade was released. Essentially, the release of Service Pack 1 doesn't seem to have resolved Windows Explorer crashes. "This issue usually occurs when you perform some operations that are related to the taskbar or to the Address bar," the Redmond company revealed.

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Right Click Crashes Explorer?

Apr 9, 2012

If I open my computer or explorer and I right click on a drive Explore crashes instantly... i cant see anything anout the drive, properties,etc...I just had a bout with S.M.A.R.T HDD virus and feel either its still hanging around or it did something to my HDs, I have an external HD and wanted to see the properties of it,,,,space used ect, and cant?

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Random Crashes While Web Browsing?

Jun 14, 2011

Recently, my computer has started freezing while I'm browsing the web. No BSOD or resetting, it just freezes and I have to hold the power button to get it back.I don't think it's over heating, or memory or any of that because I can happily play games hour hours with no issues.I can watch films,or streaming media for hours and it's fine. It only crashes while surfing or talking on Steam.

MSI P67C45 (still haven't got my B3 replacement :O)
i5 2500k (standard clock, with the 'turobo boost' ability engaged)
4gb (2x2) G.Skill Ripjaws X (I think. Can't remember freqs but I'll dig it out if somehow important)
Nvidia GTX260
Corsair F240 SSD (lucky competition win ) with the OS on

1TB HDD - got the pagefile set up on this drive so I don't burn the SSD

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Windows 7 Crashes On Startup

Aug 30, 2011

I have a partitioned disk with windows 64 bit on one partition and windows 32 bit on another. Whenever I boot up the 32 bit partition it either goes to whitescreen straightaway, or crashes just after login in.

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Occasional Hard Crashes?

Jun 8, 2012

I fairly recently got a new computer, and started w/ windows 7. I have since had the very occasional unexplained hard crash. Most of them occur when I'm not present. I did try to install ProTools 8, which was a complete failure, and caused a few hard crashes, but that's the only thing I know of that's a direct cause. I've since given up on ProTools, both because I'm sick of it, and it seems there's no reliable driver for the Mbox (which is also fine with me). Obviously, hard crashes concern me, but I have no idea how to go about determining the source.I have:

Windows 7 Ultimate
AMD FX-4100 Quad Core

Gigabyte MB (and I can never seem to find a model number when I need it, but can keep digging if need be)
Nvidea Geoforce 9800 GTX+

I don't do a whole lot with it. Normal interneting and stuff, and some recording programs (audition mostly), all just via line ins and line outs. I'm kinda just stuck restarting when bad things happen. They've been rare enough that I've just shrugged and moved on, but repeated hard crashes probably shouldn't be ignored, so...

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Computer Crashes While Gaming

Jan 24, 2013

My computer system crashes when I play most video games (only company of heroes and civilization 5 wont crash). I have already ran all the stress tests including memtest 86+, prime95 and furmark without any errors/crashes. I suspected that it was a driver issue so I decided to do a clean reinstall of windows 7 and then install all the drivers. It had absolutely no effect I updated my motherboard and video card BIOS but that didnt help either. I tried disabling ULPS and 2D clocks for my video card but nothing happened. The only critical event that is logged in event viewer is "kernel ID 41" (Its just a notification that my computer was shut off unexpectedly). When the computer crashes, a black screen will appear and the last bit of audio that was playing will get distorted and it will keep on playing(It will make a loud BRRRRR noise).I have to then manually restart the computer and boot back into windows.

system specs:

phenom ii x6 1050t @3.9ghz 1.46v (max temp 52C)
8 GB kingston hyper x 1600mhz memory
radeon 7850 2 GB (max temp 58C)
OCZ modxstream 700 watt PSU
1 TB western digital HDD
corsair c70 with 6 120mm cooling fans

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Multiple Windows 7 64-bit Crashes?

Mar 10, 2011

I have Windows 7 64 bit laptop - and suffered two crashes today, while it was generally idling. The only new thing today is that there were some Windows update last night and an Adobe Flash update this morning.

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Computer Crashes When Close Lid

Apr 26, 2011

i have the same problem with a benq joybook a53, every time i close the lid, when i open it , i have a blue screen, and it doesn`t matter if i put it on sleep or hibernate, only with "do nothing" doesn`t appear the blue screen, but i really do nead to close the lid and put it to sleep, or hibernate. i`ve attached the files from c:\windowsminidump

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[BSOD] Random Crashes With New SSD

Dec 22, 2011

I recently got a Kensington HyperX SH100S3B/120G SSD. I've been getting these stange BSODs. It doesn't happen during any particular kind of activity, usually it's just browsing the web or writing documents or something.

Every time the BSODs happen, for some reason the boot order switches from the SSD to my backup drive, and I have to go into the bios and change it. But other than that, my hard drive seems to be perfectly fine functioning afterwards...what's causing this??

All my components are pretty new, so I don't think hardware failure is very likely here. I've thought maybe I should update my bios? But I'm not sure honestly. My mobo is H67MA-E35-B3 LGA 1155 H67 mATX Intel Motherboard.

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It Crashes And Restats Randomly

Dec 1, 2012

I have dell 1557 and from 3 months ago, it suddenly crashes or restarts and sometimes it shows BSOD. after uninstall windows 7, it worked for 1 month with no problem but now i have these problems again. I updated my drivers but it did not work.

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Windows 7 Random Crashes?

Dec 24, 2009

I'm having a problem with a new computer I bought with Windows 7 (64bit) installed. At seemingly random points in time it will crash on me completely. I've managed to find out from a dumpfile that the likely cause of this problem is something called Rdyboost.sys I've managed to find it listed as a driver in windows/System32. Apart from that though I'm not sure how to find it, and was wondering.

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Windows 7 X64 SP1 Unending Crashes

Mar 12, 2011

I've been using Win 7 64-bit since the beta and no issues at all - until I installed SP1. Now I get constant lockups and it seems to be related to the video driver about 50% of the time. I've done a clean install of the latest driver, tried removing SP1, done a system restore to before SP1 (clean driver install after that too) and nothing seems to work. I'm thinking I'll have to reformat (which I really don't want to do).

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PC Crashes And Freezing Randomly?

Aug 16, 2012

I have a problem whit my pc

1- Random Crashes/Freezes

2- Blue Screens Of Death "with different details every time" also randomly

3- this begun when i bought new cpu and motherboard

note 1: scanned for viruses/malware/spyware several times

note 2: registry cleaning, defragment,etc.. didn't fix the problem too

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Explorer Crashes And Restarts

Nov 30, 2012

Whenever I go to the "Programs and Features" module in Win 7 I get the trusty old, "Explorer has stopped working and is restarting" my taskbar goes for a split second and P&F closes. I have gone to Event viewer to look for a reason and 9 out of 10 crashes acording to the faulting module is "msi.dll" Isn't msi the Microsoft installer? Anyway, how can I go about fixing this or troubleshooting it? It is to say the least annoying. My Computer is an Acer laptop Win 7 HP x64/8gb RAM /Core i5 430Mprocessor.

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After Update The Game Crashes

Jun 8, 2011

I have an acer aspire M5800 Windows 7 home edition 64bit that is currently inoperable or barely least ways it started with me playing League of Legends, I recieved a noticed stating that the drivers had to be updated after the game closed automatically.I updated the computer it was running fine went to play the game and when i started to play it "crashed" the game didnt close but the colors are streaky and mostly primary colors.red green black some blue Ive noticed the resolution displays at 600X800 and the device manager has a question mark on my video card with an exclamation mark on the pci driver ..when i try to update this one it tells me that it can not find any drivers for it...the computer runs extremely slow if i can even get the OS to load any thought on what this could be?

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Windows 7 Crashes And Freezes

Jan 3, 2012

The windows logo on the loading screen doesnt show. So the first step I tried was trying to boot into safe mode but there is problem one. I cannot boot into safe mode becasue whenever I hit F8 it does nothing and just boots into windows like normal. I know my keyboard works because if I hit F12 to list my boot device options it works. So since I could not boot into safe mode I used my win 7 dvd to try a system restore. That didnt work, neither did the repair windows startup option. After all this I took my hdd out connected it to my laptop and then ran a check disk. It didnt find a errors just missing files.

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Windows 7 Crashes/won't Start Up?

Jan 4, 2012

About a week or two ago, when I tried to start up my computer, at some point in the start up process (before my desktop was displayed), a blue screen of death popped up and i had to restart my computer. I didn't think much of it at the time since my computer started up fine after a restart.But since then, its been happening more and more frequently. I've noticed that what usually happens is I'll leave my computer for sometime and it will go into sleep mode, and then when I try to start it up again, it won't wake back up. So I'll turn it off, and when I turn it back on, I get a BSOD again. By now i have to try to start it about 4 or 5 times before it finally starts up all the way.

Also, occasionally the BSOD will pop up while I'm actually working on my computer.Also of note is that its not the same STOP error code every time. I've started writing them down today and this is the stop codes I've seen so far today...[CODE]

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