FireFox Only Downloads Partial Files?

Jul 11, 2012

The problem accured when I wanted to download some cool backgrounds from interfacelift, i would click the backgorund-->save image as... and choose desktop, it would only download 34kb of like 1mb of image (1080p-1920x1080) and is unable to view it in imageviewer too. anybody know what would cause this?![url]...

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Downloads Going To Old Programs Files X86 Folder

Sep 6, 2012

I upgraded to 64 bit from a 32 bit machine months ago. Even though I have Tools/Options set to have downloads go directly to Program Files, I've discovered that my downloads are going to the old Program Files (x86) folder, e.g., I just download Secunia PSI and when opened in Program Files, the old version was there but the new version 3.0 is in PF (x86). I tried to cut and paste it to PF but it didn't work. I have a download Firefox extension, Download Status Bar, that I really like; it works great.I know that some programs in 64 bit need the old 32 bit version trom PF (x86) to work but I'd like to delete PF (x86).

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Unable To View Files In Downloads Folder

Apr 30, 2012

I am not able to view files in my Downloads folder, the progress bar keeps moving & never reaches the end, so i am not able to access my files.

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Suspicious Temp Files In Default 'Downloads' Folder

Sep 6, 2012

Recently I've noticed that some '.tmp' files have been created in default 'Downloads' folder of Win7 which is located at 'C:UsersUSERNAMEDownloads'. Here's a pic:

I don't use the default downloads folder for storing my downloads and I have configured all my browsers to save files to another location. But since last month, I noticed these small ".tmp" files being created in default downloads folder. I've been using Win7 Ultimate for almost 3 years now and I've never encountered this before. Or is there any way that I can see what program has created these temp files.

BTW, I use multiple browsers, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and sometimes IE8. I'm pretty sure it's not IE8 and Firefox coz I've been using them for a long time and they've never created temp file in 'Downloads' folder. I've recently installed Chrome and Opera and right now Chrome is my default browser. I went and cleared all my browsers' cache files using their own method withing the browser, but they are still there. Really annoying. I know I just can delete them, but I want to know which program has created them.

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Accidentally Deleted Downloads Folder, Can't Find New Downloaded Files?

Oct 10, 2011

I recently sent my laptop to HP for a fan repair and before I sent it off I accidentally deleted my Downloads folder and then cleared out my recycling bin.Well, I got my laptop back today and went to download a few files. After doing so, I realized that I can't find those downloaded files. I have no idea where those files went. They were .rar and ZIP files and I can't seem to locate them. Does anybody know how I can find those downloaded files (where they might have ended up with the Downloads folder gone) and how I can restore my Downloads folder

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Firefox Wont Install Program With Xpi Files

Jun 2, 2011

Firefox: Won't install program with xpi files

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BSOD With No Dump Files Being Generated, Happens In Firefox And BF3

Jul 8, 2012

These BSODs dont let Windows finish to create a dump you can see in the pictures, it always hangs in the "Initializing disk for crash dump..." and then reboots. Only one time it finished, and it was something related to Ready Boost (which was never used or allowed to be used in the system, so I am considering this as not related to the problem...I already looked for BSODs related to Ready Boost, and it came in no help). So, since the Windows dont make a dump file, I am afraid the dump files collected from your "tool" are not related to this problem. I also believe that the Bluethoot devices listed as problematic in the diagnostic tools are not related to the problem also, since I almost never use any bluethoot device with my PC.After the system reboots from the BSODs it looks like the BIOS is weird, it usually says that "no operational system was detected", so I have to turn off the PC and then wait some time and turn it on again, and usually this makes the BIOS "see" the Windows again (sometimes I have to unplug the power cable and wait until all the LEDs are off). Just a couple of times the messages were different, like "The CPU could not be overclocked" opening another BIOS screen from American Megatrends.

These BSODs usually started just after I opened Firefox is with a little problem at the first start starts to consume 25% of my CPU and hangs...I have to kill the firefox process and then open it back again to use it (the second time it loads fine)...if I didnt I would have gotten an BSOD in just a few seconds. This happened in a few other programs too, but randomly, first the process hangs, then the entire system and then the BSOD cames. Almost all the BSODs had no usefull data on them as you can see in the pictures.But since Firefox is a memory hog and some times I got KERNEL_IN_PAGE_ERROR and KERNEL_IN_MEMORY_ERROR (I dont have that picture I think), I started to believe that the problem may be in the RAM timings, or some other RAM related problem...Now with these new Ram timings I let firefox consume 25% of my CPU, at the first start of firefox, for minutes, and the system doesn't crash anymore. Also the only 2 times Firefox had set an BSOD it came with a message from Windows before, saying that "Instruction 0x123456 (i dont know the number :P) could not be read" and then it crashed explorer.exe and then the computer crashed. As I said, it's more stable, but still not "stable".

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Partial Scrolling Problem In Windows 7 SP1

Feb 22, 2012

On Febr. 21st 2012, out of the blue, I could not, and still cannot, scroll by using the scroll wheel on my mouse when I am using the Namo WebEditor software. If I touch the scroll wheel the page scrolls all the way to the top and cannot be stopped. The problem also occurs when I want to select a file from within Namo.Scrolling by using the scroll bar works fine.In all other cases there is no problem whatsoever.The problem is not dependent on the type of mouse.I have a Dell Studio laptop.

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Partial Aero Run Video Very Badly

Jun 17, 2011

My desktop is having a strange issue after the latest nvIdia driver update. Aero seems to be working just fine except for the taskbar and the top bar above the program window. This seems to be causing video to run very badly.

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Partial Boot - None Of Key Notification Work

Jan 19, 2011

Started rebuilding a PC, took out the HDD, formatted in caddy, replaced, took out CPU, cleaned replaced, fitted new cooler. Cleaned and replaced GPU. Switched on, all lights fans startup, screen shows Post splash screen, But that's as far as it goes, none of the key notifications work, loading OS disk does nothing? Changed keyboard for working USB one.

M/B = Gigabyte EP35-DS4

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Windows 7 Desktop Shortcuts Are Only Partial Visible?

Feb 24, 2011

The desktop shortcuts are only partial visible. How can i change them back?

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Master Boot Record (or Partial) On Separate HDD

Jun 26, 2012

I downloaded EasyBCD 2.1.2, used it to recognize EVERY boot record, deleted the MBR on the old HDD, and rebooted.Now, the system boots straight to the new HDD without prompt from bootloader (which is good) but still requires the presence of the old HDD (I disconnected it, alas...)In the end: I called and told the customer that "I'd be happy to GHOST all her data and slap a fresh Windows 7 install on the new HDD (with a fresh/whole MBR) and then drop all her data back onto it. However, this would require more time; the other option being that she accepts the machine for what it is, perfectly functional minus the dependency on the old HDD."have considered this option, but I found ZERO indication of the old HDD failing, other than "BAD" written on the drive with Sharpie. The customer was happy yesterday and accepted the current state (she didn't want to invest more time/money into it) but today when she picks it up she isn't happy because she was told four months ago that the drive was bad and now I'm saying I don't see an indication of it. Other than pulling the data, installing fresh OS, then dropping data back on; or not installing OS with two drives present in the first place?

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Semi-random Partial Lock-ups / Slow Downs

Sep 28, 2011

For the longest time I've had this problem where my computer will be on, everything working, then all of a sudden it stops but it doesn't crash.. no blue screen.. and oddly enough it doesn't completely lock up. I try to move the mouse and it may not move instantly, but a few seconds later it will jump and freeze again. It acts as if it goes from normal speed to then processing everything at about .0000001 frames per second, if that makes sense. Upon forcing down the computer, it will restart and hang at the "detecting IDE Drives" part of my Bios boot, then I fully force it down again and it boots up fine. At first it would only do this when I was downloading or installing with my 1.5TB drive installed so, I "uninstalled" it by disconnecting the power and SATA cable and it worked, didn't have any "slow down" or install/download issues after that.Now, I had plugged it back in a few months ago and everything was working fine, downloads were going perfectly fine, installs worked without a hitch, until today I decided to install XNA 4.0. When trying, it did the whole slow down/lock up and required me to restart. Recognizing it, I unplugged the drive again and rebooted. Tried to reinstall, then XNA 4.0 installer kept crashing saying "invalid Drive F:/" which is the drive I unplugged... why it was continuing to look for that drive I have no idea, anyways. I messed around with it a bit I plugged in a USB stick and renamed it to drive F:/, it would start installing but now still do this lock up. Some how after loading my BIOS on a boot and having only my 150GB raptor plugged in (no 1.5 TB, no USB drive) I was able to boot and install XNA 4.0 without errors. However, at the very end it started to lock up and slow down.

Now, whenever I boot my computer it continues to do this lock up, even with the drives I thought were problematic uninstalled. During start up it will make the windows chime and then start to slow down/lock up and act almost as if it's processing the sound in very, very slow motion. It would do this to video as well back when it would crash while I was playing games, until I initially unplugged the 1.5TB drive. Anyways, I am stumped now since it seems to be something completely different than a drive problem and do not know where to go from here. [code]

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Songs Skipping To Next Track Partial Way Through ITunes/WMPC?

Nov 1, 2011

recently got a new laptop a Lenovo Y570. I moved my entire audio collection from my old laptop over and attempted to play songs in iTunes it repeatedly on the majority of songs skips to the next track at a random point throughout the song.this is not the 20 second preview setting in iTunes as it has skipped the same song at 5 seconds or 45 or even 2 mins in. I then tried the songs in Windows Media Player Classic same thing, and again in Windows Media Player 12. However from a few tests QuickTime seems to play songs fine.I updated the Renesas audio driver and tried the CCCP codec pack, then removed it and installed the basic K-Lite codec pack which seems to have fixed the problem for windows media player 12 but the others still dont work. *update tried more songs in WMP12 and it skips some songs midway thru as well.

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Best Versions Of Firefox / Builds Of Firefox For A X64 Windows?

Sep 21, 2012

My two min browsers at the moment are waterfox & chrome..As the title says, Im on a x64 version of Windows 7.Has anyone any advice for me on the best versions of Firefox/Builds of Firefox for a x64 windows?same with Google chrome.

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After Installing Firefox 18, Firefox 15 Still Shows In "Uninstall"

Jan 10, 2013

I recently updated to Firefox 18. If I go to Windows' Control Panel and then click on "Uninstall a program", both Firefox 18 and Firefox 15 show up in the list of programs. Should I just leave it as it is, or should I uninstall Firefox 15?

By the way, I updated to Firefox 18 through Firefox's update feature, if that helps.

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Downloads Always Get To About 98% But Never EVER Finish

May 4, 2011

I use the latest version of firefox and use Dodo wireless broadband and I can never get beyond 98% of a download, it's very frustrating when certain programs have to be updated to even run. According to dodo's signal charts I should be in the best location for their signals and when I contact them they refuse to take any responsibility for it. I wasted countless gigs on downloads that just won't finish. Is there anything I can do to make the downloads finish? I've tried disabling my anti virus, firewalls, tried using IE8, NOTHING WORKS!

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All Downloads Are Blocked?

Feb 10, 2013

I am working on my daughter's Presario CQ 56-115DX Notebook running Windows 7. It has been running erratically and has a lot of junk on it and no anti virus. I have tried to install several free antivirus programs and also a Revo Uninstaller with both IE, Chrome and Firefox. All Downloads are blocked (or automatically "cancelled") including your TSG SysInfo. I turned off the Firewall but that didn't help. I also did a System Recovery back to 1-30-2013 to no avail.

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All Downloads Crash Ie9

Apr 21, 2011

whenever I try using IE9 to download something (so far just a 634mb mod for arma 2) it crashes after you do the "click here to download" , it correcly goes to filefront but then crashes before anything else happens.

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All Downloads Are Interrupted?

Aug 14, 2011

Suddenly everything I try to download from sites like rapidshare, megaupload etc are interrupted on both INTERNET EXPLORER AND GOOGLE CHROME !! The downloads finish and then both browsers give an error saying The download is interrupted ! like this "123/123 KB Download interrupted" I deleted and installed Google Chrome yet still I can't download anything !!

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IE 9 Downloads Are Slow?

Apr 2, 2012

I don't mind IE 9 but I went back to IE 8 because my download speed seemed to be cut in half. I have internet speed of 7 mbps-Verizon. The download manager in IE 9 is slow.

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How To Transfer Downloads To Usb

Apr 10, 2011

how can i transfer my download video to mu usb?

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My Downloads Not Completing

Mar 12, 2012

Im having an odd problem with a windows 7 computer. An engineer here is trying to download a 80mb+ file the file will speed along at about 200-300 kb until randomly it will stop..... For example the file is 55% done,downloading at 222kb/s and will remain like that stuck at 55% and the dl speed will usually stay the same or slowly(The course of minutes).

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How To Move Downloads To USB

May 15, 2012

I have downloaded pictures on Facebook and saved them , but now how do I move these to a USB?

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C++ Downloads For Windows 7?

Aug 11, 2012

i want to do all the c++ practical programs so i need the software how can i get it

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How To Open Downloads

Sep 4, 2012

I download pay slips from hotmail but when i open it a window flashes up then disappears so i cannot open the file.

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CD-ROM Driver Downloads

Feb 3, 2013


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All Downloads Are Said To Have A Virus And Are Deleted?

Sep 14, 2011

My os is win 7 ultimate, i try to down load and save or run, and soon as download is complete it say's there is a virus and deletes.Anybody got any ideas what going on.I have two computers same os, doing same thing

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Blocking Downloads With Windows 7?

Jun 24, 2011

i have a laptop that i let my GF daughter uses. is there any way to stop her from changing any settings and downloading any thing from the internet?

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Windows 7 Blocking Downloads?

Apr 14, 2011

I have windows-7 and I went on the "JPL small body data base" site and to use one of the features I would have to download some active-x software. When I ok this to download I get a message that says that windows has blocked it because they don't know them. Is there any way to let me make the decisions instead of windows?

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Windows 7 ISO Direct Downloads?

May 4, 2011

I am trying to download the ISO files of win 7 ultimate ect without having to use torrent.I have found this site listing them all with direct download links..Is this a trust worthy site? and how do I verify that they havent been modified compared to ones at msdn?(by the way, I'm not trying to download them for illegal reasons, Its because I no longer have the CD's but do have legit product keys

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