X64 System(KB968389) Dual Monitor Video Card: S3 Sleep

Aug 19, 2009

I think after this update: Update for Windows Vista for x64-based Systems (KB968389) …my dual monitor video card: PNY VCG86GTS5XWB-OC GeForce 8600 GTS 512MB 128-bit GDDR3 PCI Express x16 HDCP Ready SLI Supported Video Card …sometimes does not bring the second monitor on after waking from S3 sleep. It’s still in dual screen mode as I can see a taskbar window fly to the second monitor. But I have to sleep and wake again to get it to come back on. Anyone else experience something like this? I don’t remember it ever happening before and was wondering if it could be the patch.

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Dual Monitor Setup Video Card

Oct 2, 2008

I have a HP Pavilion computer that has the video card built into the motherboard, I want to run dual monitors on the computer. Can I using the existing video card setup and get another video card to run the second monitor, or do I need to get a dual monitor video card? Or is there any other options for a dual monitor setup. This computer is not for high speed graphics. No gaming on this system. Just need to know the best way to approach this situation or what you would recommend.

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Dual Monitor Graphics Card, Performance Poor

May 27, 2008

I have a new computer with Vista Home Premium x64. I used a dual monitor graphics card in my old computer with Windows XP. Took the card out and install it in my new computer and updated the driver. But, performance is poor. For example I can't use Vista Aero. I would like to buy a new, relatively inexpensive dual monitor graphics card which is compatible with Vista premium x64.

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Video Card And Monitor Defaults Mixed Up.

Oct 16, 2008

I have an 8800GT and a 7600 GT Geforce card. The 8800 is for my primary monitor, a Nec, and also runs a small Dell. The 7600 is for two Dells. But when I go to Preferences in CS3 and check "GPU Settings" it says it detects the 7600 card, not the 8800. So then I looked at Vista color management and there it shows the monitor connected to the 7600 card as my default monitor. How can I change the default monitor to make it the Nec, which is already the primary? And will that cause Photoshop to then detect the 8800 card instead of the 7600?

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Added A Second Monitor To The GeForce 7100 GS Using A DVI-VGA Adapter And For The Life Of Me Cannot Get It To Display Anything, The Monitor Is Just In Sleep Mode

Apr 23, 2010

I added a second monitor to the GeForce 7100 GS using a DVI-VGA adapter and for the life of me cannot get it to display anything, the monitor is just in sleep mode. I've got the latest driver, Windows is up to date, checked the cables, tried another adapter, tried everything but, still nothing. The second monitor shows up in the device manager and in the Nvidia control panel. It's enabled and set to extend desktops. It seems the system knows it's there because I can move the mouse over, but cannot see anything. The power light on the second monitor just flashes. I've swapped monitors over, to make sure there's not a problem with the display and it's fine. When I do that, the main monitor is then plugged in to the DVI adapter and then that one goes to sleep. Just seems whichever monitor is plugged in to the DVI-VGA adapter just doesn't want to work........

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Single Monitor Stuck In Dual Monitor Setting

Mar 13, 2010

i have only one monitor, and somehow it is being treat as though its the secondary monitor in a dual monitor set up. i cannot view my start menu, or view any programs being opened, as when i try to open them, they presumeably open on the phantom primary monitor. even when i try to open display settings, i cannot see the box. i am able to move my mouse to the left border of the screen and move it off into oblivion, and occasionally drag random folders and short cuts over to view.

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Monitor Goes To Sleep

Sep 28, 2009

Recently I have bought a gaming PC, and after a few hours of such
gaming, my monitor goes to sleep, the PC is still running and I can
still be playing my game. just without a monitor!

The only way to get the monitor to work is to restart the PC.

Any ideas what the problem could be? At first I suspected an
overheating Graphics card, but could it be other things? could it be a
RAM problem? what could cause this? Has anyone else had this problem?

I would like to make it very clear that it is not a problem with Vista,
or its power settings, as the computer remains runnings. It is also very
unlikely to be the monitor as I bought it new yesterday.

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Monitor Goes To Sleep Mode

Mar 11, 2010

It seems for maybe the past couple of weeks it seems that sometimes the screen saver doesn't kick in.

When the time for the monitor just goes right to sleep it does. W/o the screensaver kicking in, or after it runs maybe a minute.

The odd thing is after I go and check the power settings, which all look fine, it works as it should. I have tried different screen savers as well as changes the timers. I don't know if this is from 1 numerous amt of MS updates or is there maybe a corrupt file or something.

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Dual Desktop Monitor

Nov 22, 2009

I currently have two monitors. The back of this computer has 2 video ports. 1 of which is DVI-I (4 pins next to the long pin) and 1 DVI-D (Does not have 4 pins). I currently have 1 17 VGA ONLY Monitor, and one 19 DVI-I, VGA, S-Video. I have 1 VGA cord, 1 DVI-D cord, and one DVI-I to VGA Adapter.Both Monitors work in the DVI-I slot. Obviously I can only connect the VGA to the DVI-I slot. I have been on intels support site for hours checking drivers, updating bios, etc. Can provide screen shots of anything needed to help with this. When I right click and go to "Personalize" I can click on the "greyed out" Monitor 2, click extend desktop, when I click apply the "working" screen flickers, asks do I want to keep these setting yet nothing has changed. Once I click yes it returns to display settings and monitor 2 is greyed out again.Under "Device Manager" under Display Adapters it says "Intel(R) Q45/Q43 Express Chipset", and under Monitors it states "Generic PnP Monitor"....

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How To Dual Monitor Support

Dec 10, 2006

since nobody can fix my memory issue, i decided to run vista on my PC. everything went smooth, except when i leave my computer and the monitor goes into "power save" and turns off. when i move the mouse / press a key on the keyboard to turn the monitor back on, one of my screens goes all green and has scanlines running across from it, and its all jagged. when this happens, i cannot even log back into vista, or see anything for that matter. i have no choice but to manuall reboot the computer and log back in. the multi monitor support in vista really sucks, so i installed my nvidia drivers to see if i could use the nvidia multi monitor support and i cannot even find my nvidia control panel. anyways, as a last resort, i installed ultramon, which is a 3rd party multi monitor support program which seemed to work fairly well. but then, when the monitor goes into power save again...the same stupid thing happens.i have currently given up running two monitors with vista, and im running just one until the whole monitor scanline problem goes away.

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Dual Monitor Setting

Aug 14, 2009

I am trying to set up my dual monitor settings.Here is a link to my current desktop, not embedded because it is rather large. According to the settings, I have the my left monitor as my primary monitor, and my right monitor is my secondary monitor. What is bugging me is that my start menu is on the secondary monitor when I would like it on the primary. If I swap my primary and secondary monitors, my icons move to the right monitor, but regardless of primary/ secondary my start menu remains on the right. How do I move it to the left?

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Keeps Losing Dual Monitor Settings

Jun 10, 2009

Maybe there's a fix this somewhere deep in the forums - I just can't find it. And I've read in other forums the same problem but no one seems to have the fix. Just got a new computer - HP with Vista Home Premium 64bit. Video card is ATI Radeon HD4850 with two DVI outputs. I have twin Acer V223W monitors connected with DVI cables.

I can figure out how to set them up in Vista, and also in ATI Catalyst, setting the default and extending the desktop and all that. I had been running dual monitors like this for years on my former XP machine. My problem is, each time Vista goes to sleep, or hibernates, and even on some restarts it reverts back to clone mode. HUGE pain in the butt.

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Dual Monitor Setup For Nvidia Cards

Nov 16, 2007

I've just installed Vista Business x64, however I do have some problems setting up the Dual monitors. I have: On the left a Dell 2005FPW, which is pivoted (to read PDFs and stuff like that easier) On the right a Samsung 226BW, which set to normal. However, when I go to the NVIDIA setup, and try to tell which monitor is where and which should be the primary display. The primary display always tends to be placed on the left side in the software. I want the Dell to be the extended display, while the Samsung is the primary display. But the software (either in Vista or the NVIDIA driver itself) insist on that both the primary and the first mentioned display is the same.

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Make Picture On Dual Monitor Background?

May 1, 2009

Does anyone know how to make the picture on your desktop background extend onto your second monitor rather than having the same picture appear 100% on both monitors in windows vista with an ATI Radeon graphics card?

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Weird Dual Monitor Power Does Not Refresh

Jun 9, 2009

I am experiencing a strange power problem with my monitors. I have two, each hooked up to a Radeon HD 800 series video card with dual DVI connectors. The problem is this: When I have my computer working as normal, if I switch off my secondary monitor, and then switch it back on, my primary monitor's display garbles and goes out for a second until my secondary monitor is back on. Also, anything that was displaying on my secondary monitor does not refresh and I can not access those programs. Does anyone know what is wrong and how to fix this?

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Dual Monitor Not Holding Settings With Latest 180.48 NVIDIA

Dec 5, 2008

I run a dual Monitor set-up and that has been fine with previous drivers. Since installing 180.48 yesterday, when I reboot or start-up, it all defaults to a single monitor and messes up my icons. Fault appears to be on the NVIDIA part of things, as it loses the tick in the second Monitor under the NVIDIA Control Panel "Set Up Multiple Displays". It doesn't lose the tick in "Do Not USe SLI Config".

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Dual Monitor Display Settings Revert On Startup

May 7, 2008

I run Vista on a laptop and have a 2nd monitor hooked up via a docking station. I set my 2nd monitor (i.e. not the laptop screen) as my main monitor, however, after every restart Vista always reverts back to the Laptop as the main monitor. How can I stop Vista reverting backto the Laptop as the main monitor? (This happens aven though at no stage have I un-docked the laptop!)

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Monitor Connected Vid Card With Dvi Cable

Mar 23, 2008

I just had a new pc built with an E6750 processor, 500 gb HD, xfx 8600gt vid card. I have a viewsonic LCD monitor which is the only pice not new. I have the monitor connected to the vid card with a dvi cable. I also have an old crt monitor which when i plug this in and started the pc up worked fine. the LCD is not finding a signal until i unplug the cable and replug it back in. then i get video. Is there anything i can do to fix this problem or anything i can look for.

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Graphics Card Or Monitor Can't Working

Sep 23, 2009

I've encountered a problem in recent days concerning either my graphics card or monitor, which one? Im not sure. It all started a yesterday while playing a game of Counter Strike : Source , I had alt-tabbed ingame and decided to alt-tab back into the game and as i proceeded to do this my computer locked up ... couldn't move mouse or anything. So I proceeded to restart my computer. This is where everything went wrong. My monitor was not showing any image, only a black screen with the Analog/Digital box flashing. So I tried a few things to see what would resolve this problem ... Removed all cords, plugged them in agian ect. Unplugged graphics card then plugged back in agian. Restarted PC numerous times. Reinstalling drivers I'm using a DVI to VGA cable connecting my graphics card to my monitor,

I've also tried plugging another monitor into my graphics card, with no result.Onboard graphics work fine. I don't have another graphics card to test it on ... In my computers devices it says the video driver is not installed correctly or something along those lines? Does anybody have a step by step guide on installing drivers?.....

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RGB To S-video Converter For Using HDTV As Computer Monitor?

Feb 25, 2009

A pal of mine with low sales resistance went out and against advice,bought a Wal-Mart special; an HP Pavilion "Slimline" with No S-video and HDMI outputs. According to the specifications for this HP S3713W, the video/graphics are all on the motherboard .


Furthermore, though there is in her "Slimline" one available slot provided to accept a "replacement" graphics card (for whichever model would have such a card) according to the manual, it will accept only "low profile" cards, and even at that they warn it still might not fit, so as to allow the inputs and outputs be exposed at the opening.
And since for her computer, this would not be a card replacement,those "cables" and plugs they refer to would be who-knows-where on the motherboard, or even hard-wired to it.

So now I'm wondering about something like this RGB to S-video
converter . . .


My friend is largely blind, but she can see images and text on a large screen. My question is this: would such a converter enable video output from her computer to a large 42" LCD HDTV--and if so, would the mouse function be operative on that large screen same as on the 19" LCD monitor that came with her computer? Most importantly, would she get a full 42" display of her desktop and applications?

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Update The Video Drivers, Shuts Down Monitor?

Oct 16, 2007

Every time i try to update the Video drivers they install and it shuts down my monitor? Runs the drivers from 02 /07 just fine but latest release and beta both black screen me says monitor isnt getting a signal...........

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No Video Output With Dual Monitors

Mar 30, 2008

I have a Nvidia 7800 which i recently hooked up another monitor too(dual dvi) I now have no video from media player, quicktime, etc.. Only web based video works(which is weird because the web based video is running wmp. When i unplug monitor 2 the video works fine again, after a reboot and the like of course. Anyone know wuts going on here? Sound and everything else works fine, its just showing a black screen on the players.

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Connect Another Monitor Still No Image/video Just Appear Error Massage 'Out Of Range'

Jan 11, 2010

my laptop suddenly become black but lcd light it on.... i'm also hear sound the windows boot normally but no image/video at all.... i tried to connect another monitor still no image/video just appear error massage 'Out Of Range' then i try another monitor also error massage ' please adjust refresh rate '... so actually what problem here my monitor or gpu??

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New Video Card

Jul 19, 2009

Hello, i am thinking of getting a new video card soon, and wanted to know if the card i picked is better than my current one.

The card i want to get is the EVGA GeForce GTX 260 Core 216 Video Card.

My current card is the NVIDIA GeForce 8200.

Is the card i want to buy any better than the one i currently have? I don't know to much about video cards but I think it is better. If it is better, will this card run Race Driver : Grid, and COD5?

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Which Video Adapter Supports Dual Display In Vista?

Mar 23, 2008

Which video adpater, single card, support dual display in Vista? Prefer low cost cards.

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Wireless Card Stops Function After Sleep In Windows Enterprise SP1

Mar 31, 2008

I have some Dell laptops (d830, d620, d630) that has problems with the wireless networkcard (Intel Wireless 4965 AGN). Very often it stops to function after the computer has been to sleep. The wireless icon still apears in the bottom right corner with a red cross over it. When you click it it says that it's connected with limited access. The wireless card will not apear when you run ipconfig If you disconnect it will not connect successfully again It seems like it manages to find all availble networks, but you can not connect successfully to any of them.

I have tried to install this fix reagardless that I already have SP1, but this won't install. Probley because it has already been applied. Also tried the Regedit workaround mentioned in the KB. I have set the power option to high preformance, but it still happends when the computer is manual set to sleep.

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How Do I Reset My Video Card?

Feb 25, 2010

i want to reset my video card settings but i don't know how.... I have a Intel 945 Express chipset family

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Video Card Not Compatible

Jul 12, 2008

I have a Toshiba P205-S6347 running Viste Home Premium 32 bit. The problem seems to be my video card which is built in, Mobile Intel 965 Express chipset Family. I am running version I read that SP1 will not update if the driver version is between and Tried to download the drivers from Intels webside they were not compatable. I called Toshiba support, they told me the driver I have is the moste recent driver and that I would not be able to upgrade to SP1.

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Misconfigured Video Card How Can Fix This?

Apr 16, 2008

pc doctor 5 says i have a misconfigured video card how can i fix this?

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Video Card Not Working

Feb 20, 2010

I've been having a problem with my laptop for the longest time now and its starting to really get me frustrated. when i run full screen applications like my Zune player, VLC player, my games (which gets me sad cause i want to play my pc games) and other apps like those. my screen goes black with colored lines going down the screen and my laptop locks up and i have to shut it down. i took it to best buy where i bought it and they didnt fix it. and after looking through the web i found out that i might have a bad video card but i dont know what to do about it.

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Upgrade Video Card?

Jun 7, 2008

I have a program which can tell me which pc games I can or cannot play. It will run through my computer system and show me the list, which I pass and which I do not. I asked about Civilization 4, and it said NO. Everything passed except the video card. Can I upgrade my video card, or will my laptop be able to handle it ? I have a Dell Inspiron 1420 laptop. Please click the screenshot link to see what video card I'm supposed to have.

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