Unable To Attach A File With E-mail

Mar 23, 2008

i was sent a very important e-mail with an attachacment, i tried to dl it i can't find it, i tried making a new to put folder it in and nothing..someone

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Unable To Attach Photos In Mail

Apr 14, 2009

I would like to be able to attach photos to my hotmail email message like I formerly was able. by clicking on attach and pulling down "photo" from the choices. photo or file. This resulted in a box with thumbnail images of the photos in a folder I had chosen. My option now available in hotmail simply allows me to browse for a file to download, so if I want to attach 10 photos I have to choose each separately and the download is very much slower than it was with the other arrangement.

I looked on another desktop computer I have and I'm guessing I need download Microsoft Photo Upload Control on my laptop (Windows Vista). My desktop uses Windows XP. However, my laptop used to work fine with how I like to attach photos. I don't know if I updated some software that made the difference or what. I recently started using Mozilla Firefox, also. I can't remember if the photo attachment problem existed before Firefox was used or not.

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Mail Freezes Up When I Try To Attach A File To My Outgoing Email

Mar 23, 2008

My mail freezes up when I try to attach a file to my outgoing email. I click on the paper clip and all of a sudden it freezes.

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How Attach A Picture File Without It Appearing In The Body?

Sep 3, 2009

Whenever I attach a picture (.jpeg, .bmp, .pdf, etc.) the entire image appears in full size in the body of the text. I want to be able to attach a picture file without it appearing in the body.

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Attach Photos To E-mail

Mar 23, 2008

My wife wants to know how to attach pictures that she has in our computer to an email. We have a Dell 530 with Windows home vista, and yahoo is our homepage.

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Attach Photo To E-mail

Mar 23, 2008

Using right click on photo then selecting send to and mail recipient the following appears in the body of the e-mail: "Your message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments: (Photo file name) Note: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments. Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled." Photo is attached to the e-mail and the photo file name appears in the subject line. Any way to eliminate the above from showing in the e-mail?

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Cannot Attach Files In Windows Mail

Feb 17, 2009

I am using Vista Home Premium and Windows Mail 6.0 (brand new computer, and I am not used to Vista and Windows Mail). I have sorted out most issues, but run into problems when I try to send an email with an attachment. I find the Word-doc on my disk and attach it correctly, but when I press send, Mail complains that it can't find the document. This is a stand-alone PC with my user as the only user, and with all admin privs. I have turned off the annoying feature of UAC. I have also installed MS Office 2007 Home, and from a word-doc, I can't send the doc to Mail (this option is greyed out).

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Unable To Open Attachments In Windows Mail: Windows Cannot Find File Name

Jul 29, 2009

There are discussions on this general subject but no aparent resolution. About two months ago I was sometimes prevented from opening photo attachments on some emails received from the same party and sometimes could open them. By this I mean, I would click on the paperclip where a list of photos would appear and I'd click on on photo and I'd get a message saying: "Windows cannot find file name (photo captions used by sender).jpg. Make sure your typed the name correctly and then try again." Well, of course I didn't type the file name; the sender did. I could click on the save attachments, and once saved to a folder I could open them from the folder. I forwarded the mail to others, and they report no problems in viewing the photos. I can also view the photos in the email itself, but it would be necessary to scan up and down and from left to right to view the whold photo and the caption would not appear.

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SP1: Set Up Or Attach A USB Device, And Instead Of Connecting

Jun 21, 2008

Since installing SP1 on my desktop, I have experienced a very frustrating problem coming up over and over again. I try to set up or attach a USB device, and instead of connecting, I get a message that the driver can't be found and asking me to insert the disk. When I click that I don't have the disk, I invariably get a option to search for the driver, but it is never found. This has happened with two different flash drives, and just now I tried to set up a Pocket PC mobile device and got the same response. I have been using my laptop without SP1, and do not get these problems. It seems that the best thing might be to just get rid of SP1, but when I went to the installed updates window to try to uninstall it, I was not given that option

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How To Attach Dual Moniter

Aug 6, 2009

I have Vista on my desktop, and I want to have a dual moniter, so I got a TV screen and I connected it to my computer, but I cannot figure out how to get it to display. I am on the right input for the TV, but I cannot get my computer to send anything to that screen.

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Attach Folder Pics Does Not Allowed

Dec 17, 2009

Is it not possible to attach a folder containing jpeg pics? It doesn't seem to be allowed. I was planning to send a compressed folder containing about 20 pics and thought this would save send/receive time.

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How To Attach Email Size Photos

Mar 23, 2008

How to attach email size photos to forwarded message. The message is made so I do not want to begin in W. Photo Gallery.

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How Attach Screen Prints To This Forum?

Mar 9, 2009

I have wanted to attach screen shots and the paste function is gone.

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Unable To Edit HTML File

Oct 5, 2009

I have a really strange problem on my VISTA home premium PC. I have a number of HTML files stored in documents folder, but when I try to edit the HTML file in notepad I get the following error message: Cannot create the file. Make sure that the path and file name are correct.

File and path are correct because I just opened it from the documents folder. What makes it strange is that if I change the extension from HTML to TXT I can edit and save without any issue, but once I change back to HTML I lose the ability to save any edits. Also, if I copy the HTML file to another folder such as desktop or C: root, I can edit without any issues. I've checked the properties of the folder and file and haven't found anything out of the ordinary. Searched the MS KB and haven't turned up anything.

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Unable To Save HTML File

Sep 17, 2009

Note: The following description refers to an HTML file residing in a folder
on my computer, not an HTML file on the internet (web page.) When I open an existing HTML file with Notepad, then attempt to "Save" it, an alert message box appears which says: "Cannot create the C:UsersMeDesktopfolder namefilename.html file.

Make sure the path and filename are correct." I can "Save As..." a different file name or different file type, but cannot "Save" in the normal manner. This problem only affects saving an HTML file. There is no problem with other file types. I'm not certain of the time sequence, but I think I downloaded an update to
QuickTime since the last time there wasn't a problem.

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Unable To Delete A File Not Responding

Mar 23, 2008

I am unable to delete any files on my computer. I can delete folders, but not files by themselves. I try to right click on the file I am wanting to delete and it just freezes up on me. Then it tells me that the program is not responding. I can't click on the file and just hit the delete button either!!!

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Unable To Open Attached File

Jun 4, 2008

Whenever I try to open an attached (so far all Excel files) file to an incoming e-mail in Windows Mail, I am getting following Windows (Vista) message: "Windows cannot find 'file name w/ path'. Make sure you typed the name correctly and try again." Clearly this message is misleading since I have not typed any file name and/or its path. I just double-clicked the attached file name.

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Change File Extension And Unable To Zip

Aug 23, 2009

I inadvertantly changed the file extension on my Zip file properties to notepad, and so I can't use .zip... How do I find the .zip extension in vista...

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Unable To Open File Attachments Directly From WM

Jun 2, 2009

I have a problem that has recently developed in that I am unable to open file
attachments directly from WM. The only way I can open them is to save them to a folder, then open. I get error message saying file cannot be found. This happens with Word and Adobe files.

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Update: Unable To Save HTML File

Sep 21, 2009

For background on this post, see "Unable to save HTML file" posted 9/17/2009 12:31PM. Comments:

(1) A reset of IE did not fix the problem.
(2) A system restore to the day before installing QuickTime did fix the problem. This doesn't prove that QuickTime is at fault, of course, but I still have my suspicions. I will probably reload QuickTime shortly, and if the problem returns, I'll post it.

Note: It appears that the system restore reversed the IE reset, so for anyone (like me) who might be nervous about doing the reset, the restore is a safety backup.

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Preventing Synching: Unable To Rename The File

Jun 4, 2009

I've been looking at articles on the internet the past 2 days but haven't found an answer. MobSync.exe starts periodically and I'm trying to prevent this form
occurring. I'm unable to rename the file (even though I am the owner). I can't find any settings for anything in the 'Sync Center'. How can I prevent Mobsync.exe form starting?

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Ultimate X64 Unable To Find Hosts File

Nov 4, 2008

I am looking for path of hosts file in vista x64. I found solution to get for 32bit apps to see the 64-bit tree, search now find hosts file and i see it and can edit it. But before these solution i was unable to find hosts file.

Monochrome Blog - Updating your hosts file in Vista 64-bit Where is this file hidden and how to find it. If i run Notepad as administrator and try to browse that cwindowssysnative directory i found noting. But TotalCommander find it and i can edit it and add that what i need. It just was weird.

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Opening Pst File: Windows Mail To Open That File

Feb 21, 2009

I had to reinstall Vista on my computer. Previously I used Outlook. I can't find the activation code so I want to try Windows Mail. I saved my Outlook email pst file. Is there a way to get Windows Mail to open that file.

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Unable To Send Mail Out Through Windows Mail

Sep 17, 2009

I'm trying to set up my yahoo mail in windows mail, and i've successfully recieved mail into my inbox, but I am unable to send mail out. When I try I run in to this error message: The host 'smtp' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Subject 'test', Account: 'Windows Mail', Server: 'smtp', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D

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Windows Mail Unable To Get Incoming Mail

Mar 23, 2008

I do not know if there is any cause and effect relationship between these two but since Windows installed some 10 updates two days ago,Windows Mail is unable to get down from the e-mail server of my I S P even a few incoming messages and that too even if I keep the Windows Mail open for one hour. I can of course connect to the WebMail facility of my I S P and see those messages but they will not get into my InBox of WinMail. Strangely, whereas WinMail says it is downloading those 2 or 3 messages (each of size 2K to 5K) for an hour, it is able to download Newsgroup or Microsoft Community messages (some of them 10 times longer) in a jiffy. So the problem is not with volume of downloading. If I close WinMail after waiting for a long time and try to reopen it, Vista says "another instance of WinMail is downloading messages". I have no choice left then but to do Control-Alt-Delete and end the Process. I tried to ask Vista to restore my system to the day before the Windows updates were installed but that Restore failed, according to Vista. Could anyone advise me as to how to restore my system to a working

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Easy File Trnasfer: E-mail Settings From OE6 To Windows Mail?

Jul 3, 2008

Using Easy File Transfer, how can I transfer just my e-mail settings from OE6 to Windows Mail? Everything else I "need" to move I can move by other means that I have already tested. E-mail is my only problem child.

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Unable To Send Mail "Windows Mail An Unknown Error Has Occurred"

Jul 1, 2008

I can send messages using Earthlink webmail but receive this error msg when I attempt to send using Windows Mail An unknown error has occurred. Subject 'xxxx.....', Account: 'hakxxxx', Server: 'smtpauth.earthlink.net', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '550 Your message does not conform to RFC2822 standard', Port: 587, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 550, Error Number: 0x800CCC69

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Unable To Retreive E-Mail

Apr 20, 2009

This morning and afternoon I was able to download my e-mail. Now, this evening I cannot retrieve my mail. The connection to the server has failed. Account: 'Verizon DSL', Server: 'incoming.verizon.net', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E. Does the above error massage indicate an error on the server, or might I have to change my settings?

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Unable To Send Mail

Apr 21, 2009

I have spent many hours, reviewed, and tried many fixes to no avail. I have tried Windows Live Mail and Windows Mail. I am unable to send from either. I am also unable to send from my SBC accounts. I am able to recieve, except from the SBC account. The error messages are all the same. I am quite sure I have the settings input correctly. I have upgraded from XP to Vista; this seems to be the only common thread.

Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity. Account: 'd_arendt', Server: 'pop.att.yahoo.com', Protocol: POP3, Port: 995, Secure(SSL): Yes, Error Number: 0x800CCC0F

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Unable To Send E-mail

Feb 23, 2009

Each time I attempt to send mail I receive a message telling me the POP3 and STMP is not there. I am unable to locate it and do not know how to correct this problem.

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Unable To Log Into Windows Mail

Aug 30, 2009

I am unable to log into Windows Mail. When I login I get the Window Security box asking me to enter my username and pasword. Once I do, the system indicates it is authorizing, but then just brings me back to the same login box. I get the below error message:

Account: 'mail.comcast.net', Server: 'mail.comcast.net', Protocol: POP3, Server Response: '-ERR invalid username/password', Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC92

I have verified all my Internet Account settings and they are ok, so I do not know why the system will not let me in.

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