SP1: Set Up Or Attach A USB Device, And Instead Of Connecting

Jun 21, 2008

Since installing SP1 on my desktop, I have experienced a very frustrating problem coming up over and over again. I try to set up or attach a USB device, and instead of connecting, I get a message that the driver can't be found and asking me to insert the disk. When I click that I don't have the disk, I invariably get a option to search for the driver, but it is never found. This has happened with two different flash drives, and just now I tried to set up a Pocket PC mobile device and got the same response. I have been using my laptop without SP1, and do not get these problems. It seems that the best thing might be to just get rid of SP1, but when I went to the installed updates window to try to uninstall it, I was not given that option

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Attach Photos To E-mail

Mar 23, 2008

My wife wants to know how to attach pictures that she has in our computer to an email. We have a Dell 530 with Windows home vista, and yahoo is our homepage.

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How To Attach Dual Moniter

Aug 6, 2009

I have Vista on my desktop, and I want to have a dual moniter, so I got a TV screen and I connected it to my computer, but I cannot figure out how to get it to display. I am on the right input for the TV, but I cannot get my computer to send anything to that screen.

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Attach Photo To E-mail

Mar 23, 2008

Using right click on photo then selecting send to and mail recipient the following appears in the body of the e-mail: "Your message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments: (Photo file name) Note: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments. Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled." Photo is attached to the e-mail and the photo file name appears in the subject line. Any way to eliminate the above from showing in the e-mail?

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Unable To Attach Photos In Mail

Apr 14, 2009

I would like to be able to attach photos to my hotmail email message like I formerly was able. by clicking on attach and pulling down "photo" from the choices. photo or file. This resulted in a box with thumbnail images of the photos in a folder I had chosen. My option now available in hotmail simply allows me to browse for a file to download, so if I want to attach 10 photos I have to choose each separately and the download is very much slower than it was with the other arrangement.

I looked on another desktop computer I have and I'm guessing I need download Microsoft Photo Upload Control on my laptop (Windows Vista). My desktop uses Windows XP. However, my laptop used to work fine with how I like to attach photos. I don't know if I updated some software that made the difference or what. I recently started using Mozilla Firefox, also. I can't remember if the photo attachment problem existed before Firefox was used or not.

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Attach Folder Pics Does Not Allowed

Dec 17, 2009

Is it not possible to attach a folder containing jpeg pics? It doesn't seem to be allowed. I was planning to send a compressed folder containing about 20 pics and thought this would save send/receive time.

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Cannot Attach Files In Windows Mail

Feb 17, 2009

I am using Vista Home Premium and Windows Mail 6.0 (brand new computer, and I am not used to Vista and Windows Mail). I have sorted out most issues, but run into problems when I try to send an email with an attachment. I find the Word-doc on my disk and attach it correctly, but when I press send, Mail complains that it can't find the document. This is a stand-alone PC with my user as the only user, and with all admin privs. I have turned off the annoying feature of UAC. I have also installed MS Office 2007 Home, and from a word-doc, I can't send the doc to Mail (this option is greyed out).

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How To Attach Email Size Photos

Mar 23, 2008

How to attach email size photos to forwarded message. The message is made so I do not want to begin in W. Photo Gallery.

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Unable To Attach A File With E-mail

Mar 23, 2008

i was sent a very important e-mail with an attachacment, i tried to dl it i can't find it, i tried making a new to put folder it in and nothing..someone

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How Attach Screen Prints To This Forum?

Mar 9, 2009

I have wanted to attach screen shots and the paste function is gone.

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How Attach A Picture File Without It Appearing In The Body?

Sep 3, 2009

Whenever I attach a picture (.jpeg, .bmp, .pdf, etc.) the entire image appears in full size in the body of the text. I want to be able to attach a picture file without it appearing in the body.

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The Scanner Installed And Device Manager Says Device Is Working Properly

Mar 23, 2008

Can not get my HP 7400 scanner to work after upgrading to Vista Ultimate 32 bit. Not the hardware - works fine under XP pro using same hardware configuration. Did a clean install, installed motherboard BIOS updates, scanner BIOS updates, Vista updates and the correct driver from HP. The scanner installed and Device Manager says device is working properly. When I try to scan, scanner initializes, starts to scan then locks up. Then can no longer be seen. ASUS M2N-E motherboard with AMD dual core. Other than that Vista works OK with the rest of my system

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Multiple Bluetooth Devices In Device Manager, One Device Installed

Sep 30, 2008

i have installed the correct driver for this belkin bluetooth usb dongle model: F8T012XX1 but in device manager, it has the belkin device and microsoft bluetooth enumerator, which is great. but when u get further down the list. it has a tab named "other devices" and then a subtab with "bluetooth peripheral device" which has an exclemation mark on it. i have searched for driver software using the update service but it cant find no update. i have looked for the name of the manufacturer but found nothing.i then disabled the unknown device, and sent a picture to my mobile phone. which confirmed that it was not the belkin bluetooth device. so i uninstalled the unknown device, restarted the computer. then when i logged in, it said that it had found a new device and wanted me to find the CD that came with it.

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Mail Freezes Up When I Try To Attach A File To My Outgoing Email

Mar 23, 2008

My mail freezes up when I try to attach a file to my outgoing email. I click on the paper clip and all of a sudden it freezes.

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No Audio Output Device Installed, "Sound And Video" Portion In Device Manager

Jun 1, 2009

I know this is a repetitive topic, but I can not seem to figure this one out. It is a HP Laptop DV9815nr. I do not know much about it as it is not mine, but the problem is the audio was cutting out and now there is nothing. The computer is not recognizing any type of audio device installed. Even in Device Manager, there is no option for Sound, game and controllers. I have tried downloading the driver and installing, but no luck there.

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Unknown USB Device Without Any Device Plugged

May 1, 2009

I'm running Home Premium 64 on a Sony Vaio Laptop (CS170F). I'm having a curious problem: Yesterday I plugged into the machine the dongle of my wireless logitech mouse, and for some reason the machine said "Your unknown device is ready to use" (my OS is in spanish, the messages may not be accurately translated). Since then, an annoying message pops every few seconds warning about an "unrecognized USB device", that "didn't work as expected". The best part is this, if I click on the tray icon, sometimes the informative dialog window is emply, an other times shows all the USB ports in the system plus one extra with a "unknown UBS device", even without any device plugged into the system. I've tryed removing the unknown device from the device manager, but it shows up again.

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USB Mouse: "USB Human Interface Device" In Device Manager Won't Work

May 21, 2008

I had been running Vista Ultimate x64 for a few months and recently found that I can only use the original USB mouse?! Installation of any USB mouse would show a new "USB Human Interface Device" in Device Manager but it just won't work. Installation of the very same model of my original mouse didn't work neither. So basically I am stick with the current mouse?

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Booting Up: Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device Or Insert Boot Media In Selected Boot Device And Press A Key

Jan 1, 2009

I went to turn it on this morning, I just had a black screen showing the following words;

Press F2 to run
Press F11 to boot menu
Auto detecting PRI Master Atapai CDROM.

It then went to reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key. I went into the BIOS to change the boot order and inserted my Vista home premium 32bit. I then got windows is loading in files. After a short while I got the black start up screen with Microsoft Corporation but after a few seconds it just froze. Moments later it went to a blue screen with white writing part of which said the following; A PROBLEM HAS BEEN DETECTED AND WINDOWS HAS BEEN SHUT DOWN TO PREVENT DAMAGE TI YOUR COMPUTER.

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Connecting Laptop To TV

May 4, 2008

I have a Gateway MT6452 laptop connected to a LG 32LC2D HDTV with SVGA cable. Followed installation instructions and connection works for about five seconds before screen begins flashing and TV disconnects displaying "invalid signal". Software problem, hardware problem, or stupid human installer problem?!

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Wireless Is Not Connecting

Mar 23, 2008

I have a home network with a linksys wrt54gs router and 3 pc's running XP home. home and pro. I got a new Vista computer and inserted a linksys wmp54gs wireless adapter into it. I updated the router firmware a week before I got the new computer. I connected to the internet even though I had the wrong workgroup name. In attempting to find the other computers I fixed the workgroup name so it was the same and tried other things to no avail. I updated the adapter drivers because I found it had generic ones and yesterday I installed Vista SP1.

Now I can't get the internet anymore, much less file sharing. I disabled all firewalls for awhile. In Vista Network and Sharing: Network Discovery: ON, Network set to Private, File Sharing: ON, Public Folder Sharing: ON, Password Protected: OFF, Media Sharing: OFF. I've run the repair wizard a number of different ways. I don't know enough to fool with Wireless Network Connection Properties unless someone holds my hand.
Here's what ipconfig says: Windows IP Configuration

Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : HPQuad

Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :

Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid

IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No...........

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Connecting To Modem

Mar 23, 2008

i am currently using vista. I'm trying to connect directly to my modem, and it asks for a username and password. I dont have one, and neither xp nor mac require one. Is there some way I can connect?

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Connecting Second Monitor (LCD)

Jan 3, 2009

I got a small problem which is to extend my desktop into second monitor. I used to do that in windows XP it was so simple, how ever it seems I got hard time doing it on Vista even thought I never did it on vista before. I went to Control Panel > Personalization > Display settings, it shows only 1 monitor and saying "(Multiple Monitors) on NVIDIA..." I'm using Vista-64Bit. And on SLI mode and plugged the 2 monitors on the same graphic card. I tried Ultramon 3.0.3 but there still a problem, Ultramon detects only one monitor when I'm trying to use the second. I've been trying to do it in Nvidia software. How ever I ended up switching between monitors only. I tried to search around and ask around for more than 4 hours, And still no good.

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Is Not Connecting The Internet

Nov 11, 2008

We have a wireless network setup in my house. I however am connected directly to the router with an ethernet cable. This was fine until recently when I was having a latency problem and RoadRunner had me bypass the modem to connect directly to the modem so they can make sure my router wasn't the problem. After that, I plugged the ethernet cable back into the router and now I keep getting prompted for a username and password for the PPPoE stuff.

My problem isn't connecting to the internet, I'm able to do that. But randomly, and it truely is random because sometimes it pops up and sometimes it doesn't on the same website, this PPPoE username/pass will pop up and sometimes if I hit cancel I'm able to load the page like normal and continue on. Other times when I hit cancel it does not load the page and I have to wait until later to try and load it again. The internet is broadband and from my reading should not require PPPoE or a username/password. Hopefully I've provided enough info, I'm not very techy and am not the one who setup the network. T

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Mail Not Connecting With Att Site

Oct 27, 2009

My emails would send and receive fine until this morning. Now Windows Mail keeps asking me for my user name and password, and not accepting the one I enter. I know I am entering the correct info because I have checked with the document I keep that information on. Also, I am able to log in at the att site. If I close the window asking for the info I get this error message

Account: 'mail@att.net', Server: 'fpostoffice.isp.att.net', Protocol: POP3, Server Response: '-ERR authorization not enabled', Port: 995, Secure(SSL): Yes, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC18

It hs been a bit sporadic. For example I just hit Send/Receive three times in a row. The first two times it went fine, the third time it asked fo my info again.

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Keep Internet To Stay Connecting

Jul 29, 2009

I can't seem to keep my internet to stay connecting. Every since I got this Belkin, my internet has it day. Some day it'll stay connecting and other day, I have to keep reboot the router or the computer. I was wondering if there is more then one reading on the IP Address or what.

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Connecting To Windows Mail

Apr 28, 2008

I am having problem connecting to Windows Mail. Everytime I try log in, it kicks me out and disconnects the internet. Is there viral thing going around? I need answers to fix the problem if there is a step to correct the problem.

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Connecting Disrupts Whole Network

Apr 25, 2007

We have a network connected to the internet through a T1 with 4 2003 Servers and several XP machines connected. We also have a Checkpoint firewall connected.  Any time I try to connect a computer with Vista on it, it connects and can access the Internet fine.  But EVERY other computer on the network loses connection. In the event log on the 2003 servers, it shows event id 4, network link is down. As soon as I disconnect the Vista computer, all of the others come back online. I've searched and searched for a resolution to this problem, but haven't found any. I'm really afraid the someone with a Vista laptop might come in and try to connect to the Internet (without telling me, of course) and cause the whole network to go down.

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Connecting To News Servers

Mar 23, 2008

Is there a way to set WIN MAIL so that it doesn't open a post when I connect to a server? In Outlook Express IIRC when I connected to a server it didn't open anything until I actually selected a message. WIN MAIL seems to open almost any post on the server at random. It's not the last post I read and I'm not even sure it's one that I have read in the past--it just seems pretty random. I'd just like it to sit there with the preview pane blank until I select a message. Is there any way to have that happen?

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Uninstall SP1 With Out Connecting To The Internet

Apr 10, 2008

How to uninstall Vista SP1 without connecting to the internet?

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BlueScreen When Connecting To VPN, With ServicePack1

Apr 19, 2008

Before installing SP1 for Vista 64bit , my VPN connection was perfectly working. After installing SP1 , every time I try to connect to my officeVPN,(...at connection window..credentials...) I receive a BLUESCREEN. Not any helpfull EventLog entries written. Problems Reports and Solutions returns nothing....

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Connecting XP And Network With Vista

Apr 24, 2008

Have 1 laptop running XP connect by cable to my wireless router which in turn is connected wireless to Laptop running vista. Have downloaded nesscary file needed for XP machine to network with Vista.

On Vista network map I can see both machines and have change suggested settings from help&support but can not browse any laptop from the other. Get premission error messages. Also tried to use media player (library media sharing), on XP can see Vista but Vista can't see XP. Though not full confident with what to do I have managed this very easily before when using 2 laptops running XP, so why the problemwith Vista

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