Possible Fake Virus Download

Jan 30, 2009

I was browsing online (no naughty sites, I promise) I opened a window that appeared to have one of those classic fake antivirus programs.. you know the kind, "Your computer may be infected get a free scan now!!" The green progress bar at the bottom of my IE window started to move across as if something was downloading so I didn't stick around. I tried to close the window by right clicking on the task bar, that didn't work, so I shut down my internet connection. To close the window I shut down my computer. I restarted, and all seemed to be well. I have the Norton fraud monitoring active on IE and it didn't show any errors, but just to be safe, I scanned with both Defender and my Norton (both up to date). Nothing came up.

I checked my software explorer with Defender, no new startup programs, no unfamiliar processes. The computer is acting normal. No pop ups, no unusual CPU activity. The one thing that worries me is that when I went looking into the reports and activities section of my Norton software, under 'firewall activities' starting yesterday at around the time this all happened, I saw this message showing up

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Fake Anti-virus Popup Scam: Restarting Computer

May 29, 2009

My son got duped by a fake anti-virus popup scam. He followed some directions that included restarting computer, when it rebooted almost all icons in the tray were gone. It removed my Verizon security suite, will not let me access any windows security features, will not let me download any of the free a/v-a/spyware recommended by other posters in this sys security forum. It won't let me uninstall ANY programs. It pops up every 3-4 mins declaring Internet explorer has a worm trying to access my credit card info or with a list of all these other infections,it's relentless. It will not let me use Firefox. It added it's own icon in my tray and calls itself System Security. It blocks any attempt to use/download anything to use against it whether it's windows defender/malware remover or commercial products. What the hell!!? Anyone heard of this particular level of scam and take over of computer function? Any ideas to defeat it? Using Vista Home Premium 32 bit.

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Stops During Virus Scan, Cannot Download Windows Security Updates

Apr 9, 2009

Windows just stops during virus scan (Trend Micro)- eventually have to crash it Sometimes during logon, Windows just wanders away....either have to crash it or eventually it will reboot. Cannot boot in safe mode. It will get so far in loading dll files and then reboots it self after a period of inactivity. Cannot download latest Windows security updates.

The symptoms sound like the conflicker worm so I've tried the Sysclean tool recommended by Trend Micro with the latest pattern file. The system stops at some point just as it does with the virus scan and I have to crash it. If I log on to the latop and just surf or play games, no problem. I've also run sfc /scannow which reports no problems.

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Fake Antivirus Programs

Oct 28, 2008

Fake antivirus programs claim 30 million victims

More than 30 million Internet users have fallen victim to fake antivirus programs that snatch up people's money and personal information, security research firm PandaLabs has announced. The phenomenon may not be a new one, but it's growing more and more popular as the scammers are getting more crafty. There are now over 7,000 variants of this type of adware, says PandaLabs, and the number of infections caused by it is increasing rapidly.

Users can get infected with this fake antivirus scam in the same manner as any other type of virus or malware—by downloading questionable content from P2P networks, opening e-mail attachments from unknown addresses, or visiting malicious web pages. As most of us already know (probably by servicing the computers of our parents and other less-tech-savvy family members), users are often duped by seeing the software pop up windows that claim the machine is infected, fake bluescreens, or cause other annoyances (PandaLabs notes one where cockroaches crawl all over the desktop).

Many users are motivated to fork over money to get rid of this ASAP.

While many Internet users know not to hand over private information or credit card numbers just because of a few pop-ups, PandaLabs estimates that three percent of them have provided personal details to the purveyors of products that claim to disinfect computers. "Extrapolating from an average European price of €49.95, we can calculate that the creators of these programs are receiving more than €10 million per month," writes PandaLabs.

That is, of course, ignoring the greater financial implications of users handing over their credit card numbers to scammers—the firm notes that, if those numbers are being used fraudulently, then the cost to consumers is obviously quite a bit higher.

Of course, the fact that 30 million users may have fallen for such a scam doesn't surprise us too much. A recent study by the Psychology Department of North Carolina State University revealed that most Internet users don't exercise much caution when presented with fake dialog boxes and pop-up windows with obvious warning signs of malware. Additionally, security software maker AVG found earlier this year that men tend to be much more confident about their online security knowledge than women, but they both end up suffering from identity theft in equal amounts. It just goes to show that even when users talk the talk, they don't always walk the walk when it comes to being safe online.

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Login And Fake Proxy, Turn Off?

Mar 10, 2009

When I login to Vista x64 (this doesn't happen on Vista x86), about every third time I get a proxy login message. Since I don't have a proxy server and the login box says that the server is, it is obviously a bug. how to turn this off? I have already disabled "Detect Proxy Server" in Internet Options.

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AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 9.0 (Not Recommend): AVG Antivirus And Security Software - Download Free Antivirus

Apr 26, 2010

1. AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 9.0 (Not Recommend): AVG Antivirus and Security Software - Download Free Antivirus

2. avast! Free Anti-Virus Edition: avast! Free Antivirus - Download Software for Virus Protection

3. Avira AntiVir Personal: Avira AntiVir Personal - FREE Antivirus

Please post if there are anymore free anti-virus editions. For #5 (Comodo Internet Security Suite), there is a bug. If you click the link, it will go to Comodo Anti-Virus, you can use Anti-Virus. If you want Internet Security, click it on the left side panel.

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Fake Email, Microsoft Update Notifications

Oct 10, 2008

Dear Microsoft Customer, Please notice that Microsoft company has recently issued a Security Update for OS Microsoft Windows. The update applies to the following OS versions: Microsoft Windows 98, Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows Millenium, Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows Vista. Please notice, that present update applies to high-priority updates category. In order to help protect your computer against security threats and performance problems, we strongly recommend you to install this update..................

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Microsoft Virus Free Scan And Remove Any Known Virus Such As Trojan Win32.murlo.?

Mar 23, 2008

"If your system is a Microsoft product and you have your 20 digit registration number, you can go to the Microsoft web site, and they will do a free scan and most likely remove any known virus such as Trojan win32.murlo." Is this true, and where would I find my 20 digit registration and what is the web site?

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Anti Virus: Filter Mail For Virus

Jun 14, 2008

I have uninstalled MacAfee and Windows Mail now works fine. Do I need to install something else instead? My internet provider, British Telecom, claim to filter my mail for virus and I have the Mailwasher spam

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Anti Virus Can Not Removing: Virus SysWOW64

Apr 14, 2009

Ive been searching everywhere for answers i have vista home premium with windows live care anti virus in perfect condition and it detected something trying to connect to the internet. This monster devil thing icon beside it told me right away...trouble and also the random numbers...By looking in the settings of my anti virus i found that i blocked 4 of them so far ive scanned with my anti virus 2 times and 3 times with spybot search and destroy AND ran a ccleaner.It's still there...I just want to get rid of this once and for all but what in God's name is it!

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Fake E-mail Address In Windows Mail Newsgroups

Jul 2, 2008

I wish to learn how to create a fake e-mail address for use in windows mail when posting to newsgroups so my identity is protected.

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Large File Download Do Not Finish:I Get An Error Box That Download Had Timed Out

Oct 21, 2009

I have Vista Ultimate 64, sometimes when I am downloading a large file download does not finish and I get an error box that the download had timed out. How can I stop this, the sites where is happens do no support resuming and I only have a slow connection.

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Mar 12, 2008

I am being badly haunted by a Bagle virus that randomly shuts my PC down.
I have installed and run every type of virus scanning/removal tool (Windows included) in the world and although I removed other items, this virus will be dormant for days on end and then just shut down.

I ran Spyware Doctor and this is the infection location:

HKEY_USERSS-1-5-21-506413866-1318214124-3902625216-1001SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun, german.exe

Windows claims it is an email virus but no matter how hard I try, I cannot remove it. I have gone to the location of the virus manually through RegEdit but it doesn't show in the folder it indicates it is located (above).

Kaspersky, Norton, McAfee, you name it will shut them down when installing them. I quit. Any help is always appreciated.

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Protect From Virus;

Jun 11, 2008

I get a small alert window pop into the middle of the screen called "ENTER NETWORK PASSWORD" then text saying "type your username and password" Then there is three boxes with the details of my username etc and my password ****'d out. I can click "OK" or "CANCEL" or "CLOSE" but the box comes back. I am running Symantec virus protector and it finds nothing and Spybot and it shows there is a couple of items it can't correct unless I have admin profile.

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1

Code: Scan saved at 17:17:35, on 09/06/2008
Platform: Unknown Windows (WinNT 6.00.1904)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16643)
Running processes:
C:Windowssystem32 askeng.exe
C:Program FilesWindows DefenderMSASCui.exe
C:Program FilesPDF Completepdfsty.exe
C:Program FilesBrotherBrmfcmonBrMfcWnd.exe
C:Program FilesWinZip E-Mail Companionloadwzco.exe
C:Program FilesCommon FilesSymantec SharedccApp.exe
C:Program FilesSymantec AntiVirusVPTray.exe
C:Program FilesJavajre1.6.0_05injusched.exe...................

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What Is Normal? (Do I Have A Virus?)

Dec 6, 2008

I have an HP dv5-1000us running Vista Home Premium 64, and I've had it for several months. Recently it has developed a tendancy to randomly freeze solid (no control alt delete, no coming back from being frozen, must hard restart). It got much worse when I tried to install the new Zune update (3.1); now it will freeze like clockwork about 3 minutes after I open Zune. If I don't open Zune, it's much more random but it still happens. Another symptom is that I started getting a message that my sound driver software had to close due to a "problem". Sound still works, I just get the annoying message. Nothing I do seems to fix it, including Bios flashing, driver/device install/reinstall, etc.

I was really surprised when I looked at the system monitor. I have 4 gigs of RAM installed, and it runs at a steady 1.7gb usage with no programs open. I have disabled the animation stuff, too. When I open Zune it shoots up to around 2gb. The processor varies between 4 to 20% with no programs open, and is at 95-99% when Zune is open. As I'm typing this, I have flock, skype, and outlook open, the processor is running at about 30% and the RAM usage holds at a steady 1.76gb. Question: Is this normal? Or is it time (already) to bust out the restore disks?

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Virtumonde VIRUS.. More Than A Pop-Up

Oct 25, 2008

I looked up all the info about the Virtumonde virus/trojan and everywhere I read said it's a virus that's more of a popup.. it's an ad crapper.. sends you hundreds of ad's and stuff of that sort. and that it can attach to IE and record your keystrokes and all that. but my brother doesn't have this problem.

My brothers problem with this Virtumonde virus. It's starting WITH Windows and completely locks him out of the system. During Boot, it's all fine, enters password. and see's background picture. then it covers the screen saying Virus detected and says what it is. and can't do ANYTHING. nothing works from there. I've tried cntl, alt, del. I've started in Safe Mode. only for it to stop with safe mode written in all 4 corners and do nothing.

I'm not the smartest person on virus's and stuff of this sort. I'm a gamer, and a builder, and Overclocker. not a Tech that can fix viruses. if I have to I'll just reinstall windows on his system. (XP) He doesn't have anything really he'd miss on that hard drive. just a few programs, Ventrillo and such.

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Remove A Virus?

May 15, 2010

1) It is not slowing down my computer or anythinbg. But whenever i plug USB stick into my computer and then remove it. There are 2 files created/ mIRC.exe i think.

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Virus? Ntmarta.dll

May 10, 2010

Windows Defender or Avast stalls whenever I try to run them. Then, the only way to make the PC work again is to perform a hard restart. I try to have an on-line scan from the Symantec site, to no avail. The PC stalls again. Now, when Avast always seems to stall on either of the following files: system32/ntmarta.dll or System32/ntoskrnl.exe

Is ntmarta.dll a "straight" file or is it a virus ? Just for a try I tried to rename it, but could not do it. An errror message indicated that I do not have the rights to do so.

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How To Remove The Virus From Pc

Aug 27, 2008

im aisha and im worried that my pc got lots of virus.. sometimes antivirus never detect some. one of the best ways to do is by using the command prompt.. i used to do it with flashdrives but i cant make it now.

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Virus Protection Is Off

Aug 3, 2009

Everytime I log in and check my Windows Security center. my virus protection is off! How do I get it on and why is it doing this?

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Can Disk Get Virus?

Apr 15, 2009

For instance if I went to Best Buy and bought a computer game and installed and played it on a computer with TONS of viruses, THEN I got a brand new computer and downloaded and installed that SAME game on my new computer- could I get the same viruses on the new one?

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Removing Virus On CD

Jun 5, 2008

I'm having a problem with the Iron man CD. Sega knows that there is a problem with the cd and the game.

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Antivirus With A Virus Infection?

Sep 14, 2008

Can an antivirus software be infected with virus? Why do I often get frequent virus alerts when my antivirus scanners report my system is clean?

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Free Anti Virus

Dec 14, 2008

I'm nearing the end of my subscription with Norton and I don't want to re-new it as i am not a fan of the software no more.

I am planning on using Windows Defender to scan my PC etc and using Windows Firewall.

Can anyone recommend free anti virus/spyware software for my laptop which is running Windows Vista Premium.

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Free Available Anti Virus

Mar 15, 2009

I want to download the Free anti virus for my Vista, but im wondering which is the best?

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Left UAC Off, Huge Virus

Aug 9, 2008

Turned off UAC in Vista x64 Ultimate, Received an e-mail that appeared to be my CNN alerts. It was Antivirus XP 2008 virus. Avast Pro 4.8 has been finding viruses in both Safe Mode and regular. Search and Destroy can't seem to deal with them. Backing up my data right now. Ready to reinstall everything. S&D reports clear. IE7 does not always work. I reset and internet connection gets blocked.

Antivirus XP 2008
Exchanger Trojan
Other Trojan horses

When I clear all viruses and activate UAC the Trojan horses are still present........

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Blue Screen Virus A Lot

May 20, 2008

i have been getting the blue scren virus a lot.....i had tried running spyware adn virsu checks (AVG Free) but it never finishes. I have also tried instaling service pack one but that also never finishes. I have my computer doing weekly defrages so i do not think that is the problem. I am at the stage when i think i need to completly re-install everything. can i have some advice, if i do have to re-install everything how do i do that? - i still have all needed disks.

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Undoing Virus Damage

Mar 14, 2010

About a week ago I had the "Vista Antivirus 2010" virus on my computer. I was able to get rid of it pretty quickly with AVG, but since then I have been having an annoying (but not debilitating) problem. The Vista Antivirus 2010 appears on your computer pretending to be a new program downloaded through vista updates, and lets you know that you have viruses on your computer. Its main purpose is a financial scam: to remove the viruses you need to pay for the "full version" of the program. To stop you from being able to remove it easily, it makes it so that whenever you open an .exe program on your computer it will open instead, and then determins whether the program is a threat or not. For example, I was able to run Firefox, but I had to trick it to let me run AVG.

However, now that it is gone, I am still having trouble running .exe files. When I attempt to run one, it prompts me to select the program that I want to use to open the file, which is not possible since that is the program that should open it (does that make sense?). I have had to redo all of my shortcuts, and still need to "run as administrator" and then give the program permission to run each time. I know that this is a long explanation

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Safe Anti Virus?

Mar 11, 2009

which anti virus is best and doesn't makes PC slower.the problem is disk cleaners or anti viruses sometimes removes some vital system files or registry keys or some programs after virus scan don't work.for example my Kasper anti virus deleted a file as torjen than blue screen started to comes after booting and couldn't able to boot vista again so had to format it.looking for a anti virus that has everything and doesn't have risk after deleting the files that it detects as virus or Trojan.

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Ad-ware Can't Remove Virus

Sep 20, 2009

So the story is, I have loads of ad-ware and viruses and its starting to p*** me off. I have been using SpyBot Search& Destroy, but now for some reason it won't open anymore, neither will Norton AntiVirus. I have tried the Kaspersky online scanner but that didn't seem to work either. Can somebody recommend me a program to use that will work?

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Anti-virus Settings

Jun 14, 2008

I am attempting to load AVG onto my computer, but every time I do, it tells me I'm already running an anti-virus program, and I know it's not a good idea to run two at the same time. I previously had the CA Anti-Virus Suite, but I've uninstalled that program successfully. The only other thing I can think of is the McAfee VirusScan which came with Vista, but I assume was just a free trial and is now out-of-date. How do I find out what the computer thinks I'm still running? And if it is this McAfee trial, how do I get rid of it? I don't see that option anywhere.

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