Login And Fake Proxy, Turn Off?

Mar 10, 2009

When I login to Vista x64 (this doesn't happen on Vista x86), about every third time I get a proxy login message. Since I don't have a proxy server and the login box says that the server is, it is obviously a bug. how to turn this off? I have already disabled "Detect Proxy Server" in Internet Options.

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Wireless Router Proxy?

Aug 17, 2009

I just was wondering what is a "proxy"? Im using wireless router can I use a proxy? Why do people use proxy? Can there be consequences with using it? Were can I find a proxy?

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Vonage Does Not Proxy Servers?

Apr 15, 2009

When I go to whatsmyipaddress.com it says detects many proxy servers. I dont have a network setup- simply my desktop connected to my vonage to my modem. Is this bad? could someone explain this to me? Also I have been told vonage does not act as a proxy server

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Does Windows Mail Work Through Proxy?

Apr 22, 2008

Can you run Windows mail for:
1. Sending/receiving mail
2. Newsgroups
behind a proxy server?

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Fake Antivirus Programs

Oct 28, 2008

Fake antivirus programs claim 30 million victims

More than 30 million Internet users have fallen victim to fake antivirus programs that snatch up people's money and personal information, security research firm PandaLabs has announced. The phenomenon may not be a new one, but it's growing more and more popular as the scammers are getting more crafty. There are now over 7,000 variants of this type of adware, says PandaLabs, and the number of infections caused by it is increasing rapidly.

Users can get infected with this fake antivirus scam in the same manner as any other type of virus or malware—by downloading questionable content from P2P networks, opening e-mail attachments from unknown addresses, or visiting malicious web pages. As most of us already know (probably by servicing the computers of our parents and other less-tech-savvy family members), users are often duped by seeing the software pop up windows that claim the machine is infected, fake bluescreens, or cause other annoyances (PandaLabs notes one where cockroaches crawl all over the desktop).

Many users are motivated to fork over money to get rid of this ASAP.

While many Internet users know not to hand over private information or credit card numbers just because of a few pop-ups, PandaLabs estimates that three percent of them have provided personal details to the purveyors of products that claim to disinfect computers. "Extrapolating from an average European price of €49.95, we can calculate that the creators of these programs are receiving more than €10 million per month," writes PandaLabs.

That is, of course, ignoring the greater financial implications of users handing over their credit card numbers to scammers—the firm notes that, if those numbers are being used fraudulently, then the cost to consumers is obviously quite a bit higher.

Of course, the fact that 30 million users may have fallen for such a scam doesn't surprise us too much. A recent study by the Psychology Department of North Carolina State University revealed that most Internet users don't exercise much caution when presented with fake dialog boxes and pop-up windows with obvious warning signs of malware. Additionally, security software maker AVG found earlier this year that men tend to be much more confident about their online security knowledge than women, but they both end up suffering from identity theft in equal amounts. It just goes to show that even when users talk the talk, they don't always walk the walk when it comes to being safe online.

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Possible Fake Virus Download

Jan 30, 2009

I was browsing online (no naughty sites, I promise) I opened a window that appeared to have one of those classic fake antivirus programs.. you know the kind, "Your computer may be infected get a free scan now!!" The green progress bar at the bottom of my IE window started to move across as if something was downloading so I didn't stick around. I tried to close the window by right clicking on the task bar, that didn't work, so I shut down my internet connection. To close the window I shut down my computer. I restarted, and all seemed to be well. I have the Norton fraud monitoring active on IE and it didn't show any errors, but just to be safe, I scanned with both Defender and my Norton (both up to date). Nothing came up.

I checked my software explorer with Defender, no new startup programs, no unfamiliar processes. The computer is acting normal. No pop ups, no unusual CPU activity. The one thing that worries me is that when I went looking into the reports and activities section of my Norton software, under 'firewall activities' starting yesterday at around the time this all happened, I saw this message showing up

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Change Proxy Settings Or Try Resetting Local Connection Setting

Mar 23, 2008

i used advanced vista optimiser to give my laptop a good clean out as i do every week. but this time when i went to log on the diagnostic comes and says either change proxy settings or try resetting local connection setting. i tried resetting many a time which as done no good. web address bar states where its going but the diag box comes on again.so in the mean time while this is all going on a new tab keeps on opening by its self and saying the same thing,this started to happen before i cleaned my l.p but it was just redirecting to a blank page.

that is why i did the clean.anyhow resetting the lan did not work so i reset the internet expolorer in the tools on the bar. which as worked but the same thing is still happening with the tab ,but now its redirecting to all the freebiee sites and it will not stop. i have spyware-adware-trojan software on my l.p and still no good it did pick up 3 infections which it sorted out, its driving me f*&^%*ng nuts:mad::mad:

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Fake Email, Microsoft Update Notifications

Oct 10, 2008

Dear Microsoft Customer, Please notice that Microsoft company has recently issued a Security Update for OS Microsoft Windows. The update applies to the following OS versions: Microsoft Windows 98, Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows Millenium, Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows Vista. Please notice, that present update applies to high-priority updates category. In order to help protect your computer against security threats and performance problems, we strongly recommend you to install this update..................

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Press Control/alt/delete To Get A Login Screen Up Then Login Using The Administrator Account?

Sep 30, 2009

With xp you can press control/alt/delete to get a login screen up then login using the administrator account. On vista the administrator account is showing as a icon on the login screen. I dont want this to be visible, any ideas how to hide this?. I saw a registry hack but this removes the icon but it seems in doing so there is then no way to login without the icon.

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Fake Anti-virus Popup Scam: Restarting Computer

May 29, 2009

My son got duped by a fake anti-virus popup scam. He followed some directions that included restarting computer, when it rebooted almost all icons in the tray were gone. It removed my Verizon security suite, will not let me access any windows security features, will not let me download any of the free a/v-a/spyware recommended by other posters in this sys security forum. It won't let me uninstall ANY programs. It pops up every 3-4 mins declaring Internet explorer has a worm trying to access my credit card info or with a list of all these other infections,it's relentless. It will not let me use Firefox. It added it's own icon in my tray and calls itself System Security. It blocks any attempt to use/download anything to use against it whether it's windows defender/malware remover or commercial products. What the hell!!? Anyone heard of this particular level of scam and take over of computer function? Any ideas to defeat it? Using Vista Home Premium 32 bit.

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Windows Login Service Failed The Login

Jul 29, 2009

I'm having an issue with new users on my vista business machine. My current user account is working fine, however when I create a new account, either through control panel or through "local users and groups" option by right clicking computer. The account creates and is apparently all ready to go, however when I try log in to the account, i get an error: "the windows login service service failed the login, the user profile could not be loaded". I also notice that in C:users folder, there is no folder with the new account I created, i assume that is why the error is appearing. I have done numerious virus scans, with norton, so thats not the issue. I have found other problems on the internet but they only appear to be having problems with the main account, my main administrator account works fine.

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Multiple Login To Device/server W-same Login

Dec 17, 2009

What's up with Vista 64 (Vista) not allowing the same user; login/pass to acess a network device? I've got a small network in my office and I have just purchased a new laptop with Vista64 on it. I'm trying to access a Network drive device with my login/pass (it works on all other computers) but not the Vista64 box?

I get an error: "share is not accessible. You might not have permission (which I know my login/pass does becuase I'm logged in with XP on two other boxes). But there's the paragraph; "Multiple connections to a server or shared resouces by the same user, using more than one user name, are not allowed, Disconnect all previous connections to the server or shared resource and try again". What the heck I want to keep the same login (ME) to access a devise... is this really how it has to be with Vista?

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How Can I Turn On My Computer: Possibly Software Controlled To Turn It Back On?

Feb 6, 2009

I have my Vista laptop (HP) hooked up to an external monitor, I have been using the sleep mode at night. The laptop is closed and on a shelf that is very hard to get to. I would like to shut it off at night. I can shut it off with the keyboard. Is there any way possibly software controlled to turn it back on? To reach the power button on the laptop you must first raise the lid which there is not room to do

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Ultimate X64: Turn Off Display, Will Not Turn Back On

Nov 2, 2007

Running Windows Vista Ultimate. Display turns off after about fifteen minutes regardless of whether I am actively using the computer or not. The only way to turn the display back on is to close and then open the lid. This disconnets me from AOL, so I have to sign back on again, and if I was emailing, I might lose my current email. Under Power Options, I have 'Turn off the display' set to Never for both On Battery and Plugged in. Under 'Put the computer to sleep' I have both On battery and Plugged in set to never. Nonetheless, the display still shuts off while I am working. What do I need to do to prevent the display from turning off at odd intervals?

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Fake E-mail Address In Windows Mail Newsgroups

Jul 2, 2008

I wish to learn how to create a fake e-mail address for use in windows mail when posting to newsgroups so my identity is protected.

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Turn Off Went To Start Turn Off Computer

Aug 27, 2009

I am embarrassed to ask it. Previously I had WindowsXP on my laptop - to turn it off you went to Start, Turn Off Computer. This laptop is using Vista, and I cannot find anything comparable. Last night I turned it off using the off-on button, so got the Windows did not shut off properly message when I turned it on; and I have a "thing" about leaving my computer on overnight. Also, is there a way of hiding all the command bars to "hide" like you can with the taskbar on the bottom?

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Turn On Computer When Turn Off

Dec 29, 2008

Would over clocking it when your turn on the computer and then before you turn off your computer you put it back to factory settings screw it up???? or what The reason i ask is because when i turn off my computer it gives me the BSOD then the card goes back to factory settings but i can play the OC version of the card

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Login Using

Aug 20, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium 32 bit.I cannot login to two of my accounts. I get to the web site but it will not let me login. One is Triple “A”. If I go to another computer no problem. I believe it is some type of security setting.

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Not Allow Login

Apr 20, 2009

Recently-built engineering workstation running 64-bit Vista Business is on peer network --no server nor domain. As of last Friday, began exhibiting funky behavior and could not get past login:a) Login screen showed two users - one correct, w/ no password, and one named "user" with unknown password.b) Selecting correct user (and no password) showed wait state mouse icon for a few seconds, then displayed message "The network connection was aborted by the local system" and returned to the login screen. Subsequent attempts to login without rebooting displayed message "Invalid Handle".c) System shutoff button in lower right corner of screen displayed NO options on dropdown only a horizontal line, and did not appear to restart the system. Problem exists with either NIC connected on both client and test networks. System restore to previous (working) occasion did not have any effect. "Safe Mode" (with or without Networking) didn't get past this problem. Hardware and memory diagnostics all pass. There's no new hardware and no BIOS or driver updates within the past 60 days.

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Login Problem

Jul 29, 2009

I running Vista Enterprise on an HP laptop. I'm having an issue where randomly it doesn't allow me to login, or sometimes after I'm logged in and then the screensaver lock activates it won't let me "unlock" it (so basically log back in).

After I do ctrl-alt-del I see the screen that shows the user accounts on the system...when I try to click on any of them nothing happens. The password box never displays. Its like the screen is "locked" up for some reason. My only solution is to turn it off and turn it back on.

This is a new laptop...running latest service pack and updates. I haven't installed anything new on it. Last new app I installed was a few weeks ago...and then this problem started. I tried turning off UAC and that didn't resolve the problem (I was just guessing).

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Login Password

Aug 10, 2008

I am trying to change my mail preferences so I can use my Live email account for my default account. I did it okay on XP pro. Cant figure it out on Vista ...

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Uses The Disk A Lot After Login

Jun 6, 2008

I have successfully installed the sp1 and there are no serious problem so far. However a serious problem is rising: I hoped SP1 solved it but it did not. Soon after I login the disk on my laptop is intensively used: I succeded in identifying the process which causes the problem and is C:\windowssystem32configegback. It uses the disk for at least 10 minutes, then everything is normal. Since is a windows process causing the problem I deactivated the system restore (also because I have never used it in the past). Nothing changed.

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Only Login In Safemode

Oct 8, 2009

My Vista Laptop ( Toshiba A200 1.8ghz 2gb rAM) Will not login properly when using the full main windows. It crashes at various stages and cant get into task manager.

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Re-enabling UAC, Cannot Login

May 4, 2008

After re-enabling UAC, 1 of the 4 users cannot login anymore. He types as usual his credentials, the login seems to proceed, but after a few seconds the login screen is back. The user who cannot login anymore, has done updates of Vista. This user is an Administrator.

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Cannot Login In Windows

Jul 1, 2008

Why does Vista sit there for ages after pressing Ctrl + Alt + Del , and entering username and passwords. Its just says "Welcome" with a spinny circle. 2-3 minutes later the desktop arrives! Nothing in the event log, same laptop with XP installed does the applying/loading personal seetings in about 10-15 seconds. Why does Vista when on the logon screen change the "Logon to" part from the domain the local PC name when i type "Administrator" in the box? Does not do it on any other account!, very annoying having to type domainadministrator on the main logon screen.

Why does Vista take 4x longer to install anything than XP does on my laptop? XP installed the standalone flash player in less than 10 seconds. Minutes later i'm still waiting for Vista to get on with it. Why when i open our shared area thats on our 2003 server does Vista take more than 5 minutes to load it, when XP does it in less than 1 second? No matter which hardware i try Vista on, same result. Think somebody needs to start selling XP again, it works.

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Cannot Login Because No Backslash Available

Feb 10, 2009

Here is my problem. I have a new Vista Biz installation and in the initial setup phase, I selected UK Eng instead of US Eng . I logged in with the default user to the local machine and it seemed ok. Then I joined the machine to the company AD Domain with no problem. I soon realised that the keyboard was a US keyboard so I went into the regional and language settings and changed the keyboard to US.When I try to login to the local machine again in order to make changes which I cannot do to the machine in the domain, I am unable to get the backslash to work. Therefore it is impossible for me to type mynewcomputer-pcmy name and therefore I am I locked out of the local machine. I've tried every possible key combination and I cannot get the backslash key.

I cannot change the default locale ( which I notice is still in Eng even though I changed the keyboard to US ) as the local security policies on the domain forbid it. No problem with backslash when the machine is logged into the domain but as soon as I logout of the domain and get the CTRL + Alt + Del box then the backslash is no longer available.

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Way Automatically Login?

May 15, 2010

im running a dell laptop with vista home. i recently reinstalled the os and am having login issues. there is one user account and when i startup or come back from sleep, i have to click on my user account before entering password. is there a way to make it automatically select this account and display enter password rather than me having to click account first? i do want to require a password.

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Enabling Cookies To Login

Jan 14, 2009

I just fired up on windows vista with IE 7 after many long years on win95 and 98.

I searched but did not see this exact problem. I was trying to login to my amazon account and it said I needed to enable cookies to get in. Over the course of the next 2 hours I was finally at:

Norton shut off.

Cookies enabled with all amazon sites they listed in as trusted sites.

Cookies cleared and new window opened.

I still got the same error.

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Requiring A Password Login

Jun 1, 2009

I have an Acer laptop that came with factory-installed Vista Home Premium. I've had it two years and I am the only user. Today it crashed and when I restarted it, it asked me for my password at the user selection screen. I had it set up to just select the user, I don't even recall setting a password and I don't believe I ever made a recovery disk. Microsoft says they have never heard of this problem. How can I go back to no password being required at the user selection screen? Acer did not provide a Windows Vista disk.

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Boot Failure - Never Gets To Login

Mar 28, 2008

I have a 3month old PC - clean installed with Vista Home Prem OEM. As of 8 days ago will not finish booting - simply ends with a mouse pointer on a black screen (pointer moves when mouse is moved). Have tried - everything - full memory diagnostics, chkdsk /r, System restore (found no restore points), all SAFE modes, Last good config. In place upgrade is disabled as it is an OEM build. Intel P35 chipset MB, E6850 CPU. No new hardware installed. No bug check codes displayed (no blue screen). Was fully up to date with WU, and drivers - and was running well since built. It is as if the profile is corrupt - but there was no indication of a problem. If this was Win XP I would do a Repair Install. Obviously no way to do that in Vista. This was before SP1 came out this week. The drive has been fully scanned for virii and spyware (HDD added to a clean working system and scanned), came up clean. I do not want to give up and clean install - there has to be another way. I have been a PC tech since 1986 - and VERY RARELY give up.

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Updates Do Not Let Me Get To The Login Screen

Jun 13, 2008

I am having a nightmare with my laptop which has windows vista ultimate on it. I chose to shut down the laptop by choosing the option "Shut down after installing updates", and so it started to shut down. However, after a couple of hours I checked and saw the laptop was still on, and it was stuck on Update 3 / 3. The status screen displays the following: Installing Update 3 / 3 - 0%

A couple of moments later, the laptop displays "Shutting down" and just like that it does. Not matter which mode I run the laptop in or how much times I let it "loop-around", it returns to the same screen. The problem is I cannot even get to the login screen, let alone try something to fix the damn system! I am really against a wall here, as I have no idea what to do. Is there a way I can backup information from my hard drive while the laptop is on, but not logged on? - Is there a way I can restore the latop to an earlier state using the restore option without logging on to the system?

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