Pc Wont Boot Up Past Loading Bar

Apr 24, 2009

My pc wont boot up past the loading bar. the bar scrolls through twice then it stops in the middle for about 2 secs then it scrolls twice or so more and then disapears and nothing else happens. just a black screen. I can boot into safe mode, I have restored the system to yesterday before I installed new graphics card drivers and I have uninstalled the last program I installed.

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Windows Not Starting Past Loading Bar

Jan 7, 2010

I haven't been able to start Windows past the green loading bar. The first couple of days when I tried to turn on the computer it would take me to an 'Error Start Up' screen where I would try to restart using safe mode or something.

Now though, it does the blue HP screen, then goes black with a grey loading bar that says "Loading Files" and then from there it goes to the green loading bar. This has happened to me once before, although, it was fixed in just a couple of days. I removed the main power cord and left it out for a day and when I tried again, it worked. I've tried doing that now, but no such luck......

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Cant Get Past Boot Up Screen

Nov 4, 2009

I just put some more memory in my computer and now cant get past boot bios screen as I cant use keyboard to go past but I am guessing as usb is not active at this point keyboard or mouse does not work

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Boot Fail: Got The Green Loading Bar But Then A Black Screen After About 20 Mins

May 8, 2010

Last night my pc was running fine and just before I went for some shut eye put my pc into sleep mode today I woke my pc only for it not to allow me to log on, mouse movement only nothing was clickable so after a short while I decided to reset upon boot I got the green loading bar but then a black screen after about 20 mins I gave up and tried a restore last good config.... Yeah nice one it bsod on me At 55% chkdsk and now I get a windows boot manager error file: ootcd

I tried Bootrec /RebuildBcd but it brings back an error that it can not create the new file as the file already exists. I'm not having much luck with the recovery disk for repair options as it can't seem to find the OS and brings back errors of can not recover everything seems on a go slow and ubuntu can't find my c drive even tried spin right and that can't recover a bad sector I'm at a loss as to what to do befor the fresh install option I'm on my last option to try use a back up store disk

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FSX Continually Stops Loading And Have To Restart The Loading Process

Jun 8, 2008

New computer. Vista Home Premium. FSX continually stops loading and have to restart the loading process. Six times to get it loaded, but all sytems not functioning. Loaded Accelerator crashed whole system had to do repair of FSX and start over again with continual stoppage. Don't know where to go from here. It worked fine with XP

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Loading Screen And Does Not Move, Green Loading Bars

Aug 6, 2008

First after doing an ordinary restart, my vista (ultimate) gets stuck for a LONG time at the loading screen and does not move, with the green loading bars. this happens every time i try to restart. i pop in my original vista disk and start the repair process...it says it found something wrong with my startup and it found what was wrong and that it was repaired. after this i get the message NTLDR, which is a whole nother problem. i ran the below to fix the NTLDR...

1. Put the Windows Vista installation disc in the disc drive, and then start the computer.
2. Press a key when you are prompted.
3. Select a language, a time, a currency, a keyboard or an input method, and then click Next.
4. Click Repair your computer............

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Cannot Get Past Startup Repair

Mar 6, 2010

Starting today I tried to turn on my pc and I get the startup repair screen. It does a quick scan and says "windows cannot repair this computer automatically". It gives me the option to send the info to Microsoft or don't send, I tried both and both take to an option to finish or cancel. Finish shuts down the pc and cancel restarts. This seems like a never ending cycle, I cannot get to the desktop to use my computer.

My girlfriend said she would notice microsoft office would uninstall randomly which has never happened before, and we also keep our pc on at night and she said it recently started turning off itself. She thinks it may have started when we started putting music onto our mytouch phones with the usb wire and we charge our phones while it stays connected to the of. I'm not sure what to do. Also Im not sure of which uptdates were installed since they are automatically done.Here is a list of the problem details it gives m after the short startup repair:

Problem signature:.............

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Won't Go Past The Login Screen

Mar 5, 2010

I had used my laptop(link below) just fine in the am then when I try to sign-in in the pm it won't go past the login screen and will auto restart and again to the login screen so it becomes a vicious cycle. I have tried starting in safe mode then system restore, no luck, back to safe mode and got this error: The Recycle Bin on drive c: is corrupt or invalid. Do you want to empty ..., then tried: load thelast known good configuration, again no good.

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Vista Won't Get Past The Login Screen

Apr 26, 2009

My vista won't get past the login screen. It happened after I tried to patch tcpip.sys with the Half-open limit fix.

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Won't Load Past Green Bar Starting.

Jul 21, 2009

Alright i have a gateway laptop not too old at all. Running Vista home Prem. The back story is it froze and i hard reset it, upon restart it started to freeze on the green bar screen and wouldn't go past. Using a recovery partiton on the harddrive placed on there by gateway i attempted 3 times to restore the laptop to factory state, i got as far as the vista initial setup and it wouldnt go back to the desktop. Again it crashed doing the same green bar issues. Finally using a disc i found i deleted the partition and reinstalled vista, leaving the recovery section alone again. But it ran fine i thought i was in the good, so i started to try to get the drivers back, i installed the drivers for the webcam, touchpad, and video card. All were retrieved from the gateway support website. It crashed again the same green bar screen and not going past it. Now the issue, using F8 to get to the advanced boot screen none of the options do anything but send me back to the green bar starting the wait for nothing to happen again. i Also attempted to do a factory state repair with that recovery partition, but it sends me to the green bar. Same thing occurs wif i attempt to use the disc to just install vista, it prompts to press any key to load from cd/dvd i do so it says windows loading files loads for a good 3 mins, then just sends me to the green bar again. Also i cannot access the command prompt or i would attempt to delete the partition again. I cant figure out whats wrong and i know as far as ive gone would exceed what geek squad or most the the random computer repair shops could do. And seeing how its refusing to load a recovery from the vista cd/dvd i doubt anyone could get anywhere with it.

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COMP Wont Go Past HP Screen At Begining!

Jan 1, 2010

I have an HP dv6000. I was using the computer today and it was fine and I did not download anything today. When I went to turn it on tonight it goes to the HP screen where in the bottom right hand corner I can pressesc for boot order settings for F10 for setup. Than it shuts off and does the same thing again. I try to press F8 but it's like it wont allow it, I can press F10 to get into setup but when I press F8 there is a
loud beep. It seems like there is a light ticking coming from the bottom part of the lap top, about every 5 seconds i hear a light tick. I tried to reset to the default settings. take the battery out, and all of that.

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Wont Load Past Login Screen?

Jun 6, 2009

I turned off my computer yesterday then turned it on again and switched it off again using the power switch repeatedly yesterday in a span of a few mins. I then went out for a day and when i came back home and tried to boot my computer again vista wouldnt load the login screen. I changed my loading screen and it gets past that alright but when it gets to the logon screen everything just turns black?

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Extend Activation Period Past 180 Days

Mar 20, 2007

There has been a lot of news about a new technique to extend the activation period of Windows Vista past 180 days.  It all started when Brian Livingston posted a story on his site, WindowsSecrets.com, about a registry key that can be modified to allow the slmgr -rearm command to be run more than three times.  This allows you to use Windows Vista without having to activate it for longer than 180 days.
Activation has always been more of burden for licensed Windows users than an effective deterrent for piracy.  There are already many cracks for Windows Vista that bypass activation completely.   The end result is a bad experience for those that legally buy the product. 

For me, this is an issue that I am always fighting with. I am constantly building, installing and re-configuring my two computers with multiple vista virtual machines.  I don't want to deal with the burden of having to activate my legal copies of Windows Vista every time since none of my workstations seem to last for more than a few months before I reinstall.  If I actually activated my Vista Ultimate licenses every time I reinstall I would already have to use the slow phone based system where you have to type in that super long code.  Sorry Microsoft, that is a horrible experience that I'm trying to avoid.  

Using Brian's registry key and the old 180 day trick, it is possible to setup Task Scheduler to automate these changes to extend the period before you need to activate beyond 180 days. Follow these steps to automate the registry change and activation reset using Task Scheduler:

Click on the Start Button, type in Task Manager and hit Enter....

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Using Kaspersky As My Internet Security And In Past I Have Used Norton Security Suite

Dec 2, 2008

I got Vista 32 bit installed on my laptop. I work from Internet And need a good firewall and security suite which can protect my computer from trojen and malewars and hackers. Currently i am using kaspersky as my internet security and in past i have used Norton Security suite, In Both I have noticed getting too much of hacking attempts 3/hr.

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Booting Up: Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device Or Insert Boot Media In Selected Boot Device And Press A Key

Jan 1, 2009

I went to turn it on this morning, I just had a black screen showing the following words;

Press F2 to run
Press F11 to boot menu
Auto detecting PRI Master Atapai CDROM.

It then went to reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key. I went into the BIOS to change the boot order and inserted my Vista home premium 32bit. I then got windows is loading in files. After a short while I got the black start up screen with Microsoft Corporation but after a few seconds it just froze. Moments later it went to a blue screen with white writing part of which said the following; A PROBLEM HAS BEEN DETECTED AND WINDOWS HAS BEEN SHUT DOWN TO PREVENT DAMAGE TI YOUR COMPUTER.

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Not Loading

Jun 7, 2009

I cannot always load windows Vista Home in normal mode.

I did a log and it seems to hang here:
Did not load driver @nettun.inf,%6to4mp.displayname%;Microsoft 6to4 Adapter

There are a number of these listed.

I can boot into safe mode, I have run a registry check using regcure, but no joy. I still cannot boot into normal mode, it just gets to the bar going accross and nothing happens.

I have SP1 installed.
The problem appeared to occur after trying to upgrade AVG Antivirus, but I removed this, cleaned out all entries pertaining to AVG in Registry, but this did not solve the problem.

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Desktop Loading

Aug 24, 2008

I’ve removed all my external hardware, usb devices, printers etc… Expect the monitor, mouse and monitor.

I’m at a loss this problem started small freezing every once and while(I leave my computer on all the time) now I can’t get more then a minute or 2 into the desktop.

I’ve tried a lot of stuff and am hoping for further insight.


Vista Home Premium 32bit
HP Pavilion a1357c
AMD64 x 2 4200 2.2ghz
3 g ram
Nvidia Geforce 8600 GT 512

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Windows Not Loading

Jan 11, 2010

I have a pc with windows xp media centre edition, running flight simmulator.. I installed the accelerator kit on it.. now its not starting up...getting blue screen saying either "uninstall your antivirus program or driver" I can not load it to safe mode to do that, I have run the repair from the recovery system still no luck.

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PC Not Loading Some Programs

Apr 9, 2010

Everytime i switch on my PC, it loads perfectly well but afterwards there are some pop ups windows which says:

1. Could not load or run 'c:usersmyNameLocal' specified in the registry.Make sure the file exists on your computer or remove the reference to it in the registry.when i click on ok, another pop up comes saying. 2. Could not load or run 'settingapplication' specified in the registry.Make sure the file exists on your computer or remove the reference to it in the registry.when i click on ok, another pop up comes saying 3.Could not load or run 'Dataasdlfj3service.exe' specified in the registry.Make sure the file exists on your computer or remove the reference to it in the registry.when i click on ok, another pop up comes saying

4.Windows Defender window pops up saying: application failed to nitialize:0x80070006.The handle is invalid Even if you go to the Accesssories then System Information you get: Windows cannot find C:windowssystem32msinfo32.exe.Make sure you typed the name correctly and try again. The same thing happens when you go to Accessories, then command promt you get windows cannot find c:windowssystem32cmd.exe.

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System Not Down Loading

Aug 26, 2008

a friend pointed this out to me as a great program to use. I download it..and it doesn't work. They don't have an official Vista build yet, but they have a page that tells you how to work around it. I think I've done everything right, main thing is that Vista's driver signature stops it, b/c Phoenix Labs hasn't purchased one yet, so I disable that and all should work fine, but I get a failed file error instead. I assume it's from a corrupt file, when downloading, but I've tried several downloads and nothing worked. So anyone have any ideas on how to get it working, or anyone have a program that works the same as PG?

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Oblivion Not Loading

Mar 28, 2009

i got The Elder Scrolls Oblivion game of the year edition, a few weeks ago and have been having problems installing on my computer since. I put the disk in and nothing happens, the computer does not read it. when i go into computer and double click the dvd drive it should be in, a message appears asking me to insert the disk. I bought this computer from pc world around two months ago. my computer runs 64bit vista im wondering if this could be the problem? or could it be my graphics card has not got the performance to play the game therefor my computer does not run it. iv done a restore of where i turn everything off in the background to see if the disk will be read, and the same old thing happens.

iv been wanting to play this game for a year or so now and cannot seem to fix the problem. iv spoked to the oblivion technical help service and they still cannot conclude the problem. also i rang pc world up and they told me to try to speek to the game designers and ask of a patch or online download where by i can download straight to my computer. i so far cannot find any patch or download to take from oblivions site, and have not found the number to get in contact with the game designers.

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Defragmentation Does Not Loading Bar

Feb 24, 2010

i have a vista home premium with a 138GB HD (82GB full, 56GB free) on an HP pavillion computer. my computer is about 2-3years old.

1) how long does it take to defragmentation for the 1st time? the last time i did it (and the 1st time, with all the info above, my computer didn't finish even after 12hrs+. unfortunately, defragmentation does not have some loading bar, so i could not tell if the thing just stopped or it was just taking a super long time.)

2) also, when i did defragmentation for the 1st time, my computer started losing free space! what's going on?

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Improvements After Loading Sp1

Apr 30, 2008

I have not downloaded yet too afraid.has anyone actually seen any improvements after loading sp1

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Pictures Are Not Loading

Sep 25, 2008

Suddenly my labtop with vista primum and ie7 browser loading pages but missing the fotos and images !! i click refresh some fotos reappear and others dont I have't done or add anything to my comp what would be the problem ??

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DEP Stopping Itunes Loading

Jan 20, 2009

I have been unable to load and use itunes because of a DEP message that pops up on screen shutting down the program.

I have done the following:

*uninstalled the programs itunes and quicktime
*uninstalled the programs completely using Crogram files - the additional way of uninstalling.
* reinstalled/uninstalled both programs about 4 times
* reinstalled quicktime as a stand alone program
* used Windows installer clean up

I can't turn DEP off by selecting itunes and putting into the marked exception box because an error message tells me that itunes MUST operate with DEP. It will not drag it into the box.

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Microsoft Loading Bar Finished

Jan 15, 2010

When I start the PC, after the loading bar for Microsoft thing finishes,instead of going to login screen it gives me a blue screen, and it says Page_fault_in_nonpaged_area.

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Black Screen After Loading Bar

Jan 18, 2010

I was hoping that some of you guys could help me with a problem. As the title says, my screen goes completely black after the loading screen with the green loading bar, but before the usual windows vista circle is supposed to appear. I have also tried to use a vista x64 recovery disk. Here I only get the blue background a mouse I can move around on the screen, meaning I have no options to choose from. Does anyone know what the problem might be? And if so, how to possibly fix it?

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Windows Not Loading Due To Updates

Oct 5, 2009

I've tried everything to fix my Dell Inspiron 1545 running Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit and I can't seem to work out what to do anymore. My laptop automatically did some updates earlier today and I rebooted as advised, unfortunately it failed to load up at all and I got a screen telling me windows has failed to start. Problem could be due to a recent change of hardware or software. The only recent change being the updates. I've tried to do a system repair, which hasn't worked. All it does is load a blank screen with, eventually a movable mouse cursor, nothing else happens after. I've tried to load from the boot cd also, but I have the same problem.

The white bar loads, message saying windows is loading files then as soon as its passed the blank screen and mouse cursor come up. I can't load anything in safe mode as it just comes up with the windows failed to start message. I'm at a loss, I think. And if I can't reinstall windows then it looks like my laptop is messed up completely. All I haven't tried is perhaps loading safe mode with command prompt and trying to do a system restore, and Repair Install For Vista this, which I'm not quite sure I understand fully. I might have had SP1 installed already. Anyone got anything they can chuck my way to advise me to do? I haven't had the laptop all THAT long.

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Vista Has Loading Things

Feb 12, 2008

When i start up my vista has problems loading things and can pause. Yet sometimes it lets you log on, but when you log after 20 seconds it can freeze(but the arrow moves around the screen). I can get on safe mode perfectly(I am using now). This is the second time it happened, and the 1st time i had to format, and i am not willing to do that again.

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Loading Bar Screen: No Input Available

Feb 7, 2008

List of Parts:G. Skill 4x2gb DDR2 PC2-8000 ram Intel Quad Core 2.4Ghz cpu Gigabyte GA-X38-DS4 motherboard BFG Tech 8800 GTS (G92) gpu thermaltech toughpower 700w psu Western Digital Caviar WD2500 hd Chi Mei 22" LCD Sound Blaster Audigy SE sound card LiteOn optical drive Problems started today when i tried to turn on my computer, im running Vista Home Premium x64. The loading bar screen would show up and then after that it would go black like usual, but then my monitor would show that there was no input available and the computer would hang in this state forever. Any suggestions? I know a new HD would probably fix it all but im not sure i really want to spend all the money, literally just built this baby 2 weeks ago!

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Internet Explorer Loading

Jun 23, 2008

This isn't a big deal but it can be quite irritating. I have a brand new machine with Windows Vista Business running on it. This is the main machine in the study and has a Belkin router connected to it via a cat5 cable. The rest of the PCS/Laptops in the house run from the routers wireless. Everything is set up and internet explorer loads automatically on each machine.

However, on this newer machine, when I click on Internet Explorer, it takes around 8-10 seconds to load the homepage, i.e google. On all of the other machines, its pretty much instant. The other machines are running XP/Vista Home and Vista Basic. They all load the webpage instantly................

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