Network Places Kills Computer

Oct 7, 2009

I have windows vista home premium. And i tried setting up a home network, which worked fine, i can see all shared folders on my network and i can access the said computer from another computer with no problem.

However, whenever i try to open any folder on the network , even if its my own (from said computer) i get blue screen, windows reboots, windows says it found a problem it cant fix, and everything else seems to be working fine. It happens with ANY folder on the network location, regardless if it has anything in it. I scanned the computer for viruses, according to my kaspersky its clean. It used to work in the past, i used to be able to access network folders with no problem.

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Network Places Does Not Display Anything?

Jan 10, 2009

Recently I adopted a strange problem in Vista x64. I have a home network, which works fine. Just recently, something strange started happening. Now when I click on "network" from the start bar(or anywhere for that matter) the window goes blank, as if its not even going to the "network places". Its hard to describe, so I will paste a screen shot. Sometimes it works fine. When I just boot the computer it works fine, then a little while later it just magically stops(yet anything connected through the network still technically works, like media streaming etc... I just no longer can see anything in "network"). It just seems as if the explorer is not working correctly, but I have no idea what could possibly cause this. I've tried deleting my network and adapters and re-doing everything(including clearing all network info from the registry) and it did nothing. I thought maybe it was a firewall update, so I uninstalled firewall, no effect.

It doesn't even come up with the green bar along top or the sidebar on the left. My shared folders on this PC don't even show. Nothing is even displayed in the location bar. Its just as if explorer stops displaying the network after the computer has been on for so long. If I end task on explorer in task manager and open explorer back up, it works again(like a reboot). Then not after long, it goes back to not working. Very frustrating cause I often transfer files between systems/network locations. I've searched all over the net to no avail...

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Network Places: Can Log Into Vista

Mar 23, 2008

I have a desktop with XP Pro, and laptop with Vista Home. I can see the computers in "my network places" and I can log into Vista-laptop from my XP-desktop after giving user name and password, but I can't log in from Vista-laptop into my XP-desktop. It keeps telling me that the user name/password is incorrect.

I have only one account on XP computer, and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I checked the spelling, CAPS, but it still keeps telling me that the log in information is not correct.

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Streaming To Xbox Kills Pc Network After 10 Minutes

Mar 23, 2008

I can stream to the xbox via media player or extender, play movies or music for about 10 mins, sometimes less, the xbox reports lost connectiuon to pc. When i go to pc there is no internet connection and have to reboot pc to recover and so we start again with same problemsduring all this even when the xbox cannot see the pc i can still connect to
xboxlive so the router is not the issue, it must be the network card on the pc I am thinking.

Setup of network is as follows

Vista premium pc to
Belkin modem router to
xbox to belkin router

I have tried fixed connection cable to router or wireless same reuslts.

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Digital Camera Software : Photos In Two Places

Jan 15, 2009

What is the purpose of the software that comes with the purchase of a digital camera? I purchased a SonyDSC-S650 and ran the disk that came with it. It appears to me that now I have photos in two places. Should I delete the Sony program or is it better to store my photos using their software.

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MS Update Kills MS IE7

Mar 23, 2008

I have my month old computer with windows vista home premium. On 12th of February 2008 I run Microsoft update to update my computer like I have done for years with no problems. I install all 38mb of the 11 new recommended Microsoft updates.IE7 will not connect to Internet. I get "Internet Explorer cannot display web page". I used IE7 right before I did update and it worked fine. I rolled back the updates through windows system restore and IE7 worked fine. It is the windows update that caused the problem.

I installed the updates again for security and sure enough IE7 does not work. I use firefox for now but I like IE7 better and want it back.

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The Flashing Line That Indicates Where I Am Typing Moves To Random Places!

Sep 29, 2009

How do I fix it? D:

We have two Sony Vaio laptops in my house and this has happened with both of them. When I type the little flashing line moves to random places and the typing continues from there. Not only that, sometimes when I type passages get highlighted or deleted, or the page simply changes for no reason. Why did this happen and how can i fix it? D:

I posted this on Yahoo Answers and the response was
this is common and one of the reasons people hate vista, however its easy to fix.

go to control panel >mouse and other (or printers and other) >Mouse > Touchpad Tab >move the slider back a bit so its not so sensitive.

When the Touchpad is super sensitive weird things happen when your hands are nearby.

2 weeks ago"

But I don't have a touchpad tab option that allows me to do that.

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SP1 Kills Boot Time

Mar 23, 2008

Installed the SP1 sent to me in the Windows updates a few days ago and machine has been slow to boot and generally slow ever since. It was very much faster before SP1. I have a Vista Ultimate 64 bit machine, 2 gigs ram, more than enough disk space left (320gig drive half full) etc. The only change was putting in SP1. Thinking that this could have been some sort of stuffup between Mcafee AV and this new SP1 I uninstalled it and it did make things slightly better as expected but of course I put it back and things were as bad as ever. I note, on web sites, that this is a commonly reported problem with SP1 from pre-release days. So, anyone know any way to fix it and if not, when MS will fix that?

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Security Update For IE7 Kills Internet Access

Jun 13, 2008

Dell forward a bunch of updates from Microsoft yesterday. One was Security Update KB950759. After this was installed I couldn't access the internet. After I uninstalled it everything worked. Again today it was sent by Dell and installed-same thing, couldn't access internet until I uninstalled it.

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Trojan.Vundo Kills Activation: Rebooted Error )xc004D301

Jun 29, 2008

vundo managed to slip into what i thought was a secure system..sure, Defender detected it...but it missed the 4 other DLL's the process made and let them i'm sitting here unable to detect it with scanners.

Im determined to kill it, but as of now it's screwed with my windows activation. I rebooted and got Error 0xC004D301 - The security processor reported that the trusted data store was tampered. Assuming I get this much of a PITA is it going to be to get my vista back to validated or at this point am I totally screwed and it won't be able to be reactivated?

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Unknown Computer On Network

Jul 6, 2008

I have three pc's on my wireless network. I looked at my network places tojight and noticed a fourth. I clicked on it and it said windows cannot access it. What do I do?

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Cannot Access Xp Computer On Network

Mar 23, 2008

I have vista on desktop with router and am trying to network (wireless) with another desktop running xp. The network connections are good / router recognizes both computers. Internet connection functional on both computers. The vista computer will only "see" the xp intermitently. When it is available, I tried to map the xp drive from vista to no avail. Error message said the computer name was incorrect although it was correct. Both computers are in same workgroup.

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Mac Computer Does Not Show Up In Network

Apr 4, 2009

I have a windows vista home premium 64 and a mac os leapord and both connected to same router/network. IP addresses are fine. I can connect to shared folders/drives from the pc to the mac, but the mac does not show up in the network folder on my windows vista machine.

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Unknown Computer Showing In Network

Mar 23, 2008

Quite a problem here. I noticed my internet [T1, I have a box with a light that flashes when in use] was going nonstop at a fast rate, even when my computer was idle. So I went and checked my network settings. My computer is alone, not on any networks, but "JACQUELINE-PC" and a media version of that is showing up on my network. My network was private and I changed it to public, seeing as Windows Help said that is safest for lone computers. I also added a password to my windows computer account. I tried to turn "file sharing" off, but it said it was controlled by my firewall. I use Nortons
Internet Security for firewall and I havent been able to find any option to
disable file sharing in it.

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Computer Trying To Connect To Xp Printer On Xp Network

Feb 6, 2009

i have 2 computers and one laptop in my home the main computer is xp, laptop is xp. the hp printer is attached to main computer. my daughters computer is vista. i can see all computers on the network and had no problem in adding the printer to my xp laptop, but cannot add the printer to the vista computer. i have norton on all computers and have removed it and still same problem. when adding the printer on the vista computer, i can see the printer but when i add it produces this error "Windows cannot connect to the printer. Operation could not be completed (error 0x0000046a)"

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Sleeping Computer But Still With Network Connection

Nov 2, 2008

I'm sharing my PC internet connection to my Apple Mac Pro now i am starting to use the mac a lot more and was wondering if there was a way to put my PC to sleep but still have the connection alive for my mac pro to stay connected to the internet.

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Network Computer Showing But Cant Connect

Jun 27, 2008

In the network map I can see the two computers, the router and the internet symbol. File and printer sharing is on for both machines but the other machine which is visable cant be connected to? Firewall permits file and printer sharing as well.

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6000]
Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:UsersBrett Jones>ipconfig
Windows IP Configuration
Wireless LAN adapter Wireless Network Connection:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::612a:b302:fdd7:297d%18
IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

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Home Network Supported 2 And 3 Computer

Mar 23, 2008

when I open my network I do not see 2 of 3 computers on the home network. I have 2wire, the main PC supports the printer. I use to be able to open all computers.

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Network Computer Was Not Password Protected

Apr 12, 2009

I have a "Lenovo SL500" thinkpad laptop, Running Vista Business 32bit. And a costum built Desktop PC running Vista Ultimate. Both password protected, but with the same password. I would like to transfer files vire the network. Now this wouldn't be a problem if the Reciving computer was not password protected. All I would do is open "Network" located in the start menu and then do the folowing "Network\". To find computers name: open start menu, right click on "computer" and press "properties" But because the reciving computer is password protected I can only see "Printers" I need security so I cannot remove passwords OR open my computer up for file sharing!

The only other options I have got are: Bluetooth: This Ok but is slow and you are needed on both computers for accepting, entering passes etc. (I would preferrer not to!) Server: We have a Server but this means uploading to the server(could take ages), Then Downloading the server(thats double the time). (Again I would preferrer not to!) Memory sticks: Basically a simaller problem to the server! (Once again I would preferrer not to!) So basically what I am asking is: Does anyone know an application/progam that deals with network file sharing (That will do what I am asking for) Or a hidden option in vista to allow this Or something?

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XP Seems To Lose Network Connectivity To The Vista Computer

Apr 20, 2010

Have a small network consisting of one Win XP Media Center Ed. and one Vista home premium (and an Internet router). The Vista crashed and was restored to factory and apps reinstalled, etc. Each computer has dedicated IP address, and each runs a version of Norton Internet Security. They are in the same workgroup. Prior to the Vista problem, all was generall well. Now, the XP seems to lose network connectivity to the Vista computer when the computers are turned on in the morning. This is important for many reasons, including that the XP uses a printer attached to the Vista for most of the XP's printing needs.

I have set up a user on Vista that matches the user on XP, and have set the NIS on Vista to allow all connections to the IP of the XP box. And all is well until that reboot. There may be more to that, but in the few days the rebuilt Vista has been up, that has been the story. I have been able to restore the connection by launching Network Places, and searching for the name of the Vista computer. It so far does not show up in the network view until I do a manual search using the computer name. Then when it comes up and I double-click on the Vista C: drive, I'm prompted for login info, which I give and then I get connected (why is this not automatically done for me?). I've also mapped a drive to the Vista and set that for "reconnect at login."

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Network Bridge, Internet Connection Goes From Computer Into The PS3

Dec 1, 2009

does creating a network bridge on my computer allow me to connect another LAN cable into a second device straight from my computer? because i want to connect my LAN cable into my PS3, but the cable is too short to reach the PS3. so i wanted to have it so the internet connection goes from my computer into the PS3. if thats correct, what component would i need to make it happen?

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Can't Log Into Computer:Local Area Network Is Undentified

Oct 7, 2009

I can't log into my computer by normal mode,safe mode and safe mode with network.This started when i log into my computer and start a game and attempt to connect to my BroadBand connection.While connecting, my Local Area Network is undentified so i restart my computer and i can't log in till now.

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Internet: Computer Doesn't Show Wireless Network

Jun 2, 2008

I've just recently encountered a problem connecting to the internet with my notebook and when I check to see what was wrong my computer says I'm not connected to any networks. So when I try to connect my computer doesn't show my wireless network it says a cable is not plugged into the network adapter 'local area connection". However everything is plugged in and my mom's notebook has no problem. Also it says that my computer doesn't have a wireless adapter installed and configured but it does and when I go to the properties it says the device is working properly. I don't know what to do anymore. I've restarted my computer and unplugged and replugged the cable and disabled and enabled the adapter.

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Network And Sharing Center "Windows Cannot Access \Computer Name"?

May 18, 2008

I click on view full map in Network and Sharing center on Vista, and I can see all the XP computers (because I installed the LLTD fix) sometimes I can click on the computers, sometimes I can't. I don't know why that is. Next, clicking on "View computers and devices" only shows my Laptop and router. Sometimes the other computers show up too, usually after a few tries or refreshes. When the XP computers do show up, and I double click to try to view the shared folders, I get the following error:

"Windows cannot access \Computer Name. Check the spelling of the name. Otherwise, there might be a problem with your network. To try to identify and resolve network problems, click Diagnose. Error code: 0x80070005 Access is denied."

Clicking on diagnose says this: "Windows did not find any problems with this computer's network connection." My firewalls are set to allow computers on the network. I've even turned them off and just let Windows Firewall do it's thing. I really don't understand the spelling error. I think if that can be fixed,
the network would work just fine.

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Windows Update Kills Windows Mail On Windows 7

May 12, 2010

If you have installed Windows Mail on a Windows 7 computer,yesterday's update contains a KB978542 patch which changes msoe.dll so it won't run on Windows 7. I had warned about these types of issues when Win7 was first released. Microsoft claims it was done for security=20 reasons, see To get it working again, replace the new non-working copy of msoe.dll in Windows 7 with a copy of the new patched version of msoe.dll from a Vista machine.=20

Note: I ran into permissions issues when trying to delete the = non-working msoe.dll, so rather than fighting that, I renamed the Win7 Windows Mail directory to "Windows Mail-X", then I copied and pasted the Windows Mail directory from the Vista machine. I suspect that Windows Mail will = become less and less compatible with Win7 as time goes along.=20

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Cannot "see" Another Computer On The Network

Jul 2, 2008

Network question -- I cannot "see" another computer on the network. It knows the laptop name [from the new computer] but it is applying it to windows media. The laptop knows the new computer's name but it can't open it or "see" anything about it. Both machines are working off the same wireless network. Both are discoverable. Neither [yes, I know] has a firewall turned on.

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File Sharing/network Discovery On, Private Network, Password Protection Disabled

May 6, 2008

I have Vista x64 and I have read threads on this for weeks and can't fix it. I have file sharing/network discovery on, private network, password protection disabled, my shares set to everyone and everyone is on the same workgroup. My problem is that the x64 Vista computer will not see any of the XP (x86 or x64) computers and they can't see it from the Network Neighbourhood. However, if I type the IP address of the XP computers I
can access them. On the XP computers if I type the IP address I get an error that it isn't accessable and I might not have permission. However, if I type \ or any of the other share names I access it just fine. pinging works too by IP but not by name. If I boot into the x86 install of have of Vista I can access XP computers from Vista and the Vista from XP by name and everything without typing any user names. The only differince between the two aside from x64 and x86 is that x86 isn't patched past SP1 as I don't use it often. Lastly after installing that XP patch I can see the x86 XP computers by name from the network map feature on Vista, still can't access them by name though...

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Network Icon In System Tray Inaccurately Says It's Not Connected To Network

Mar 30, 2008

I'm using Vista Home Premium and Windows Update tells me I'm up to date.

Every so often the Network icon in the System Tray tells me that it is not connected to a Network (by displaying a red X) though I can clearly see that I am.

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Network And Sharing Center Window Show Unidentified Network

May 19, 2008

I'm trying to network my new Optiplex 740 with Vista Business (32bit), and Norton 360, to my old Euro PC with W2K Pro. and SystemWorks, using basic Belkin /Realtek cards and yellow ethernet cable. My broadband connection is through my old machine and works perfectly, as does the network card installation.

My new machine also indicates that its card is correctly installed and functioning correctly. BUT the Network and Sharing Center window shows this computer as linked to an Unidentified network and no connection to either the other computer or broadband connection.........

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Computer Shuts Down: Run CHKDSK /F And Check For Hard Drive Corruption And Then Restart Your Computer"

Sep 30, 2009

Before the computer actually came to the point of "shuting down just before it tried to load the o/s" it literrly kept shuting down on its own randomly for a week or so. Then the blue screen appeard with this error: 0x0000007BC , 0x84C5DBA0, 0x0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000 "Run CHKDSK /F and check for Hard Drive Corruption and then restart your computer"

Basically it's telling me the DRIVE is corruptet! Well, I plugged that SATA 2 HDD into my other computer (windows xp), detected it correctly and actually formated the drive and reinstalled XP on it without any types of problem. Does it still mean - SATA 2 is corrupted or broken!? How about the RAM then ... indeed, I did run the MemTest for 7 times and no errors were found. So the RAM are ok in this case, or am I wrong?! Maybe it's the PSU... ermmm no that cannot be 'cos the computer never shuts down, if I leave it run for (e.g 5 hours) and even if it's comes to "overheating" that cannot be the case eather, as its *again" never shuts down when you leave it run on the power.........

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Not Finding Wireless Network: Network Cable Is Nplugged

Nov 27, 2008

I have bought DD a laptop for Christmas and thought I'd get it all set up beforehand. I already have a wireless network here at home, with 2 desktops running xp) and a macbook, they connect via a belkin wireless modem router. Vista however, doesn't even find a network, I get a message saying the network cable is nplugged. Its wireless enabled and the switch is on

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