Launch Certain Applications It Causes An Extreme Slow Down Of The System And High Cpu Usage

Jul 31, 2008

My problem is when ever i try to launch certain applications it causes an extreme slow down of the system and high cpu usage, after 30+ seconds the system goes back to normal and the program responds fine. Seems to be a bit slow in loading as well. Programs affected include winamp (latest), nero 8, windows media player 11, powerdvd, right clicking on hard drives and opening properties but not accessing the hdd's. Programs which aren't affected include media player classic, open office, ie7, firefox 3, vlc player. I have been messing around with my codecs recently trying to get thumbnail previews of the .avi files on my pc which suceeding in by installing ffdshowx64 so i uninstalled this and the 64bit vista codec pack to no avail. I disabled kaspersky but that was no good either. I also disabled my raid array but that had no effect

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CPU Usage, Taskmanager Shows No Applications With Cpu Usage

Feb 21, 2009

since a few days my cpu has always cpu load of about 90 % at core 2. Vista is very slow. Taskmanager shows no applications with cpu usage. Now i installed process explorer and i can see that 45% cpu usage (this is 90% of core 2) is for "System / hardware interrupts". Which interrupts are the problem, what can i do to fix this?

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HIGH Cpu Usage..

Jan 29, 2009

I think I have tried everything and I am not computer savoy enough to try some. But recently my computers CPU has been fluctuating a lot and has been pretty slow..I took off most of the start up programs and only have a few (virus software etc) but I was wondering if maybe it could be not by updating my drivers.. or bc i only updated some of my drivers.

I am currently running

4 gigs ram...
ATI Radeon HD 3200
vista 64 bit
professor amd duel core..

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CPU Usage So High!

Jul 17, 2008

Why is my CPU Usage so high? It's using 100% sometimes and sometimes 88%. From 88-100% CPU Usage. What is the problem here? Is it supposed to be that high?

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Constant High CPU Usage

Apr 6, 2008

I have a Intel Core Duo 1.60 ghz processor with 2gb of RAM and my computer will constantly have 100% of the RAM taken up. I usually only run firefox, AIM, and itunes at a given time and I don't understand why my computer can't handle it. I will open up the task manager and it doesn't seem like any one task is taking up that much RAM, I don't understand what is doing it. I ran a virus scan with norton and it says I am clean, so I am puzzled by how my RAM could always be maxing out.

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Mouse Problem High CPU Usage

Feb 16, 2009

I have a Very Powerfull Processor, an E8400 3.6 GHZ and after i installed updates when i move my mouse on my desktop my explorer.exe process SHOOTS UP to 11 percent CPU usage its very unnecessary, on xp it stayed at 0 percent, Anyone know how to fix this? Whenever i move my mouse on my desktop explorer.exe uses anywhere from 5-11 percent CPU.
Its strange because if i move my mouse over firefox the firefox.exe cpu usage goes high to. same thing with ie7. Basically anything i move my mouse over gets 11-15 percent CPU usage, its very unnecessary.

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Monitor Causes Strangely High CPU Usage

Mar 30, 2009

My computer (Dell XPS 1330) runs fine without the monitor (Dell 20" SP2008WFP) but intermittently hits 100% CPU usage with the monitor plugged in - usually if I am running more than 3 or 4 standard office programmes - and then returns to running normally if the monitor is unplugged. I have 4GB of RAM and 2 x 2.5 GHz processors, so don't think this should be a problem. The laptop and monitor seemed to work fine together for a few months but subsequently the problem got progressively worse over a few months.

I have tried stopping all processes in TM when the problem occurs - none stand out as being the culprit. The only common occurrence is that the task manager process itself runs at 20%+ to 40% CPU usage when the problem occurs. I have already tried defragging, spyware, cutting out all visual effects and all sorts of other performance improvement options - I even totally reformatted the hard disk before I realised that the problem was related to the monitor being plugged in! I have tried rolling back and then re-updating the drivers for the monitor and the display adapters, but the problem persisted.

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High Memory Usage On Installing Games

Jan 4, 2008

Both pre and post SP1 whenever I install a game my memory usage starts to climb. It usually hovers around 30-33% at idle. While installing it eventually peaks @ 99-100% and will drop to about 95-97% after the install is finished. For the life of me I can't figure out whats causing it.

I just installed lost planet and had the same issue. It happened with COD4, Supreme commander, and Crysis too. I've added screnshots from during the install, post install and after I reboot (because the memory does not go back to normal until then).

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64 - Applications Do Not Launch

May 19, 2009

I have seen a couple of threads talking about similar topics but none of them provided a solution. My vista 64 home premium worked fine until last week. All applications started without problems and I was happy. One day, I tried to click on some recently launched applications (such as Firefox which is my default internet browser) but this time, it didn't launch When double-clicking, nothing was happening...

I tried with many other applications, even the Windows Vista ones such as media player and... the same... VLC media player, Firefox, Avira (my antivirus), IE 32 bits,... nothing launches! The only apps apparently not impacted are IE7 64bit, Notepad and Comodo (firewall). Both Windows Defender and Firewall are up and running but nothing happens when I deactivate Comodo and Windows defender/firewall. Still the same. I don't know if this is related to a previous update installation (it's on automatic) but I can't make use of my laptop in such conditions.

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Quicklinks Do Not Launch Most Applications

Mar 23, 2008

Just two days ago, the shortcuts in the start menu no longer launch any applications. I cleared the list out, went into the start menu / programs and launched the application. Once it repopulated in the frequently used list, it doesn't launch the application. I can still launch it from start menu / programs.

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General System Slow Down, Applications Displaying "not Responding"

Oct 27, 2009

I am experiencing a general slow down of my Vista system, e.g., 5-30 seconds for applications to load, 5-10 seconds for a new tab to appear in IE8, applications displaying "not responding" while an operation is working such as saving an image or file, etc.

This is isolated to Vista only. I have Windows 7 and XP installed (tri-boot) as well and they do not exhibit this problem. So, I have to conclude it is not hardware related. The system is squeaky clean; full scans with KAV and Malwarebyte's Anti-malware. I've run both Chkdsk and SFC /scannow resulting in no change. Task Manager shows no unusual CPU usage nor Memory usage.

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HIgh RAM, Slow PC

Oct 4, 2009

I looked for posts dealing with RAM and had trouble finding, I thought everybody had problems with slow PCs. Now i need some advice please I have a Vista that is 1 1/2 years old and it had become really slow. RAM is high even when all applications are off and Firefox can use up to 1GB of memory and I have 2G/, I used software like RAMboost and did the long OnceCare scan with MCS, defragmented drives, increased the memory that can be used as RAM on the hard drive. etc.....many things recommended. still same nothing is changed after a short while. Is reformatting and bringing back to how it was when I bought my only hope? And should Firefox take a bloody 1 GB of RAM alone? I checked the processes in task manager and it seems I need all of them somehow and if that was the case if I reformat then wouldn't the same thing happen again?

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System Mis-reporting Disk Usage

Jul 4, 2008

I am using Windows Vista (32-bit) on my computer. Lately, I have noticed that the reported "used space" on my hard drive (via right-click/properties) keeps rising dramatically while I add very little to my computer. I then made sure that I had turned on options to show system files and hidden OS files so that I could add up the used space. What I found is that all of the files on my computer added together total 44.2 GB, while the usual right-click on the C-drive (selecting Properties) reports that I have used 65.2 GB. I re-checked the math and the folders and still come up with a 21 GB difference - almost 1.5 times the size of what the files/folders add up to.

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System Jumps Backwards On Applications When Using Word

May 15, 2008

My computer jumps backwards on most applications. I thought it was internet explorer, but it happens even when I'm using Word. It acts as though I clicked on another area with the mouse when I didn't...most of the time I am not even touching the mouse.

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Motherboard Upgrade: Avoid Reinstalling All System And Applications?

Mar 26, 2008

I am considering upgrading my motherboard to one that has a higher specification than PCI 2.2 to get over a problem with the new 802.11n Wireless NICs. Can I avoid reinstalling all the system and applications by keeping the existing system partition? Re-activating Windows should be legally possible (even by telephone) because my Vista version is a full retail one. I don't expect it to be that simple, but maybe someone has some advice about using the Vista Recovery Environment to re-build the HAL, or erasing certain registry keys in Safe Mode to force Vista to reinstall the correct system devices. At present, I can not get past booting under Safe Mode, so there has to be more to the process - if one is achievable

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X64 Front Panel With X-Fi Extreme

Aug 8, 2008

I have a weird problem with my Vista partition and my creative x-fi xtreme PCI express card. Drivers / control panel can detect my headphones being plugged into the port in my front panel. If I do a channel test I can hear the "left channel" / "right channel" test audio track play through the headphones. But for the life of me, no matter what I do, I can not get normal windows sound (media player, power dvd etc...) to go through the head phones when they are plugged into the front panel and it's driving me crazy. I've set headphones to be the default play back device but nothing.

What kills me is that if I boot into my windows XP partition, everything is fine. The speakers are even muted when I plug my headphones in and sound comes out of them perfectly. Am I doing something wrong? or is it just a driver bug? I'm using the latest vista drivers (via creative update). I'm running 64 bit Vista business by the way

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D-Link DWA 552 Extreme N Card And X64

Jul 1, 2008

My delimma as of right now is w/ the Wireless Card and Vista (I guess). I downloaded the x64 drivers for the card, the mobo, and the Video Card - All installed fine. The wireless card installed fine but when I connect to any network (not just my own) Vista Locks up completely. The card finds the networks ok but locks when a connection is attempted. The router I use is also D-Link Extreme N. One time I did get IE to open and display a web page before Vista locked. I am stumped as to how to remedy this. As I said I am new to Vista (and x64).

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Win Xp Home, Trying To Install Extreme Edition R2

Apr 7, 2009

Is there Any way that I can Install Vista without losing my XP Home Edition, What Im trying to say here, is if I can install Vista, and in case I dont find it good for me, i Can totally Erase it and then without
a problem go Back to my XP I just dont want to lose my Xp Because I have it set up really good and it has taken me a while to Set it up as Vista (Appearance)

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Extreme Newbie To Newsgroups And Windows Live Mail

Feb 10, 2009

I'm trying to figure out this whole newsgroup thing, but I'm having problems figuring out how to find the server name to put in the "Internet News Server Name Field" in live mail. I'm a member of a google newsgroup, but I still am lost as to how to get updates on live mail. I know this is an extremely stupid question, but can someone please point me in the right direction?

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System Get Slow

Mar 25, 2008

Suddenly my pc start to get sloooow. I check with task manager and my ram was at 100% and my cpu was at 100% usage in full power. No open programs no nothing the computer was IDLE.

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System Slow And Freezing

May 15, 2010

my laptop keeps freezing on me and is very very slow,i've run malwarebytes through it,msse,and spybot,all to no avail,everything is telling me the laptop is clean,by the way i don't keep all three on my laptop at the same time so that isn't the problem,i'm on windows vista 64 bit.

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Terrible Slow System

Dec 29, 2009

its a toshiba laptop with vista and its terribly slow.

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System Slow After Using Winrar

Oct 5, 2008

After using winrar to extract a large file (1gb+) my computer becomes really slow. The only way to fix it is to restart it which takes about 10 mins! I have noticed in task manager that the Physical Memory is up over 90% after extracting a large file. I never used to have this problem how can I fix it?

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Slow Down The System By Adding An Other Firewall

Mar 31, 2008

When I installed my computer I found the standard Windows firewall in Vista premium. I trusted this and did not want to slow down the system by adding an other firewall. Besides, this policy also was discouraged by the helpfiles that came with the system. Virusprotection was not done by the system, so advisable to install a virusprotection tool. I read a lot on the net on that item and finally installed Avast antivirus.

So far so good. Had no troubles from oktober 07 till a week ago. Than I decided to destall Avast and to install One Live one care. The critics did not take me to this. But I think it is a good policy to have the safety issues in the same hand as the system resources are. I take another step and expect the safety cause covered in the system itself. Sell a new car without safety features! I installed the One care, I did want to give it my support, I did not expect it to be bad at all................

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Slow Opening System Restore

Apr 1, 2009

start > programs > accessories > system tools > system restore, or from desktop shortcut created from same entry, When opening system restore, it takes, by the clock, almost 3 minutes to open. Also happens in safe mode. That which I have tried: sfc /scannow

Tested ram with MemTest86 for > 8hr; passed. Tested HDD with HDD [ WD SATA; 160 GB ] diags; passed. I am helping a friend, who said the laptop, HP Pavillion dv6245 was slow. I uninstalled Ad Aware 2008. Now, the only slowness I have been able to uncover is opening the system restore interface.

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Keeping Pc Clean, System Is Slow?

Feb 9, 2010

i use spybot s&d, and malwarebytes, the free versions on my laptop,it's been playing up lately like very slow at times,i've heard that ms security essentials is compatable with malwarebytes so i was wondering if it might be worth getting rid of spybot and installing ms security,does any body know if i might be doing the right thing,i also have windows defender but i've heard msse automaticly disables this feature and takes over,i'm on windows vista ultimate 64 bit. I've run scan after scan but is still slow

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Installing Updates Slow System

Sep 15, 2009

After installing these two updates: .NET Framework 3.5 Family Update (KB959209) x64 Update to .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 for the .NET Framework Assistant x64 (KB963707), The performance of my PC drastically slowed down during start-up and running of other processes and programs. I decided to uninstall them; and the performance seemed to be back to normal. My question is: Are these updates really necessary for my PC; do I absolutely need them?

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System Runs Slow When Not At Home

Dec 18, 2009

For some reason when I run my computer from work it runs extremely slow. The the only difference I can see that could be affecting it is that at home I use wifi to connect to the internet. I'm always connected to the internet. At work there is no wifi, and not connected to the internet. Could it be trying to do something online, but since it cant connect, keep trying and trying and trying slowing everything down? To fix it I have to restart it. This seems to do the job, however I'd rather not have to do this every time. At home this never happens. I never have to restart it to get it to move faster. And this happens EVERY TIME at work.

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Data Execution Prevention, Slow The System Down?

Jan 1, 2009

if it is safe to disable the DEP, Data Execution Prevention??, does having it on slow the system down?

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System Is Slow After Having Ultimate Extra Update

May 29, 2008

i was just installing some extra languages on the ultimate extra update, i just selected all the updates to download as i was in a rush go leave home, it came up to about 5gb, it wasnt a problem because i was going out for about 4 hours. i came back home, download was complete and was installing the language packs, at first i thought it was stuck because computer started to run extra sluggish, but just as i was about to restart computer the bar moved, so i just waited, just doing some browsing etc on this forum, researching and getting tips and tricks etc., despite the fact that it was still running slow..i checked the cpu usage, the cpu was fine, but with suprise, the ram was running about 1.9gb ( i have 2gb ram). first of all, is the language pack suppose to take that long to install? and is it suppose to use that much of the ram?

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Slow System Always Load/show Folders

May 3, 2009

I have Vista 32 bit,intel core2 duo t7250 processor,3gb ram,nvidia 8600m dell xps 1530 laptop. My friend also has ame lappy. His system works perfectly fine, but my system is too slow.There is lag in simple operations also like there in a lag of 1-3 seconds in opening folders,it always takes to load/show all data in the folders. This problem is still persists even after i have disabled all unneccesary stuffs.

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