Explorer Remember Folder Structure Never Layout

May 6, 2008

I know every one here has this default Vista (even XP) problem. The problem is that the folder customization / layout never stays the way you set it, even minutes later after closing/re-opening explorer.

This is driving me insane. For example, in explorer under Computer I choose large icons. Close, re-open its back to list view instead.

Sometimes other folders will somehow change views by themselves too.This is really annoying.

Someone suggested a fix months ago, but I do not remember how. Would appreciate tips on this. I *do* already have checked on "remember folder's view settings" enabled as well.

Vista Ultimate 64bit w/ SP1

I tried this method, made it even worst:

'Remember Folder Settings (FINALLY Works&33 - Windows Vista Forums'
windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer”

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Windows Explorer Doesn't Remember My Folder Views?

Oct 20, 2008

About a week ago Windows Explorer was stopping from remember my folders view.. I have found a few tutorials but they was about Windows Explorer doesn't remember at all.. But in my problem it does, Just after 15 MIN it forget there view and returning to the default..

In Vista manager I have set the number of folders to 1000 and nothing!

few things:

- I have installed already SP1

- It's 32bit System

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Windows Explorer Didn't Remember The Folder View

Nov 12, 2008

I'm sorry for wasn't here for a very long time - But I'm back! Last time my Windows Explorer Just didn't remember the folder view.. but today it just reset all the settings.. But this isn't the problem the problem is that it have changed the default view.. It's Hebrew so everything is mirrored. I'v tried Brink's Tutorial in method 2 that helped me last time..

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Create A Folder Structure?

Mar 23, 2008

I would like to see microsoft implement a folder structure creator. I have many customer and project and each of them require a particular file structure that is similar. It would be nice if we could have folder structure template OR copy existing one without it's file/document content only the folder structure will be copy. This could be merge with my previous demande to enhance the contextual menu. I could then have new.. folder...process. Chose the one i need and all the folder and sub-folder will be create in one simple operation...........

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Access FTP Through Vista Explorer, But Couldn't Remember Password

May 21, 2008

I was trying to access my FTP through vista explorer, but couldn't remember my password. I typed in the wrong password a few times and as a result I can no longer access any of my FTP locations. I have turned off Vista's firewall, turned off AVG, checked the router, made a new port 21 rule, and restarted my PC. I simply can't figure out what might have happened and I can't seen to find any solution.

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PC Conflicting File Structure

Jul 31, 2008

I have a new computer with Vista Home Premium 64 and am having some teething problems which I cant seem to fix no matter how much I try and google for an answer. Firstly When the PC shipped to me the user account in vista was 'mycompany' I wanted it to be 'myname' so I went in to the control panel and changed it. I am having the same problem as described here: User folder name won't change.

I would rather not create an account and delete the old one (Im a relative newbie and scared something will go wrong) but if I leave it as it is: I can go to my files via the file tree on the left of the window when you open Computer in the vista start menu (the top of the window shows: Desktop/myname/myfiles), IF I go through to the same files by actually clicking on the big folder icons in the same window it still shows the same files as C:/mycompany/myfiles..............

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Hard Disk Volume NTFS Structure Is Corrupt And Unusable

Feb 11, 2009

In my Event properties I getting a NTFS error that the file system structure is corrupt and unusable.

It tells me this is volume Device Hard disk Volume3

Question is, Which hard drive is that?

In disk manager I have the following

Disk 0 F: drive

Disk 1 D: drive

Disk 2 C: drive

Disk 3 H&P: drive

Disk 4 G: drive

Disk 5 M: drive

I guess that's kinda messed up..huh!

plus other removable cf card / sd card / mmc card drives

I need to Chkdsk the volume3.

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Keyboard Layout Changes

Apr 5, 2008

I write document in english and spanish, so I have to use the US and the US-International keyboard layout. I have the keyboard bar active and use it to change layouts. The problem is the keyboard layout changes "by himself" constantly. I thought this was attached to the program I'm using, or the document, but it's not.

For example, I'm writing a WinWord 2007 document using the Intl layout, and using accents and everything. Suddenly, I try to use another accent or symbol, and it doesn't work. If I check the language bar, it changed to US Standard layout. I disabled the shortcuts to change layouts, so this is not the problem (I mean, accidentally hitting the shortcut...)

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How Do You Save Icon Layout?

Aug 22, 2009

I have tried 2 utilities so far...desktop shock and solways layout saver and neither work. Solway's says a menu option will be added to save layout but it is not there and desktop shock was almost as useless and my anti virus said it was a keylogger. Anyone know a utility for this that actually works with Vista (64)?

I need this because everytime I install new vid card drivers it scrambles my icon and I have to put all of them back which takes a few minutes but if I can find a utility to do this it would be nice.

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Everything Changed To Verical Layout.

Jun 19, 2008

My desktop layout and everything else I launch has changed to a vertical layout. My launch buttons and other icons which should be at the bottom of the screen are now on the right side of the computer. So as i am typing this the words are from bottom to top, not left to right!!! Everything is working but the layout has changed. How do I get this back to a normal potition, my neck really turns from twisting my left ear down to my shoulder!

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Avoid Losing Desktop Layout?

Mar 4, 2009

For testing, I frequently have to switch between 96DPI and 120DPI fonts, with restart of the machine. How can I avoid losing my desktop layout every time I do this?

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No Keyboard Layout Button (Italian)

May 15, 2010

I have an Italian version of windows vista, and so the keyboard and language settings are naturally in Italian. But for a particular music notation software I've just bought, I need to change my keyboard temporarily to English (U.S.).

English is installed by default as a second language on my pc, but for some reason there is no keyboard layout button on the task bar. How can I get the button to appear? (I have already followed the advice given on the Microsoft site, to no avail).

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Desktop Icon Layout! How To Save!

Apr 30, 2009

what im trying to do is save the current locations off all my desktop shortcuts? so if they are moved i can just bring them back

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Organize - Layout Menu Incomplete

Jun 8, 2009

I'm an instructor for the Hernando Computer Club here in Florida (600+ members). A couple of our members with laptops are having a peculiar problem. Organize > Layout menu for viewing files is incomplete. They have no details pane and no preview pane options available. It just occurred to me that I neglected to find out which version of Vista they are running and I'm wondering if this could make a difference.

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Can't See The Folder Or Its Contents In Windows Explorer

May 30, 2008

I have Mobipocket Reader 6.2 (www.mobipocket.com) installed on Vista Business. In Tools, Settings, Advanced I have eBooks and eNews library location set to C:Program FilesMobipocket.comMobipocket ReaderLibrary, and I have downloaded My Bookshelf contents there. I can't see this folder or its contents in Windows Explorer, and I can't cd to it or dir its contents in command prompt running as administrator, but yet all of the eBooks that I have downloaded to this location are working normally. What is happening? I'd like to manually back up these files to a cd. How do I do that?

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Accessing A Folder In Windows Explorer

Mar 25, 2010

I am using Vista (64-bit) on a desktop, and I am attempting to access/salvage folders on a hard drive from my laptop (that is no longer bootable) in order to copy these files to another device. The old hard drive ran on a Windows 2000 platform, and I am attempting to access a User folder under Documents and Settings. My Vista system tells me that I do not have permission to access this folder. I have right-clicked on this folder to bring up Properties, and it appears that I do have authority. In Windows 2000 one was able to log on as an Administrator, but in Vista I go straight to the desktop at the time of boot. I am sure that this must be handled in User Control, for example, but I am not certain of the procedure.

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Explorer Defaulat Folder Collaspsed

Nov 15, 2007

How can I have Explorer default to having all the folders collapsed?

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Windows Explorer Folder View?

Mar 15, 2009

This is about Windows 7, I do not know whether this is an issue in Vista. Seems like Microsoft has undervalued the folder view, maybe even trying to get rid of it. Some time after Windows 98, I think Microsoft improved folder view by allowing a single click on the folder name to expand subfolders underneath. Now with Windows 7, clicking on the default taskbar folder opens with the folder view exposed. Apparently Microsoft again understands how useful folder view is. But, unless I am mistaken, here we go again... Currently I am looking at Windows 7, trying to find the setting to allow single clicking on a folder name in the folder view to expand the folder. Before, it was the same function as clicking on the small plus mark on the left side of the folder name. In the main window of Windows Explorer, you can enable hover to select and a single click to expand the folder, but that IMO sucks when working with files.

Is there a setting in Windows 7 which allows a single click on a folder name in folder view to expand the subfolders underneath that folder in folder view? Or are we stuck once again having to click the small plus sign to the left of the folder name?

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Set Windows For Set Explorer Folder Views

Apr 17, 2008

This is easy to do in XP but Vista SP1 still seems to be broken or is it me?
Is there a way to set Explorer folder views?

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Windows Explorer: Set To Open Other Folder

May 10, 2009

When open the Windows Explorer, Windows Vista always opens the My Documents folder. Can I set to open other folder, e.g. C:/ ?

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Missing Folder Icon In Explorer

Jul 27, 2008

I am mising the icon "Make New Folder" in Vista's Explorer. I know there are other possibilities creating a new folder (e.g. Organize, Make New Folder button). how to add the icon "make new folder" to the Explorer.

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New Folder Button In Explorer Not Working

Aug 24, 2008

The "New Folder" In Explorer Under the Organize menu or on the toolbar doesn't work, I can right click and create a folder but the buttons don't do anything. Has anyone had this problem? I have also tried the folder fixes on this forum with no luck.

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Explorer Crashes When Opening Any Folder

Aug 6, 2008

Seems to be solved, read last post.

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XP-style Folder Tree In Explorer

Feb 6, 2009

I seem to recall reading somewhere that there is a mod you can make to change the style of the tree view from the Vista little arrow style back to the XP and earlier "+ / -" with dotted lines indicating the nesting levels. I like the arrows in Vista, but the indents are way to small for me to be able to "read" the tree view at a glance and of course, the arrows don't show up until you mouse over. I can't find where I read this anymore.

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Windows Explorer Default Folder

Apr 23, 2009

How can I change the Default Folder for Windows Explorer to my E:/ Drive? Because of the work I do, I do not ever use the Default "My Documents" Folder. It gets a little tiresome to always have to get out of the "My Documents" Folder and find my E:/ Drive. Especially when I am working with all of the different website designs and programming.

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Explorer.exe CPU Usage & Documents Folder

Jun 12, 2009

I'm running Vista Home Premium 32bit. A couple of weeks ago, I noted that something was causing the explorer.exe program to spike in its CPU usage. When this occurred, CPU usage would immediately spike to over 50%, and would never drop below this level without closing out and restarting explorer.exe in the task manager. If I tried to click on another folder after the 50%+ spike, explorer.exe would immediately spike to 100% CPU usage, and nothing futher could be done until explorer.exe was closed and restarted in the task manager.

In trying to discover the root of the problem, I found that this was happening whenever I clicked my shortcut to open Windows Explorer. This didn't happen, though, when I simply opened "My Computer." Further examination has shown this strange phenomenon to be what's causing the issue: any time a link to the "Documents" folder is clicked, the CPU spike occurs. This only happens when "Documents" is clicked in either the "Favorite Links" pane or the "Folders" pane below it. I can navigate to the "Documents" folder the long way (Users--My Name--Documents) and the spike does not occur. Also, I can click in any of the sub-folders (and all of their sub-folders) within the Documents folder from the "Folders" pane without the CPU spike occurring. The spike only occurs when the Documents folder itself is clicked from either the Favorite Links pane, the folders pane, or upon opening to it directly by opening "Windows Explorer." So, while I've found a workaround that prevents the CPU spike from occurring, the problem still exists, and I'd really like to be able to find the solution.

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My Laptops Keyboard Layout Cant Seem Tobe Correctly Configured?

Oct 9, 2009

my neighbour has asked me to take a look at her laptop because her laptops keyboard laoyut is wrong.

i have tried to change the regional options but they are already set to uk settings.

i am stumped by this...

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Posible To Keep The Quick Launch Icons In A Specific Layout?

Jun 13, 2010

I have moved the task bar tot he right side of the screen. I have a number of applications which I have 'loaded' onto the quick launch section of the task bar. Now, aside from the fact that Microsoft seems to have different icons for it's products in Vista and XP (and the confusion that is causing), is the small minor detail that the vista task bar seems to reorganize at random. I've set up two columns of icons, with tasks "lumped" together in rows according to my own preferences. (mail washer next to the email program, the MP3 tag program next to the music player, spider solitaire next to the connection icon in the top row, and so forth)

But the spontaneous reorganization is a real PITA. I want to click on the "next" program in the day's activities, and instead of agent being under the browser(on row 4) it is now on row 7 in the left column. Yeah, I know, "so what?" Well, it is mocrosoft, and it just works, but does anyone know if this spontaneity be reined in, short of changing operating systems?

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Windows Layout Preview Pane Not Showing Documents

Jul 30, 2009

In Windows Explorer, the Layout Preview Pane will not preview any documents i.e. Word, Excel. It only shows PDF's, .JPGS etc. This computer is using Office 2003. On my other PCs all documents preview regardless of Office version.

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Windows Explorer: Folder Options 'Restricted'

Mar 6, 2009

I have a computer where I can't access the Explorer Folder Options (specifically the Folder and Search options under the Organize submenu.)

When I select it, I get an error message labeled 'Restricted.' The text reads "This option has been cancelled due to restrictions See your administrator."

However, I should point out that I DO still have admin priveleges. I can access any other menu or option. I can edit the registry, change the internet explorer options, use the group policy editor, whatever.

Most of the potential solutions I found relate to either a program changing the restrictions for Explorer folder options; but the associated registry entries where those restrictions would normally be 'keyed' are not present.

Editing the group policy (which by default is 'not configured') to 'disable' the 'Remove Folder Options' policy has no effect whatsoever. Editing the registry, adding keys, and then disabling them, also has no effect.

Using NOD32 and scanning in safe mode results in no infection found, and I'm not seeing the telltale signs of an infection (such as limiting my admin priveleges in other areas, like registry editing or using the control panel applets.)

Hijack this does not provide any clues; it all looks clean (with the exception of some leftover services from TuneUp Utilities, which I ended up cleaning out manually.) Cleaning this did not change the problem at hand.

Using a restore point from several days ago did not fix the problem. I could go further back but I don't even know when this problem began. Maybe as long as a month ago.

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Windows Explorer: Move File From One Folder To Another

Mar 8, 2010

Im running Vista and IE8. Every time I try to move a file from one folder to another, "Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and will shut down" appears. Does anyone know how to recify this problem?

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