Drop In The RAM Rating?

Nov 30, 2007

I kept BSOD'ing due to the patch required to use 4gb of ram to use/install vista (seriously, wtf?). I got my machine up and running. I went from vista hp x86 to hp x64. So my question is this (little backstory): Way back when (3 days agho) I had this setup.My ram would get a rating of 5.6, 5.9 when overclocked. I changed out my ram for g-skill 2x4gb sticks (5-5-5-15), but when one was defective i put my old patriot ram back in (along with a NEW asus-p5ne mobo since my other one died), reinstalled vista x86 and the ram suddenly now gets rated as a 5.1 Fast forward to today. With the 2 gb of RAM (the same 2 sticks that got a 5.6). get rated at a 5.1 again in vista x64. when i added the additional 2gb, i get a 5.3. Now before anyone asks, YES I: changed the timings in the bios to 4-4-4-12 and adjusted the memory to proper voltage (2.2). So FINALLY the question is this --- what would cause a drop in the RAM rating? I know its NOT the motherboard since it got hte same rating on both my p5ne-sli and this new abit board.

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Download Driver Low Rating

Jul 14, 2008

Im download driver on Vista VGA butlow Rating

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How To Change The Star Rating

Jan 3, 2008

When opening a folder that contains Media files in Vista 64 a special "Rating" coloumn appears that seems to be adjustable allowing you to rate files from 1-5.How do you change the star rating?

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GeForce 260 And Experience Rating Don't Seem

Feb 10, 2009

I just built a new machine:I ran the experience index test, and I got 1.9 on the Aero performance index and 1.0 on the 3D Graphics Performance index. This is the report that I got from Vista:

Display adapter type NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260
Total available graphics memory Not detected
Dedicated graphics memory 0 MB
Dedicated system memory 0 MB
Shared system memory 0 MB
Display adapter driver version
Primary monitor resolution 1920x1080
Secondary monitor resolution 1680x1050
DirectX version DirectX 9.0 or better

This graphics card should be more than fine to run pretty much anything, especially Aero, but with this rating I don't seem to be able to enable it.

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Windows Experience Index Rating

Apr 18, 2008

My "Graphics" and "Gaming Graphics" ratings are both 1.0. What do I need to do to increase them? I also get a warning message when trying to play any games that reads: "Hardware acceleration is either disabled or not supported by your video card driver, which could slow game performance. Make sure you have the latest
video card driver installed and that hardware acceleration is turned on." How do I check the video card driver and where do I go to download the latest version?

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Index Rating: Received 3.0 For Graphics Part

May 30, 2008

I just bought a new PC and ran the windows experience index rating and received a 3.0 for the graphics part.

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Rating Index Shown Physical Memory

Mar 23, 2008

I have purchased a new computer with Intel Dual Core 1.6 GHz, 256 MB Nvidia card, 1 GB RAM, 250 GB SATA HDD. My rating index is shown as 3.0 even though I have updated it several times. Also, available physical memory is also shown just above 300 MB. Is anything needs to be updated, I am unable to understand what is going wrong here.

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Adding A Rating To Home-made Games

Apr 14, 2009

I'm wondering if it is possible to add a Minimum system rating, a Recommended rating and the Users computer's rating to home made games.

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Performance Drop

Jan 20, 2010

I've suddenly got a steep proformance drop that makes playing all my games pretty much impossible.

It usually states when I'm playing MW2. I turn on the game and have no performance issues. I enter a game and no performance issues. The game starts and no performance issues. It's only until around 5-10 minutes in that I experience the performance drop. When that happens, I can't do anything except to hope that the performance goes back up again. Reducing the resolution does not help. Changing my graphics card from quality based to proformance based does not help. Increasing my performance vs power saving does not help. I'm not running any other programs that are using up all the space (How would I? you can't even tab out of MW2 while you're playing it). Restarting the computer also does not help.

Worse still, this performance drop also affects everything else randomly as well.
I really don't know what I can do.

This has happened before, but not for this long.

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Cannot Drag And Drop

Jan 24, 2010

I have an Acer Extensa 5430 Laptop running Windows Vista 32 bit. I cannot seem to drag and drop on this computer - it always copies the file and then I have to go back and delete the original. Is there a setting somewhere that I can change so that it's moving the file instead of copying?

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Internet Drop

May 23, 2008

My machine keeps dropping the internet after an hour or so of use online. It normally requires me to restart the laptop to get the internet to function again. What is strange is that it still sees my network name but does not allow me to reconnect to it when the internet drops. I went to device manager and disabled and re-enabled the wireless and it brought it back to life. What could be causing this, and is there a fix for it? My dads laptop with vista doesnt have this problem. I have already tried turning off the power save feature on the wireless and also unchecked Qos, ipv6, and both link-layer topology in the wireless network connection properties. Also, I just did a fresh install of Vista to see if it helps and no dice. Also updated all the windows updates, even to SP1 and still no dice.

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How To Delete Drop Down Menu?

Sep 21, 2009

when I type in a word in a search tab, it remembers what I typed so the next time I use a search window a box drops down to allow me to click on what I had previously typed. How do I clear that?

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Address Bar Drop Down Menu In IE8

Apr 12, 2009

The scroll bar in dropdown menu of the address bar is missing in IE8, I am not sure whether it was there originally and I have noticed that the same addresses remain in the dropdown menu. The old addresses are not replaced by the new addresses lke it was in IE7, could you please let me know if it can be changed.

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Drag And Drop Never Worked

Jan 22, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium 32bit for a couple of months now. And the Drag and Drop never worked and still does not work. I mean it doesn't work at all!! I allways have to right click, copy, and paste any file. This is getting realy anoying.

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CPU Usage And Drop Down Menu

Jul 24, 2009

Okay just re-confirmed a solution to two simultaneous problems that I think will be helpful to folks. Soon after I got my Vista x64 pc I started noticing huge constant CPU usage spikes attributed to dcomlaunch.

Turned out it was my ATI video card's HDMI audio driver. Go to device manager, expand sound, video and game controllers, and disable "ATI HDMI Audio". Problem solved instantly. My CPU usage dropped from ~30-40% constant use to <5% average.

Fast-forward 6 months after I upgrade to sp2. I notice that in PhotoShop and a couple other apps that use old-school file open/save dialog boxes, I can't choose a new file location from the "Look in:" drop-down menu at the top of the box. Every time I click it, the menu opens and then immediately closes again. Infuriating! A couple days later I notice my CPU has been working overtime too. Could it be the ATI HDMI Audio device is active again?

Yup, there it was active again. And this time I see there are (2) of these devices (I have 2 ati cards) and my CPU usage was up to >60% average! (2 x 30%). Insane. Again, I disable and usage drops back to nearly 0. Yay!

Amazingly, this ALSO SOLVED the problem with the file open / file save drop down menus. I re-enabled the ATI devices to test and confirmed that this was the cause of both the CPU usage AND the odd problem with the pop-up menus closing instantly.

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Exporting: How Drop Folders Into OE

Dec 11, 2009

I need to export a portion of my Windows Mail folders from my vista desktop to a different compter which is running Outlook Express 6. Elsewhere on this ite I found how to move contacts over and that is done. The instructions for exporting the emails (and folders) that I found told here said: file/export/messages. I did that and came up with a folder that had inbox and sent folders, each with the appropriate subfolders. The instructions said to drop this into OE. How do I drop the folders into OE. I tried drag and drop into the email folder panel in OE and directly onto the inbox but got an error message saying this could not be done but offering to make a shortcut -- not what I wanted.

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Drag Drop Not Working

Nov 7, 2009

Rebooting seems the only solution. I saw a similar thread from 1 year ago, but maybe some genius has found a "better" solution in the meantime.

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Random Drop In Performance.

Jun 16, 2008

While doing day to day activities, my computer will slow down to unusable speeds, for about 20 seconds, then go back to normal performance. My drivers are up to date, and Windows Update offers no more updates available.

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Drop Down Bar:when Cursor Is Near The Top Of The Screen

Jul 20, 2009

how to get rid of the drop down bar which comes down when cursor is near the top of the screen I think its called the "support buttons",it has a habit of staying down.

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Go Into Internet Options From The Drop Down Tools

Jan 23, 2010

I need to go into the internet options from the drop down tools. When I click on internet options nothing happens. No little window opens with all the tabs in it.

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Drag And Drop Desktop Toolbars

Oct 20, 2009

I'm browsing for a new picture to put on msn and when I press "Browse" images, it goes to My Users.

Can you guys teach me how to change the default location to my Desktop when I press Browse? So I don't have to click 5 more times just to go onto Desktop.

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How To Allow Drag And Drop From Explorer To Dos Prompt

Jun 9, 2008

for a regualr user's dos prompt (c:windowssystem32cmd.exe), how could one enable receive of drag and drop from explorer?

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Drag And Drop Files From Explorer - 64-bit

Apr 24, 2008

I'm a desktop publisher/graphic designer by trade. and i damn well can't drag and drop files from explorer into photoshop or illustrator, or Filezilla for uploading. a quick fix i did was to give my major programs admin rights (*.exe > RMB > roperties > compatibility "run this program as an administrator")

this seems to work but it is fussy as to when it wants to work 100% of the time. Also any programs that need to run as xp compatible (eg: yz-dock) can not have the drag and drop ability as they in turn are running at xp compatible being a "child" as it were of yz-dock. once the same shortcut is on the desktop....it works ok. my design programs are in the task bar/quickstart area and not on yz-dock. hence my concerns.

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Installing Fonts Drop Down Box Is Missing

Jul 18, 2009

I am having trouble installing fonts? When I right click on my fonts to install, the drop down box is missing "install" I use to be able to install fonts, by right clicking on the font..but not anymore? I have to copy it to the fonts folder.

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Windows Experience Ram Score Drop

Apr 21, 2008

when changing from an asus maximus formula to a evga 780i sli I have suffered a windows experience score drom on my memory was 5.9 now only 5.7.surely this mem should score 5.9 OCZ 4GB (2x2GB) PC2-6400C5 Dual Channel Vista Gold Series DDR2 (OCZ2G8004GK) timings CL 5-5-5-18.

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Can't Work Drag And Drop Icons

Aug 10, 2008

Why can't I drag an icon from the notification area to my desktop or taskbar? I found some help on how to create a shortcut by right clicking screen and selecting new and so on, then type in some code and then change icon picture if I wanted to. That a long an drawn out process. I can drag and drop anything else but nothing from the notification area. Odd.....

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Cant Copy/Paste Or Drag And Drop

Aug 2, 2009

I am having a lot of problems with my vista. As of a couple of days ago, I'm no longer able to copy/paste or drag and drop with ease. For example, to drag and drop a browser window I drag the window but need to left click my mouse to release it. It’s the same thing if I am scrolling a page. When I try to copy paste, it’s the same sort of thing, but a little "Accelerator" icon appears and gives me the option to search the word in google. It also doesn't "highlight" the word or phrase properly, and has become a pain to try to make it stick (if that makes any sense).

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How Stop From Abbreviating Drop Down Menus?

May 24, 2008

Vista abbreviates my drop down menus. For instance, in IE when I click favorites, I get 12 items, until I click the little caret like characters at the bottom of the window, then all the favorites are displayed. Same in Excel, Word.

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Uninstalled Game Can't Name Off Drop Down List

Jun 16, 2009

I installed a Yahoo game Big Kahuna Reef 2. Part of the install is a screen saver. The game was not working so I uninstalled it from PC. However when I click on desktop, screensaver and click on the drop down list the Big Kahuna Reef 2 screen saver is still there as a choice. If I click on it get a message that it can not load. I would expect this since I uninstalled the game. I can not get the name off the drop down list. I've tried to search for the .scr file, but infact can find no scr files anywhere on the hard drive.

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Performance Subscore Drop After Adding RAM

Mar 23, 2008

I've got an Intel Quad Core Processor, Vista 64 Ultimate, and 4 GB of DDRII 800 RAM. At that point my base performance score was 5.3, and RAM was 5.3. Tonite I just added 4GB more of DDRII 800 RAM and recalculated my score. RAM score is now 4.8. The computer is recognizing the full 8 GB. I surely was expecting my score to go UP. What's going on?

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How To Stop Connection To Drop From Screensaver?

Jan 1, 2009

i been having a very bad experience with this home premium vista 64-bit sp1 the problem is, every time i go away off the computer, my screens goes into screensaver(which is ok) then after a while or suddenly my connection just seens to get cut for some reason, so i can't put any screen saver or nothing or go away off the computer without getting this problem, is there any setting how to stop my connection to drop from screensaver?

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