How To Stop Connection To Drop From Screensaver?

Jan 1, 2009

i been having a very bad experience with this home premium vista 64-bit sp1 the problem is, every time i go away off the computer, my screens goes into screensaver(which is ok) then after a while or suddenly my connection just seens to get cut for some reason, so i can't put any screen saver or nothing or go away off the computer without getting this problem, is there any setting how to stop my connection to drop from screensaver?

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How Stop From Abbreviating Drop Down Menus?

May 24, 2008

Vista abbreviates my drop down menus. For instance, in IE when I click favorites, I get 12 items, until I click the little caret like characters at the bottom of the window, then all the favorites are displayed. Same in Excel, Word.

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Stop Showing Drop Down Menu Favorites Folder IE

Mar 23, 2009

every time i click on the favorites it has folders on the bottom is there a way to stop them showing on the drop down menu of favorites of IE

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Where Is The Screensaver Manager?

Oct 18, 2008

I cant find the screensaver manager.

When I do right click in the desktop, then Personalization, the Screen Saver option don't appear.

I can reinstall this?

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Screensaver Not Working ..

Oct 14, 2008

I am running Vista Home Premium x64 with a Microsoft wireless mouse and keyboard combo. Back in Feb 2008 I downloaded the optional "HID Non-user Input data filter" update and installed it. This fixed my screensaver not working issue. Then, 4 days ago my screensaver stopped working again. In my system I see that the update is still installed. The only thing that changed is I upgraded my Norton Antivirus 2008 to 2009, and installed one of the standard "Automatic Updates" for Microsoft Windows. Does anyone have any clue as to why or how to fix it again?

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Screensaver Not Working

Mar 23, 2008

This question has been asked by many people, but somehow no solutions have been offered. It's about the screensaver not working anymore. My os is home premium 32 bit. I checked the Preview which is working, I checked the settings which is 5 min., and I checked the power settings which is 15 min.on battery and 30 min. on plug-in. I have it on Performance Setting. My laptop is 4 months old. I have over 65 GB left on C: and 5.6 GB left on my D: drive.

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Screensaver Does Not Work

Mar 23, 2008

Just got a new PC with Vista and my screensaver does not work. A previous thread indicated that it could be caused by a wireless mouse. I have a MS Intellipoint 4.1. Is this the cause of the problem?

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Screensaver Issue

Jul 17, 2008

Got a totally different screensaver problem than found by searching the forum.

I got my screensaver to engage after 15 minutes without any mouse movement.

The thing is, if I am watching a movie, the screensaver will start after the 15 minutes into the movie. Even if I leave a game in the pause mode to get something like food, the screensaver will engage after the 15 minutes. No matter what screensave I use, it still happens.

Why is this happening?

I'm using Vista Ultimate x64 SP1

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Screensaver Not Starting

Jun 20, 2008

I have a Dell Inspiron running Vista. Had no problems until recently when the screensaver started to refuse to work. Even when I go to screen saver settings and select preview the screensaver just comes on for less than a second and goes off again.

I have got a wireless mouse but have always used it, I have tried unplugging it, but to no avail. I have also tried a selective startup with only microsoft programs on startup, but still no joy.

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Can't Install Screensaver

Sep 5, 2009

I accidentally deleted some .scr files from the system32 folder and now i can't install any screen savers nor use the ones i didn't delete. (it just shows "none" on the change screens saver menu). I remember deleting a small (5kb or so) .scr file which i assume caused the problem.

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Screensaver Won't Start

Jul 30, 2008

I updated and downloaded the patch and it started to work instantly, But later that same night after running a handful of other applications it stopped working and the screensaver won't start. I can go and preview it but it won't start once I am idle. I know that this is a ridiculus issue but my wife loves to see all our family photos as the screensaver.

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No Screensaver Working

May 16, 2009

This is my first post. I tried to post before but I can't locate it so I will try again.Plaese bear with me. I have a new Dell Inspiron 531S that I have connected to my old ViewSonic VA720 monitor. I am running Vista Home Premium. My problem is that i cannnot get Screensaver to work. No matter which dispaly or time I choose Nothing happens. It's more agrivating than anything else but I would like to be able to egt it to work.

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Reinstall Screensaver?

May 15, 2010

I somehow have managed to delete my default vista screensaver , u know the one that says windows vista and does that aero animation, i was wondering if someone could tell me how to install it back from the dvd or maybe download it from somewhere,coz i have searched in my windows folder and it is not there,and i really like that screensaver the basic one.

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Screensaver Never Turns ON

Sep 25, 2008

I have tried repeatedly to fix my screensaver. It will not even turn on manually by clicking preview. All I get is a black screen for a few seconds and then back to the display options. I have tried different screen savers and none of them work.

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Hanging On Screensaver

May 17, 2008

On a couple occasions now, I have left the computer, and then come back to the computer to see the screen all black with that circular Vista logo in the middle of the screen. I take it that means the screensaver was about to kick in? Well the system did not respond either time. What is going on here? These Vista freezes are getting tiresome. I have also had problems with Chess Titans. If I open IE while playing it, then system is guaranteed to freeze. If I try to maximize the Chess Titans window, the system is guaranteed to freeze. Some people warned me not to get Vista. If I can't fix the freezing, then I will regret not listening to them.

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SP1 Screensaver Does Not Work

Jun 28, 2008

After Installing Vista SP1 for MS update, my screensaver does not work,...It's set to come on, but nothing happens..Anyone else have this trouble?

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Bubbles Screensaver, Registry Value,

Mar 1, 2009

Hi - I downloaded an XP port of the Vista Bubbles screensaver which is my all time favourite screensaver.

Unfortunately the settings dialog does not work on XP, but the person who ported it gave some registry entries that can be modified manually to change the Bubbles options.

Here's the registry path, followed by the entries the author specifies.


- SpanMultiMon [DWORD] 0/1
- SphereDensity [DWORD] int
- Radius [DWORD] int
- TurbulenceNumOctaves [DWORD] int
- TurbulenceSpeed [DWORD] int
- TurbulenceForce [DWORD] int
- ShowBubbles [DWORD] 0/1
- MaterialGlass [DWORD] 0/1
- ShowShadows [DWORD] 0/1

My problem is that none of the entries above change the number of bubbles displayed by the screensaver! I thought 'SphereDensity' might but whatever value that's changed to results in my getting just one bubble, when I delete the registry entry of SphereDensity completely I'm back to what I presume is the default number of bubbles (that being a lot!).

Can someone take a look at the Bubbles screensaver registry entry on Vista for me please and let me know if there is an entry that sounds like it might control the number of bubbles displayed? If you first turn the bubbles screensaver on and change the number of bubbles to say, 7, when you look in the registry you may only have to look down the values column for 7. Watch out - if you choose a number greater than 9 then the hex number will be displayed, 9 and under are the same in decimal and hex.

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Unable To Get The Screensaver To Work

Oct 22, 2007

I am unable to get the Screensaver to work on my laptop that has Vista. Any thoughts on how I can get it to work? I have taken it back for service and no one can figure it out.

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How To Change Logon Screensaver

Oct 16, 2008

This is how to configure the logon screensaver to use PhotoScreensaver to display images at the Windows Vista logon screen.

1. Begin with a new Vista image.

2. Put the PC on the network and logon as Administrator.

3. Right click on the new desktop, click Personalize, Screen saver

4. Select Photos and change the Wait time to 1 minute (for quicker test)

5. Click Preview to make sure it works, click Apply, OK

6. Wait 1 minute and allow the Screen saver to run once.

7. Escape out of the Screen saver and return to the logged on desktop.

8. Click Start, in the Search bar type Regedit and open the Registry editor.

9. Expand HKEY_USERS

10. Expand the top S-1-5-21-xxxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx key

11. Navigate down to SoftwareMicrosoftWindows Photo GallerySlideshowScreensaver

12. Right click on FolderPath and Modify to C:UsersPublicPictures

13. Navigate back up to SoftwareMicrosoftWindows Photo Gallery

14. Right click on the Windows Photo Gallery key and click Export and give it the name of Photo and save to the desktop

15. Navigate back to HKEY_USERSS-1-5-21xxxx-xxxxControl PanelDesktop

16. Right click on the Desktop key and click Export and give it the name of 521Desktop and save to the desktop

17. Close Regedit and return to the Desktop

18. Right click on the exported Photo.reg and click on Edit

19. When the file opens in Edit mode, highlight the entire S-1-5-21-xxxxx-xxxx string and copy (Ctrl+C)

20. Click on Edit, Replace

21. In Find what: press Ctrl+V to enter the entire S-1-5-21-xxxx key name

22. In Replace with: enter .DEFAULT (yes, include the dot)

23. Click File, Save as and name the edited file DefaultPhoto (needs to remain .reg NOT .txt)

24. Repeat the process of editing Photo.reg and this time edit to replace the S-1-5-21-xxxx key name with S-1-5-19

25. Save this edited file as Photo519 (needs to remain a .reg NOT .txt)

26. Repeat the process of editing the 521Desktop.reg file and save one edited file as 519Desktop with the respective edits (find & replace w/ S-1-5-19); save a second edited file as DefaultDesktop with the respective edits (find & replace w/ .DEFAULT)

27. Right click on the PhotoDefault.reg file (on the Desktop) and click Merge, Continue, Yes, OK

28. Right click on the Photo519.reg file (on the Desktop) and click Merge, Continue, Yes, OK

29. Right click on the 519Desktop.reg file (on the Desktop) and click Merge, Continue, Yes, OK

30. Right click on the DefaultDesktop.reg file (on the Desktop) and click Merge, Continue, Yes, OK

31. Continue in Regedit and Expand HKEY_USERS.DEFAULTControl PanelDesktop

32. In the Desktop settings (in the right pane) Right click on ScreenSaveTimeOut and Modify the time to desired length of time

33. Repeat the process in HKEY_USERSS-1-5-19Control PanelDesktop and use the same time entered for .DEFAULT

34. Close regedit, restart the PC. Once the PC is at the logon screen, wait for the photos to appear after the amount of time set (in ScreenSaveTimeOut).

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Wireless Mouse And Screensaver Does Not

Jun 20, 2008

I am running Windows Vista and I have a cordless mouse which requires a little gadget into slot a USB port. My screensaver does not work when this little gadget is plugged in.

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How To Get A Screensaver Working In Vista?

Apr 28, 2009

How do I get a screensaver working in Vista?

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Screensaver Wont Activate

Nov 27, 2009

the screensaver wont activate in vista basic on dell vostro laptop it was working before,it should come on after 5 min, have tried all the screen savers and as soon as i try to preview them they go on for a second and then go off i dont have any wireless devices connected i did have a keyboard and mouse but uninstalled them and went back to the usb wired ones ive tried getting the screen savers to work by leaving on the 'Microsoft HID Non-User Input Data Filter update' and turning it off (it uninstalled when i got rid of mouse and keyboard, i tried disabling the touchpad, i disabled the hid thing in services msc, i also tried just using the turn off display in power options but that doesnt work either, i even tried reenabling everything in windows features, and i tried rolling back the graphics card driver,but none of these things work i am totally at a loss because the screen just stays on so i have to just shut down and restart the pc everytime i want to use it and this always brings up problems with modem and so on i also read somewhere that Dell Media Experience, Power DVD and ehtray.exe cause problems but i have none of these running at startup.

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Performance Drop

Jan 20, 2010

I've suddenly got a steep proformance drop that makes playing all my games pretty much impossible.

It usually states when I'm playing MW2. I turn on the game and have no performance issues. I enter a game and no performance issues. The game starts and no performance issues. It's only until around 5-10 minutes in that I experience the performance drop. When that happens, I can't do anything except to hope that the performance goes back up again. Reducing the resolution does not help. Changing my graphics card from quality based to proformance based does not help. Increasing my performance vs power saving does not help. I'm not running any other programs that are using up all the space (How would I? you can't even tab out of MW2 while you're playing it). Restarting the computer also does not help.

Worse still, this performance drop also affects everything else randomly as well.
I really don't know what I can do.

This has happened before, but not for this long.

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Cannot Drag And Drop

Jan 24, 2010

I have an Acer Extensa 5430 Laptop running Windows Vista 32 bit. I cannot seem to drag and drop on this computer - it always copies the file and then I have to go back and delete the original. Is there a setting somewhere that I can change so that it's moving the file instead of copying?

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Internet Drop

May 23, 2008

My machine keeps dropping the internet after an hour or so of use online. It normally requires me to restart the laptop to get the internet to function again. What is strange is that it still sees my network name but does not allow me to reconnect to it when the internet drops. I went to device manager and disabled and re-enabled the wireless and it brought it back to life. What could be causing this, and is there a fix for it? My dads laptop with vista doesnt have this problem. I have already tried turning off the power save feature on the wireless and also unchecked Qos, ipv6, and both link-layer topology in the wireless network connection properties. Also, I just did a fresh install of Vista to see if it helps and no dice. Also updated all the windows updates, even to SP1 and still no dice.

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Drop In The RAM Rating?

Nov 30, 2007

I kept BSOD'ing due to the patch required to use 4gb of ram to use/install vista (seriously, wtf?). I got my machine up and running. I went from vista hp x86 to hp x64. So my question is this (little backstory): Way back when (3 days agho) I had this setup.My ram would get a rating of 5.6, 5.9 when overclocked. I changed out my ram for g-skill 2x4gb sticks (5-5-5-15), but when one was defective i put my old patriot ram back in (along with a NEW asus-p5ne mobo since my other one died), reinstalled vista x86 and the ram suddenly now gets rated as a 5.1 Fast forward to today. With the 2 gb of RAM (the same 2 sticks that got a 5.6). get rated at a 5.1 again in vista x64. when i added the additional 2gb, i get a 5.3. Now before anyone asks, YES I: changed the timings in the bios to 4-4-4-12 and adjusted the memory to proper voltage (2.2). So FINALLY the question is this --- what would cause a drop in the RAM rating? I know its NOT the motherboard since it got hte same rating on both my p5ne-sli and this new abit board.

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Screensaver File Does Not Run From Within System32 Folder

Jan 24, 2009

I'm having a problem getting a screensaver I made to run from the system32 folder. The screensaver is a .scr file, and it runs perfectly fine from any other folder when I double click it and what not. However, when I move it to my system32 folder and double click it, it just brings up a black screen.

The reason I have to have it in that folder is because I'm trying to use a sidebar gadget to display this screensaver on my desktop, and the gadget only accepts screensavers from the system32 folder.

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Uninstalling Screensaver Without Having To Do A Systems Restore

Apr 15, 2008

I recently installed a screensaver and now wish to uninstall it, but when I click on Control Panel and "Uninstall a Program" it isn't in the list. I'm unable to uninstall it from the Screensavers screen as well. How can I uninstall this screensaver without having to do a systems restore?

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Possible To Extend The Time A Screensaver Shows?

Jan 25, 2009

Is it possible to extend the time a screensaver shows, I know the default is 20 minutes, less the time set for close, it could be a registry adjust possibly.

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Bad Video Card, Can Not Use Any Direct3D Screensaver

Sep 14, 2009

A while back I began getting a BSOD about a nVidia graphics card driver. Finally (kinda) resolved that by going to the nVidia web page and Dling/installing the latest driver. However, two problems persist. minor - I can not use any Direct3D screensaver - keep getting "The screen saver can't run because it requires a newer video card or one that's compatible with Direct3D." major - my PC is MUCH slower - that is, for example, when I open Explorer, it takes ~ 45 sec. to a minute to open as opposed to nearly instantly before the BSOD. on startup, icons on the desktop show up as white objects and slowly change to the actual icon image a few at a time. Before this, icons initially (instantly) appeared as the actual icon.

HP had me reomve the video card and wait for a beep - none - and remove the RAM cards and wait for a beep - one short, one long. Now they want me to do a System Restore. I am not at all interested in this. Previous attempts have resulted in reinstalling programs/settings over several days - time I do not have. Any ideas on troubleshooting/resolving this? Can I confirm a good nVidia card? Could it be a driver problem?

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Enable The Aquarium Screensaver In Ultimate?

Mar 23, 2008

I recently puchased a laptop with Vista Ultimate and upgraded my desktop to Vista Home premium. I noticed that the aquarium screensaver is not available as an option in Ultimate, but is available in Home Premium. Can anybody tell me how I can enable the aquarium screensaver in Ultimate?

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