Displayed The Welcome Screen But Not The Login

Nov 14, 2008

I installed some updates from Microsoft. After restart the computer displayed the welcome screen but not the login one. I waited for about an hour waiting for Vista to load but it didnt. I tried to repair it with the installation cd but I get the message that there is nothing to repair. Also, I cannot boot in safe mode and I cannot run system restore, i.e., its been runing for almost an hour with no result. I dont know what to do anymore.

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Network Login Icon No Longer Displayed

Oct 5, 2009

I'm running Vista Home Premium SP2 on an Acer desktop with 2 gig of RAM. The computer is working fine and my internet connection seems quite normal. However, I just noticed that the little computer monitor icon that's supposed to be in the lower right hand corner of my display is not there. Normally when I hover over this icon a small indicator shows up saying I'm connected locally and to the internet. I tried looking in `Services.msc' for something that's been inadvertently disabled, but can't find anything relevant. I also tried re-establishing my IP address but this did not produce the icon either. Last thing I tried was `repairing' my internet connection to no avail. how to get this icon back on without rebooting.

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Press Control/alt/delete To Get A Login Screen Up Then Login Using The Administrator Account?

Sep 30, 2009

With xp you can press control/alt/delete to get a login screen up then login using the administrator account. On vista the administrator account is showing as a icon on the login screen. I dont want this to be visible, any ideas how to hide this?. I saw a registry hack but this removes the icon but it seems in doing so there is then no way to login without the icon.

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Updates Do Not Let Me Get To The Login Screen

Jun 13, 2008

I am having a nightmare with my laptop which has windows vista ultimate on it. I chose to shut down the laptop by choosing the option "Shut down after installing updates", and so it started to shut down. However, after a couple of hours I checked and saw the laptop was still on, and it was stuck on Update 3 / 3. The status screen displays the following: Installing Update 3 / 3 - 0%

A couple of moments later, the laptop displays "Shutting down" and just like that it does. Not matter which mode I run the laptop in or how much times I let it "loop-around", it returns to the same screen. The problem is I cannot even get to the login screen, let alone try something to fix the damn system! I am really against a wall here, as I have no idea what to do. Is there a way I can backup information from my hard drive while the laptop is on, but not logged on? - Is there a way I can restore the latop to an earlier state using the restore option without logging on to the system?

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Black Screen After Login

Mar 27, 2009

When I login all I get is a black screen and "my documents" is open. Basically, the OS has GONE! I can still use the computer, ctrl alt delete etc.. run tasks, just that there is no desktop or toolbars etc.

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User Pic In Login Screen

Jul 23, 2008

I've been searching through the forum's tutorials and all through Google to find out how to change the size of the user picture in the login screen. I don't have a password set to my account and I am currently the only one with an account on the computer, so the picture is very small on my 22" 1680*1050 monitor.

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Blank Screen At Login

Jan 18, 2010

I accidently turned my Dell laptop off while it was performing windows updates. When I restarted the laptop it goes to the login screen and then goes blank (i cant enter the username/password).

I have tried the following:
1. Starting in safe mode (same issue)
2. Using the boot dvd and trying the different options in there (Repair, Restore to safe point, Memory check).
3. Using the boot dvd I have tried several different restore points, including the original store point.
4. I have looked through every forum and every post I can find and cannot find any suggested resolutions.

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Rebooting, Won't Get To Login Screen

Jun 9, 2009

I've just instaled SP2 for Vista on a clean install and it constantly keep rebooting, it won't get to the login screen. It's not even booting into Safe Mode. So far the boot goes as far as "Configuring Updates: State 3 of 3 Complete 0%" And then it restarts. The most annoying thing is that I haven't installed any updates, for this to happen. All other updates that need to be done are finished and the computer has rebooted a number of times before hand. I've got all my drivers and such updated but the problem still persists. The only way I can get around it is by reinstalling the OS all over again. I've tried System restore but even with that the problem continues.

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Login Screen Fuzzy

Feb 11, 2009

When I boot my Vista 64 machine, which had been working normally until 2 days ago, the login screen comes up fuzzy--that is, I can tell it is the login screen, but the image is so highly distorted as to be unusable. The image is fine during the boot process (ie, the post graphics and the green progress bar are fine) until the Vista circle pops up. When I try to boot in safe mode, the screen image is fine, but the problem is that once it gets to the login screen the computer will reboot, even if I quickly enter the admin password. If I use a bootable Linux disk (Puppy Linux), the entire computer works fine. This indicates to me that I'm not dealing with a hardware issue.

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Won't Go Past The Login Screen

Mar 5, 2010

I had used my laptop(link below) just fine in the am then when I try to sign-in in the pm it won't go past the login screen and will auto restart and again to the login screen so it becomes a vicious cycle. I have tried starting in safe mode then system restore, no luck, back to safe mode and got this error: The Recycle Bin on drive c: is corrupt or invalid. Do you want to empty ..., then tried: load thelast known good configuration, again no good.

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Remove Everything On Login Screen

Oct 4, 2008

Is there a way to remove everything except for the login fields (user & password) for vista? I have mine set on to require user name and password. I want to remove everything else. So the login picture and that translucent frame, and that "windows home premium" text on the bottom.

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Vista Won't Get Past The Login Screen

Apr 26, 2009

My vista won't get past the login screen. It happened after I tried to patch tcpip.sys with the Half-open limit fix.

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Black / Blank Screen After Login

May 17, 2008

Switch on PC, Choose any user from list, after login, i get a black screen. After searching i found my way to the registry using F8->Repair

..->Command promt->regedit.exe
In there i found that the everytime i change
[*HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerShell*] to explorer.exe, and restart my pc, it changes to *cmd.exe /k start cmd.exe*. i dont know what to do now. The following didnt work:

- CTRL-ALT-DELETE/CRTL-SHFT-ESC to show task manager
- Safe mode
- System restore and repair

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Screen Will Reset Blank Login

Sep 15, 2008

i am having trouble with login to www.pbdisasterservices.com as a user because of Vista op sys. talked to their tech serv rep and it is some sort of vista problem. talked to hp (my computer mfg) and they could not help. microsoft said to go to self help site--could not find anything close to my problem. after login, screen will blink and return to a blank login. each time i fill in login info and hit login, the screen will reset to a blank login.

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Neverending Cycle Of Welcome/login Screen

Dec 8, 2008

The pc runs Vista 32bit Home Premium. I have Panda AV and UNIBLUE Powersuite as the security and maintanance programs now. Recenty though I've run in to the problems of trying to switch users where the screen goes into a neverending cycle of the welcome/login screen and have to reboot the computer to stop it, much less get another user account to open. After reading a few posts I deducted that it wasn't the AV program and went into the event manager and looked to possible updates that coincided with the buggy issue. I found several "KBXXXXXX" updates that stated that they were not compatible with the system and started 'backpeddling' to find the issue. Herein lies the problem....After first uninstall windows now will not open at all. Not in safe mode and even with the original OS disk, I cannot even get to the point of reinstalling/repairing the OS because I blue screen with an error code. I know I'm reaching out on a limb here,

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Login Screen NOT Recognize Keyboard Or Mouse

Jun 10, 2008

My laptop started freezing up some times lately, but yesterday I turned it on and got the Blue Screen. Now, whenever I turn it on, it boots directly into Safe Mode. Problem is, at the login screen it will NOT recognize my keyboard or mouse, making it impossible for me to login. I have confirmed that my mouse and keyboard are fine because they work when I launch the boot menu. I have run Startup Repair countless times, chkdsk a couple of times, but nothings working. I have the Vista CD that came with my laptop but I would really rather not completely reinstall Vista because I have many important documents and family photos that I have not backed-up.

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Wont Load Past Login Screen?

Jun 6, 2009

I turned off my computer yesterday then turned it on again and switched it off again using the power switch repeatedly yesterday in a span of a few mins. I then went out for a day and when i came back home and tried to boot my computer again vista wouldnt load the login screen. I changed my loading screen and it gets past that alright but when it gets to the logon screen everything just turns black?

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Login Screen Is Unusable And Reboots Endlessly

Jan 7, 2010

I am having a strange problem with my Windows Vista Home Premium installation. The login screen loads and I can write the user and password boxes, but when I insert the password for my user and I hit the enter button or click the arrow button it does nothing. Clicking on shutdown options button does nothing. Pressing ctrl+alt+del does nothing. And after about 30 seconds it reboots and all the same happen endlessly. I tried all the recovery options ( boot in safe mode, last working configuration, disable restart at error, etc... ) and all have the same behavior.

I booted with the Windows Vista Recovery Tools from the DVD and I used chkdsk. It says that found errors and corrected them but when I run again the chkdsk the same errors are reported and corrected. Used sfc /scannow with the offline options and it says that found some corrupted files and is unable to correct them, but when I check the logs no relevant errors are found. Tested the memory and the hard drive using ubuntu live cd and the results were that both are ok. With ubuntu live cd I am able to boot and access all the windows files.

This is not the error "installing updates 3 of 3" or the black screen of death after welcome screen. This happened when I was using the pc and suddenly it freezed and I pressed the power button to do a hard shutdown. After that these symptoms started. Until there everything was fine. I didn't download any virus, as I am a computer programmer and I know what I am doing I just can't understand this error. What do you guys think it is? Is it a virus or some of the system files are corrupted or a hardware problem? I would not like the reinstall vista option because I have a lot of data and a lot of programs installed. What other options do I have? By the way the Vista I have is Service Pack 2.

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How Do Bypass Switch User Screen To Login As Another?

Feb 26, 2008

Whenever someone in my family walks away from using the computer with Windows Vista, after the Screen Saver, I'm always taken to a screen that allows only the last user to log back in, but when someone else wants to log in, they need to hit the "Switch User" button to go back to the regular login screen. Can I have the computer just go back to showing all the user's names (so I don't have to click the "Switch User" button to login as me). I would like this to work, just as XP did... so if the last person who used the computer has to log back in, s/he would just have to click their name again...just like XP did.

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Screen Stops Working When Login To Windows

Feb 17, 2010

my laptop screen stops working when login to windows (when in normal boot mode). So when i boot in safe mode it does work! also i don't know when it stop working in vista since i normally always work with my tv, you see and rarely switch back to my laptop screen. so what i have tried so far: reinstalled the VGA drivers fn+f3

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Not Load To Login Page, Black Screen.

Mar 18, 2009

my windows vista home will not load to the login page. it all started when my computer would not shut down. as it wouldnt i pressed the off button left it for a couple of mins and turned it back on again. it came up saying that there was a problem and i selected to have it automatically fix the problem. it said it could take a few times for it to work. on the second try it said it could not fix the problem and gave option send message to windows.....

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Resolution Changing At Login Screen After Boot

May 10, 2009

I have my screen resolution set to 1920x1200, native is set to this, nvidia control panel confirms it, yet every time I restart after a shutdown or an update, my screen resets to some random low resolution such as 1020x768 or 800x600 (the worst of the 2, it set the colors all funky). Every time after it does this, I have to go back and change the resolution back, and move all of my icons back to their places. I have tried everything to get rid of this problem, even such as to change the registry defaults for resolution. I have base video off, and all other solutions people seem to have do not work. I have had lots of experiences with computers, but this one has stumped me. If I missed a default or it is one of those things that just is so obvious that you overlook it

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Black Screen After Login--Ctrl+Alt+Dlt Doesnt Work

Nov 5, 2008

hey everyone, so i know that there have been lots of post similar to this, but none of the actual responses work in my case. I used my laptop in the morning, no problem, and that afternoon, after I logged in, "welcome" popped up, and it remained on that screen for approx 30 seconds, and then it turned black. the cursor works but you cant see anything, but it sounds like everything is loading. I tried to press control, alt, delete but that doesnt work. It just sits there.

So I tried running it in safe mode, and if i hold down f8, it beeps for a bit, and then sometimes it runs in safe mode, sometimes not. I tried doing a system restore, but that didnt work. I dont know what else to do

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Login Screen: There Is An Account, No Picture But Requires Password

Feb 11, 2010

After bootup of my system, my system gets to the normal acount login (as normal) but then tries to log into an account that doesnt exist!!! on the login screen there is an account with no picture but it requires a password! It all of a sudden appeared the other day. I have used "manage accounts" to try and delete it but it does not appear on there. the os I am using is vista home basic 32bit.

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How To Bring The Admin Login Option On The Welcome Screen In Home Premium

Oct 19, 2009

I am using a Dell XPS 1330 machine running Vista Home Premium.

I needed to replace some files(tcpip.sys,tcpreg.sys etc)in the system 32 folder with their new versions. But Vista wont let me copy them to the destination folder(system 32) citing admin reasons.

Read a bit and found out that "Administrator" account is by default disabled in Vista.

So ran the following 2 commands from command prompt to enable Admin account and set the admin password.
net user administrator password
net user administrator activate:yes

After that logged off and was expecting to see the admin login option on the welcome screen. But it didnt come.

Actually in the control panel user accounts I can see myself as Administrator....but I guess that is some administrator with limited powers and there is a greater/stronger/divine/all-conquering "Administrator" above this crappy admin category to which I right now belong and which Microsoft has due to some inexplicable reasons kept undercover. So plz plz help me and lemme know how to get that all-conquering admin to come on my welcome screen so that i can log in and try out what I want.

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Start Up Graphics Glitch 4850: The Login Screen I Receive Small Blocks Of Colour That Do Not Match The Screens Intended Picture

Feb 14, 2009

Error on startup. After a period of time. Having scoured several topics in relation to this issue, I am still none the wiser and like many pledging for some guidance, I thought it best to post here. Some quick Background Info;

I made this computer using my old Powersupply ( Jeantech 500W) and Harddrive. I had previously used the graphics card in my old setup and had no issues. This was XP, different motherboard, processor etc. I formatted the Harddrive and installed Windows 64bit and installed all the new parts. Drivers are all up to date except the motherboard. (Of which the CD couldn't be detected)

When I turn on my computer, at the login screen I receive small blocks of colour that do not match the screens intended picture. On the log in screen this is normally minimal, but on my main desktop this will nearly cover the screen intermitantly. Sounds bad? But it will either fix itself in time with the "Windows has recovered the driver Atiamtag" Or, I pop open the Chess program and on load up this clears the issue..........

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Windows Login Service Failed The Login

Jul 29, 2009

I'm having an issue with new users on my vista business machine. My current user account is working fine, however when I create a new account, either through control panel or through "local users and groups" option by right clicking computer. The account creates and is apparently all ready to go, however when I try log in to the account, i get an error: "the windows login service service failed the login, the user profile could not be loaded". I also notice that in C:users folder, there is no folder with the new account I created, i assume that is why the error is appearing. I have done numerious virus scans, with norton, so thats not the issue. I have found other problems on the internet but they only appear to be having problems with the main account, my main administrator account works fine.

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Multiple Login To Device/server W-same Login

Dec 17, 2009

What's up with Vista 64 (Vista) not allowing the same user; login/pass to acess a network device? I've got a small network in my office and I have just purchased a new laptop with Vista64 on it. I'm trying to access a Network drive device with my login/pass (it works on all other computers) but not the Vista64 box?

I get an error: "share is not accessible. You might not have permission (which I know my login/pass does becuase I'm logged in with XP on two other boxes). But there's the paragraph; "Multiple connections to a server or shared resouces by the same user, using more than one user name, are not allowed, Disconnect all previous connections to the server or shared resource and try again". What the heck I want to keep the same login (ME) to access a devise... is this really how it has to be with Vista?

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Message Could Not Be Displayed

May 18, 2008

I have emails "stuck" in my outbox. It has this error: Message could not be displayed Windows Mail encountered an unexpected problem while displaying this message. Check your computer for low memory or low disk space and try again. It no longer displays the actual email message and I can't delete it. How do I get rid of it?

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Can't Checkboxes IE Are Displayed

Jun 21, 2009

I have Vista. I had IE7 before and today I downloaded IE8. But the problem stil presists. The problem is - I can't see anything on checkboxes in IE on any site. All the checkboxes are displayed in white. I don't know way. see the attachment for visual presentation.

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Installed RAM Displayed Incorrectly?

Feb 20, 2008

I draw your attention to the image attached below which I have extracted from Lavalys Everest Ultimate Edition's Memory Benchmarking Test. As I only confess to having no more than an intermediate computer knowledge, could someone please answer my following query: Why in the image does it display my Memory Type as being Dual Channel DDR2-667 SDRAM (5-5-5-12) when what I have installed is Dual Channel DDR2-800 RAM (4-4-4-12)?

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