Can't Checkboxes IE Are Displayed

Jun 21, 2009

I have Vista. I had IE7 before and today I downloaded IE8. But the problem stil presists. The problem is - I can't see anything on checkboxes in IE on any site. All the checkboxes are displayed in white. I don't know way. see the attachment for visual presentation.

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Message Could Not Be Displayed

May 18, 2008

I have emails "stuck" in my outbox. It has this error: Message could not be displayed Windows Mail encountered an unexpected problem while displaying this message. Check your computer for low memory or low disk space and try again. It no longer displays the actual email message and I can't delete it. How do I get rid of it?

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Installed RAM Displayed Incorrectly?

Feb 20, 2008

I draw your attention to the image attached below which I have extracted from Lavalys Everest Ultimate Edition's Memory Benchmarking Test. As I only confess to having no more than an intermediate computer knowledge, could someone please answer my following query: Why in the image does it display my Memory Type as being Dual Channel DDR2-667 SDRAM (5-5-5-12) when what I have installed is Dual Channel DDR2-800 RAM (4-4-4-12)?

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Displayed The Welcome Screen But Not The Login

Nov 14, 2008

I installed some updates from Microsoft. After restart the computer displayed the welcome screen but not the login one. I waited for about an hour waiting for Vista to load but it didnt. I tried to repair it with the installation cd but I get the message that there is nothing to repair. Also, I cannot boot in safe mode and I cannot run system restore, i.e., its been runing for almost an hour with no result. I dont know what to do anymore.

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Filename Displayed Through Tversity On The PS3

Jul 29, 2008

I have a lot of files and I have all the names organized. I set up Tversity to transcode video to my PS3 and it works great except for one thing. I'd say about 1 out of 15 files have the wrong filename, however, the filename displayed through Tversity on the PS3 is the original filename of the file. Some of these videos I changed the filename right after I finished downloading them MONTHS AGO. And yet Tversity still sees the old filename where on my PC the filename is displayed correctly.

This is not the worst of the bug, if I try to play any of the files with the wrong filenames from Tversity on the PS3 then the Tversity media server on my computer crashes. I doubt this is a problem with Tversity because the old filename shouldn't even exist. Somehow the old filename still exists on some level on my PC.

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Desktop Isn't Displayed In Network

Mar 23, 2008

I have a Desktop with Xp-home edition sp2, connected by ethernet-cabel to my Linksys Router and I have a Laptop, running Vista, connected wireless. On my Desktop I can find my Vista computer in my network. (Can't get into folders yet, but that is later to be solved). In the networkdisplay on my Vista laptop, I can't find my XP Computer. I did ping my desktop and it worked. SO, I tried to type the ip-adres of my Desktop in Windows-explorer and I could get into all the shared files. I have a connection, but the desktop isn't displayed in my network.

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IE An Error Message Get Displayed

Sep 7, 2009

Everytime I open IE an error messeage gets displayed. I clicked the "Diagnose Connection Problems" button and the a box appeared saying "Windows confirmed that is currenly online, but is not responding to connection attemps at this time. This usually means that a irewall is runng somewhere between the wo computers and is blocking World Wide web servie (HTTP). Windows has confirmed that indows Firewall on this computer is correctly configured to allow this conection. However, a remote firewall mightbe blocking your connection." If you have access to this firewall then configure the firewall to allow connection through TCP port80. If you don't have acess contact your network aministrator or internet service provider. What should I do?

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Wrong Mail Displayed

May 6, 2008

When I receive a mail I sort it into personal folders (me, my wife, my son) Going into one of that folders I can see, ie 10 mails. All mails have different sender and contents. However, every mail I open, will always displays the same contents. i mean: I open mail nr 1 and I have the sender and the contents of mail 3. I open mail 7 and I I have the sender and the contents of mail 3.But in the list all different senders are shown. I am using Windows Mail (6) with Vista Ultimate.

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Web Browser Picture Can't Displayed

Mar 14, 2009

when i checked the windows help and support to find help for something, i noticed that all the "links" that refer to the help articles next to them have a little box with a red X inside them. (like this box that appears in a web browser when a picture cant be displayed). another problem is that i have deleted all the restore points before taking aware of this situation and i cant do a system restore to try to fix it. i have tried the offline help, deleting temporary files, but i cant find a way to fix this it still has the same problem. i use windows vista 32bit with sp1 and all the updates.

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Website Page Can't Be Displayed

Jun 24, 2008

I have altered my hosts file on both an XP and Vista computer. The XP computer correctly blocks the unwanted websites ("Page cannot be displayed") but the same exact hosts file on the vista computer shows the sites.

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The Webpage You Requested Is Not Available Offline Displayed

Jun 8, 2010

I use Windows Vista Home Premium and Int. Explorer 8.

When I sign into my ISP I get the following message: ???The webpage you
requested is not available off line.?

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Contacts Displayed In Folder View

Mar 10, 2009

When I click the contacts button in Windows Mail, it gives me a folder view of all my contacts. There is no button to add a new contact and no way to create a new group. Is this something I accidentally turned on?

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Page Can Not Be Displayed Due To Working Online

May 23, 2008

I am running Vista Home Premium 32bit and have a wireless card. Nw most of the time it works correctly. All of a sudden though Internet Explore will say that this page can not be displayed due to working online. I will then go to Tools and the work offline item will be checked. I will uncheck it and try to refresh and it automatically re-checks it. Sometimes it will fix it self but most of the time I have to restart the system. I will be connected to the internet but it just does it automatically. I am needing to know how to permanently uncheck the work offline.

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New Mail Notification Icon Not Displayed

Sep 18, 2009

Windows Mail is not displaying a New Mail Notification icon in the system tray. Is this an option that I just can't find? It's terrible inconvenient, since i don't usually have sound turned on I don't know when I get new mail!

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Network Login Icon No Longer Displayed

Oct 5, 2009

I'm running Vista Home Premium SP2 on an Acer desktop with 2 gig of RAM. The computer is working fine and my internet connection seems quite normal. However, I just noticed that the little computer monitor icon that's supposed to be in the lower right hand corner of my display is not there. Normally when I hover over this icon a small indicator shows up saying I'm connected locally and to the internet. I tried looking in `Services.msc' for something that's been inadvertently disabled, but can't find anything relevant. I also tried re-establishing my IP address but this did not produce the icon either. Last thing I tried was `repairing' my internet connection to no avail. how to get this icon back on without rebooting.

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Changing Folders Displayed In Media Centre

Oct 29, 2008

Originally my intention was to go the whole nine yards with WMC, ie, the dual digital TV tuners/PVR thing etc etc. However, I ended up getting a deal on a Sky+ box, so, long story short, I really just use it to play music and movies. I don't have an extensive picture library and so on, so I just get it to watch the Music and Movie directories. All the others have been removed from the watch-list and now I would like these other folders to die with dignity as far as the main interface is concerned. I don't want to have to go up (to Pictures) then across to Videos. I know this may seem as if I would be interested in hiring someone to do my breathing for me, and maybe I won't lose any sleep over it, but I would like to slim down the primary interface if it can be done.

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System Locks Up With Strange Video Displayed

Mar 24, 2008

I have been having this very frustrating problem with Vista 64. The machine seems to be find and I can run anything I want, but then it will just lock up. The screen shows what ever graphics was there but its all scrambled. This can happen at an time after the desktop show, 2 minutes or 2 hours. I can run in safe mode all day and night so I'm thinking graphics or some other driver. I have run tests using Everest Ultimate and everything seems fine, except it will lockup like everything else. I have had this issue since the beginning, when I had 1 video card. I have gotten Crossfire enabled and SP1 installed. I am using the latest Catalyst driver 8.3. One note, when I installed the newest driver, it changed how the screen looks when it locks up, but its still the same issue.

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Changing Number Of Displayed Recent Documents.

Mar 23, 2008

I have this instruction for XP:go to the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer create (change) here dword value "MaxRecentDocs" and set it to equal the number of documents to display in the recent documents list. There is no registry key PoliciesExplorer in that folder under Vista but there is a folder HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerRecentDocs Should I add this DWord here, or somewhere else?

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Notebook: Offline Files Displayed Colored

Mar 23, 2008

I use Vista Business with all current updates on a laptop. On a server (NAS, Samba V3.0.26a), are the application files in the standard operation. To work with the files works always smoothly. In the notebook, I have some files declared as offline files and thesynchronization works smoothly. At the offline files is a yellow circle with green arrows. In the Control Panel / Offline Files / Disk use corresponds to thememory used by the offline files correct. When I use the notebook separate from the network, the offline files displayed colored. Up to here everything is still okay! If I try to open an offline file it is not to open or at favorites the Internet link is not available :eek: If you look at the properties it shows the following: size: 323MB size on Disk: 20KB :confused: Why are files missing? What is in the offline files defect?

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Deleting Email Messages :: Message Could Not Be Displayed

Mar 23, 2008

Could anyone help me delete message from my email. The page states " Message could not be displayed." I try to delete the message and it states "An unknown error has occured.

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Message Not Displayed, Mail Cann't Be Opened.

Mar 23, 2008

I am using Windows Mail as my default mail client. After installing Office 2007 I opened Outlook 2007 for some reason and configured my mail account there. Since that time I am not able to search for mails using Vista Search. If Windows Mail is configured as standard mail application (has every standard) mails can be found, but not opened. An error message is displayed which tells me, that no standard mail client is available (in German: "Es ist kein standardm=E4=DFiger E-Mail-Client vorhanden, oder der aktuelle E-Mail-Client kann die Messaginganforderung nicht erf=FCllen..."). Then I configured Outlook as my standard mail client, which didn't solve my issue, because the message is not displayed any more, but the mail cann't be opened.

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Open A Folder, Automatically Displayed By Large Icons?

Aug 30, 2008

When you open a folder, all the items in it are displayed by list. Is it possible to make it so that they are automatically displayed by Large Icons instead? Or am I stuck with always having to right-cick then change it everytime I open a new folder?

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MailTo Link Remains Displayed In Browser (Firefox)

Mar 15, 2009

In windows XP clicking this link activates mail client new message window (Outlook in my case), allowing user to fill in the email message and send it (address automatically filled in convieniently). The webpage containing the MailTo link remains displayed in browser (Firefox).

In Vista, clicking this link also activates mail client (Windows Mail) but just the mail client no new message window to actually type message into. However, it also loads MailTo:someone@xxxxxx into an IE7 browser address window, then generates message in browser window "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage". Of course it shouldn't even be trying to display a MailTo: as a webpage. This is seriously messing with my mind and i need to resolve it so i can happily click away on MailTo links to my hearts content without having to find then copy and paste the MailTo address every time

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Installing/ Partition No Mass Storage Device Displayed

Nov 7, 2007

I make a new RAID setup. everything is good. i load up vista and i get to the install/partition screen. No mass storage device is displayed. I go to install drivers and i try everything, from old XP drivers 32 and 64 bit drivers alike. I am installing Windows Vista 64. I am running Promise Fasttrak 579 Serial ATA in RAID 0 (2 HDD)

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Windows Mail "create Group List" Is Not Displayed

Apr 22, 2009

Windows Vista, Windows Mail Whenever I change my addressbook view so that it will display "create group list", whene I startup my PC and open Windows Mail, my "create group list" is not displayed as it seems to revert back to the default of "picture or video" (in customize tab in address book). Can someone tell me how to set the default so "create group list"is also displayed when I open Address book?

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"An Error Is Preventing The Photo Or Video From Being Displayed."

Dec 23, 2009

My Vista was doing it's normal updates and I looked at the Live Essentials and I said "What the heck, I'll try Them" I have not been able to use Windows Live Photo Gallery as of yet. When I want to open a picture, an error box comes up saying "An error is preventing the photo or video from being displayed." The version of this software is 2009 Bulid 14.0.8081.709.

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Select Full Address To Be Displayed In The Address Bar

Mar 23, 2008

in Window XP, i used to be able to select full address to be displayed in the address bar. But for Window Vista, I could not find the way to do it. e.g. instead of showing D:Document, i want to show \sapsgsmapsnap01document. I want to send the link to my colleague to access directly to destination folder.

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Documents Folder Displayed In Computer Folder

Apr 15, 2009

The contents of My documents folder is displayed in my computer folder, some icons are double and a whole lot of other white icons "empy" files, see screenshot 1. Screenshot 2:

- Right clicking, double clicking on the white files does nothing
- Cannot select them and delete
- Opening a folder takes me to that folder (If i open "Pictures" it takes me to C:UsersNotandiPictures)
- Deleting a folder there deletes it from My Documents too

EDIT: These direcotries are also displayed in the SEND TO: menu, exactly the same as in my computer, but no the empty white files. See screenshot 2

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Email: "Message Could Not Be Displayed"

May 25, 2008

I have several items in my deleted items box that i am unable to delete. when i try to delete them, it gives me the message "Message could not be displayed".

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