Corrupt Disk After Format With Linux Settings.

Mar 6, 2009

I was trying to install Fedora 10 (linux distro)
but I had accidentally changed settings for both hard drives.. Meaning I formatted both hard drives.. and when the installation failed, I had the error "no operating system found"

I had a C:/ drive
and an X:/ drive.. I can't see my C:/ drive.. but in CMD I'm using X:/ but it was formatted so.. hehe.. no operating system..

I used the Vista DVD.. I tried to format but I get a disk error.

Now I'm not sure what to do to format my drives to NTFS..
I wana get my data back aswell.. But I doubt it'll be there if it's there.. I can't see..

I just delete to partitions from disk 0..
So I have 153 Gb free space..
But Windows install says "Windows is unable to find system volume that meets its criteria for installation" ?

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My Disk Is Getting Corrupt All The Time

Mar 23, 2008

Something has been bothering me a lot in Vista 64 Ultimate SP1. Every now and then, when Windows starts, it says my disk structure is corrupt and I should run chkdsk in order to fix it. When I try to run CHKDSK under Vista, I get a "insufficient disk space to fix master table (MFT)", and CHKDSK aborts. I can't create folders, files, Windows Update fails ...

The good thing is a have a dual boot system and when I choose XP, Windows XP detects that the Vista partition needs chkdsk and this time, chkdsk runs completely and fixes the Vista partition. So I can restart the computer, choose Vista partition again and this time everything will work fine.

Problem is, this is happening too often. Like every day. And it is such a hassle to start Vista, get the error message, restart, choose XP, fix Vista, restart, choose Vista and then have everything normal. Any of you guys have an idea on WHY my disk structure is getting corrupt all the time? My Vista installation is very recent, and I did a full format in the partition before installing it.

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Start Up Repair Disk Corrupt

Jun 15, 2008

have got the following message after system repair system volume on disk is corrupt is there any solution to this

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Cannot Format The Disk?

Mar 26, 2008

I have tried to format my computer, first I tried by just inserting the disc, no luck, then I tried booting it from the disc, no luck then I tried going into computer management right clicking my c drive but the format option is no available. I have evn tried phoneing Microsoft but they want $80.00. Finally I thought I would format it by using my XP disc, installing XP and then upgrading to put vista back on the system but it won't let me do that either. I desperately want to format my computer

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Disk Format In Os

Mar 23, 2008

Disk Format in vista takes longer time than other windows OS like XP and 2k. Is there any technical reasons for this?

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Linux Users Lose Again Why Windows Rulez And Linux Drools

Apr 28, 2009

You had better not be using Linux because they don't support Linux. "Most Linux users are serious computer users. We?re geeks, and geeks use a lot of internet. Wouldn?t it be wise of AT&T to just acknowledge us?" Linux users are an oddball bunch of less than 1 percent of the desktop populous.

"This is not the first time I?ve run into problems with AT&T pretending that the world consists entirely of Windows and Macintosh. Once I was helping someone else get a Linux system going with AT&T DSL, and they flat-out refused to give her the manual setup instructions for the connection if she couldn?t use the automated Windows or Mac installer. The tech told her? If you run Linux you should be able to figure it all out on your own. I won?t help you, and I won?t transfer you to anyone else.".............

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Why Does Always Want To Format A Blank CD Or DVD Disk?

Jul 4, 2008

Vista Home Premium. I have no third-party CD/DVD recording software on the machine. Every time I go to burn files to a CDR, CDRW, DVD R or DVDRW using the Windows burning function it wants to format the disk. If I cancel the format, then the burn is not proceeded with. XP does not do this. How do I stop this infuriating behaviour?

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How To Format Hard Disk

Sep 5, 2008

i have a sata hard drive running windows vista 32 business. how would i format the hard drive completely and start again? i did a reinstall last weekend but it would not give me the option for format from the DVD, it just gave me a "windows.old" folder which wasn't really what i wanted.

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Hard Disk Volume NTFS Structure Is Corrupt And Unusable

Feb 11, 2009

In my Event properties I getting a NTFS error that the file system structure is corrupt and unusable.

It tells me this is volume Device Hard disk Volume3

Question is, Which hard drive is that?

In disk manager I have the following

Disk 0 F: drive

Disk 1 D: drive

Disk 2 C: drive

Disk 3 H&P: drive

Disk 4 G: drive

Disk 5 M: drive

I guess that's kinda messed up..huh!

plus other removable cf card / sd card / mmc card drives

I need to Chkdsk the volume3.

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Windows Must Format Disk Drive X Before You Can Use It

Feb 8, 2010

It's my new Sony ebook reader. It works fine on my old XP pc but not my Vista Home Premium laptop. I don't know how reformatting an actual reader would affect the device since every one at the Sony forum has only reformat their memory from the actual reader that has a reformat memory, you lose your books but all the Sony applications that runs the reader are still intact. Since I got this error, I've reformatted via the actual reader and still every time I plug my reader in my USB port, I get this error. I'm scared if I say yes that all the applications that makes the reader works will be wiped out. Here is the thread in the Sony Reader Forum of them trying to help me. I come on on #8 post as Sandyn Sony Reader Forum - Sony PRS300

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Windows Unable To Format Disk

Jun 21, 2008

I'm trying to format some CD-RW disks to make my backup disks and only once out of about 10 tries have I been successful. I keep getting a message that says "windows is unable to format disk"

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Reinstalling And Format Hard Disk

Mar 23, 2008

I've basically screwed up documents and important stuff so i need help reinstalling vista from the dvd, Formatting the hard drive. My M/B is a ga-p35-ds3l and i cant use my keyboard if the shut down is forced it auto chooses.

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Format Hard Disk: Missed Serial Number

Apr 3, 2009

I have bought a second hand laptop with windows vista business installed. There is a sticker on the bottom of the laptop showing the installed windows is a genius one. But part of the label gets wore out. I want to make format the hard disk and do a clean re-installation of vista again. However, I am so worry that if I miss the serial number, I would be stuck in the middle of the process.

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Format Disk 1 Hiatchi 320Gig Hard Drive

Mar 23, 2008

I have a new Vista Ultimate OS and put an Hitachi 320Gig Hard drive in the extra slot. It shows up in Computer Management disk drives along with the WDC drive that came with. Populating the drive shows Disk: Disk 1 Type: Dynamic ond online..If I go to ..Storage and Disk Managment Disk 1 shows up as unallocated.I tried to format disk 1 /FS:NTFS /V:dorathy to no avail. How do I get Vista to recongnize this dirve????

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Multi Card Reader Attached To MB, Wanted To Format Disk

Jan 22, 2009

I just installed a new MB (Biostar MCP6P M2+) and CPU AMD 64 x2 Brisbane 4200+ 2.2ghz. overclocked to 2.8ghz. and installed Vista x64 Premium OS. I was trying to import some pictures into Picasa from an SD card via a multi card reader on my Canon MP130 printer and the program froze. I shut it down. When I tried to use my multi card reader attached to the MB it wanted to format my disk??? is this because I am using a x64 system? After a few more attempts my entire system froze. I hard rebooted and when the POST comes up it only shows the CPU info and stops?

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BIOS Settings, Not Support Booting Hard Disk

Apr 1, 2008

I am not having fun installing Vista on my new computer. At first, I did not touch any of the BIOS settings. The Install program recognized my hardware but said it was 698.6 GB which is a bit too small. There was a warning that said, "This computer's hardware may not support booting to this hard disk. Ensure that the disk's controller is enabled in the computer's BIOS menu".

I ignored this message and I clicked on this item in the list that showed my hard drive. There are little icon buttons at the bottom of the window. Few are enabled. One that is enabled is one that showed the "new" option. I clicked on that and an error appeared: "Failed to create a new partition on the selected used space. [Error: 0x80042453]". So I guess "new" is not the option to click on. I went into the BIOS settings.

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Windows Can't Format Drive H: - Check To See That The Disk And Drive Are Connected Properly

Jul 29, 2009

i just bought My Book Essential 1 TB today... and when i got home i plug it and it works just fine but its bothering me that the HDD type is FAT32 .. so i format it and try to change it to NTFS.. but somethings happen and boom the electric in my apartment was down... and so when the electric back i want to format it again but i can't... there drive is detected but with no space detail... it says "Windows can't format Drive H: - Check to see that the disk and drive are connected properly, make sure that the disk is not read-only, and then try again.

For more information, search Help for read-only files and how to change them" when i open the Disk Management from (My COmputer > Manage) it seems it's already a volume.. but the weird thing there is no space detail.. and i cant erase the volume ... i've tried using diskpart but i can't do nothing because there is no volume and i can't erase the disk... no luck with fsutil cause its not ntfs... I havent tried 3rd party software and i havent tried it on other computer (don't have other computer right now) and WDC didnt give live cd for formatting because all of them was in the drive... though i already redownload it but the program is useless..

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External HDD Acting Up: "You Need To Format The Disk In Drive F: Before You Can Use It."

May 6, 2009

I am writing because i have an external 500Gig Western Digital HDD that I have been using for months has not been exposed to extreme temperatures, banged around or overused in any way. I plugged it in today and it showed up under "My Computer" as Local Disk(F: ).

Then a message came up stating "You need to format the disk in drive F: before you can use it." Next it asks if i want to format now, and i can choose Format, or Cancel. I am not sure if this is some sort of driver issue, something more serious with the computer, or if this is something with this drive.

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Jul 25, 2009

Have my system built and everything seems ok. Post is good with no errors. Only (1) HDD and DVD connected now. During windows Vista 64 installation I eventually get the message "WINDOWS COULD NOT FORMAT A PARTITION ON DISK 0. THE ERROR OCCURRED WHILE PREPARING THE PARTION SELECTED FOR INSTALLATION. ERROR CODE 0x80070057". Do I need to update BIOS? HDD & DVD/CD show in BIOS as SATA 1 & SATA 2 by there names. So they are being recognized.

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Security Settings In IE7: Reboot My Settings Change And I Have To Restore Them

May 6, 2008

I have a problem with the security settings in IE7. Everytime I reboot my settings change and I have to restore them. I have the settings set in custom level to allow programmatic clipboard access but it disables that and some other settings after a reboot. what I can do to make my settings stick?

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Is It Faster Than GNU/Linux

Feb 25, 2009

"Recent and controversial benchmarks for Windows 7 leave an important question unanswered: 'Is it faster than GNU/Linux?' Here, at last, is a benchmark that pits Ubuntu, Vista and Windows 7 against each other on the same modern hardware. From install time to GUI efficiency, Ubuntu beats Windows and is often twice as fast. Where Windows 7 is competitive, the difference is something the average user would not notice. The average GNU/Linux user is now getting better absolute performance from their computer as well as better value than the average Windows user."

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Protecting The Windows Using Linux

Feb 12, 2010

The internet connection is in Linux (Host OS).

I am just eager to know if i have Windows as a guest OS on Host OS(Linux), is it less possible for Windows to get infected by virus ?

If Windows crashes, is there a mechanism to recover it from Host OS(Linux) ?
Also, is there any mechanism to debug windows .

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Windows 7 Will Doom Linux

Oct 23, 2009 (the article said that it won't necessarily doom Linux but we all know that it will) Ubunbu is doomed.

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Linux KDE Applications To MS Windows

Jul 6, 2008

The KDE on Windows Project is aimed at native porting of the Linux KDE applications to MS Windows. Windows 2000, XP, 2003 and Vista are supported. The KDE on Windows Project - Welcome to The KDE on Windows Project

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Relevent Usage, Using Linux

Sep 25, 2009

Post to alt.os.linux.ubuntu ... 1000
Post to ... 1037

Seemingly, people are using linux, that is, people whom can learn. Good for them. Thats one linux distro. I suggest Bleak Horizon as the next Windows version name.

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About Linux And Ubuntu Posters

Apr 10, 2008

Douche bag, is considered to be a pejorative term in Australia, the United States, Canada and New Zealand. The slang usage of the term dates back to the 1960s. The metaphor of identifying a person as a douche is intended to associate a variety of negative qualities, specifically arrogance and malice. In Vista.General forums, Douche Bag is usually associated with, Alias, NoStop, oh great, and kevpan815 who always post negative crap about Vista and try to convert users to Ubuntu.

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Windows Install Os Linux

Oct 2, 2009

Version 10 and it still has all the same glitches, endless code and incompatabilities it had since the beginning. Wireless support totally sucks, audio support is a jolk, and usually you have to settle with haveing one of the two work depending on which distro you install. I tried Linux for a third time when I saw the new version 10 and it still sucks. I now have XP back on my Eee PC and everything works as it should with no code hhaving to be written, or config to suffer from The age old question: what can windows do that Linux can't? Aside from everything in general the main answer is WORK!

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Programs Only For Windows And Not For Linux?

Mar 18, 2009

Root kits
Be part of a net bot
Windows Genuine Disadvantage Notification Tool

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How To Backup Mbr Beforevtrying Linux

Nov 7, 2009

I want to try linux on my laptop, but I think I should probably backup the mbr before. My last attempt resulted in an unbootable laptop, complete vista reinstall plus all of my software and data 5hours+. The laptop (Compaq cq60) did not come withe a vista disc, only a partition that allows a restore to factory setup.

Ideally I'm looking for a freeware app that can hopefully create a bootable cd that would restore the mbr to pre-linux without grub installed. Any recommendations on a foolproof method. Google throws up lots of info that I either don't understand or I wouldn't feel confident with.

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Linux File Sharing!

Sep 23, 2008

I've got a file in my vista /public/video folder and everytime I try to copy it to my linux box it keeps asking for a password. i've turned off the password protection in Vista, so what do I do?

it turns out that Nautilus (a commonly used linux file manager) cannot access Vista shared folders, it's a bug. It has no trouble with accessing Xp shared folders. Also, copying files from Vista is SLOW, about half the speed of Xp and linux.

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According To CNet - Linux Greener

Jun 10, 2008

/Network World/ ran a series of independent tests and discovered that Red Hat Enterprise Linux uses 12 percent less power than Windows Server 2008. The greener operating system by a significant margin? Linux.

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