Format Disk 1 Hiatchi 320Gig Hard Drive

Mar 23, 2008

I have a new Vista Ultimate OS and put an Hitachi 320Gig Hard drive in the extra slot. It shows up in Computer Management disk drives along with the WDC drive that came with. Populating the drive shows Disk: Disk 1 Type: Dynamic ond online..If I go to ..Storage and Disk Managment Disk 1 shows up as unallocated.I tried to format disk 1 /FS:NTFS /V:dorathy to no avail. How do I get Vista to recongnize this dirve????

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How To Format Hard Disk

Sep 5, 2008

i have a sata hard drive running windows vista 32 business. how would i format the hard drive completely and start again? i did a reinstall last weekend but it would not give me the option for format from the DVD, it just gave me a "windows.old" folder which wasn't really what i wanted.

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Reinstalling And Format Hard Disk

Mar 23, 2008

I've basically screwed up documents and important stuff so i need help reinstalling vista from the dvd, Formatting the hard drive. My M/B is a ga-p35-ds3l and i cant use my keyboard if the shut down is forced it auto chooses.

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Windows Can't Format Drive H: - Check To See That The Disk And Drive Are Connected Properly

Jul 29, 2009

i just bought My Book Essential 1 TB today... and when i got home i plug it and it works just fine but its bothering me that the HDD type is FAT32 .. so i format it and try to change it to NTFS.. but somethings happen and boom the electric in my apartment was down... and so when the electric back i want to format it again but i can't... there drive is detected but with no space detail... it says "Windows can't format Drive H: - Check to see that the disk and drive are connected properly, make sure that the disk is not read-only, and then try again.

For more information, search Help for read-only files and how to change them" when i open the Disk Management from (My COmputer > Manage) it seems it's already a volume.. but the weird thing there is no space detail.. and i cant erase the volume ... i've tried using diskpart but i can't do nothing because there is no volume and i can't erase the disk... no luck with fsutil cause its not ntfs... I havent tried 3rd party software and i havent tried it on other computer (don't have other computer right now) and WDC didnt give live cd for formatting because all of them was in the drive... though i already redownload it but the program is useless..

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Format Hard Disk: Missed Serial Number

Apr 3, 2009

I have bought a second hand laptop with windows vista business installed. There is a sticker on the bottom of the laptop showing the installed windows is a genius one. But part of the label gets wore out. I want to make format the hard disk and do a clean re-installation of vista again. However, I am so worry that if I miss the serial number, I would be stuck in the middle of the process.

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Format Hard Drive

Mar 23, 2008

I have a Vista Ultimate DVD, I want to do a full format of my hard drive, the Vista DVD only does a quick format, or so it seems, it is over in less than a minute.

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Full Format The Hard Drive

Mar 26, 2008

I have a Vista Ultimate DVD, I want to do a full format of my hard drive, the Vista DVD only does a quick format, or so it seems, it is over in less than a minute. How do I do a full format before I install?

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Format Hard Drive W/o Disks

Oct 7, 2009

I've recently been struck down with a trojan. I restored my computer to factory defaults, thinking this would do the trick. It did. However, I'm at Ohio State, and they're policy is that you have to totally reformat your hard drive before you'll be able to use the wireless internet. The problem is, i have an HP HDX16, and HP does not ship with Vista install disks, they have a hidden partition. I tried doing a system restore 3 times, and it didnt work. I backed dup the system defaults to an external hard drive,

My question is, how do i format my hard drive without the Vista Disks?

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Format Hard Drive And Reinstall 64 Bit?

Jan 16, 2008

The link below is to the computer I'm on the verge of buying. But, I'm not sure if it will be good for gaming now and in the future. I am torn between 64 bit and 32 bit. What I was thinking to do was to format my hard drive and reinstall 64 bit when the time comes (when all the bugs are worked out). I'm not worried about buying a new graphics card and RAM, as that's expected..........................

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Format External Hard Drive?

Jan 10, 2010

I have a 500GB MY BOOK external hard drive that I use for my monthly backup. I did a right click/properties/general and saw My Book is almost used up. Do I format the external drive and start another back up series? Is there a way I can back up over the previous data? As you can tell I am new to external hard drives....

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Format For A Backup Hard Drive

May 28, 2008

I have just repartioned an old ide hard drive which has a very small partition with XP on and i now have a large partition on the drive that i want to use as a back up drive. What format is the best for backup? I have heard that FAT32 is good and it also means it can be read by OSX if the need ever arose (could be useful because my flat mate is a mac user).

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Windows Must Format Disk Drive X Before You Can Use It

Feb 8, 2010

It's my new Sony ebook reader. It works fine on my old XP pc but not my Vista Home Premium laptop. I don't know how reformatting an actual reader would affect the device since every one at the Sony forum has only reformat their memory from the actual reader that has a reformat memory, you lose your books but all the Sony applications that runs the reader are still intact. Since I got this error, I've reformatted via the actual reader and still every time I plug my reader in my USB port, I get this error. I'm scared if I say yes that all the applications that makes the reader works will be wiped out. Here is the thread in the Sony Reader Forum of them trying to help me. I come on on #8 post as Sandyn Sony Reader Forum - Sony PRS300

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Hard Drive Format Did Not Complete Successfully

Feb 17, 2009

Bought a 750 gig Hard Drive in September and haven?t had problem with it until now. I?m about to install a fresh copy of window vista and have backed up everything that?s on the 750gig to an external HDD (no problems there), but when I?ve come to format the 750 gig Hard Drive I?ve notched that it stayed on 99% for a while and in computer management, its showing up as raw, even after the format, I?ve now deleted the partition, re-created it and get the message ?the format did not complete successfully? and then get ? you need to format disk drive D: before you can use it? with the option to format which I choose but even if I try to format it, I get the message ?windows was unable to complete the format?.

Even though I?ve not had any previous problems with the drive, as its worked fine, when I installed the drive when I was using Windows XP, I used partition magic to try and format the drive it and even that didn?t work. So am I right in thinking that there?s a problem with this drive or should I try the Windows Vista Dvd and see if formats in that before I RMA it? Btw the drive in questions is a Western Digital 750GB Hard Drive SATAII 7200rpm 16MB Cache - OEM Green Power

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Partitions: Files Be Deleted After I Format My Hard Drive?

Jun 13, 2008

I have a problem with my Hard Drive and all i want to ask is: If i make a new partition, and store all my media there, will the files be deleted after I format my Hard Drive? Because i get some 0 unallocated hard drive spaces which i cant delete.

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Unknown New Hard Disk Drive.

Feb 21, 2010

Recnetly I noticed I had a 4th hard disk drive instead of 3. The strange thing is that I can't remember adding one.. I just got my 2 internal hard disk drives and 1 external hard disk. But now it shows 4. Also, when I try to open this 4th hard disk it gives an acces denied error message. Also, I'm unaible to scan the hard disk. For my other hard disks, when I right click, I got the option to scan for virus. This option isn't in the list when I right click this new station. Here are the menu list by right clicking on the HDD's.

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Hard Drive Back Up : Not Enough Disk Space

May 8, 2010

getting Vista to work with my Garmin etrex and Memorymap. I have bought a new cable because it came with a disk to ensure I had the correct driver, still doesn't work. The reason I have come to this site is my computer presented me with a choice, it said that I should back up my hard drive, to ensure that I wouldn't lose any info in the event of a breakdown. I clicked yes and was told after a time that there was not enough disk space. When I looked at my hard drive page, the recovery drive (E) is full and now in red!

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Hard Disk Drive Failure Working

Nov 7, 2008

I have 2 hard disk drives: Seagate 1000GB 7200.11 32MB Western Digital 150GB 10KRPM 16MB and two days ago, the Seagate hard drive isnt being recognized/seen by the computer. I have an Asus P5Q3 Deluxe mother board. A week before this problem I was getting alot of BSOD's and freezes, turned out to be faulty RAM, but added this in case it might help. I have never had this problem before... I unplugged and replugged the hard drive, and switched a cord that links it to the motherboard. I have also tried putting the cord into a different SATA port but it didnt work, I didnt try a diff power cord yet, but I will see if it works or not and post it PS - I'm not very computer technical or w/e, but

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External HDD Acting Up: "You Need To Format The Disk In Drive F: Before You Can Use It."

May 6, 2009

I am writing because i have an external 500Gig Western Digital HDD that I have been using for months has not been exposed to extreme temperatures, banged around or overused in any way. I plugged it in today and it showed up under "My Computer" as Local Disk(F: ).

Then a message came up stating "You need to format the disk in drive F: before you can use it." Next it asks if i want to format now, and i can choose Format, or Cancel. I am not sure if this is some sort of driver issue, something more serious with the computer, or if this is something with this drive.

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Can't Copy To USB Flash Disk Or External Hard Drive

Aug 3, 2009

I can't copy to my USB flash disk (Kingston Data Traveler 8GB) or my external hard drive - Toshiba 2.5'' 160 GB HDD in a USB powered external enclosure. I can copy very small files to the flash drive - like 500-800 kb. Anything bigger results in "preparing to copy" window with a scrolling bar. Nothing happens if i wait... The first time i plugged in the USB hard drive, Windows recognized it and tried installing drivers for it but it just hung on "Windows is installing drivers for this device" and i had to unplug the drive since nothing was happening. Now nothing happens, i don't even get the previously mentioned balloon in the bottom right corner, though the hard drive powers up.

And to make this even crazier, my USB mouse and keyboard work just fine, no matter of what USB i connect them (front panel, back). I tried uninstalling them from Device Manager, enabling/disabling Legacy USB Support from the BIOS (was set to BIOS Setup Only), plugging them in all the USB port i have, including front panel. There is nothing wrong with both the USB flash drive and the USB hard drive - they work perfectly on my laptop the second i plug them in.

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Hard Drive Trashing: Hard Drive LED Light On My Sony Vaio Keeps Blinking EVERY SECOND

Feb 10, 2009

The Hard Drive LED light on my Sony Vaio keeps blinking EVERY SECOND. When it's really quiet I can hear it too, it's constantly writing. Constantly. I did my research - read all the threads on the net and so far I have disabled:

Windows index
Windows defender
Windows search
System Restore
I have uninstalled google desktop.

The system is totally virus and spyware free, and the anti-virus is not scanning (schedule scan disabled). All Vista updates are installed. Nothing has helped. I've run out of things to disable. I'm running Vista Business SP1, Dual Core 2.2 Ghz, 3 Gb RAM.

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Cannot Format The Disk?

Mar 26, 2008

I have tried to format my computer, first I tried by just inserting the disc, no luck, then I tried booting it from the disc, no luck then I tried going into computer management right clicking my c drive but the format option is no available. I have evn tried phoneing Microsoft but they want $80.00. Finally I thought I would format it by using my XP disc, installing XP and then upgrading to put vista back on the system but it won't let me do that either. I desperately want to format my computer

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Disk Format In Os

Mar 23, 2008

Disk Format in vista takes longer time than other windows OS like XP and 2k. Is there any technical reasons for this?

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Why Does Always Want To Format A Blank CD Or DVD Disk?

Jul 4, 2008

Vista Home Premium. I have no third-party CD/DVD recording software on the machine. Every time I go to burn files to a CDR, CDRW, DVD R or DVDRW using the Windows burning function it wants to format the disk. If I cancel the format, then the burn is not proceeded with. XP does not do this. How do I stop this infuriating behaviour?

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Safely Remove Hard Disk, Enable Write Cashing On The Disk?

Dec 28, 2008

I have four (4) hard disks C: D: E: F: all are connected with sata cable and power cable.(of course) The F: is outside from the pc and connected via external SATA and power cable (like usb NOT usb) I know,with USB external hard disk i can use the safely remove option.

Is there any option to safely remove SATA hard disk without Shut Down the pc?

1) Start-Control Panel-Device Manager-Disk Drives-Right Click on hard disk-Properties-Policies-UntikDisable the Enable write cashing on the disk??

2) Start-Control Panel-Device Manager-Disk Drives-Right Click on hard disk-Disable??

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Hard Disk Disappearing:How Do Regain Hard-earned Gigabytes

Oct 18, 2007

1. I have a 120GB hard disk that shows a capacity of 105GB. No problems there--I understand that there's a restore partition and GB vs a billion bytes

2. My hard disk says that 54GB is being used.

3. However when I drag and select all folders in my C: and click properties, I only see 28GB of usage. This leaves an unaccounted-for 26GB.

I've just run disk cleanup and cleaned up my shadow copies before verifying all this. Besides at a MAXIMUM, system restore should only eat 15% of my hard disk (18GB). What explains this loss? How do I fight back and regain my hard-earned gigabytes?

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Windows Unable To Format Disk

Jun 21, 2008

I'm trying to format some CD-RW disks to make my backup disks and only once out of about 10 tries have I been successful. I keep getting a message that says "windows is unable to format disk"

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Corrupt Disk After Format With Linux Settings.

Mar 6, 2009

I was trying to install Fedora 10 (linux distro)
but I had accidentally changed settings for both hard drives.. Meaning I formatted both hard drives.. and when the installation failed, I had the error "no operating system found"

I had a C:/ drive
and an X:/ drive.. I can't see my C:/ drive.. but in CMD I'm using X:/ but it was formatted so.. hehe.. no operating system..

I used the Vista DVD.. I tried to format but I get a disk error.

Now I'm not sure what to do to format my drives to NTFS..
I wana get my data back aswell.. But I doubt it'll be there if it's there.. I can't see..

I just delete to partitions from disk 0..
So I have 153 Gb free space..
But Windows install says "Windows is unable to find system volume that meets its criteria for installation" ?

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Extrenal Hard Drive: Copy Hard Drive To It?

Jul 29, 2009

I have a ASUS laptop running Vista Home Premium, 64 bit OS. I have several programs that I use but no loner have the insall disks for. Should I have to reformat in the future I would hate to lose them. Here's what I'm thinking: Buy a extrenal hard drive. Seagate, 1Tbit, usb, cost $90.00. Copy my hard drive to it. If I need to reformat. Reinstall Vista from my recover disk that came with the computer. Then copy files from external drive. Bingo. All my old programs would be there and working. Question is: Can this be done?
What file/folders do I need to copy to the external drive?

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Multi Card Reader Attached To MB, Wanted To Format Disk

Jan 22, 2009

I just installed a new MB (Biostar MCP6P M2+) and CPU AMD 64 x2 Brisbane 4200+ 2.2ghz. overclocked to 2.8ghz. and installed Vista x64 Premium OS. I was trying to import some pictures into Picasa from an SD card via a multi card reader on my Canon MP130 printer and the program froze. I shut it down. When I tried to use my multi card reader attached to the MB it wanted to format my disk??? is this because I am using a x64 system? After a few more attempts my entire system froze. I hard rebooted and when the POST comes up it only shows the CPU info and stops?

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"hard Disk Drive" To "devices With Removable Storage"

Feb 3, 2009

I installed an update today (USB composite device dc3d) and it changed my DVD RW drive from "hard disk drive" to "devices with removable storage" I think DVD RW drives are supposed to be classified as "devices with removable storage" I was wondering if this #1 Matters #2 is correct #3 will cause any problems. Any thoughts? What does your "my computer" view show your DVD RW drive type as.

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Format My C Drive

Aug 27, 2008

I want to format my c drive in windows vista, I went to disk management,and right click the drive but it is greyed out??.. I want to do a clean install of vista.

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