Connect Exhange Account Work

Jun 22, 2009

I have a strange problem with my Vista Ultimate 64 bit. After installing outlook 2007 I opened and closed it. But when I went to control panel I didn’t find the icon for e-mail. I need that access to connect to my exchange account at work. What might have gone wrong, and hove do I fix it?

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Internet Not Connect On Main Account

May 24, 2008

Vista Home Laptop... I have been trying to delete an account which was also admin but every time I do the internet will not connect on the main account that was created with the computer.

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Connect Windowslive Account To Windows Mail

Aug 15, 2009

I just bought a laptop with Vista. How to connect my windwowslive account to windows mail? I Have been asked for server, POP3,etc

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Connect Vista Fax To Server 2003 Cannot Create Fax Account

Apr 16, 2008

I am running Vista Business, and am trying to setup faxing with Vista's built-in Windows Fax and Scan. I do not have a modem, and so I'm trying to connect to the fax on a Windows Server 2003 R2 server. This is a "standard" Server 2003, that is, it is *not* SBS (Small Business Server).

The server is a domain controller, but the Vista PC is not on the domain. However, both computers are on the same local network/subnet. On Vista I can map a drive that's on the server (providing the proper server credentials). I can even "Add new printer" to Vista by selecting network printer and entering the server address & shared fax name, then entering the proper server credentials. So this rules out any network issues, and at least mostly rules out authentication issues (since I'm able to connect to the server disk and printer resources if I provide a server administrator logon).

However, from Vista's "Windows Fax and Scan", when I try to create a fax account, it prompts me for the server name, and when I enter the server, it tells me that I don't have the appropriate permissions and to contact the fax administrator. This happens whether I enter \servername, \servernamefaxname, servername, faxname, \faxname. Also, I have made sure to run Windows Fax and Scan as an administrator, that is, right-click/run as administrator.

If I try to print to the fax printer that seemed to have been mapped successfully (that was mapped with "add printer" as described above), it basically takes me to the same step to add a fax account, at which point it tells me I don't have the appropriate permissions when I enter the server name. Note that when I "added" the printer, it prompted me for the credentials, and then successfully mapped the printer. Now in trying to use it to print (fax) something, it behaves as if I still need to create a fax account and tells me I have no permissions (and there is no option to enter a user/password).

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Add E-mail Account Does Not Work

Mar 22, 2009

I work with Vista and Windows Mail version 6.0. I tried to add an Hotmail-account but Windows Mail does not allow it. Then I tried to add a Live-account in which I succeeded, but the e-mail account does not appear as an account in the program under my regular Inbox. So, I added an account but it does not work.

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LAN: Connect Vista Home PC With Work XP PC

Mar 23, 2008

I am trying to connect my new Vista Home PC with my work XP PC in order to share some files and a USB modem connected internet link (on the Vista PC). I am using an ethernet to ethernet cable which has previously worked with my old XP PC and the same work PC. For some reason, I cannot get my Vista PC to allocate any IP addresses (you can tell I'm not very good with network settings...).

I don't have a router to use as a DNS, the PCs have been in the same workgroup but it made no difference. I can ping localhost on the Vista PC. There is no nice wizard to set up a wired connection on Vista, just wireless, dialup, VPN or connect to the internet. Grrrrrr.

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Flash Player In Guest Account Do Not Work

Feb 27, 2008

my administrator account runs flash with no problems but in the guest account flashplayer doesn't work. Is there a way to fix this?

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Cannot Get Second Email Account To Work In Windows Mail

Dec 31, 2008

I have just transferred from a Windows XP PC using Outlook Express 6 to Vista PC with Windows Mail. I successfully migrated one email account and it works fine. On a second account I get the windows security box asking for username and password and even when I enter them correctly I get the box again. When I cancel I get the following error message:

Account: 'Estradia general', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Server Response: '-ERR unknown user name or bad password', Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC91. However the username and password are correct, and the account does send and receive emails OK. The account is located with the same ISP as the fully functioning account. I have checked that all the settings etc for the caccount are correct, and have tried manually inputting them with same effect.

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New Email Account: New AOL E-mail Account, Clicked 'Add E-mail Account' At The Bottom Of My 'Windows Live Account'

Aug 24, 2009

I have a Windows Live Mail account and a Yahoo account and they both show up on the left hand side of my Window Live Mail account so I can choose which account I want to use or, for example, which inbox to look in. At the bottom, also on the left hand side of my Windows Live Mail account, it shows 'Add e-mail account', which is what I want to do with a new 'AOL' account and I want it to show on the left hand side like the two other accounts.

So I made a new AOL e-mail account, clicked 'Add e-mail account' at the bottom of my 'Windows Live Account', then I put in my new AOL e-mail account and password where it showed me. Then I clicked next.

The next page was all about my email server. When I did this before with a new e-mail account, it was all filled out automatically for me, but this time, all the blanks were left open and I have no idea what to fill in. I believe once I have this information, the AOL e-mail account will automatically then show on the left hand pane of my Windows Live Mail account below the other two accounts.

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Windows Mail Won't Work And "hidden" Admin Account

Feb 9, 2009

After reading: how to enable windows mail tutorial. Windows mail still will not start? I have enabled the "hidden" admin account and windows mail works fine - configured got email, logged off, logged on still working. BUT in my normal account but still an admin account, no other accounts on system. Windows mail will not start :mad: have downloaded the reg file and that has done its job. Logged of, still nothing, switched off - still won't work.

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Cannot Connect To Device: Vista Machine Will Not Connect To The Music Server - I Cannot See The Shared Folders

Feb 6, 2009

My set-up is very simple yet I cannot connect to a device. I have a Router which has three connections via ethernet.

1. Vista Machine
2. XP Machine
3. Music Server (systemline)

The problem I have is that my Vista machine will not connect to the music server - I cannot see the shared folders. My XP machine connects to it no problem, e.g. if I enter the location (

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Admin Account Added Standard User Account Will Not Open

Mar 23, 2008

I use a admin account on my computer but when I added standard user account it will not open some web pages for example when I go to my yahoo mail it will show the email but when I click on it, it will not show any text, but when I use the administrator account the web page works fine, I can see and read all emails. Another example is when I go to and search under the standard user it comes up as a blank page but will show search results under the administrator account. I have windows vista home and 7.0 explorer.

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Removing Mail Account: Loose Email In Account?

Mar 23, 2008

If I remove a windows mail account will I lose all of the email in the account?

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Email Account Online Blank Account Hacked

Jan 24, 2010

My email account and online bank account was recently hacked so I'm absolutely freaked out and I'm terrified of using the internet to buy things/book holidays. I am running Vista home premium and my AV is Kaspersky (which has obviously failed to do its job). This is my Hijack this log file:is v2.0.2

Scan saved at 7:13:41 PM, on 24/1/2010
Platform: Windows Vista SP2 (WinNT 6.00.1906)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v8.00 (8.00.6001.18865)
Boot mode: Normal
Running processes:
C:Windowssystem32 askeng.exe

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Windows Mail Account Don't Want New Account

Nov 10, 2009

Up until yesterday lunchtime my email inbox on Windows Mail (I have Vista) showed my old emails as well as my new mails. then suddenly all my old emails disappeared and I can only see new emails from yesterday lunchtime! my emails have vanished - how do I get them back? I use AOL - when I check my AOL via webmail i can still see the old emails so know they exist. so why have they disappeard from Windows Mail?

I have several folders set up on my AOL Windows Mail accont so don't want to have to set up a new windows mail account as I will lose allmy folders. And my account settings are set to "view all mail". even wehn I press "send & receive" none of my old inbox emails are being shown up.

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Gmail Account Not Retrun Account

May 15, 2010

my Gmail account has been comprimised yesterday They have changed the secondary email so I cannot just reset the password I have tried to fill out the form to regain control over your account but they declined to give me my account. I have filled it out as best as I can, but I cannot remember the dates that I set up (I have deleted the email that I got when I set up the account). I never use personal information with that email account, and I didn't really mind about it, but I have got accounts registered with other sites (VF, SF, EF etc.) on it. I have changed the emails and passwords on these sites, but I don't know if I have missed any websites. Is there any way that I can contact google (preferably by email) to sort out this?

I know people will try to say this to gain control over somebodies gmail account, but you can check my rep and posts, I am a truthful person. This is the email that Google sent me: Originally Posted by Google Thank you for your report. We've completed our investigation and cannot return your account at this time. We were unable to verify that you own this account based on the information you provided. If you can provide additional information to verify that you own this account, submit another report. Whether we can return access to this account depends on the strength and accuracy of your responses, so be sure to provide as much information as possible. If you're unsure about specific dates or information, provide your best guess.

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Can Connect Connect An IDE Drive?

Mar 23, 2008

My new computer has Windows Vista, old computer had Win XP. I want to trnasfer all my data files from the XP machine to the Vista Machine. I konw about master and slave drives, whne I opened the Vista Machine, it has only two SATA connectors in the motherboard an one with the 40-pin? connector the ribbon goes to the DVD-ROM. can i connect my IDE drive to the motherboard using the DVD-ROM ribbon? should I set the XP drive as slave?

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Drivers For IPX To Work On Vista, Didn't Work

Jul 1, 2008

I have been wracking my brain for weeks now, trying to play C&C First Decade with Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge over the LAN, it will only run on IPX networking which I could setup with 2x XP machines, I have Vista Ultimate on my PC, and XP on another, I found some drivers for IPX to work on Vista, didn't work ... So I loaded Hamachi which had built-in IPX support. Now when I open RA2, it no longer says IPX unavailable, it shows 00 00 00...

So it can see my Hamachi adapter with IPX support, great! The other XP machine has Hamachi installed, and they are both VPN'd (Connected) on the same Hamachi Network. They don't see each other... The XP machine shows a few IPX networks, I have tried switching to them all, even put the Hamachi adapter and the LAN adapter to the top of the preferred networks list. This was sort-of a breeze with both XP, but with Vista it's looking to be a bit tricky. I have no firewalls running on either machine and I am pretty cluey when it comes to networking (TCP/IP that is).

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Speakers Work But Headphones Dosent Work

Mar 23, 2008

Ive just bought some new headphones yet when i plug them in the sound still comes out of the speakers. I know the headphones do work because i use them with my mp3 player

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Can't Connect To LAN

May 15, 2010

I have a Dell Inspiron 1525 laptop with Vista home basic. I can connect to the internet via wireless, yet I cannot connect via a local cable. It doesn't even say "cable unplugged", it simply doesn't recognize the cable whatsoever.

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Connect My Pc To A Tv

Jun 24, 2009

I have a gateway mt3707 and i recently bought a vga to rca cord so i could watch movies from my lap top to my tv! but for some odd reason it wont work! can someone please tell me how to set it up! the rca is (blue, red, green):shock:

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Cant Connect My To My XP Via LAN

Nov 22, 2007

i wanted to play a LAN game with someone but it didnt work. i asked for help other places and they asked me if i was able to even share files using LAN.. and.. i just dont know how to get that done. i have been looking at soo many posts and google links, but i still cant get it to work. this is what i have done and tried:

both firewalls are off, they are connected to a modem via LAN caples. the second time i tried, my vista was also connected to the internet via a dial up modem.. i wanted to see if atleast i could get internet from my vista over to my xp but that didnt work............

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How Do Connect PC To TV?

May 5, 2009

Just caught advert on TV which showed a young child watching his computer cartoon animations on TV. Begs the question, how do we connect PC to TV? I'm told all I need is an S-video cable, which I bought for $100, but still no connection.

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Cannot Connect

Apr 23, 2009

Browsing the web is fine but I cannot connect to the itunes store, media player online store, real player music, tweetdeck etc. Something is stopping me from loading the internet into applications. I disabled my firewall and remove my anti virus program but it does not help. I am using vista business 64byt

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Cannot Connect, XP Can

Apr 15, 2008

I have two programs, H&R Block's TaxCut & Orca, from, which will not connect to upload data on Vista Home Premium 64. TaxCut will not register, will not update, and will not efile on Vista. I can open a browser and access the sites but no luck getting the programs to upload data with Vista. I was about to paper file my taxes when I tried my wife's computer with XP. It is virtually the same computer, except for OS, hooked to the same DSL via the same modem running the same Firewall / anti-virus program, Kaspersky. The programs work flawlessly on XP but not on Vista.

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How To Connect From PC To PC?

Oct 20, 2009

I would like to be able to access my files and folders that are located in my PC at home from another PC for example at work or other location.

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One Account Is Possible?

Dec 28, 2009

There is only one, me who is using Vista. Then, I plan to create only one account, for me as administrator. I want to access Vista like I did with XP which opens up without clicking any of account.

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Can Log Into 1 Account But Not The Other

Mar 23, 2008

I started up my pc this morning and tried to log into my account but it would not let me. I attempted to log into my husbands account and it worked just fine. I have run every scan possible and can find no problems. I am running home premium on a pc that is 3 weeks old. I set up both user accounts with admin. previlages because it seemed to make the pc run a little faster.

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Not Able To Get In Sub Account

Feb 20, 2009

I have not been able to get in my sub account since I made it two years ago. now I'm tring to set up these emails and keep getting an error?

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How Set Up New Account?

Jan 31, 2010

how do you set up a new account? And how do you know if your email is pop3, smtp.

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Connect PC To HDTV

Mar 3, 2009

I want to connect my pc to my hd tv so i can watch blue-ray, what lead would i need to do this? plus the lead will need to be abot 12ft long?

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