Can't Boot Disk Detected!

Mar 23, 2008

Just finished building my new workstation....1x 250GB SATA drive on wich I want to install Vista Ultimate x64. 3x 500GB SATA drive wich i'd like to have running in Raid-5.
Asus P5E motherboard.

My first take was this:
1) connect all HDD's
2) Install vista on 250GB drive, leave 500GB drives alone for now.
3) Update Vista.
4) Restart, enable RAID in BIOS.
5) Ctrl+I at startup, setup RAID-5 with the 3 500GB HDD's in RAIDmanager. So far so good..... RAID manager shows RAID-5 correctly and shows that 250GB drive isnon-raid.
6) Reset, problem: no startup *"No bootbable drives found"* In BIOS, it shows all drives under boot devices, and the 250GB drive asthe first boot disk.But before the 250GB name it sais RAID also, wich I guess it shouldnot.......

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2nd HD (IDE) Not Detected By Disk Management

Aug 7, 2008

I recently installed Vista with on this machine with this new HD deatched though it had previously been used in this computer running xp. It is a IDE hard drive and although device manager recognizes it as a disk drive I cannot get windows explorer or disk management to notice it. It has a ntfs format.

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Turned It Off The Wrong Way And Now Its Broke: "Disk Boot Failure, Please Insert Boot Disk And Press Enter"

Jul 29, 2009

The other night I was in a rush and I held down the power button until it shut off. the next day I tryed turning it on and after the MB homepage came up for 3 secs on the top left hand corner of the screen it said "Disk boot failure, please insert boot disk and press enter" so i fooled around with the priority settings a little bit and nothing worked. I then inserted the windows vista CD and it would say "Loading windows files" then the loading bar came up and it would always freeze at the same point and after about a minute a blue screen came up saying a problem occured and is shutting off the computer to prevent further damage. Iv tryed everything. could my hard drive be damaged or something? Please someone help me. I cant work with much because i cant even get into windows! :-( All i can work with is the Setup menu

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"windows Detected A Hard Disk Problem"

Jun 22, 2009

A few days ago, a message saying "windows detected a hard disk problem" appears when I log into Vista. Initially, nothing happen. Suddenly one day, my Vista started lagging(very serious). I therefore make it to be a USB external HD, and then try to copy the files. However, the HD stops working when reaching certain sector while copying. I attempt to repair it by using chkdsk tool and Seagate repair tool, the process stopped at a percentage. Any solution for me to copy my files please?

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Boot Slow, Check Disk At Boot

Jun 3, 2008

Vista used to boot up very quickly. Now it spends ages on the page with the "loading" bar. Is it performing some sort of CHKDSK during this time? I only have sidebar and rocket dock starting up, and it's fast again when it gets to the desktop, it's just that loading bit takes quite an ages, and it didn't used to. Virus/spyware/malware free. How do i find out if it's doing some sort of chkdsk at boot?

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Can Not Find Boot Files For Usb Boot Disk

Aug 31, 2008

hp tool ask to do this "Then please go to “using DOS system files” column and add the link to where you stored the unzipped DOS boot up files. "so my question is , where can i get the "dos boot up files" for vista64? with the hp tool i need to locate the dos boot file address . so how do i do that? do i have to download vista64 boot files? every google links explains how to do this with xp. couldnt find any for vista. makes me feel like im the only person on the planet using vista.

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May 9, 2009

I changed the Boot sequence to CD first, then HDD. Everything ran fine and vista seemingly loaded perfectly. After moving some files from my backup drive back onto my main one and installing some drivers, I was asked to restart my computer (for the drivers) so I did. Remembering that the boot sequence was still set on CD first, and since my driver CD was still in the drive, I decided to set the boot sequence back to the way I had it with XP: HDD and then CD. After doing this I quit BIOS and tried to boot, but I kept getting a message saying: DISK BOOT FAILURE. INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER.

So I restarted the computer again, this time with my Vista CD in the drive, and again, the computer wouldn't boot and told me to enter a boot disk. Not knowing what to do, I went back into BIOS and changed the boot sequence back to CD first, then HD. After doing this, and restarting with the Vista CD in the drive, my computer booted up with no problems whatsoever. I tried reinstalling Vista (twice), reformatting the target hard drive, changing the boot sequence around, pretty much everything I could think of......

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Boot Disk Error

Aug 22, 2008

Specs: HP Pavillion m8100 n.

System: 32 bit

OS: Windows Vista Home Premium

AMD Athlon 64x2 Dual Core Processor 5600*

Welll I have an HP Pavillion m8100n TV PC and a couple of months ago the computer froze and I restarted it but it gave me an error saying there was a boot disk error and I had no idea what to do about itI recovered the computer but a week later same results and now I tried to install Home Premium again and it's giving me errors like:

DRIVE_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, and I have NOOO idea, what it means..and at the bottom with techincal information it says: *** STOP: 0X000000D1 (0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000, 0xFFFFFA60012FC23E)

*nvstor.sys - Address FFFFFA60012FC23E base at FFFFFA60012F6000, DateStamp 46671a38, and I have no idea what to do. And when I tried installing Vista it worked the first time...for like one day than it get all those errors I just mentioned..and in addition to all those bad problems, my recovery partition of the computer was deleted.

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Check Disk At Boot

May 2, 2008

laptop runs vista but my desktop runs XP. I know this is a Visya community but can anyone tell me why all of a sudden everytime i am booting up on my XP desktop it says "a disk check has been scheduled, windows will now check disk" This process takes hours. how do I get my desktop to boot normally?

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Changing Boot Disk

Mar 6, 2008

All you usually hear is that Vista is horrible to work with but seems like people here figured it out, so thanks A year ago when i built my new computer and decided to get Vista, I went to BestBuy and they gave me what I thought i needed. Turns out it was an upgrade version of Vista Ultimate and I ended up having to use my old IDE HDD ever since. I'm wondering if there's a way to change so that Vista can load off of my SATA HDD.

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"boot Disk" Or Recovery Disk

Jul 29, 2009

When I had XP, I had a startup problem so I rebooted with a Windows XP CD that came with the computer. It fixed it.

I'm not sure if this is called a boot or recovery disk, or both.

I was hoping to make a similar disk for my new Vista (Gateway)computer but I'm not sure how to do it. I read something about an emergency thing that takes up 3 DVDs!

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Dual Boot 32 & 64bit, OEM Disk

Jul 25, 2008

I recently purchased a new Dell with Vista 32 Home Premium (OEM). I would really like to try out 64bit Home Premim. If I purchased a 64bit OEM disk could I install it on a partition on Drive C and still retain a fully functional 32bit Vista.

Note : My system has 2 x 640 gb Sata Drives, but the way it has been configured, in windows explorer I see only a c: drive (1.15Tb) and a d: drive which is only 10gb, this is a recovery drive.

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Goes Off The Screen After Disk Check At Boot

May 6, 2008

Disk check at boot : Is there a way to stop that darn thing from going off the screen after it is done ? Maybe there is nothing to report, but I'd like to see what
is on that black/white screen at the end. You know, just one time?

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How Do Make A Diskpart Boot Disk?

Sep 14, 2009

how can i create a diskpart boot cd or usb? Or where to download the image or progs to make such an image?

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Unable To Boot From Hard Disk

Jun 13, 2009

The only way I am able to boot his with a political CD/DVD in the drive, wait for the "press any key to boot from CD or DVD" prompt comes up, do not hit any key whatsoever and then the normal user prompt/enter password screen comes up. Additionally if I try to "Safe Mode Boot" I Blue Screen.

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Boot Disk Failure After RAM Install

May 8, 2010

I've never really had any problems with my computer acting up. I decided to add 2GB more RAM to my system this morning. Once I finally got them in there after much prodding and force I turned on my machine only to get this dreaded error message. I made sure the cords were still connected to the hard drive. I then took the RAM that I had just added back out but the error message still persists unfortunately. I'm wondering if anyone might have a suggestion as to other techniques I can try to get my system working again. I am currently running Vista Home Premium 32bit.

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New Member With Question About Boot Disk Partition

Jan 2, 2009

Been lurking for a bit, just signed up. Built the system in my profile. I am learning Vista so will probably have lots of questions.

I originally loaded Vista 64 on a 65GB OZ SSD. Seemed to be quickly filling up without any major software load, so decided to put the OS on my 500GB drive. Put the page file on the SSD, and user folders on the 1TB data drive. I saw a couple of posts here saying that the OS will work better/faster on a smaller partition. What size partition would you recommend for Vista 64 on the 500GB drive?

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How Can Make Boot Disk For Update BIOS

Mar 19, 2008

So have an intel mobo, and there is a BIOS update for it, but the windows exe that Intel provides to flash it right from inside windows doesn't work in Vista 64 Ultimate. So My other options are to create a bootable USB stick or a bootable CD. I actually don't have a USB stick I can use for this, so I want to go the CD route. Either way I don't know how I can make a bootable Vista disk that gets me to a command prompt that I can put these bios files on so then I can run the bios update. I think this BIOS update could solve some problems I'm having getting things running smoothly.

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Boot Disk / System Recovery Failure

Mar 19, 2009

I run vista 32 bit. I'm pretty sure it's Vista personal (PC didn't actually come with a Vista disk). I only use it for music and games,basic stuff. It's a Compaq....It shat itself recently, it wouldn't boot, so i borrowed the Vista Business disk from my dad to repair it/disk boot, and it worked fine, that was a couple days ago. Today it happened again, except it won't repair the same way. I start it up, it goes to the Compaq startup screen with 4 options; [Esc] Boot menu, [F9] Diagnostics, [F10] Setup, [F11] System recovery. Except I can never go to the diagnostics or system recovery menus, i press the keys and nothing happens. Then when i don't press anything it goes to a black screen with "Disk boot failure, insert system disk and press enter", so i do. Then it says "Windows is loading files" with a white bar below, once that's done it goes to the Microsoft Coporation green load bar that scrolls across over and over. Then it suddenly stops for a few minutes and a blue screen appears saying

"A problem has been detected and Windows has shut down to prevent damage to your computer DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again follow these steps: Check to see if any new hardware or software is properly installed. If this is a new installation ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any windows updates you might need. If problems continue disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use safe mode to disable or remove coponents, restart your computer, press F8 to select advanced startup options, then select safe mode. (pressing F8 does nothing for me) TECHNICAL INFORMATION *** STOP: 0x000000D1 (0x00000000, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0x87995395) *** nvstor.sys - Adress 87995395 base at 87991000, Datestamp 46671a61".....

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Long Boot Time To Install Disk

Mar 23, 2008

With a formated hard drive on a Dell Dimension 2350, the Vista Home Premium Install Disk took eight minutes to get to the first screen. I subsequently cleaned out all cards from PCI slots and disabled everything I could in the BIOS and got the same results.

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Antivirus Boot Disk That Actualy Finds And Removes?

Mar 2, 2010

iv been looking or a bootdisk that is up to date to remove virus's and malaware but i keep finding out that they are out of date and iv tried allot of them and they haven't removed anything or found anything when there is a virus and malaware on the computer here is a list of what i have tried Bit Defender Kaspersky F-protect Avira Ultimate Bootdisk 5

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System Restore Disk, Cannot Boot Into Window Or Safe Mode

Jan 30, 2010

I am trying to use a system restore disk for my friend's computer that I downloaded. The computer have Vista, now I have a 32 bit and 64 bit disc. How can I find out which version of Vista I have? I cannot boot into window or safe mode ( I could figure it out from there). I also tried to check the Bios and saw nothing. The laptop only has 2 gigs of RAM I think, so I would assume 32 Bit, but I want to be sure. Also, if I used the wrong one, would it mess up the computer? or could I just redo it with the other CD?

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Operating System Unknown Local Disk Woundn't Boot

Feb 6, 2010

I'm running Vista Ultimate 64 on a 500 Gig hard drive with 3 partitions.The problem is I marked one of the partitions,not Drive C, as "active" by mistake.I done a Command Prompt to make it "inactive", but when I started the system up again it wouldn't boot.I used the Vista disk for the recovery process, but I got a message "Operating system unknown on (unknown) local disk" i tried fixing the problem with a command prompt "bootrec/fix boot" ,but nothing happened.When I look at the info in Command Prompt it doesn't show the disk partitions, just Disk 0.Also I can't repair because no Disks are listed to be repaired. If I look at the drive in "My Computer" it is full with a file system marked as "Raw" and it wants me to format the drive.I used "Recover My Files" software and it shows some of the documents that are on the drive, but doesn't show any recovery.I looked at some internet post about the message I got and partition and boot problems like I have, but at this point I don't to try any else to make it worse.I would do a reinstall ,but on one of the drives I have some stuff that wasn't backed up.I never thought about backing it up because it wasn't on the C drive.

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Installation Of Multiple Boots - Clone Disk Image And Set Up Boot Manually?

May 3, 2008

I have a need to install 4 systems of Vista on a single machine (4 partitions of my main system hard disk). Given that Vista always seems to see its own system drive as C, would it be possible to create my "master image" with SP1, all my drivers, utilities, system tweaks, and other "generic" applications (like Office/Acrobat etc), and then just clone this drive across to all the partitions I need to set up (on D, E, and F). Then, using VistaBootPRO, I could edit the BCD to include all the other partitions. Can anyone think of a reason this would not work?

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Blank DVD Not Detected

Sep 7, 2009

Blank DVD's are no longer detected by my system but blank CD's are ok.

DVD's that are already written are ok and will load ok.

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DVD Drive Detected Sometimes

Dec 2, 2008

Sometimes my computer can see my dvd drive and sometimes it can't. I already tried the registry thing where you delete the lowfilter. when i went in there there wasn't a low or highfilter reg. to delete.

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Cd/dvd Drive Not Detected

Mar 7, 2010

So my cd/dvd drive doesn't show up on my computer. I have a dell inspiron 5315 desktop. I searched the forum here and found nothing that worked. I tried to uninstall it from my device manager but it would reinstall itself upon reboot, i tried to delete my upper and lower registries for the drive but I don't have lower registry for that. I also checked my autoplay settings but everything was fine there.

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Dvd No Burner Detected

Jan 1, 2008

windows vista 64 recognizes my plextor 716a ide dvd rw in my computer but when I try to use any of the windows apps to burn something it says no burner detected. I tried deleting the filters and it still did not work.

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No Battery Detected

Mar 23, 2008

(My laptop is a Dell Inspiron E1505 w/ Windows Vista Ultimate)Vista states that no battery was detected, yet i have one inserted. I've tried pulling it out and putting it back in, even the BIOS settings detect no battery. When I remove the power cable, it still runs off battery, but the battery light turns red. Also, I am trying to upgrade my BIOS and as a requirement, you must have your computer connected to the battery AND to the charger

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No Network Detected

Jun 23, 2009

Pardon if I just sound really computer illiterate, but I've recently switched from Windows XP to Windows Vista Home Premium 64bit.. and can't connect to the internet. I've got an HP Firebird 802, even sent it back to the company only to be told they had no problems connecting. I plugged in the ethernet cable directly into our wireless modem/router, but it still tells me that the network cable is unplugged. I've turned on Network Discovery, and still nothing. Just a lovely red X over my network status. I have a Westell 327w wireless modem/router, and the other computers that are on it are running XP.

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No Battery Is Detected

Nov 27, 2009

i have just reinstalled a clean vista but vista saying. "No battery is detected "! even it was detected before installing it!

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