Assessment Tool: Unable To Run Windows XP Mode

Oct 26, 2009

I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right section but here goes. I've dowloaded an assessment tool for Windows XP Mode here and this certain tool said that I am unable to run Windows XP Mode. By the way my new operating system is Windows 7 Ultimate. I'm still using the same hardware components as before. My question is, If I can run VMware Workstation on my rig why can't I run Windows XP mode? I haven't tried installing Windows XP Mode just yet.

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Weird Assessment Tool

Nov 25, 2007

this just started happening wont complete the assessment..

check out the images below

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Windows Experience Index: "Cannot Complete Assessment"

Mar 22, 2009

I've searched all around and haven't found a viable solution. The Windows Experience Index assessment runs, yet upon completion the "cannot complete assessment" error message pops up. How do I go about figuring out what is causing the problem? I've read that NVIDIA drivers may be causing the issue, but I have the most up to date drivers out there, and with a 9800GTX+ everything runs beautifully, so I don't understand why the experience index would be having a problem with that. I built my system a few months ago and have tried and tried to fix this error on several occasions, and have always failed.

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Unable To Load And To Prepare The Installer In GUI Mode

Apr 17, 2009

I am having a really crappy time trying to install this one program onto my comptuer. I dont understand this error i keep getting. (The error says " Installer user interface mode not supported. Unable to load and to prepare the installer in GUI mode") I am getting really upset and i do need this program installed very badly.

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How Is The Windows Deframent Tool?

Mar 23, 2008

I plan on getting my first Windows Vista laptop in a few weeks. Since I am on the road often and don't leave my laptop idle for long, I need a defrag tool that works transparently in the background while I am using the machine. I am wondering what people think of the included deframentation tool in Windows Vista or if a 3rd party application like Diskeeper is necessary for my needs.

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Windows Mail Tool Bar Within IE7

Mar 23, 2008

Is there any way to place Windows Mail on a tool bar when using IE7? I normally use IE and mail at the same time, and it would be nice if there were a link within IE (similar to the way I used to open Outlook Express in IE6 under XP -- it wasn't really on the tool bar, but it appeared as an icon at the top of the screen). FYI: I am using the Yahoo tool bar.

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Windows Malicious Removal Tool

Oct 3, 2009

I keep getting the windows Malicious removal tool. i guess it comes with windows? I ran many of my virus scans and they shows nothing. this shows up System alert: virus Virtob.Win. it pops up randomly...... is there a way to remove it? I am more than 100% i don't have viruses.

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Windows Defender Removal Tool Can't

Jul 12, 2009

As a general home user, using windows vista home premium i have Avast anti virus, Windows defender, and the Malicious software removal tool. I am always unsure as to weather this is enough security as you here people saying "you don't want that use this, this is better than that etc". Its probably a matter of tast for some people, but these three security programs i have is this ok for now.

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Snipping Tool In The Search Bar In The Windows Menu

Jun 6, 2008

Reading the latest Computer Shopper, one of the tips was using the Vista snipping tool. The article says it is in the accessories folder on the start menu. For the life of me, I can not see it. How do I make it show up?

For Vista users you can just type "Snipping Tool" in the search bar in the windows menu. The first time you run it it will ask if you want to add it to your quick launch bar. I selected yes keeping in mind it is always easier to remove something from it than to add to it.

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Defender V Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool

Sep 26, 2009

I just wondered what the difference is between windows defender and the windows malicious software removal tool.

I know defender has alot of other features, but as for the Malicious software do they both do the same thing.....

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Windows Debugging Tool BSOD Error 000000c5

Mar 16, 2009

Vista Home Premium Don't know if this is 'general' or not, but I don't know where else to ask this. Have a BSOD error 000000c5. A google search indicates this is likely a driver conflict and a number of site direct me to a debug utility which I have DLd and installed- dbg_x866.11.1.402.msi. I have enter, I think, the proper path at the cmd prompt, that is windbg -y c:windowsi386 -z c:windowsminidumpminidump.dmp is a keep getting (I think) an error and the program stops......

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Windows Speech Recognition Backup/Restore/Transfer Tool

Jun 21, 2009

Two of the biggest criticisms of WSR, Windows Speech Recognition built into the Vista and soon to be released Windows 7 operating system were:

1. No easy method to transfer, backup and restore one's user training profile.

2. No way to keyboard corrections into the Alternates Panel, the corrections box of alternate choices for words that were misrecognized.

We're now pleased to announce the WSR team at Microsoft has released an easy to use transfer, backup and restore tool. Rob Chambers of Microsoft's Speech team suggests: "Be sure to download the release notes as they contain useful information as well as user instructions. Please note that this is a "technical preview" version and as such there are a few known issues with the tool."

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X64 New Install: Slow Internet Connection In Normal Mode; Fast In Safe Mode

Oct 12, 2009

Using my ISP (Roadrunner Carolinas) speed test site; I get around 200 to 400 kbps download speeds using IE in normal mode. If I boot to Safe Mode, I get around 3500 to 4500 kbps, which is what it should be (this is what I used to get in normal mode before I re-installed Vista). Running the same speed test with Firefox, I get around 1500 to 2000 kbps in normal mode, but if I try to download a file it ransfers at only the 200 to 400 kbsp rate (if I'm lucky). Here's more detail about the system and what I've done so far:

Installed all updates including SP2.
Using Windows Firewall, no anti-virus.
Updated network drivers directly from NVidia (Chipset is nForce750i)
Updated graphics card drivers directly from NVidia
Disabled all LAN protocols except for Client for Microsoft Networks and IPv4
Connected via ethernet cable directly to cable modem, no router.
I've deliberately refrained from loading anything but the basics until I can get this sorted out..........

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XP Mode Under Windows 7

Oct 11, 2009

Has anyone here had experience of the XP mode in Windows 7 Pro as I particularly want to run Adobe Acrobat 6 under it. I'm currently running Vista Home Premium but thinking of changing so as to be able to do this. I've looked but haven't yet seen this application on a W7 compatibility list.

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Switch Between Entertainment Mode And Game Mode X-fi

Oct 16, 2009

How do you switch between game mode and entertainment mode with creative soundblaster x-fi?

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Windows Needs Gaming Boot Mode

Jan 1, 2010

Windows needs a basic bootmode for gaming that stops all unnecessary services and processes from loading in the RAM and running in the background. Like in MSCONFIG you select GAME BOOT then restart your machine with networking to play these more sophisticated games like Battlefield series or flight simulators or whatever.

It would be so nice of Microsoft to make an update to Win Vista to allow such a boot from MSCONFIG. ( WITHOUT CHARGING MORE THAN THEY ALREADY DO WHICH IS ALMOST THE SAME PRICE AS A MACHINE ITSELF )

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Disable The Stealth Mode In Windows Firewall

Nov 27, 2009

is there any way to disable the Stealth mode "feature" in the Windows Vista (Seven, Server 2008, Server 2008 R2)? Here {url} the MS says:

"Stealth mode is enabled by default", but nothing about disabling. This behavior is against RFC and dramatically slows down security scanners installed in our network. So, is there any way of using windows firewall and being nice RFC compliant boy?

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Older Windows And DOS Programs- Compatible Mode

Oct 11, 2008

Does this work for anything? I've tried setting the properties of various older Windows and DOS programs, that ran under XP, to run in compatible mode. It doesn't work no matter how I set it.

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Windows Xp Message HKCMD Mode Not Work

Sep 30, 2009

whenever I log in, I get the message HKCMD module has a problem and needs to close.

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Windows Freezes, Safe Mode With Networking

Jul 10, 2009

I am writing now in ''safe mode with networking''.My ''Windows security alert'' program was disabled for some time, last night I had feeling, that my PC caught virus, so I better enabled WSA. When i tried that, I couldn't enable, it showed ''The Security center service can't be started'' and froze my Windows (I couldn't click anything, my keyboard was freezed and seems that it loads something all the time and never stops). So I restarted my PC and logged in same profile and it freezes again.Now I can only use PC in safe modes and my other Windows User profile.

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Does Windows 7 Include The Option, As XP And Vista Have, To Have The Appearance Be In "Windows Classic" Mode

Oct 1, 2009

Does Windows 7 include the option, as XP and Vista have, to have the appearance be in "Windows Classic" mode?

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Stuck In A Loop After Updates, Can't Get Into Windows OR Safe-mode

Aug 9, 2008

I believe I have a (Vista Ultimate x64 RC-1? Already has SP1) cd. I can install it fine. I can then install the correct drivers for my hardware. And all works well, until... I use windows updates and select the 'important' only updates. After that, I'm stuck in a boot-loop. And by boot-loop, I mean I can't get into windows OR safe-mode. I have done this 2 times so far. It definitely only happens when I run the updates (can work perfectly fine for days w/o the updates).It's like I'm just now allowed to have an updated version of Vista. I made a restore point prior to the updates, so I can get back to where I was, but I obviously can't run an outdated OS all the time.

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Windows Mail Continues To Remain In Offline Mode

Mar 11, 2009

I try to retrieve my mail, but Windows Mail remains in Offline Mode, and when I use the connection in the box, (the same one I am connecting to), it will disconnect me from the internet, and then give me an error stating that I canceled the retrieval. If I choose not to select a connection, it tells me also that I canceled the retrieval.

I have set IE to its defaults, and not to dial a connection, as well as Windows Mail is also set not to dial a connection, but it tries to dial anyway, as well as remain in OFFLINE MODE. HELP, I would like to retrieve my email some day.

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Unable To Open Attachments In Windows Mail: Windows Cannot Find File Name

Jul 29, 2009

There are discussions on this general subject but no aparent resolution. About two months ago I was sometimes prevented from opening photo attachments on some emails received from the same party and sometimes could open them. By this I mean, I would click on the paperclip where a list of photos would appear and I'd click on on photo and I'd get a message saying: "Windows cannot find file name (photo captions used by sender).jpg. Make sure your typed the name correctly and then try again." Well, of course I didn't type the file name; the sender did. I could click on the save attachments, and once saved to a folder I could open them from the folder. I forwarded the mail to others, and they report no problems in viewing the photos. I can also view the photos in the email itself, but it would be necessary to scan up and down and from left to right to view the whold photo and the caption would not appear.

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Windows Not Shut Down Properly, Give Safe Mode Option

Mar 26, 2008

i bought a 64 bit version of vista and i have built a new system with an asus p5e mobo 4gb of ram 8800 gt graphics and everything shows to install at the complete installation time it reboots and it then tells me windows did not shut down properly and and give me the safe mode option or boot windows normally when i hit safe mode it says it cannot boot into safe mode and when i hit boot normally it says the computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected problem and cannot proceed. to install press ok to restart and start the whole installation process over again.

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Windows 7 Unable To Find A Group About Windows 7 ?

May 1, 2010

Don't seem to be able to find a group about windows 7 ? Is it under some other name?

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Unable To Log Into Windows Mail

Aug 30, 2009

I am unable to log into Windows Mail. When I login I get the Window Security box asking me to enter my username and pasword. Once I do, the system indicates it is authorizing, but then just brings me back to the same login box. I get the below error message:

Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Server Response: '-ERR invalid username/password', Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC92

I have verified all my Internet Account settings and they are ok, so I do not know why the system will not let me in.

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Unable To Use Windows Mail

Mar 23, 2008

I am no lonnger able to use Windows Mail ever since I received an uodate for SP1. When I open the program I get a blue screen and crash dump. Can someone help me or tell me where I should go if this is not the proper forum.

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Installed Windows 7 Unable

Nov 14, 2009

You are a GOD...without the appropriate bowing. I have been stressing for 3 solid days since I installed Windows 7. I have been unable to use and hear sound (through 'test' or 'monitor') using my mic in Ventrilo. So many forums speaking about which client version to use in order for my sounds of joy to be heard when I all of a sudden happened onto this forum with your praises of the Titanium Fatal1ty sound card from Creative. It worked just fine with XP x64 via the simple 'Line-In' 3.5 mm jack on the card, but did not work with Win7. But like you explained about the AC '97 hook up from the FP, which was something I used in my final google/yahoo search, wolla (or viola, depending on where you heard it first) I HAVE VOICE.

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Unable To Cut And Paste Into Windows Mail

Apr 22, 2009

I posted earlier. with the problem of not being able to cut and paste into my Windows Mail. I've just done a system restore to before I downloaded Windows Live Mail and "hey presto" I can cut and paste into emails again. Perhaps it's unwise to download Live Mail - at least till they sort the program out!

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Unable To Send In Windows Mail

Jun 17, 2008

Have been using Windows Mail for a few months. All of a suuden, today I am unable to send mail. My ISP won't help as they do not service Windows Mail. what settings I need to make my "Sens" work.

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