Windows Needs Gaming Boot Mode

Jan 1, 2010

Windows needs a basic bootmode for gaming that stops all unnecessary services and processes from loading in the RAM and running in the background. Like in MSCONFIG you select GAME BOOT then restart your machine with networking to play these more sophisticated games like Battlefield series or flight simulators or whatever.

It would be so nice of Microsoft to make an update to Win Vista to allow such a boot from MSCONFIG. ( WITHOUT CHARGING MORE THAN THEY ALREADY DO WHICH IS ALMOST THE SAME PRICE AS A MACHINE ITSELF )

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Gaming And Windows (XP Vs. (32/64), OS Prefer For Hardcore Gaming

Mar 23, 2008

I am getting a new gaming system and am wondering which OS people prefer for hardcore gaming. I will also be doing some DVD authoring as well. I have heard some bad things about Vista and gaming and was wondering if alot of the bugs have been fixed. Also, if you do recommed Vista over XP, which version do you recommend 32 or 64. Below is my system specs.

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Interface Of Gaming Windows

May 21, 2009

I play Online game Lineage2. For some reason a few days ago something started to happen with the interface of gaming windows. If I open a few windows the picture starts to go into the lag mode. And this is without even log in the game, just interface. I got Vista Ultimate 64, and I could open up to 10 windows of that game and be online in all of them at the same time, to just few days ago. I dont know what happen. May be something with ram, or CPU, or something else? Unfortunately I am not very klever will all the technical sides of the computer. I do know things, but not as much as you professionals.

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Cannot Boot Up In Safe Mode

Apr 24, 2008

I press f5 or is it f8. but either way I get to the Safe Mood Selection screen and no matter what option I select, Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Prompts, of Safe Mood with Network support, it doesn't matter it boots normal to my user sign in screen and then it freezes.. no mouse or keyboard functions... If I run the recovery disk and tool options then mouse and keyboard work but I still cannot boot up in safe mode nor can I boot up normal.. I just need to get into safe mode and then I believe I can resolve this but since I can't get into safe mode I don't know what else to do?

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Not Boot Into Safe Mode Or Normally

Jan 19, 2010

Vista will not boot into Safe mode or Normally. The mouse pointer sits on the screen and can be moved but the logon screen does not appear. When I go into startup repair it says it "Could not detect a problem". I have run a chkdsk /f which ran clean. What else can I try to make the logon screen appear?

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Cannot Get Into Safe Mode Or Boot Normally

Sep 8, 2009

I?m have a troubling issue with my computer as it is stuck on a cycle boot when it passes the windows loading screen and then it simply restarts and does a POST test again. I tried pushing F8 key and selecting all the options

safe mode
safe mode with command prompt
safe mode with networking
Go to last working configuration (advanced)
Start Windows Normally ect....

but as I selected safe mode all the windows emergency drivers are loading then the screen go black and repeats the same problem above. I don?t have a cdrom neither an fdd only a usb flash drive.

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Boot Into Safe Mode,

Nov 12, 2007

when I boot into safe mode, I am unable to do anything, install, open folders as nothing works, I have no error messages, just nothing works, if I take out 2 gigs leaving me with only 2 gigs everthing is just perfect I have tried installing the hotfix that I see on the forums "Windows6.0-KB929777-v2-x64.msu but it gives a error saying that its not for my machine I am running buiness edition Vista 64 Apart from this my machine runs just fine and for the last 6 months, only the safe mode gives me problems with the 4 gigs

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Boot To Safe Mode

Jun 12, 2009

I know you guys have heard again and again, "my computer will only boot in safemode, And yes I have seen it many times before but this is the first time I was never given a choice to the matter. When the computer boots it goes right for safemode even if I press "F8" select Boot computer normaly and it will still go into safemode.

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Boot Up Goes In Safe Mode

May 31, 2008

every time my computer boots up in goes in safe mode...i tried restoring to earlier point...tried last know good configuration....tried repair computer...nothing is working.

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Cannot Boot Into Safe Mode By Pressing F8

Aug 14, 2008

I let my brother borrow my computer and he gave it back with some malware that caused it to run very slow. Best-buy did the scan and found that some of the system32 files got screwed up. I cannot boot into safe mode by pressing F8 and its driving me crazy. I had the files backup and reformatted the HDD instead of paying the $130 for best buy. Even after the reformat i still cannot boot into safe mode. Nothing is found by my kaspersky, webroot, or adaware software. I can boot into safe mode by turning the power key off. I also did the sfc but it said "98% verified with corrupt files found" but when i went to the log it said that all the files were verified and no files were repaired. I'm really just worried that the problem is still there even after using the recovery disk. I'm not really sure where to go from this point. My computer is a Toshiba Qosmio with vista ultimate

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Vista Won't Boot In Any Mode Safe

Nov 15, 2009

I have beed having problems with stability with my vista x64 system. After crashing several times from video driver problems (Nvidia 9800GT) Vista won't boot in any mode safe, restore to last known,etc. I put in the original disk I purchased and I get Status: 0xc0000225 Info: An unexpected error has occured. I can not even get to the repair screen or even put on a clean install. The x32 disc will boot but has no x64 repair tools. What do I do?

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Boot Normal Mode Failure

Feb 22, 2010

I got a customer Windows Vista Basic keep boot into Safe Mode even I keep try to boot into normal mode. I had follow question:

1. How this happen for this Vista installation?

2. How do I fix this type of problem?

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GPU Failed: Only Boot Up In Safe Mode

Jan 28, 2010

GPU on motherboard failed, now I can only boot up in safe mode. The laptop isn't worth repairing but I would like to back up to dvd or usb then restore on a new system using windows 7. Can I do this with only safe mode? HP Pavilion laptop with vista 32.

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Startup System Will Boot To Safe Mode

Mar 23, 2008

I'm getting a BSOD right when Vista gets to the login screen on startup. The system will boot to safe mode, but I have no idea how to fix it from there. This happened suddenly on a system that has been running stable for 6+ months. At first I thought that perhaps some of my RAM was bad, so I tried booting with just one stick in (I have 4x1gb), but it wouldn't boot on any of them. My other suspicion was that I had installed drivers for a new keyboard that night before (as that was the only recent change to my system configuration), so I deleted those, but that didn't help either. I'm thinking my next move is to flash my BIOS, but I'm running out of ideas......

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MSCONFIG Boot - Stuck In Safe Mode Or Selective Startup

Apr 14, 2008

This has not been a week that's made me much enamored of Vista. In order to troubleshoot my parents' Vista PC after their wireless mouse/keyboard suddenly stopped working after 4/9's automatic updates, I had to a do a system restore from Safe Mode. Their corded USB keyboard we got to work (along with a PS2 mouse) to do the fixing wouldn't work using the F8-method to get into Safe Mode, so I had use MSCONFIG to force a safe mode boot.

The system restore worked, and I've disabled automatic updates until MS comes out with a fix for the apparently widespread original problem, but now I'm stuck with a very frustrating situation. My parents' computer will only boot up into Selective Startup (which leaves some important things such as graphics drivers unloaded) or into Safe Mode. Within MSCONFIG, when I choose "Normal Startup", it automatically checks the "Safe Mode" Box in the boot tap, and when I uncheck that box, it automatically selects "Selective Start" on the previous tab. (I've tried hitting apply on each of the tabs, but it doesn't help). I've found a few other threads with this same problem across the web, but never found a solution.

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System Restore Disk, Cannot Boot Into Window Or Safe Mode

Jan 30, 2010

I am trying to use a system restore disk for my friend's computer that I downloaded. The computer have Vista, now I have a 32 bit and 64 bit disc. How can I find out which version of Vista I have? I cannot boot into window or safe mode ( I could figure it out from there). I also tried to check the Bios and saw nothing. The laptop only has 2 gigs of RAM I think, so I would assume 32 Bit, but I want to be sure. Also, if I used the wrong one, would it mess up the computer? or could I just redo it with the other CD?

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Boot Up In Safe Mode, Operating System Doesn't Work

Aug 12, 2009

System would only boot up in safe mode, now there is a "unmountable boot volume" 0x000000ED. I just want the pictures off that drive. how should I get them if the operating system doesn't work? Can i plug the SATA drive into my Vista machine?

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System Reboots Part 3, Choice Boot Normally Safe Mode

May 6, 2008

I've been trying for 2 days now to upgrade from Vista Business edition to SP1. The same thing keeps happening. I get through parts 1 and 2 ok, but when the system reboots for part 3, it reboots several times giving me the choice to boot normally or in safe mode, then eventually it stops rebooting and just goes blank. I can reboot successfully in safe mode but the installation of part 3 will ultimately fail (the error code points to not being able to install particular components as a result of being in safe mode) and the system has to regress to the original condition. I tried all the suggestions on the MS Vista upgrade trouble shooting site (as well as several other sites)- including checking for specific updates - none of which apply to my machine - at least that what windows update tells me when I try to install them, checked the disk for errors, and checked the memory for problems. I also turned absolutely everything no- original MS off for start up including antivirus and some other stuff that I have and the same thing keeps happening. Each pass, from upgrade install to fail, and regress back to original condition takes about 5 hours.

I'm running Vista on a quad core machine with 4G of onboard memory (even though Vista 32 can only use about 3 gigs) and a smoking video card so I doubt this is a hardware problem. This problem appears to be similar to the original 'endless reboot' problem that prompted the original halting of SP1 distribution back in the early spring - I thought that problem was fixed! I tried to get real time help from the MS site but got a message that there was a problem with the site. - Good Greif! This is probably the most frustrating MS experience of all time. With all due respect to the folks at MS, if it was your intention to have people to switch from Windows PC's to Apples or even Linux based PC's, I doubt you could have come up with a better plan. I've already switched two of my home computers to Ubutu!

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Can Run On External Hard Drives (dual Boot Mode W/ XP On An Internal HD)

May 7, 2008

I am curious if Vista can be run from one of those portable external hard drives that I see in Staples, etc. rather than have to install another internal hard drive. I want to dual-boot with XP (already installed on an internal HD) and it would also be great if I can bring that external HD with us when we travel and hook it up to my wife's XP laptop and be able to boot up in Vista too. We need something for testing our software in Vista.

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Boot 32bit: Black Screen With 'Windows Boot Manager'

Oct 8, 2009

I have a Dell Inspiron 530 Desktop and every now and then it won't boot up. I get a black screen with 'Windows Boot Manager' ," Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause."

File: BootBCD
Status: 0xc000000f
Info: An error occurred while attemping to read the boot config data.

When I boot the PC with the Installation disc, it repairs it and it works until the next time. When I click on the details to see what is to be repaired, this come up:.......

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Dual Boot And XP:stuck With The Windows Vista Boot Loader

Mar 23, 2008

I have windows xp installed right now and I dual booted with vista by re-partitioning my hard drive. After encountering problems with vista I delted the vista partition and resized the xp partition back to it's original size. I am now stuck with the windows vista boot loader which persistantly telling me that the windows vista files are not present etc. etc. Is there any way that I can delted the vista bootloader and go back to using the xp bootloader?

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X64 New Install: Slow Internet Connection In Normal Mode; Fast In Safe Mode

Oct 12, 2009

Using my ISP (Roadrunner Carolinas) speed test site; I get around 200 to 400 kbps download speeds using IE in normal mode. If I boot to Safe Mode, I get around 3500 to 4500 kbps, which is what it should be (this is what I used to get in normal mode before I re-installed Vista). Running the same speed test with Firefox, I get around 1500 to 2000 kbps in normal mode, but if I try to download a file it ransfers at only the 200 to 400 kbsp rate (if I'm lucky). Here's more detail about the system and what I've done so far:

Installed all updates including SP2.
Using Windows Firewall, no anti-virus.
Updated network drivers directly from NVidia (Chipset is nForce750i)
Updated graphics card drivers directly from NVidia
Disabled all LAN protocols except for Client for Microsoft Networks and IPv4
Connected via ethernet cable directly to cable modem, no router.
I've deliberately refrained from loading anything but the basics until I can get this sorted out..........

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XP Mode Under Windows 7

Oct 11, 2009

Has anyone here had experience of the XP mode in Windows 7 Pro as I particularly want to run Adobe Acrobat 6 under it. I'm currently running Vista Home Premium but thinking of changing so as to be able to do this. I've looked but haven't yet seen this application on a W7 compatibility list.

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Switch Between Entertainment Mode And Game Mode X-fi

Oct 16, 2009

How do you switch between game mode and entertainment mode with creative soundblaster x-fi?

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32 Or 64 For Better Gaming?

Nov 27, 2008

Vista 32 or Vista 64 for Better Gaming and Why? Please when you reply be specific and state 5-6 reasons if possible.

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32 Vs 64 Bit Gaming Increase My Fps?

May 5, 2009

That darn 32 vs 64. I currently have a 32 bit computer with the specs of...---4Gb Ram---Nvida 8700 512mb---Core 2 Duo T9300 2.50Ghz--- Would/could i get better fps or even a quicker computer by installing Vista as 64bit? I read somewhere that all 4gb is being used but its just not adressed by windows? or something to that effect

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What Would Be Better For My Gaming System

Dec 21, 2007

what would be better for my gaming system 32bit or 64bit vista currently i run vista ultimate x64.People say 64 is slower, but cant be by that much at all can it?ive just got world in conflict which should run semi good but i get 8 frames per second during a nuclear strike which sucks, average of 23-30

my specs are:
OS: Vista Ultimate X64
CPU: AMD Athlon 64 6000+ Dual Core
Motherboard: ASUS M2N-Sli Deluxe
RAM: 2x512mb Corsair DDR2 800mhz (CAS 5.0)
RAM: 2x1024mb Corsair DDR2 800mhz (CAS 4.0)
Video Card: XFX Nvidia Geforce 8800GTS 320mb
DVD: 1x Light Scribe ASUS DVD Burner SATA
Hard Drive: 1x 160Gig Western Digital SATA (OS Drive)
Hard Drive: 1x 320Gig Western Digital SATA (Games & Media)
Hard Drive: 1x 500Gig Western Digital SATA (More media)

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Gaming Mice

Mar 6, 2009

I am looking for a new gaming mouse, but I have no idea what to get. So far I have narrowed it down to a Logitech G5 or a Microsoft Sidewinder. I currently have a Logitech G7, however to get a new one is out of my price range. ($50-$70 Canadian). Any other suggestions out there? Leave a note of what you use personally as I am open to any opinions

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PC Too Slow For Gaming?

Nov 12, 2009

One game I tried recently was Callof Juarez. A friend brought it over to try and see if it would work after I told him I have trouble getting games to work. I can only find generic Aspire manuals online, nothing specific to my model.

I have tried to see what kind of video card is installed but in my device manager, under sound, audio controllers it only describes the audio cards, no mention of video card. I therefore assume it is a generic card that probably is not capable of gaming, BUT Acer did give me a nice screen saver that shows a clip on gaming, (b-astard-o's)...........

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Plasma Or Lcd For Gaming?

Sep 27, 2008

Which tv is better for gaming?
Plasma or Lcd?
I have Ati Radeon 3870 1080p with hdmi max resolution 1920x1080
Vista Sp1 DirectX10
OK i will get a 42''lcd
Which brand is better?

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SP1 Gaming Performance

Mar 23, 2008

Just wondering if anyone has had any issues and/or problems since SP1 was released today.I know it may be too early to tell what with the manufacturers rushing to create drivers that will actually take advantage of the over 550 hotfixes incorperated into SP1, but so far for me at least I have seen at least a 20% increase in overall gaming performance and system response. One main thing I've seen that has not improved is any source games. It seems the source engine is either not a fan of vista, or the 8800 series cards. But as for games such as World of Warcraft and Unreal Tournament III, all seem to have an increase in FPS and load times.If anyone has a positive or negative comments for SP1, please let me know; very curious to see what Microsoft has accomplished/screwed up.

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