Add Https: To Blocked Websites Under Parental Control

Mar 11, 2009

I am trying to block as a blocked website under parental controls. My children have discovered at school that you can bypass filters and visit sites you want by first using this site and it will take you where you want to go. I can add it to a restricted site in internet explorer but it can only be added to IE under each user account ID and then they can edit it. With parental controls, when I try to block it using Parental Controls, User Controls, Windows Vista Web Filter, Block a Specific Website, I get an error message stating: "only websites starting with http:// can be added to the allow or block lists".

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Parental Control Block

Sep 4, 2009

What happened to my regular msn email application? As of right now, it tells
me that there has been a parental control block on my email, and I can not
receive or send emails. I have numerous emails in que that I would like to
open, and it looks like maybe this stupid microsoft public windows program.
Which by the way, I know nothing about. Please do whatever you have to, to
remove the block on my msn email program. I would like to know that you did
get this message, but am not sure if you could even send it to me. I have
had nothing but problems after problems with your sloppy vista program.
Please tell me how I can get rid of it - I'd rather have XP.

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Parental Control On Vistas

May 15, 2010

i'm trying to set up parental controls on vistas. i'm choosing what options i want then going onto my sons page but i can get onto all the adult sites still. also i've put what sites i don't allow as a test but i can still access them. also as a test i clicked on don't allow any games went onto his page and that was blocked so that worked whats going on?

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How To Disable Parental Control Software

Dec 22, 2009

I dont know if here is the right place to turn to help.My mom installed a parental control software. built-in one) in my computer, now I have zero privacy and privilege!!! Im not young ,15 already!!I cant open facebook, play games... It's the house machine and I use the guest account. I need to know how i can do things like get on the blocked sites, and make it so it doesnt log me off at 12. would comand prompt - admintools work to get into parental controls from a non-admin account?

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Parental Control Wont Open!

Nov 7, 2008

I am having a problem with the Vista Parental Control. It just does not open when I try to open it! It acts like I was not even trying to open.

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Become Admin / Disable Parental Control

Apr 26, 2008

Is there a way to become administrator and disable the parental control if you are standar user? How?

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Videos Not Playing With Parental Control

Mar 23, 2008

Just got new computer with Vista Home Premium. Have set parental controls to medium for my son. I am the administrator. If I go on "You Tube" I can see the videos and hear the music = it all works fine. However, if my son goes on you Tube he cannot see the videos/hear the music even though I have put "You Tube" in as an allowed website in Parental Controls. All he gets is the little circle (or timer) as though it is looking for the relevant video but, even if we wait ages, the video never appears. I have tried unchecking the "enable hardware acceleration" as per another post on this site but that made no difference.

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Vista Parental Control Can Record IM Conversation

Jun 26, 2009

I know the new Windows Vista has parental controls that can record IM conversatiosn, but if you don't have a downloaded IM service and are using a web "chat" service to IM people, will it still reocrd that? Like web messengers?

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Can Only Access HTTPS And Other Ports,

Dec 24, 2008

After a short time on the internet my browser stops. I have tried IE 7 & 8 Firefox with no result. I CAN only access https sites and any other with a different port ( I have checked for malware and even reloaded Vista. I have replaced the MS firewall with ZA Pro and still no difference. I have unchecked IPV6 as well. The only way round this is to reboot and that seems to take an age. The pc will reboot in seconds normally, that’s when you haven’t been on the internet.

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Cannot Access Secure Sites (https)

Jul 7, 2008

Vista Home Premium cannot access secure sites (https). Further testing shows IE7 Cipher Strength as 0-bits, but needs to be 128 or 256-bits.

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Connect To A Webdav Share Using Https 64

May 29, 2008

I am trying to get Vista 64 SP1 to connect to a Webdav share using https it works on Vista 32 and XP without any problem. I have tried installing the Web Folder patch at 987622ed1d64&displayLang=en a couple times I have tried changing the Network Security LAN Manager authentication level to "Send LM & NTLM - use NTLMv2 session Security if negotiated" in the local security policy no good I still get the following "The folder you entered does not appear to be valid. Please choose another."

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Cannot Connect To Website Via HTTP Or HTTPS

Apr 25, 2008

I cannot connect to one website via HTTP or HTTPS - After installing SP1, I can no longer connect to this one website. I have Zone Alarm along with Vista's built in firewall installed, and there is a firewall build in to the 2 wire DSL router I have. Antivirus is Symantec antivirus Windows defender is also installed. I've diabled all firewalls and antivirus and setup a DMZ on the router and still cannot connect. When I try to connect in IE, which seems to indicate either a DNS or a firewall error. Running Vista's diagnostic tests says that port 80 or 443 is being blocked, but with all firewalls off, I can't imagine by what. I've installed virtual pc and installed xp with sp2 on the virtual pc and that is able to connect through vista to that website.

Via a XP SP2 laptop on the local LAN i'm also able to connect. I've tried to uninstall and reinstall the NIC. The machine has a PCI wireless card and using that it is also not able to connect. I've tired to use my cellular provider for dial-up access and that also did not work. I've tired safe mode with networking and still no luck. Of course all other sites are normal. I've tried resetting IE settings, adding the site to the trusted sites, running with no add-ons, all with no luck. I've messed with the security settings as suggested in some threads and no luck. I've also tried Opera, Firefox, and Safari and none of them can connect either. There is no proxy setup either. I've reset the IP and Winsock ( ipconfig /flushdns, /renew, netsh int ip reset, netsh winsock reset, etc)..........

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Parental Controls?

Jan 26, 2009

I use the parental control for my son. But I think he is enough old to install the programs himself, but I still have to limit his time and games on the computer. Everytime he wants to install something, either it asks for my password, either it says he has to be the administrator. Isn't there a way he can install the programs himself, without the need of my password and still have the time limit activiated on his account?

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Can't Get To Websites

Feb 17, 2009

I have a wireless laptop. We also have 3 other desktop. They are all connected thru router. All the sudden couple weeks ago my laptop started giving me trouble when it was connected to internet. Btw All but my laptop are Xp. Laptop is Vista. I can get email, I can run my msn messenger and yahoo messenger. I just can't get on websites. I tried rebooting router, turning off laptop. It used to work when I turned off laptop and restarted it would start working till today. It has been over 8 hrs and nothing yet. I
have renews Ipconfig. dns flush all that I can think of. I pinged my other pcs in house and it is pinging fine. I pinged and other sites and the request times out. I have tried Firefox and IE. I run MacAfee.

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Parental Help On World Of Warcraft...

Feb 2, 2009

My 14 yr old son is wanting me to allow him play this game, there is a Free 15 day trial (as he put it). My concern is not that much on the Sex or Gore fact but I do have my hesitations about him being totally consume by it since two years ago he had that problem with RuneScape or something like that. I guess what I would like to know is just how adult is this game? Are there predators like in the chat rooms and what have you? or is this just a clean open world fun game. Sorry if I seem like an idiotic parent, my kids pretty much run their computer unatended but I can't help to feel worry on the "Getting Consumed" part of it.

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Parental Controls Not Working

Mar 23, 2008

I can't get Parental Controls working in Vista. "Parental Controls" is "On" for every account on my machine, but nothing is blocked. I get no errors. Rebooting doesn't work. Manually adding sites to the "banned" list doesn't work.

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Does Not Allow Access To Certain Websites

Dec 3, 2008

I’m currently running Windows Vista Ultima 32bit on a Dell Inspiron D530. My problem is I can’t access certain websites i.e. the browser will search forever and not find the site or if it does find the site, usually after 15-20min it doesn’t display the page correctly. I don’t think it’s a browser issue (Internet Explorer), the same problem occurs on Safari as well. I have gone thru all the IE7’s and firewall settings, including the virus detector (Trend Micro) nothing seems to work.

I’ve contacted my internet provider (Verizon) and Microsoft to no avail… no one seems to understand why I’m having this issue. I also have two laptops running XP and I don’t have this issue on the laptops Also, if I ping the website it seems to send and receive packets correctly.

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Parental Controls Doesn't Allow For This Game To Run

May 30, 2009

I have Vista Home Premium 64bit, I'm trying to install and run aBETA game I need to test, all goes fine until I try to run it, I get themessage "Parental controls doesn't allow for this game to run". I haveone account, as admin, no password and I already tried "run as admin" for the game but still the same. When I go to parental controls it tells me none are set as I'm an administrator, so no way to turn them on or off! I don't want another account, I just want one account, I'm the only user and I want to be able to do eveything with my account. How can I completely turn parental controls off?

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Parental Controls And Safe Mode

May 15, 2010

I have a 14 year old son who is not happy about parental controls--I know he now knows about using Safe Mode from a friend. I started up Vista with Safe Mode to see what I could do on his account. It still wouldn't let me sign in under his name b/c of the time limits....but there must be a way around that. Can I tell if he has used Safe Mode to get around parental controls?

Is there a way to put a password on Safe Mode? I set a password for BIOS, but I don't know what good that does. I know there is parental control software out there (Web Watcher is one I was looking at)....but what good is it if a teen can just get around it?

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Remote Parental Controls Access

Mar 15, 2009

greetings. how can i access parential controls remotely to monitor my childrens activity on thier laptops? the laptops are running windows vista. basic and it is on a LAN connected to the internet. each child has their own laptop. so having me sneek in to thier rooms at night to go in to the admin account just to view thier activity is a pain. but if there was a way to do it remotely it would make things alot simpler.

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Unable To Make Changes To Parental Controls

Mar 23, 2008

I am trying to make changes to parental controls. I get an error message that reads: "Unable to make changes to parental controls settings. If this problem persists, contact your system administrator." I am an administrator on the computer. I have tried creating a new account and making changes there and that did not work.

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Certain Websites Not Displaying Correctly In X64

Apr 4, 2008

Today, I was forced to use my Vista Ultimate installation disc to reinstall Vista - since yesterday morning, my computer was not able to get out of a loop (first going to Windows Error Recovery and then, when selecting any of the options, going to the green loading bar, where it the green bar stopped moving about 2/3 of the way, and going back to Windows Error Recovery).

The installation went smoothly enough, but I am absolutely clueless how to get my computer to roughly the same conditions it was before this fiasco. Fortunately, it would appear that all of my files and folders from before this re-installation have been saved in the folder Windows.old. However, I am at a complete loss as to how to reconfigure my Internet connection, how to restore my previous screen resolution (there are now only three options for resolution under Display Settings), and essentially getting the basics back in order.

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Email From Websites Won't Open

Jul 29, 2009

Vista works ok with my email servers. Except when trying to access it from a website, like craigslist. It won't open. Anyone have a fix?

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Trouble Accessing Websites.

Feb 1, 2010

I haven't been able to access the following sites on my laptop. Descriptions of the problems is included.

-Tumblr (Since October of 2009)

Cant access the site on my laptop. I can on my desktop though.

-Myspace (Since June of 2009)

I cant access the site. With a proxy yes. I crashed my desktop previously by use of a proxy so I really would like to not use one again.

-Facebook (Since Mid-January of 2009)

My inability to access face book has been a reoccurring cyclical problem for me, and it tends to dissapear for three weeks, then reappear for one. This problem was present on my desktop before I got my laptop.


My laptop is a HP Pavilion dv6 with Windows Vista Home Premium 64 bit.

My desktop is Windows XP (crashed twice)

I am not an obsessive user of the sites listed above. I use them to keep in contact with family and old friends.

I am the administrator on my laptop, and the only one who uses it.

My virus protection software is the newest version of Norton.

YES I have tried deleting the cache and cookies in my browsers, turning off the firewall, and tried command prompt and received no error messages. There are no blocked sites on my laptop.

I have tried Google Chrome, Safari, IE 7&8, and Firefox. NOTHING WORKS.

The error message that I receive is either unknown error, or "[insert browser] cannot access this webpage]".

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Websites Not Displaying Properly

Jun 21, 2009

at some sites, the pictures don't download, but instead I get little square placeholder frames with a red x on them. I get this at and also But other websites load fine. It only happens rarely. Especially since I'd like to see what I want to buy from Kohls I am using Vista with IE 8.0.

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Laptop Does Not Load Websites

Jun 8, 2008

I currently have an Acer Aspire 5100-5728 laptop with Windows Vista Home Premium installed on it. After very many months of usage with no problems pertaining to the internet, I am suddenly met with an inability to load internet websites in an acceptable time. Other programs such as Pidgin (Instant Messaging client) and uTorrent (BitTorrent client) that use the internet work flawlessly; my download/upload and data transfer speeds are not affected at all, and according to the Network and Sharing Center, I am connected.Anything in the browser bar, including my router setup, or the IP addresses of websites, take anywhere from three to ten minutes to load; sometimes they just fail to load entirely.this includes low-content pages such as Google,, and various other websites. I've tried both Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer, and the problem is consistent. However, the problem is only specific to my machine; I am currently typing this up on my parents'Acer Aspire, connected to the same network, and websites load with no problem.

I've tried the following:
-Rebooting the machine
-Resetting the modem
-Unplugging the router
-Changing router settings
-Resetting the network settings
-Using wireless/wired
-Flushing the DNS
-Clearing the browser cache

I've also checked the Acer website, and it doesn't seem that there are any driver updates or anything of the sort.I can speculate that the problem is not with my ISP or any of the networking hardware. The various other computers in my house (running Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Ubuntu) all have full connectivity; it is only one Vista
laptop that has this problem.

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Cannot Copy And Paste On Websites

Feb 23, 2010

Whys is it that I can copy and paste to Notepad but cannot do the same on webpages? C.B.-- It is the responsibility and duty of everyone to help the underprivileged and less fortunate among us.

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IE Only Connect To Secure Websites

Apr 20, 2009

I am running windows vista with a wireless connection to the internet. I am unable to surf the web, but surprisingly enough I am able to view secure web sites only. Running IE to access the web. I am at quite a loss here. I have tried disabling firewalls and the like and still no internet. What is strange is that the computer shows that I am fully connected to the internet. Signal strength is good.

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Internet Connects, Not To Websites

Jun 20, 2009

I have Vista Home Edition Premium 64x. I has worked fine for two months. Just recently, I cannot use the internet or play online games. I primarily use wireless but use DSL. I am able to see wi-fi networks and connect (DSL shows a connection too), but unable to load any web pages. I uninstalled Norton. Dropped all the firewalls for Windows. But still, I cannot load any web pages. WOW cannot connect. Bittorrent cannot connect. Firefox or IE cannot either. I searched all over Vista (I'm new to it) and found no settings that would makes sense to adjust for the problem. I looked at these forums and found no solutions to similar problems (Are these people trashing their Vista?).

I finally had to partition the drive and install Suse Linux 11.1 to just get to this site try to find an answer. Being that Linux has no problem with wi-fi or DSL and loading web pages, I know it's not a bios or hardware problem. I know it's Vista. What is wrong with Vista, because I never changed any network settings while using it? Is there a way to restore the network part of the Vista package without having to purchase Vista again? Vista came installed so I dont' have a instal disk. All my restore points seemed to be corrupted with this problem. What can I do?

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IE8: Doesn't Remember Websites

Aug 10, 2009

I bought a new laptop recently. Its vista basic. Now I have both IE8 and firefox. Now firefox do remember all my password on all websites. I am ony facing problem with IE8. It doesn't remember any of the websites even if I keep on click remember password. It keeps on asking username and password after reopen my IE window. I also tried to add site to trusted sites but it still doesn't work. I am going mad inserting username and password.

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Did Not Understand How To Show Websites

Feb 17, 2010

I need a sniffer that will show me what sites people are viewing on the network. I am using wireshark atm but I did not understand how to show websites.

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