Parental Control Wont Open!

Nov 7, 2008

I am having a problem with the Vista Parental Control. It just does not open when I try to open it! It acts like I was not even trying to open.

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Parental Control Block

Sep 4, 2009

What happened to my regular msn email application? As of right now, it tells
me that there has been a parental control block on my email, and I can not
receive or send emails. I have numerous emails in que that I would like to
open, and it looks like maybe this stupid microsoft public windows program.
Which by the way, I know nothing about. Please do whatever you have to, to
remove the block on my msn email program. I would like to know that you did
get this message, but am not sure if you could even send it to me. I have
had nothing but problems after problems with your sloppy vista program.
Please tell me how I can get rid of it - I'd rather have XP.

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Parental Control On Vistas

May 15, 2010

i'm trying to set up parental controls on vistas. i'm choosing what options i want then going onto my sons page but i can get onto all the adult sites still. also i've put what sites i don't allow as a test but i can still access them. also as a test i clicked on don't allow any games went onto his page and that was blocked so that worked whats going on?

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How To Disable Parental Control Software

Dec 22, 2009

I dont know if here is the right place to turn to help.My mom installed a parental control software. built-in one) in my computer, now I have zero privacy and privilege!!! Im not young ,15 already!!I cant open facebook, play games... It's the house machine and I use the guest account. I need to know how i can do things like get on the blocked sites, and make it so it doesnt log me off at 12. would comand prompt - admintools work to get into parental controls from a non-admin account?

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Become Admin / Disable Parental Control

Apr 26, 2008

Is there a way to become administrator and disable the parental control if you are standar user? How?

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Videos Not Playing With Parental Control

Mar 23, 2008

Just got new computer with Vista Home Premium. Have set parental controls to medium for my son. I am the administrator. If I go on "You Tube" I can see the videos and hear the music = it all works fine. However, if my son goes on you Tube he cannot see the videos/hear the music even though I have put "You Tube" in as an allowed website in Parental Controls. All he gets is the little circle (or timer) as though it is looking for the relevant video but, even if we wait ages, the video never appears. I have tried unchecking the "enable hardware acceleration" as per another post on this site but that made no difference.

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Add Https: To Blocked Websites Under Parental Control

Mar 11, 2009

I am trying to block as a blocked website under parental controls. My children have discovered at school that you can bypass filters and visit sites you want by first using this site and it will take you where you want to go. I can add it to a restricted site in internet explorer but it can only be added to IE under each user account ID and then they can edit it. With parental controls, when I try to block it using Parental Controls, User Controls, Windows Vista Web Filter, Block a Specific Website, I get an error message stating: "only websites starting with http:// can be added to the allow or block lists".

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Vista Parental Control Can Record IM Conversation

Jun 26, 2009

I know the new Windows Vista has parental controls that can record IM conversatiosn, but if you don't have a downloaded IM service and are using a web "chat" service to IM people, will it still reocrd that? Like web messengers?

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Cant Open The Control Panel

Jun 24, 2008

I cant open the control panel on my system either fron the desktop shortcut or the start menu. I did think it may be a driver issue after i upgraded my 8800gtxoc2 to the latest nvidia driver. I decided to do a system restore to just before i did the instalation, but after 6 attempts on several restore points they have all failed. I have strated my comp up in safe mode and removed the driver but the problem is still there. i have restarted the software licence but i am stuck now and need some advice before i bite the bullet and reformat. Using the origional vista disk is there a way of doing a re-instal without losing my data.

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Cant Get My Control Panel To Open

Aug 30, 2009

I turned on my pc and cannot get online wireless.. can not get windows live one care to work.. cant get my control panel to open... Alot of stuff not working...
Running vista home premium.

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Can't Open Control Panel

Aug 18, 2007

I can't open the CONTROL PANEL, after going start>control panel, the control panel comes up but then i get this message , "WINDOWS EXPLORER HAS STOPPED WORKING" and after that "WINdOWS EXPLORER IS RESTARTING" , all windows close and everything restarts.

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Control Panel Wont Open

Dec 29, 2007

for about 5 months now i have been trying to open control panel. i found a way to get into add or remove programs through computer then click the arrow into other things but we recently got wireless internet and i need to get into network connections or whatever it is which is in control panel. i tried to get it through the long way but it wont open.

This is what the error is:

I go start, control panel. it loads about half of the icons then a dialogue box pops up saying windows explorer has stopped working, looking for a solution etc etc.

Then it restarts windows explorer.

and i still cant access control panel. even though i can access all of the stuff except network connections (which i really need to get wireless) i still want to be able to go into and click control panel and for it to work.

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Can Not Open Control Panel,games

Jan 21, 2008

i am having big vista problems, and i know alot of other people have the same problem, so i hope there is a cure. I can not open control panel,games etc, i can not start software licencing, i can not update windows as they say my windows is not genuine, my Direct x has gone, my cd rom dvd drive spins and recognises disks but can not read them, so i can not use a recovery disk. i have an assus, which i bought in Sydney, but i now live in Moscow, so im stuck,

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'Control Panel' Windows Won't The Stay Open

Apr 1, 2008

Whenever I try to open up a window through the Start menu or from a desktop icon or Launchy to view a folder like 'My Documents' or 'Computer', or even 'Control Panel', the window opens for about two seconds before closing. And then the whole screen goes blank but for the desktop background and slowly reappears. What's the story, there? How do I remedy this? I want to be able to peruse my folders! I want to be able to adjust my screen's resolution! Why won't the windows stay open for me?

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Data Execution Prevention When Open The Control Panel

Aug 8, 2009

Everytime my computer starts up, it says Rundll32 stopped working, then a popup saying it was shut down by DATA EXECUTION PREVENTION. It also happens when I open Control Panel and a few other programs....

Here is the error:
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BEX
Application Name: Rundll32.exe
Application Version: 6.0.6000.16386
Application Timestamp: 4549b0e1
Fault Module Name: StackHash_85ff
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000
Exception Offset: 000e026d
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Data: 00000008
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 1078
Additional Information 1: 85ff
Additional Information 2: 926a10026686b238588fcb62252965ed
Additional Information 3: d416
Additional Information 4: aaadd317ad2849f7f128eb9d447a17bc

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Windows Home Premium Ed., Control Panel Will Not Open

Aug 15, 2009

I didn't see this topic listed already. I've researched on the Net and have not been able to find a solution. Since Thurs., apparently for no reason that I can find, I have lost access to the Control Panel and all associated prorgams. I have no Windows Welcome Centre, no access to the Backup/Restore. And when I go to Microsoft to validate my program it's says I'm not running a valid version of Windows.

I've tried several different things to correct the problem ... To begin with I did the obvious -- I have checked for viruses and malware. Not the problem. I ran a scan/repair, I did a defrag. Nothing. One site said it was a problem with Software Licensing so, as it suggested, I turned off the SLUNotify Service and the Software Licensing service and then restarted both services. Nothing happened. Both are set to automatic.

Another site said it was a problem with the Nero In CD ... but I don't have anything by that name on my PC, so I know that isn't my problem. Another site said it was a problem for PCs that didn't do the Service Pack 1 update -- Well, I have that so that's not the problem either. I tried going to a restore point a couple weeks before the problem started -- did nothing to solve the problem. It was suggested I hadn't gone back far enough so I went back to the first date listed under the restore points available on my PC. Again, did nothing.

At this point, my PC keeps trying to install the Windows Updates from after my restore point -- no troubles downloading them, but when it tries to install them it gets stuck on the configuring and says it is reverting ...I'm out of ideas ... Anybody out there have anything I can try short of re-installing Windows Vista? Obviously since this problem was so sudden, I don't have my most recent files backed up and can't access the program to make a backup -- and some of these are work files I need to keep. Meanwhile I will continue researching ..

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Control Panel Language French And Unable To Open Icons

Jul 8, 2009

I recently switched Vista's display language to French, and now I can't get it back to English. Control Panel opens, but most of the icons (including regional settings) don't open anything when I double-click them.

I've searched the internet and nothing has helped.

HP Pavilion DV6000

CPU: Intel Core Duo T2450, 2000 MHz (15 x 133)


Graphics: Mobile Intel(R) 945 Express Chipset Family (256 MB)

OS: Vista Ultimate 32bit

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Control Panel Wont Open, Freezing After Avast Install

Jun 8, 2009

i just installed comodo firewall and avast for my antivirus options as i heard both work very well...however each time i try to look into control panel to test that everything is up to date, it just freezes on me, does not open at all??? shall i uninstall avast and use another anti virus protection

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Starting To Like When This Happened: Open Certain Control Panel Functions From The RUN Command Line Or Through The MMC Console Itself

Jan 18, 2009

I've been getting this error message when I try to open certain control panel functions from the RUN command line or through the MMC console itself. Other functions like performance information, user accounts and parental controls don't respond when clicked. Windows update might flash up the beginnings of a window for a split second but wont load. I've got the update icon on my task bar saying it cant update. Other than some key function being inaccessible the PC runs fine (apart form Firefox has started crashing out every now again) I can install software ok.

I've run the SVG /scannow thing and it found no problem Its my home PC sp I am setup as administrator. This problem is effecting another vanilla admin account AND the hidden Admin account. I've virus scanned in safe mode. System restore went through the motions but after it had restarted the PC it said it couldn't actually restore........

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Parental Controls?

Jan 26, 2009

I use the parental control for my son. But I think he is enough old to install the programs himself, but I still have to limit his time and games on the computer. Everytime he wants to install something, either it asks for my password, either it says he has to be the administrator. Isn't there a way he can install the programs himself, without the need of my password and still have the time limit activiated on his account?

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Parental Help On World Of Warcraft...

Feb 2, 2009

My 14 yr old son is wanting me to allow him play this game, there is a Free 15 day trial (as he put it). My concern is not that much on the Sex or Gore fact but I do have my hesitations about him being totally consume by it since two years ago he had that problem with RuneScape or something like that. I guess what I would like to know is just how adult is this game? Are there predators like in the chat rooms and what have you? or is this just a clean open world fun game. Sorry if I seem like an idiotic parent, my kids pretty much run their computer unatended but I can't help to feel worry on the "Getting Consumed" part of it.

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Parental Controls Not Working

Mar 23, 2008

I can't get Parental Controls working in Vista. "Parental Controls" is "On" for every account on my machine, but nothing is blocked. I get no errors. Rebooting doesn't work. Manually adding sites to the "banned" list doesn't work.

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Parental Controls Doesn't Allow For This Game To Run

May 30, 2009

I have Vista Home Premium 64bit, I'm trying to install and run aBETA game I need to test, all goes fine until I try to run it, I get themessage "Parental controls doesn't allow for this game to run". I haveone account, as admin, no password and I already tried "run as admin" for the game but still the same. When I go to parental controls it tells me none are set as I'm an administrator, so no way to turn them on or off! I don't want another account, I just want one account, I'm the only user and I want to be able to do eveything with my account. How can I completely turn parental controls off?

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Parental Controls And Safe Mode

May 15, 2010

I have a 14 year old son who is not happy about parental controls--I know he now knows about using Safe Mode from a friend. I started up Vista with Safe Mode to see what I could do on his account. It still wouldn't let me sign in under his name b/c of the time limits....but there must be a way around that. Can I tell if he has used Safe Mode to get around parental controls?

Is there a way to put a password on Safe Mode? I set a password for BIOS, but I don't know what good that does. I know there is parental control software out there (Web Watcher is one I was looking at)....but what good is it if a teen can just get around it?

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Remote Parental Controls Access

Mar 15, 2009

greetings. how can i access parential controls remotely to monitor my childrens activity on thier laptops? the laptops are running windows vista. basic and it is on a LAN connected to the internet. each child has their own laptop. so having me sneek in to thier rooms at night to go in to the admin account just to view thier activity is a pain. but if there was a way to do it remotely it would make things alot simpler.

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Unable To Make Changes To Parental Controls

Mar 23, 2008

I am trying to make changes to parental controls. I get an error message that reads: "Unable to make changes to parental controls settings. If this problem persists, contact your system administrator." I am an administrator on the computer. I have tried creating a new account and making changes there and that did not work.

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Parental Controls Blocks Hotmail Access

Mar 1, 2009

Since activating Parental Controls using Vista 64-bit SP1, whenever I try to access my hotmail account using the web gui, I get the following error message: This webpage is not available. The webpage at Sign In might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address. More information on this error Below is the original error message Error 320 (net::ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE): Unknown error.

I can access my HotMail messages by direct download into the Outlook application on my Vista PC, and also via web gui in XP. How can I figure out what setting I need to relax in Parental Controls, to allow me to access my mail? For me it is less urgent than for my son: he is also prevented from using the web gui, and doesn't have the luxury of an Outlook account.

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Annoying Pop-up Windows, Set Password, Activate Parental Controls

Mar 23, 2008

I have Windows Vista Ultimate. Every time I turn on my computer, little pop up windows tell me to set a password as a way to activate Parental Controls. HOWEVER, I do not need Parental Controls - I am the only user of the computer and I have not activated the Guest Account or created any other user account. And I do not want to give a password to myself? How can I stop these annoying pop up windows from popping up EVERY time I turn on my computer?

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Setup Parental Controls And IE7 Add-ons To Work Under High Setting

Mar 15, 2008

i set up an account for my daughter, and setup parental controls and under the webfilter i set the setting to high which is what i want but i cannot get adobe flash player or any other of the IE7 add-ons to work under high setting, but will work under meduim setting. how can i get adobe flash player/add-ons to work under high setting? my daughter is 5yrs, and i just want all of nick jr website to work, right now she cannot watch the shows that they have on the site or play the games on the site. like i said everything does work fine on medium setting but i feel that setting is not right for a 5yr.

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Cannot Open A .dat File And Cannot Set An Association To Open

Apr 3, 2008

Using Vista Home Premium with SP1. I cannot open a .dat file and cannot set an association to open it because .dat is not listed in the Set Association menu. How do I get .dat listed so that I can set an association to it?

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Open Winmail And Found Did Not Open

Nov 30, 2009

Outlook 2007 installed,and working fine. I needed to open winmail and found that it did not open. Found it running in taskman, but there is no winmail program window available.
I have tried:

1)delete winmail reg entries
2)delete winmail storage folders
3)rename winmail.exe file....

None of the above worked. Specifically, the results of points above:

1)started winmail after deleting reg entries,just remade them,is all.
2)ditto for point 2
3)nothing happens when double click renamed winmail.exe...

I dont want to use another program. I needed to visually advise someone about adding signatures,but winmail did not start. Yes I could do an internet search, but that is not the point-winmail is broken somehow and I wish to fix it.

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