While Booting The First Low Res Green Bar Appears The Slides Left To Right

Jul 14, 2008

Vista 64 installed fine however it will give a bsod when booting. The strange thing is it happens at the exact same spot every time. While booting the first low res green bar appears the slides left to right. THen the screen goes black. Instead of displaying the vista logo in the middle I see a bsod flash up and the system reboots. After a few goes it will boot properly and then run fine for hours. I've tried 2 different sets of RAM and both do the same thing. If I go down to 2gb it seems to be fine. I've seen the other thread, but its over 60 pages long!

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Avi Playback In Green Negative

Oct 29, 2009

I downloaded my video from my camera and tried to view it through media centre and media player but it came out in the green negative. Our windows is vista 32 bit. Tried to download updates but came up with messages of not enough space - due to wrong download - was for xp. Then did the update for vista and said it wasnt applicable for the computer. Can you help me please. The computer always did it as it is only a few months old and the graphics card is an Asus EAH4650 and we have done all the updates for it just recently.

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Black Screen After Green Loading Bar

Oct 15, 2009

A few days ago my display settings would not save and each time I restarted my computer they were different. I thought it would not get any worse however now when i start my computer the screen goes black just after the green loading bar. The computer is still on because it makes hard drive noises and my quickplay buttons are blue but the computer does not respond. It starts in safemode but it won't start normally. I have Vista Home Premium 32 Bit with Service Pack 1. Any help would be greatly appreciated to get rid of this black screen.

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ATI Radeon And Green Screen With DVR-MS Files

Sep 20, 2008

Wondering if anyone has a suggestion. When importing a DVR-MS file recorded using Windows Media Center into Windows Movie Maker, in order to convert it to a more compact WMV file, a green screen shows up in the preview pane on the right-hand side. The audio works -- but only green shows.

It's strange because the DVR-MS file plays fine within Windows Media Center.

System is a Dell XPS 410 running an ATI Radeon x1600 pro with the latest Certified driver from Windows Update (8.391.0.0 dated 6/26/2007).

There is a later driver available from ATI, 8.9, but before taking the risk up upgrading the driver, wonder if there's another setting that may be causing the green screen?

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Boots Up To Green Tint Desktop

Jan 2, 2010

I have a compaq presario SR5310F w/ vista home premium 32 bit 08 model. Was working perfectly for two days after being stored 18 months. suddenly it now boots up to a green tint screen with faint, hardly readable characters.

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Change Colors Green Instead Of Blue

Jul 3, 2008

The little blue circle start button, i want to change the color of that to green instead of blue, and the taskbar i want to change to a silver, like how it was in the XP Theme "Silver", i've read elsewhere that there is no XP Theme which i dont want, i just want to change the colors to green and silver, not blue and black, is there anyway i can do this?

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What Green Light On A System Means

Mar 26, 2008

what the green light on my laptop means.

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Won't Load Past Green Bar Starting.

Jul 21, 2009

Alright i have a gateway laptop not too old at all. Running Vista home Prem. The back story is it froze and i hard reset it, upon restart it started to freeze on the green bar screen and wouldn't go past. Using a recovery partiton on the harddrive placed on there by gateway i attempted 3 times to restore the laptop to factory state, i got as far as the vista initial setup and it wouldnt go back to the desktop. Again it crashed doing the same green bar issues. Finally using a disc i found i deleted the partition and reinstalled vista, leaving the recovery section alone again. But it ran fine i thought i was in the good, so i started to try to get the drivers back, i installed the drivers for the webcam, touchpad, and video card. All were retrieved from the gateway support website. It crashed again the same green bar screen and not going past it. Now the issue, using F8 to get to the advanced boot screen none of the options do anything but send me back to the green bar starting the wait for nothing to happen again. i Also attempted to do a factory state repair with that recovery partition, but it sends me to the green bar. Same thing occurs wif i attempt to use the disc to just install vista, it prompts to press any key to load from cd/dvd i do so it says windows loading files loads for a good 3 mins, then just sends me to the green bar again. Also i cannot access the command prompt or i would attempt to delete the partition again. I cant figure out whats wrong and i know as far as ive gone would exceed what geek squad or most the the random computer repair shops could do. And seeing how its refusing to load a recovery from the vista cd/dvd i doubt anyone could get anywhere with it.

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Display, Transitions Blue To Green

Sep 26, 2008

I'll admit it. First of all the specs: Gateway GM5664 desktop computer running Vista Home Premium 32bit. AMD Phenom 9600 quad core processor BluRay/HDDVD player ATI Radeon HD 3650 1gb graphics card (which I just upgraded to.) 46" Samsung 1080p LCD HDTV (yeah, I know, using a TV as a monitor, maybe that's the issue.) Resolution is set at 1920x1080 I have updated the drivers to ATI's newest available. My display issues are as follows. Basically, my display seems to be pixellated on the login screen. At the vista login screen I can see blocks where it transitions from blue to green. The display doesn't look very "crisp" or "clear" like it does on my IBM laptop (set at 1400x1050) with a 64mb graphics card. Say in Firefox along my bookmarks toolbar, there is some haloing around the text. Also, some text seems blocky instead of smooth, even though cleartype is enabled.

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AOE Graphics, No Buttons And The Picture Is Green

Jun 14, 2009

I have a mobile intel r 965 express chipset family When ever i start the game the video playes perfectly and then the start menu comes up but there are no buttons and the picture is green, what do i do?

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Obcessive Compulsive Disorder & Green Progress Bar

May 2, 2008

The windows explorer green progress bar has become a real big drag on my system. I have the ultimate on destops and a laptop. I have been using the laptop mostly and the folder exploring has alomost become a nightmare. The laptop has enough power (2Hz Intel CPU and 2G memory) and I definetely don't think that is an issue here. Every clik on a folder triggers whatever is indicated by the progress bar. It is almost like a search. If I were click on one immediately following by another one and so on, the bar starts up all over again. I have turned off indexing and I don't remember something else. It is like OCD, because everytime vista seems to take slowest possible route to the destination.

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Rebooted & Loaded Green Loading Bar, Black Screen

Nov 30, 2009

I've recently got attacked by some sort of virus malware and my AVG instantly asked me to reboot. After I rebooted and loaded the green loading bar, my entire screen turned black without the windows badge.When I clicked on the restart button, I'm able to get inside safe mode, network and command prompt but not start windows normally.. I've also tried chkdsk command but it showed 0 bad file.

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Boot: Green Light On But The Hard Drive Just Beeps

Jul 1, 2008

my husband's computer won't boot at all. The green light comes on but the hard drive just beeps. It looks at the cd drive but that is it. Is there anything I can do to fix this. I don't have any recovery disks.

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Blue Green Screen Wouldn't Working System

Sep 15, 2009

my problem being stuck at the blue/green screen while making a new fresh install.) Well I first signed up because I have was having install problems. When it got to the blue/green screen it wouldnt do anything. But what do u know.. right when I was typing this it starts to load and Im now on my way installing windows vista 64 bit! (cause I just recently bought 8gb of memory) Well... I guess I would explain my story since Im a newbie... and something for you guys to read.. Well my computer really needed a new HDD because for some reason my old one would always get curupted after like so many months... about 2-3 months? I was wow **** this. I wasnt sure why it was doing this. But my computer was only on a surge so I think maybe a couple power outages ****ed it up. (I already fixed that problem though, just bought a battery from newegg.com, when I bought more things, like my new hdd, memory, mouse and mouse pad.)

so finally my memory and windows vista x64 bit dvd came into the mail. As soon as I got em... I installed the memory then I wanted to upgrade my version of windows xp 32bit (I must say a really good OS at the moment, till when windows 7 comes out) So I tried just throwing in the cd and found out I couldnt upgrade that way. Because I got an error that said "somethin, cant remember the full message but bascially because I couldnt run 64bit dvd when I have 32bit" so no biggie right? Then I was like ok well I can just install it by booting up. I got passed the part that said "Now loading windows vista files" alright not bad... so far so good. But damn I was wrong when I got to the blue/green background. I noticed the dvd wasn't spinning my computer was just sitting there. It was frozen though since I could still move the mouse. So I was like oh man... cmon vista... Well I waited a little bit not to much though cause I think it should just pop up and start working. It wasnt doing that so I knew something was wrong......

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Black Screen Of Death: (green Night Rider Bar)

Oct 11, 2007

HP Laptop running Ultimate....Everything was fine yesterday - attempted to load a .cue file with MagicISO and computer froze.. no biggie went to restart - got the loading shot (green night rider bar) and then black screen of death. Restart - tried all safe modes but will not pass crcdisk.sys..... Attemoted to start from dvd - finally got that working - Go in to repair mode - it finds Vista on by C: parition - scans for problems but can't fix them.. Try system restore - says there are none - which isn't true...tried the command prompt and did bootrec /fixmbr and /fixboot still no change..... I even attempted to do a clean upgrade over the old one, but of course the upgrade option is grayed out...

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Boot Fail: Got The Green Loading Bar But Then A Black Screen After About 20 Mins

May 8, 2010

Last night my pc was running fine and just before I went for some shut eye put my pc into sleep mode today I woke my pc only for it not to allow me to log on, mouse movement only nothing was clickable so after a short while I decided to reset upon boot I got the green loading bar but then a black screen after about 20 mins I gave up and tried a restore last good config.... Yeah nice one it bsod on me At 55% chkdsk and now I get a windows boot manager error file: ootcd

I tried Bootrec /RebuildBcd but it brings back an error that it can not create the new file as the file already exists. I'm not having much luck with the recovery disk for repair options as it can't seem to find the OS and brings back errors of can not recover everything seems on a go slow and ubuntu can't find my c drive even tried spin right and that can't recover a bad sector I'm at a loss as to what to do befor the fresh install option I'm on my last option to try use a back up store disk

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Appears This Newsgroup

Dec 14, 2009

It appears this newsgroup is no longer the place to seek useful answers to Vista questions. Could someone suggest another group that actually conducts itself in a professional manner?

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Appears To Be No Aero

Jun 14, 2009

I've just installed Vista Home Premium recently and there appears to be no Aero. I've checked through the personalization menu, control panel, etc, but still no Aero. I I have a bad graphics card, but it's at least 128MB. My score for Desktop Performance for Aero is 1.9.

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Site Appears As Red X

Jun 1, 2008

Site appears as a Red x and when you hover over it you only get CLICK TO FOLLOW LINK. The sender is in the Safe Sender List and all possible settings have been checked as to the cause. Running Vista Ultimate 32 Bit. It is not a firewall setting and nor is the router firewall doing this. Identical machine with identical software runs perfectly as far as displaying HTML E-Mails in all their glory.

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MP4: Appears As Link To Quicktime

Jun 30, 2009

why in Vista 64, it appears to be link to Quicktime, even though I never had Quicktime installed on my computer And finally, how do I open these files

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Vista Boots From The Cd It Goes To A Windows Is Setting Up Files,then Goes To A Black Screen Where There Is A Lilttle Green Bar Moving

Jul 4, 2008

Once vista boots from the cd it goes to a windows is setting up files,then goes to a black screen where there is a lilttle green bar moving. Now right after that it goes to a blueish screen where there is just the mouse cursor on the screen and just stays there? This is on all new hardware. Also this is a sata hard drive,

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Dont Appears For View All The Pictures

Oct 6, 2008

i can view all the pictures in a post in IE but some of them dont appears in Firefox here is the attached screen shot

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After SP1 Endless License Accept Appears

Apr 13, 2008

Immediately after installing Vista SP1, every time Outlook 2003 is opened I get an "End-User License Agreement" accept window which I click on accept but it happens every single time Outlook is opened! Any ideas on why this is happening and how to eliminate the constant prompt?

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Stationery Path, No Longer Appears

Aug 9, 2009

This was the path to my stationery folder before I used Revo unstaller to uninstall the program "malwarebot remover" C:UsersOwnerAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindows MailStationery. Now AppData no longer appears and the Local folder is empty. Did the uninstaller cause this and is it necessary to have these items in the list? I now access my stationery folder in this way: C:program filescommon filesmicrosoft sharedstationery. Just curious about why the original path is no longer there and if AppData and Local folders are necessary for anything. If so, how do I get them back? I have a new computer an Emachine with Vista Home Basic and I use Windows Mail.

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Sidebar Folder Appears Corrupted

Dec 22, 2009

My daughters lappy suffered a nasty virus attack. I've got it cleaned/working again but the vista32 sidebar folder appears corrupted. Can't even open it. Unable to locate orig install disk. Could someone email the "Windows Sidebar" folder from their vista32 program files or upload here or whatever is easiest?

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Fax Portion Appears As Printer Option

Mar 23, 2008

I just purchased an HP all-in-one. The fax portion of the unit appears as a printer option whan I want to print a documant. However, when the fax is selected, sometimes I get the fax info promt and othere times, nothing happens. Has anyone determined how to send/receive faxes throught their computer without having to print a hard copy? I used to use Winfax Pro, but that (and everything else) is not Vista compatible.

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Printer And Lssas.exe Error Appears

Feb 9, 2010

I'm having this annoying reoccurring problem that whenever I plug my printer into my laptop via USB, a Lssas.exe error appears saying "No Disk DeviceHarddisk1DR4" This only occurs when I plug in the printer. I reinstalled drivers and such but still no help.

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Folder Appears On Desktop - Cant Delete

Jan 8, 2009

been a while since ive posted but i have a problem i just recently installed nero 9 and had a problem installing so reinstalled and it worked but since then i have a programs folder appear on my desktop at startup, i can delete it but it only stays gone until i start up again and bang its back also on a side note, my objectdock wont load on startup, works fine but not on start up anyone have any ideas on how to delete folder from desktop PERMANENTLY??

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Display Off To The Left

May 15, 2010

When starting up Vista, my display is always off to the left of the screen, meaning my start button is way off the screen and there's a black space on the right, like the display has simply been moved 2 inches to the left. I can fix it, by entering NVIDIA Control Panel and switch connector: back and forth between HDMI-HDTV (audio disabled) and HDMI - HDTV (audio enabled). but if the pc enters sleep or I reboot the problem is back.

Now I know the general problem because I had it with xp also, seems my monitor likes to tell my pc that it's a tv (I'm sorry I'm not into the tech lingo). And I've fixed it previously by changing codes in .ini files and ect. but I'd rather not do it on a new crisp clean first time install of Vista, anyone know of this problem and how to fix it for good?

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40 GIG Partition Down To 1 GB Left

Jun 22, 2009

i have and use my pc entirely for a MEdia Center. I created a 40 Gig system partition which is now down to its last GB which i find ridiculous seeing i have minimal applications installed. I have deleted the memory dump file and disabled this function, and run a defrag which now has given me 4GB of space. Now a quick check shows about 22 GIG of installed apps including the OS and a 5 GIG pagefile.

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Globe-like Icon Appears On Clock Bar, And The Bar Freezes

Mar 10, 2009

Every time I log in, after a few seconds, this globe-like icon appears on my clock bar, and the bar freezes, including the menu. I canīt open anything, I canīt even change between opened software. The only thing that works is whatever program Iīm running, which I can continue to use with no problem, but once Iīm done, I have to signout the user to be able to turn it off. I press ctrl+alt+del, and the program administrator opens, but the computer doesnīt let me access it, since it freezes. I booted in safe mode and disabled everything on start up, still happens.

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