VISTA Logonui.exe On Boot Up: Unreadable Run The Chkdsk Utility

Aug 13, 2009

I have a HP pavilion desktop pc bought about a year ago it has worked just fine until about 4 days ago when i first off got the blue screen to check for problems i restared the machine and it started up fine however the next time i power on and off again it boots to the windows please wait then screen stays on black screen with the curser and just sits there. I have tried to start in safe mode to see if i could run adaware and or other spyware removal tools but when trying to use safe mode i get the same black screen. I have gone to the F8 options and run a repair whcih came back with the following errors:

System Volume Corrupt. The file or directory/Program Files/common Files is corrupt & unreadable run the chkdsk utility. Also before this i went in and changed the boot sequence to boot form the HDD? not sure if that may have cause it to throw up the errors above. Now i ran a hardware test and all came back with green ticks stating no problems.

When i bought the pc i was not supplied with the windows Vista recoverycd and updon calling HP was told i would have to BUY it. which i wont do if i can fix it myself. Can anyone please give advise on anything i can try.

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Chkdsk Utility Stored?

Jan 17, 2010

anyone know where the log file for the chkdsk utility is stored? please don't tell me to look in EVENT VIEWER as i can't open it. (event viewer - mmc could not create snap in)

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Run Of Chkdsk On Boot

Apr 18, 2009

Here is my situation and I do not know what is the cause. In the past week four out of five times when I boot up my Vista computer after the initial post Vista is invoked. During the boot process the program wants to run CHKDSK because it says there is some problem on my c drive. Chkdsk goes through all steps and when done and reports the status of what it did it reports no bad sectors, nothing being repaired. Vista then restarts and then goes as though there were no problems. The next time I boot up if on the same day it will usually not request to run chkdsk. However, after the PC has been shut down for a period and then booted up CHKDSK will then again be run unless I abort the process.

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The Vista Scores Cannot Be Taken As A True Benchmark Unless You Use A Benchmarking Utility Written Specifically For Vista

Mar 29, 2008

The biggest factor that explains why your scores between XP and Vista are so radically different is because the benchmark program you are using (you never said which) is likely written specifically for XP. The Vista scores cannot be taken as a true benchmark unless you use a benchmarking utility written specifically for Vista, such as PCMark Vantage. You can then compare scores between yours and other Vista installations. But unless you find a utility that can correctly test and recognize the differences between both XP and Vista, you cannot accurately compare scores.

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Checkdisk Utility And Disk Cleanup Utility

Mar 23, 2008

just a bit of advice needed really. Im in the process of doing a course. It is talking baout how to run chkdsk and cisk cleanup but is only giving instructions on how to do these processes in Windows XP. What is the procedure in Vista?

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Jun 27, 2008

I checked all the solutions for XP, and I tried (I suppose ) all of them, but I still cannot get chkdsk /f to work when I boot Vista Ultimate.

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Cannot Find Vista's Zip Utility?

Jun 30, 2008

Just wondering if Vista has a zip utility? I know about Winzip, etc but XP had a zip utility with it, as did the other previous versions of Windows. I cannot find Vista's zip utility.

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Free HD LED "indicatore" Utility For Vista?

Feb 15, 2009

Anyone know of a good free HD LED indicator utility for Vista? My system is on the floor and it would be cool if there's a Tray Indicator that simulates the HD LED flashes.

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Unallocated Harddrive, Unreadable

Jun 7, 2009

I have attached a second Sata harddrive to my mainboard and vista cant seem to allocate the drive as it claims it is unreadable. I have tried this with 2 different new drives (both 1tb) and still can not allocate the drive.

I have downloaded the latest drivers for my gigabyte mainboard and i have gone into computer management to manage the disks but i get greyed out options. The most that i could do was set the drive to MBR. I have attached a screen shot

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Dual Boot And XP:stuck With The Windows Vista Boot Loader

Mar 23, 2008

I have windows xp installed right now and I dual booted with vista by re-partitioning my hard drive. After encountering problems with vista I delted the vista partition and resized the xp partition back to it's original size. I am now stuck with the windows vista boot loader which persistantly telling me that the windows vista files are not present etc. etc. Is there any way that I can delted the vista bootloader and go back to using the xp bootloader?

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File Or Directory Is Corrupted And Unreadable

Nov 28, 2009

all the .exe files i try to install fails... This message pops up....This file or directory is corrupted and unreadable

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The File Or DirectoryWindowsAppPatch Is Corrupt And Unreadable

Mar 10, 2008

when I try and log into my laptop, at the first screen where you see your user name and then you are asked to type your password, I type my password and get the following message: The file or directoryWindowsAppPatch is corrupt and unreadable. Please run the Chkdsk utility.

From looking at other threads they say go into the start menu etc... however I cant even get that far. The message for me appears at the initial startup screen when I select my user name and where i type in my password. I dont have a disc for Vista so i can't reinstall it.

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HDD Last Sector Unreadable: Readable Under Linux

Feb 8, 2009

I use a 160 Gb Seagate Momentus 7200.2 SATA HDD (ST9160823AS) in my Asus F3Sa notebook and I have the following problem : For security reasons, the encryption software I want to use check if the last sector of my HDD is readable before installing. As it says there is a problem, I wanted to check by myself using the following command : dd if=[harddrive] of=[output file] bs=512 count=1 skip=[total guaranteed sectors - 1]

Under Vista (see dd for Windows on Wikipedia), it returns an empty file, meaning that the last sector is unreadable. Under Linux, the very same command returns data without any problem. The last sector is perfectly readable. Thinking to a driver problem, I wrote to Intel (ICH8M chip) and they replied "We understand your concern but the problem you described is directly related to the motherboard or hard drive manufacturer, not chipset software". Very strange as the problem does not exist under Linux with the same hardware.

I wrote to Asus and they told to me to ask Seagate... I asked Seagate and they explained to me the problem seems to be software/driver/OS related. So... Now I'm stuck and I can't install my encryption software. What can I do. Could it be a problem of Windows Vista ? I use the latest computer bios, updated Vista and latest Intel chipset driver. The HDD health has been checked with a dozen of Linux or Windows tools. It's in perfect condition.

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Installing X64, File Directory Corrupted And Unreadable.

Jun 10, 2009

I did exactly the following steps to get this error:

1) Windows XP Pro (installed on Hard drive C)
2) Two hard drives (C and D)

1) Bootup computer with Vistax64 DVD
2) Choose Install Now option
3) Select C Drive
4) Format C Drive
5) Complete installation on C Drive
6) Install drivers from Gigabyte CD for LAN, Sound, SATA drivers, etc
7) Attempt to access hard drive D

Can't access hard drive D, even though it was never touched by anyone. Everytime I double click I get the error message: "D: is not accessible. The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable." Note: The HDD is not dying, its brand new and was accessed literally an hour ago without any problems. All my important documents are in there, I need to recover them. I have an external HDD ready, but cannot access the drive!

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Corrupt File Directory/ Unreadable

Mar 18, 2010

- I keep getting an error notification every second : autoit v3 regsvr.exe - Corrupt File The file or directory /FOUND.000 is corrupt and unreadable. Please run the Chkdsk utility. Its very distracting and I ran the check disk utility and still no change.

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Windows Update Failure: The File Or Directory Is Corrupted And Unreadable

Jun 18, 2008

I am running Vista Home Premium 32 bit without service pack 1 and have been trying to download windows updates for about a month now. I get a Windows Update error message 8007000b. I ran the command prompt as administrator, typed in fsutil resource setautoreset true C:. And I get a message saying “The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable”

I have tried to download updates 1 at a time, turned off my anti virus And tried manual updates as well. My Error checking is not working “windows can’t check the disk while it’s in use” And schedule disk check does not work. The System File Checker tool gives the message “windows resource protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them”. The windows memory diagnostic tool runs, reboots and does not display any results

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Dual-boot XP, Can't Boot Vista

Mar 23, 2008

I have installed Vista on my C: disk. After that I installed XP on D: disk. Now I can't boot Vista anymore.
I tried with boot.ini. I've read that there's a program called bcdedit.exe. I tried to make that one work on XP, but I failed. I don't have Vista's DVD, and I'm trying to avoid installing XP again. If there's any way around...I would be gratefull! (Is there any way I can edit bcdedit.exe in XP?)

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Dual-boot XP - Can't Boot Vista

Mar 26, 2008

I searched all over the internet for this simple (I think) problem, but I couldn't find any solutions. I have installed Vista on my C: disk. After that I installed XP on D: disk. Now I can't boot Vista anymore. I tried with boot.ini. I've read that there's a program called bcdedit.exe. I tried to make that one work on XP, but I failed.

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Dual Boot: Vista And Vista On 2 Hard Drives?

Jun 19, 2008

There are many articles on how to dual boot Vista and XP, but I want to dual boot Vista and Vista, with an existing installation, on 2 Hard Drives. Currently I switch these in the BIOS, but I'd much rather chose at a later stage, can this be done? Why? Because I keep one of the drives for random software that I rarely use.

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Cannot Get Chkdsk To Run

Jun 17, 2008

I need to run Chkdsk. When I try to run it says it will run at next startup but never does.

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Jul 30, 2009

I started getting this message when the computer boots (and my husband says it jumped up in the middle of something he was doing, so he shut it down)

CHKDSK is verifying files (stage 1 of 3) deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "")from file record segment 92792

What does it mean, what is causing it, what do I need to do and how do I keep it from happening again?

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Vista 64 & Vista 32 Dual Boot Issue

Mar 26, 2008

I had an Vista 32 bit version installed and which was used fine.

3 days before I had upgrade my PC's memory to 4G, then I find Vista 32 Bit version can not recognize all the memory.So I try to install an Vista 64 Bit version for the test to check if the 64 bit system is ok for me.

The problem is, Vista 32 was installed on to the 3rd partition of the harddisk,usually the drive letter will be E in Windows XP and previous version windows, although it in Vista it display as C drive. I tried to install the 64 Bit Vista in to the 4th partiton. After all the drivers and applications install completed,that seems so far so good. Then I find my previous F drive now names C. The Drive C in Vista 32 Bit names E now. When
I try to boot into Vista 32, the error message : winload.exe could not find.

I used bcdedit try to redirect the device and osdevice to E drive, Vista 32 still could not start normally, the system will hang up in the blue desktop background,seems can not load user profile or sth like that.

I have check the E drive, all the files of Vista 32 are still there.Anyone have any good idea about fix the Vista 32 bit boot and keep the Vista 64 bit also?

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CHKDSK Aborted

Apr 12, 2009

I purchased a Dell XPS M1330 with window vista 64 bit around Nov' 2008. I was so happy with my computer and was using it until it crashed on me last month =[Dell support told me that my hard drive was crashed so I was trying to get access to my pictures from my old external hard drive... However my Western Digital External Hard drive 500 GB has given me a hard time to access. [. I've tried many different ways to access my external hard drive but I have not been able to access it at all. I have tried

1. device manage -> designated the drive as J:
2. tried using CHKDSK j: /r/f -> but aborted due to unknown reason
3. tried using CHKDsK j: /r/x -> insufficient disk space to repair master file table mirrors; CHKDSK aborted. (I've done these methods by searching online... xD)

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Chkdsk Does Not Run At Startup

Mar 23, 2008

I have tried run chkdsk /f and chkdsk /f /v as an administrator. I have also tried through the tabs in My computer. I select the option to run chkdsk at startup but it bypasses an goes right into windows. Is there something I am missing. I really need to fix this because I am getting errors in the Log saying I need to run chkdsk.

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Chkdsk Don't Run At Startup

May 7, 2009

chkdsk won't run at startup. Vista Business SP1, Lenovo 30000 N100. I've tried everything including:

- command line chkdsk c: /F
- sfc /scannow
- chkntfs (which says C: is dirty)
- changing registry .../Session Manager/BootExedute value to "autocheck autochk *"
- replacing autochk.exe with 6.0.6001.18000 version
- safe mode boot & command line chkdsk c: /F

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Chkdsk Freezed

Feb 29, 2008

DD has a HP Pavilion dv2000. Last week it starting saying that chkdsk needed to run on start up (there might be a problem). At first it ran to 4% and then stopped - appears to freeze. She left it running all night and then brought it to me. I let run over 5 hours.

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Sfc/chkdsk Can't Work

Jan 9, 2009

I was wondering if these should be ran periodically regardless of any apparent problems or not ?

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CHKDSK Won't Work

Jan 25, 2009

When I try to run CHKDSK on my Toshiba Laptop with Vista 64 it gets to 51% of checking free disk space 5 of 5 and stops. Has done this over and over.

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32bit SP2 Install "the File Or Directory Is Corrupted And Unreadable"

Jun 14, 2009

i have a dell xps m1530 with vista home premium 32 bit (SP1). i recently tried to update to SP2 and ran into problems multiple times. i have tried installing both from windows update and from a separate file downloaded from the internet, and both times the installation aborted itself, saying either "error code B7" or "the file or directory is corrupted and unreadable". i've tried both re-downloading the file and turning off my security software, but neither has had any effect. has anyone else had this problem/know what i should do? i'd really like to update to SP2.

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Chkdsk & Quicktime Dilemma

Feb 21, 2010

I recently have been trying to transfer some footage I took with a camera off a MicroSD card to my computer, but when I go to copy the file, I get an error bubble on the taskbar saying

"QuickTimePlayerMain: QuickTimePlayer.exe - Corrupt File
The file or directory /DCIM/100MEDIA/FILE001.MOV is corrupt and unreadable.
Please run the Chkdsk utility"

I opened up Chkdsk on my laptop and opened up Chkdsk as administrator (Whenever I just double clicked the command prompt box for Chkdsk would just appear then dissappear)

I tried to type in a command prompt after Chkdsk asked me the file type in the fist line but no input would occur. It then began to check itself and everything on the computer.

I would really like to retrieve the footage on the card since I will never be able to capture those memories again.

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Chkdsk Doesnt Run Fully

Aug 14, 2008

Check Disk Gets to Stage 2 17% And just stops.
Brings up the next line awaiting another command as if it finished.
I've tried Doing a System Restore But it cant since the files are apparently corrupted and check disk cant fix them because it doesnt get far enough to find them in the first place. Just wondering if anyone here could give me a tip on what to do. I would reinstall it but my computer didn't come with a vista disk.

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