Unallocated Harddrive, Unreadable

Jun 7, 2009

I have attached a second Sata harddrive to my mainboard and vista cant seem to allocate the drive as it claims it is unreadable. I have tried this with 2 different new drives (both 1tb) and still can not allocate the drive.

I have downloaded the latest drivers for my gigabyte mainboard and i have gone into computer management to manage the disks but i get greyed out options. The most that i could do was set the drive to MBR. I have attached a screen shot

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470 GB Unallocated HD Partition?

Sep 17, 2009

I installed Acronis true Image at one time, it created it's Secure Zone on the c drive, which was huge as i remember.

Anyway i uninstalled Acronis (too hard to figure out) but i think it left behind this 470 Gb partition on my c drive! It says "470 GB "unallocated" when i look at the drive, but that was not there before Acronis was installed' i'm sure.

How do i get rid of that partition, because i think it's uselessly taking up a huge amount of my space?

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Cannot Extend HDD Have Unallocated Space

Aug 5, 2009

I have two 500 GB HDD. I installed software, which added a secret space to my second HDD. I uninstalled software and the secret partition turned into unallocated space. My second HDD now shows 289 GB (the unallocated space is 176 GB). I have tried to extend the HDD, so that I get my 500 GB back, but the information is greyed out. I have formatted the HDD, but it changed nothing. I only use it for backups. Is there anything I can do?

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Won't Partition 1.4gb Space Is Marked As Unallocated

Jun 21, 2009

As u can see the 1.4gb space is marked as unallocated. Sine this partition does not fall to the right of my primary hdd the diskmgmt.msc cannot be used by any means.

Also when i tried using prargon partition manager it tld that it'll extend after the reboot is done but after the reboot it still remains the same. Also the same problem was encountered with eseaus partition manager.

How that partition ended up there is bcos it was an eisa logical partition and wat i did was delete it and den format it to see if there was any change. But till now everything looks fine.

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8MB Of Unallocated Space On Hard Drive

May 9, 2008

When you install Windows XP it always leaves at least 8MB of unallocated space. I seem to remember that it had a possible functional use. Do I need to do the same in Vista Home Premium?

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Unallocated Space Hard Drive

May 5, 2008

I'm running Vista Home Premium SP1. I'm trying to add a new volume (as I think they're called) from unallocated space on my hard drive. However, when I try to do so, it tells me at the end that it's unable to do so as it's hit the max number of partitions. It all came preinstalled from Dell, and there are 4 partitions:No letter - really small, has the tag "EISA configuration" No letter, no tags. Possibly recovery software. Drive C: - Vista drive Drive D: - backup drive How can I add another partition?

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64 HDD: Install Windows, Disk 0 Unallocated Space

Feb 23, 2008

When I am installing Vista 64... "Where do you want to install Windows?" - Window heading Both the HDDs come up on the screen and under 'name' heading its says.... "Disk 0 Unallocated Space" and "Disk 1 Unallocated Space". There is an option "format" but its greyed out When I select either of the HDDs there is a warning message at bottom of screen saying:"This computer's hardware may not support booting to this disk. Ensure that the disk's controller is enabled in the computer's BIOS menu.". Then when I ignore this warning and click "next" it says... "Windows is unable to find a system volume that meets its criteria for installation" Neither of my HDDs will work? Both brand new... there is something subtley wrong but I cant see it.

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File Or Directory Is Corrupted And Unreadable

Nov 28, 2009

all the .exe files i try to install fails... This message pops up....This file or directory is corrupted and unreadable

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The File Or DirectoryWindowsAppPatch Is Corrupt And Unreadable

Mar 10, 2008

when I try and log into my laptop, at the first screen where you see your user name and then you are asked to type your password, I type my password and get the following message: The file or directoryWindowsAppPatch is corrupt and unreadable. Please run the Chkdsk utility.

From looking at other threads they say go into the start menu etc... however I cant even get that far. The message for me appears at the initial startup screen when I select my user name and where i type in my password. I dont have a disc for Vista so i can't reinstall it.

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HDD Last Sector Unreadable: Readable Under Linux

Feb 8, 2009

I use a 160 Gb Seagate Momentus 7200.2 SATA HDD (ST9160823AS) in my Asus F3Sa notebook and I have the following problem : For security reasons, the encryption software I want to use check if the last sector of my HDD is readable before installing. As it says there is a problem, I wanted to check by myself using the following command : dd if=[harddrive] of=[output file] bs=512 count=1 skip=[total guaranteed sectors - 1]

Under Vista (see dd for Windows on Wikipedia), it returns an empty file, meaning that the last sector is unreadable. Under Linux, the very same command returns data without any problem. The last sector is perfectly readable. Thinking to a driver problem, I wrote to Intel (ICH8M chip) and they replied "We understand your concern but the problem you described is directly related to the motherboard or hard drive manufacturer, not chipset software". Very strange as the problem does not exist under Linux with the same hardware.

I wrote to Asus and they told to me to ask Seagate... I asked Seagate and they explained to me the problem seems to be software/driver/OS related. So... Now I'm stuck and I can't install my encryption software. What can I do. Could it be a problem of Windows Vista ? I use the latest computer bios, updated Vista and latest Intel chipset driver. The HDD health has been checked with a dozen of Linux or Windows tools. It's in perfect condition.

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Installing X64, File Directory Corrupted And Unreadable.

Jun 10, 2009

I did exactly the following steps to get this error:

1) Windows XP Pro (installed on Hard drive C)
2) Two hard drives (C and D)

1) Bootup computer with Vistax64 DVD
2) Choose Install Now option
3) Select C Drive
4) Format C Drive
5) Complete installation on C Drive
6) Install drivers from Gigabyte CD for LAN, Sound, SATA drivers, etc
7) Attempt to access hard drive D

Can't access hard drive D, even though it was never touched by anyone. Everytime I double click I get the error message: "D: is not accessible. The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable." Note: The HDD is not dying, its brand new and was accessed literally an hour ago without any problems. All my important documents are in there, I need to recover them. I have an external HDD ready, but cannot access the drive!

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Corrupt File Directory/ Found.ooo Unreadable

Mar 18, 2010

- I keep getting an error notification every second : autoit v3 regsvr.exe - Corrupt File The file or directory /FOUND.000 is corrupt and unreadable. Please run the Chkdsk utility. Its very distracting and I ran the check disk utility and still no change.

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Creating More Than 4 Partitions, Unallocated, Format And Assign A Drive Letter

Jul 4, 2008

Two of us have been searching for hours (forums, newsgroups, google) on how to create more then 4 partitions in on the same drive in Vista. We understand you can't have any more then 4 primary partitions. Here is how the Dell M1530 XPS came preconfigured as:

Partition 1 = OEM (Dell Utilities)
Partition 2 = Primiary (Dell Recovery)
Partition 3 = Primary (C Drive with Vista)
Partition 0 = Extended
Partition 4 = Logical

NOTE: Partition 0 or 4 is for Dell Media Direct. The volumes are:

Volume 0 E DVD-ROM
Volume 1 D Recovery
Volume C OS

Partition 3 is 220GB in size. I want to shrink it to 60GB's. This would leave about 160GB as Unallocated that I want to format and assign a drive letter to (a Volume I guess). We've also played around with DiskPart a lot, so we're pretty familiar with it, although not experts. All of the instructions on the web are the same, as none of them work with more then 4 partitions of any type.

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VISTA Logonui.exe On Boot Up: Unreadable Run The Chkdsk Utility

Aug 13, 2009

I have a HP pavilion desktop pc bought about a year ago it has worked just fine until about 4 days ago when i first off got the blue screen to check for problems i restared the machine and it started up fine however the next time i power on and off again it boots to the windows please wait then screen stays on black screen with the curser and just sits there. I have tried to start in safe mode to see if i could run adaware and or other spyware removal tools but when trying to use safe mode i get the same black screen. I have gone to the F8 options and run a repair whcih came back with the following errors:

System Volume Corrupt. The file or directory/Program Files/common Files is corrupt & unreadable run the chkdsk utility. Also before this i went in and changed the boot sequence to boot form the HDD? not sure if that may have cause it to throw up the errors above. Now i ran a hardware test and all came back with green ticks stating no problems.

When i bought the pc i was not supplied with the windows Vista recoverycd and updon calling HP was told i would have to BUY it. which i wont do if i can fix it myself. Can anyone please give advise on anything i can try.

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Windows Update Failure: The File Or Directory Is Corrupted And Unreadable

Jun 18, 2008

I am running Vista Home Premium 32 bit without service pack 1 and have been trying to download windows updates for about a month now. I get a Windows Update error message 8007000b. I ran the command prompt as administrator, typed in fsutil resource setautoreset true C:. And I get a message saying “The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable”

I have tried to download updates 1 at a time, turned off my anti virus And tried manual updates as well. My Error checking is not working “windows can’t check the disk while it’s in use” And schedule disk check does not work. The System File Checker tool gives the message “windows resource protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them”. The windows memory diagnostic tool runs, reboots and does not display any results

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External Harddrive

Oct 4, 2008

I am getting a 1TB external harddrive and was wondering weather I could basically copy the whole of my C: drive including the OS to it. I also want to boot straight from the external drive. I also do not really care if it is'nt recommended lol. If this is possible would it also be possible to dual-boot with XP? I have both install disks for Vista and XP and I am willing to buy software.

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Harddrive Stuck Up

May 11, 2009

I was about to order a new harddrive since mine has failed. But then I decided to look inside one more time, and found that there are two harddrives in there. I never used he second one at all even though it was always there (i figured it was just one harddrive split in two and never needed the extra space). So I decided to switch the harddrive cords since one was hard to get to and because I have no idea which is the one I was using and which one I never used. I used my recovery disks on it and it seemed like everything was going fine. Then to test it, I shut down the computer then turned it back on 5 minutes later. Then I got stuck on the black screen with blinking "_", and eventually it says failed to boot disk please insert system disk.

so my questions are:
*Did switching the cords make the secondary harddrive the main one,
*Does this mean both harddrives have failed?
*Are my system files corrupt?

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Harddrive Not Recognizing

Mar 23, 2009

i have a maxtor 250gb external harddrive, this morning it was workin perfectly now computer will not recognise it as being there even though the light is on, i have tried, unplugging and plugging back in lots of times but still not working,

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External Harddrive Can't See

Aug 6, 2009

I have used the same external harddrive for over a year but suddenly my computer cant se what on it. It has the letter "N" but shows as raw. Its strange becours it works fine on XP pro and it did work fine on this comp before. Anyone have a clue?

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Harddrive Slowing Down

Jun 26, 2008

When I power on my PC running Vista and having a huge engine, the first approx. 30 minutes something is accessing my harddrive. It sounds as a program is constan tly reading and or writing to the drive, slowing down the entire system. I am using the avast virus protecting, but shut down what I don't need (I have no virus), the indexing I have also closed, and I am not running the Sidepanel (closed down a few days ago). Looking at the joblist I can see no processes using more than 2%, however the disk is used 48% (as shown in the sidepanel). Does anyone have an idea of what I can do to cure this? The PC is a Medion bought late last year. It is my first PC with Vista.

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32bit SP2 Install "the File Or Directory Is Corrupted And Unreadable"

Jun 14, 2009

i have a dell xps m1530 with vista home premium 32 bit (SP1). i recently tried to update to SP2 and ran into problems multiple times. i have tried installing both from windows update and from a separate file downloaded from the internet, and both times the installation aborted itself, saying either "error code B7" or "the file or directory is corrupted and unreadable". i've tried both re-downloading the file and turning off my security software, but neither has had any effect. has anyone else had this problem/know what i should do? i'd really like to update to SP2.

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Harddrive Running At 100% All The Time

Apr 29, 2008

And i can hear the harddrive running all the time, even when the PC is doing

I have turned off indexing, that search thing, and auto defrag and also the superper frech thing but still it is running at 100%.

if i check the monitoring tools it shows it at 100% all the time.

i left the machine on for 3 days doing nothing, and still hd is running at 100%.

i cant do that much with the thing, it can take 5min to copy a 10mb file on the desktop to my documents folder.

I have done a totaly reinstall (and disbaled the above services), and again still running at 100% all the time the machine specs, are quad 2.6ghz, 3gb ram, 750gb hd.

i have also noticed that the avalible memory is 10mb when checking on task manager.

(i have also installed windows xp pro, and this works all ok, so i am guess it is something to do with vista)

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External Harddrive Partition

Nov 6, 2009

Me being me didn't read the instructions properly on the fact on how it does auto backups. So I partitioned the drive in half, now I cannot get the full 1TB back. I have so far tried deleting it, and then tried to extend the first half of it back, but it keeps coming up with just unallocated space

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Booting From Harddrive On A Desktop?

Sep 12, 2009

I am building a PC for the first time and the assembly wasn't too bad. Every component is powering up and seems to be operating fine. I also installed my 2.5" Hard drive from my broken laptop that runs 32bit Vista Home Premium. So after the motherboard posts when i first started up, vista boots but is extremely sluggish.

I am a real novice when it comes to this sort of stuff, but i think the problem is that the harddrive hasnt detected the new components. Aside from the processor it still shows old hardware from the laptop like memory and video card and doesnt even register the second hard drive installed. How can i get vista to recognize all the new hardware? The reason i did this is because i wanted to get around buying another copy of vista if i could.

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Miscalculating 5gigs(ish) On Every Harddrive

Jul 21, 2009

On every harddrive (and every partition) I have a situation like this. 160gig hard drive formatted NTFS of course is actually only 149 gb. That's not the issue.

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Can't Find Harddrive Or Xp Machine

Mar 23, 2008

I got a computer using windows xp, a laptop using windows vista and an external ethernet harddrive(Lacie ethernet disc mini) all connected to the same switch. From the xp machine I find my laptop and the harddrive on the network without any problems. But the Vista machine can't find the harddrive or the xp machine. Sometimes I've found them but then they disappered again after a couple of minutes. It seems very odd to me but is it my settings on my laptop or something with the xp machine and the harddrive?

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External Harddrive Sharing

Mar 23, 2008

I have just perchased an external harddrive. I am trying to share this between my 3 computers. When i go the the drive, right click and go to share, the share button is greyed out. I go to the advanced sharing and click share this folder - when i go apply i get the following error: An error occured while trying to share g. There are no more end points available from the endpoint mapper. I have tried everything in that folder (permissions, etc) and nothing works.

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Harddrive Light Always On Suddenly,

Sep 21, 2009

first off let me give you the spec of my pc, im running Windows 64bit, MSI Dual Quadcore processor, 8 gigs of ram, 2 500gb harddrives, 2 gforce 9800vid cards and creative soundblaster soundcard. Anyways this problem has happened last time after doing ALL these windows updates, service pack 2, the whole works. MY harddrive light stays SOLID now, even when idle, I jsut got home from work after an 8hour day, and its still on? What is going on? I ran virus checks with AVG free editon that came with my pc, I keep everything up todate on a regular basis. Is this normal? It even sounds like I can hear my harddrive running, this is really starting to freak me out.

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How To Find Out The Size Of The Harddrive

Mar 29, 2009

My first post here .....Woohoo. I'm running Vista Business, and would like to know where to go and how to maneuver around in order to figure out the size of the harddrive.

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PATA And Upgrading To SATA Harddrive.

Apr 5, 2008

2 Optical drive using a single flat ribbon primary/slave setup connected to the secondary IDE connectors black 2 SATA connectors Supports: Not in used but enabled by default in bios. should i disable this since it's not use. I'm thinking of getting a SATA harddrive since the price for both PATA/SATA is the same now but i want to find out how to configure a SATA harddrive. Can i use a SATA/300 Harddrive in SATA 150 connectors?

I have two optical drive connected on a single flat ribbon DVD-RW drive as primary and CD drive as secondary. the flat ribbon is connected in the secondary IDE connector in motherboard. Once i upgrade my harddrive to SATA do i remove the optical drive flat ribbon and place it to the primary IDE. Now both optical drive is connected on different IDE connector. So basically i have this setup harddrive connected to SATA connector, DVD-RW Drive connected to primary IDE connector, CD-drive connected to secondary IDE connector. is this the right setup or do i just leave the optical drive in the same connections.

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Wouldn't Boot Up, USB Auxiliary Harddrive

Apr 3, 2009

The Vista machine wouldn't boot up. So I got an adapter that allows you to attach the Vista hardrive to the XP machine as a USB device. I want to do this to tyr to save the files on the Vista drive. So I have it attached right now. The XP machine recognized a USB mass storage device on startup. But I can't find the drive or files anywhere.. I read somewhere to check disk manager but didn't see it there either. I did see it in "computer managment" under disk drives.. but couldn't seem to access it.

-I had an Ipod shuffle attached to the XP computer. I read somewhere this might cause a problem. But I don't know how to dfix it if that is the case.

-will the XP machine read the files from the Vista hardrive?

- do I have to put jumpers on the Vista drive I attached to make it a slave?

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