470 GB Unallocated HD Partition?

Sep 17, 2009

I installed Acronis true Image at one time, it created it's Secure Zone on the c drive, which was huge as i remember.

Anyway i uninstalled Acronis (too hard to figure out) but i think it left behind this 470 Gb partition on my c drive! It says "470 GB "unallocated" when i look at the drive, but that was not there before Acronis was installed' i'm sure.

How do i get rid of that partition, because i think it's uselessly taking up a huge amount of my space?

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Won't Partition 1.4gb Space Is Marked As Unallocated

Jun 21, 2009

As u can see the 1.4gb space is marked as unallocated. Sine this partition does not fall to the right of my primary hdd the diskmgmt.msc cannot be used by any means.

Also when i tried using prargon partition manager it tld that it'll extend after the reboot is done but after the reboot it still remains the same. Also the same problem was encountered with eseaus partition manager.

How that partition ended up there is bcos it was an eisa logical partition and wat i did was delete it and den format it to see if there was any change. But till now everything looks fine.

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Unallocated Harddrive, Unreadable

Jun 7, 2009

I have attached a second Sata harddrive to my mainboard and vista cant seem to allocate the drive as it claims it is unreadable. I have tried this with 2 different new drives (both 1tb) and still can not allocate the drive.

I have downloaded the latest drivers for my gigabyte mainboard and i have gone into computer management to manage the disks but i get greyed out options. The most that i could do was set the drive to MBR. I have attached a screen shot

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Cannot Extend HDD Have Unallocated Space

Aug 5, 2009

I have two 500 GB HDD. I installed software, which added a secret space to my second HDD. I uninstalled software and the secret partition turned into unallocated space. My second HDD now shows 289 GB (the unallocated space is 176 GB). I have tried to extend the HDD, so that I get my 500 GB back, but the information is greyed out. I have formatted the HDD, but it changed nothing. I only use it for backups. Is there anything I can do?

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8MB Of Unallocated Space On Hard Drive

May 9, 2008

When you install Windows XP it always leaves at least 8MB of unallocated space. I seem to remember that it had a possible functional use. Do I need to do the same in Vista Home Premium?

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Unallocated Space Hard Drive

May 5, 2008

I'm running Vista Home Premium SP1. I'm trying to add a new volume (as I think they're called) from unallocated space on my hard drive. However, when I try to do so, it tells me at the end that it's unable to do so as it's hit the max number of partitions. It all came preinstalled from Dell, and there are 4 partitions:No letter - really small, has the tag "EISA configuration" No letter, no tags. Possibly recovery software. Drive C: - Vista drive Drive D: - backup drive How can I add another partition?

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64 HDD: Install Windows, Disk 0 Unallocated Space

Feb 23, 2008

When I am installing Vista 64... "Where do you want to install Windows?" - Window heading Both the HDDs come up on the screen and under 'name' heading its says.... "Disk 0 Unallocated Space" and "Disk 1 Unallocated Space". There is an option "format" but its greyed out When I select either of the HDDs there is a warning message at bottom of screen saying:"This computer's hardware may not support booting to this disk. Ensure that the disk's controller is enabled in the computer's BIOS menu.". Then when I ignore this warning and click "next" it says... "Windows is unable to find a system volume that meets its criteria for installation" Neither of my HDDs will work? Both brand new... there is something subtley wrong but I cant see it.

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Creating More Than 4 Partitions, Unallocated, Format And Assign A Drive Letter

Jul 4, 2008

Two of us have been searching for hours (forums, newsgroups, google) on how to create more then 4 partitions in on the same drive in Vista. We understand you can't have any more then 4 primary partitions. Here is how the Dell M1530 XPS came preconfigured as:

Partition 1 = OEM (Dell Utilities)
Partition 2 = Primiary (Dell Recovery)
Partition 3 = Primary (C Drive with Vista)
Partition 0 = Extended
Partition 4 = Logical

NOTE: Partition 0 or 4 is for Dell Media Direct. The volumes are:

Volume 0 E DVD-ROM
Volume 1 D Recovery
Volume C OS

Partition 3 is 220GB in size. I want to shrink it to 60GB's. This would leave about 160GB as Unallocated that I want to format and assign a drive letter to (a Volume I guess). We've also played around with DiskPart a lot, so we're pretty familiar with it, although not experts. All of the instructions on the web are the same, as none of them work with more then 4 partitions of any type.

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Disk Management: Remove The Recovery Partition And Then Extend The C: Partition

Oct 5, 2009

I recently acquired a Dell Studio XPS 435 desktop with Vista Ultimate as the OS. My plan is to upgrade to Windows 7 in the next couple of months or so. Therefore I won't need the Vista recovery partition on the hard drive. I am trying to eliminate it and add to the C: drive partition. Looking at my drive 0 in disk management I have from Right to left a C: partition 683Gb NTFS with the usual Healthy (System, Boot, Page File, Active, Crash Dump, Primary Partition). Directly to the left is the Recovery or D: drive which is 15Gb NTFS marked Healthy (Primary Partition) and finally to the left is the last partition of 71Mb marked Healthy (EISA Configuration). No idea what that is. Right clicking in the Recovery partition gives several options including: format, shrink volume, extend volume, delete volume, mark volume as active, change drive letter and paths, as well as help.

My question is how to remove the recovery partition and then extend the C: partition. My first thought is to format the recovery partition, delete the volume and then right click the C: drive partition and extend it but I really need some advice so I don't screw up the whole disk. For instance I have no idea what if anything hapens to the drive letters.I think maybe what I am calling partitions are really volumes so you can see I am over my head here.

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EASEUS Partition Master Or Partition Magic?

Mar 16, 2009

i want to extend my system partition on Vista, and my friend Bob told me to use EASEUS Partition Master or Partition Magic, but i dont know which one to choose?

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Extending Partition, Couldnt Make A Partition

Feb 6, 2009

Well for some reason when i wiped my HD clean and tried reinstalling vista home premium i couldnt make a partition until i lowered it to 250 gig. even though when i got it there was 650 gig. So now ive got 400 gig of unallocated space i want to addon to this partition. how would i do that WITHOUT UN installing vista and LOSING my data

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Disk Management & EISA Partition: Delete And Remove To Unlock EISA Hidden Recovery Or Diagnostic Partition In Vista

Jan 14, 2009

I think I messed up my hard drive while trying to erase the EISA partition on it. It's a Gateway P7811-FX laptop with a single 200 GB hard drive. Before, I only had 1 main partition: the C: Drive (176.31 GB), along with the hidden 10 GB EISA partition. After making recovery disks, I followed this tutorial: Delete and Remove to Unlock EISA Hidden Recovery or Diagnostic Partition in Vista » My Digital Life

Following that, I went in Disk Management. The hidden partition showed up, but I couldn't extend the C drive to use the unallocated 10 GB, so I converted it to a simple 10 GB volume. Then I used Acronis Disk Director Suite and merged the two partitions. And now, I can't do anything in Disk Management. There's only one partition now (186.31 GB), but when I right click on it, there's no options to create, shrink, delete, or extend the partition. They were there before, but the only option that shows up is Help.

Under Status, it says Healthy (Active, EISA Configuration). I think I merged the partitions the wrong way, so now there's no "System, Boot, Page File..." partition. Everything is on the EISA partition. When I try to run Acronis, the program doesn't load up. I've tried using Diskpart but I can't create any new partitions either.

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Remove The Partition D Which Is The Recovery Partition

Jul 26, 2009

I've got a Hp computer that has Vista Home Premium 64 bit on it and I want to remove the partition D which is the recovery partition. I have factory backup dvd's, made my own backup dvd's and have a True Image of the drive with both partitions, so I think I'm covered. Anyone know how to go about removing the complete partition?

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Partition Program TO ATLEAST 2 PARTITION

Feb 17, 2009

I don't know if this is the place to post this thread so excuse me if this is the wrong group, I saw none that really applied. I'm running Vista SP1 64bit.

I'm looking for a Free Partition program to partition my external hard drive into at least 2 partitions. Does anyone know of such a program that's straight forward without all the bells and whistles? Also, would I set the partitions as Logical or Primary? Currently the drive is a Primary but if I partition it into 2 partitions what should they be?

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Partition Tool: Not Shrink Partition

Mar 13, 2009

My C: drive is 1Tb in size (931.43Gb), with Used Space of 73.8Gb and Free Space of 857.65Gb. I want to shrink the C: partition down to 200Gb, and use this just for my OS and App files - I'm running Vista Ultimate 64 bit. This would then leave me with a new partition of c. 750Gb for my data files and documents etc. However, Vista will only offer to shrink the C: partition by around 260Gb as a maximum. It will not allow me to select a larger size than this. I've tried turning off System Restore / Shadow Copies, but this makes no difference. Any ideas why this should be, and what can I do? p.s. I've tried using Acronis Disk Director as well, but whilst I can select a new C: partition size of 200Gb, when the system reboots, nothing has changed, so ADD won't work either.

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Partition Is Not System Partition

Mar 26, 2008

I've got a really weird scenario: I've installed Vista on one of my partitions, after a few days it got corrupted, so i've installed another version on a different partition (different disk as well). I've since deleted the first vista installation. Now vista works perfectly on my other partition, no problems. However, when looking at the disk management I can see that the old vista partition's status is:" Healthy (System, Active, Primary Partition)" whereas my working vista partition is: "Healthy (Boot, Page File, Active, Crash Dump, Primary Partition)" My vista partition is not a system partition. This causes some problems, as I can't format the old vista partition. Trying to disable the disk at startup and booting with the Vista DVD doesn't help (it recognizes some problem but when rebooting, nothing happens, no loading of anything).Is there a way to assign the 'System' attribute to another partition and/or to remove the 'System' attribute from a partition?

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OS Partition

Jan 8, 2010

I was wondering if anybody could help shed some light on an issue i've been having with vista (home version running on a Dell XPS 420)

I've set it up with 2 partitions (one with the OS and the other with everything else) My problem is that however big i make up the OS partition vista eats it like there's no tomorrow. I've left it at 40GB but already have around 9GB free......(i completely reinstalled from scratch on Tuesday) so just waiting for more massive updates from Microsoft and that'll be gone. The real trouble is that using the OS installation disk i was given with the machine i cant extend an active partition with out erasing and formatting the partition. Could anyone advise me how to do this without erasing any data? please dont say i have to buy partition magic! surely the chaps at Microsoft envisged this as a potential issue

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Do Need A Partition?

Mar 26, 2008

I am clean installing Vista Home Prem. on my Toshiba. Reinstall, actually. Do I need to install the OS on a partition? Are there any benefits to installing it on a partition? I am not planning on running multi OS on my system, just Vista.

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How To Partition HD

Sep 5, 2009

I have Ms Windows Vista Home Premium. Local Drive C: is at the momment is 429 GB Free of 465 GB I would like to partition it in 2, how to partition it ? I don't want to use other partition software, if posible I want to use from Vista it self,

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Move To Different Partition

Mar 23, 2008

I installed Vista in partition H: so I could dual-boot to XP Pro on C:. Now I'm ready to dump XP and I'd like to move Vista to C:. how to do this without losing anything?

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How To Extend Partition?

Sep 10, 2009

i had 3 partitions on my HDD. i backed them up and deleted them to make room for a custom partition. when i finished deleting them the disk management said i had 2 unallocated partitions. i checked in disk part and it showed only my "main" vista partition existed. my vista partition is "partition 2" and i was able to extend it into "partition 3" (one of the unallocated partitions) via disk management, but i cant add "partition 1" (also an unallocated partition) to my main partition.

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- Can You Partition Within Like Acronis Can ?

Apr 12, 2008

Wondering if i go Vista do i need acronis to split my drive up ?

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Install XP After On Same Partition

Jul 29, 2009

I have a PC that causes trouble with Vista (old software does not run and stuff), so we want XP instead. My plan ist to install xxp into C:WINXP side-by-side with the C:WINDOWS of Vista, and remove vista afterwards. So I don't have to split the partition and can leave data untouched.

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How Big A Restore Partition

Jul 29, 2009

I want to build a PC & I want to create a restore partition so that I can reinstall Vista anytime that I want to. How many gigabytes should the restore partition be? Is there a minimum size recommended by Microsoft?

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Recovery Partition

Dec 31, 2008

My computer tells me that there is low disk space on my D:Recovery Drive. What and how can i safely remove, and will it improve my performance?

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Disk Partition...........

May 27, 2009

Is it poosible to make a partition permanently invisible & lock so that
if virus attacks or any other problem arrise it doesn't effect that
partiton n i easily store my important office data...

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Deleting XP Partition

Nov 7, 2008

i want to delete my Windows XP Pro partition on my HDD as i am running out of space, when i goto disk management in admin tools it doesn't give me the option to delete as it is non-clickable, i also want to merge the XP partition once i've deleted it. My OS is Windows Vista Ultimate 32 bit,

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Resize 32-bit XP Partition From 64-bit

Apr 21, 2008

I have a partition on my laptop with Vista 64-bit as my main OS. The second partition is an XP build (32-bit). I want to resize the XP partition but the built in Vista disk management controls keep bringing back an error. I'm thinking about reformatting and putting on a 32-bit Vista. Any pointers or know how I can resize w/o formatting?

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Set Up A Disk Partition To Run XP?

Sep 12, 2009

I have a problem I can't solve I have a much needed 32 bit program that I cannot run in the Vista 64 bit environment and I need to know what the best solution is to this? Go back to XP? Set up a seperate partition to run a 32 bit environment?

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Reinstalling To A Different Partition

Nov 1, 2009

I currently have vista installed of course on my C: drive, but I want to reinstall to a partitioned drive at the moment it is called I: drive (reason a lot more space on I than is on C).

So I figure a clean install onto the current I: drive.

Now this is where I need help, I do not want two versions of vista on the same PC, I am guessing vista will remain on the current C: drive there by creating a dual boot?

So how would I go about deleting the current vista installed, and put it on my I: drive?

What would happen if I was to format the current C: drive, have my disk there at the ready, would that work?

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Creating Partition (x64)

Jan 7, 2009

I have tried several times to create a new partition using Acronis Disk Director, and it fails with an error code I can't find any reference to.

So then I tried using the built-in tool in Vista to "shrink" my current partition, to allow me to create another. But the max available "shrink space" was something ridiculous, less than 1GB (and the drive has 75GB free).

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