Unable To Map XP Share In Vista - Authenication Fails

Jan 21, 2008

I originally had a WinXP computer which had some mapped drives, one of these being to a shared folder on my work laptop.The mapped drives were used so I could run a Robocopy script to backup my laptop to my WinXP computer.Prior to wiping out WinXP and installing Vista 32 Home Premium, I took a screenshot of my mapped drives.Now I can seem to get Vista to map the shared drive on my laptop. It keeps prompting me for a username and password even though I used the same username and password that I use when I log into my WinXP Pro laptop. When I first go to map the drive, I select the option to "Connect using a different username"In Vista, if I go to Windows Explorer and expand the Network, I can see my laptop (called "Maxs_Laptop")I have set up the same IP address on my Vista machine as there was when it had WinXP Home running on it and the Workgroup has also been set to the same.Furthermore, I've turned off Windows Firewall as I use Zonealarm and I've set a range of IP addresses as being trusted.What am I doing wrong, or what is changed in Vista that I have to adjust?BTW, I can connect to mapped drives on my loungeroom PC which is running WinXP Home, but I think the reason I can is that the loungeroom PC doesn't prompt for a login/password on bootup, whereas my work laptop (WinXP Pro) does.

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Unable To Share Files Between XP And Vista

Feb 2, 2008

Ive just installed Vista Ultimate 64 bit on my comp and im having trouble sharing files with another computer that has WinXP 32bit installed. Ive checked that the workgroup names are the same and that file sharing is enabled, but it wont allow me to access files on my vista machine FROM the winxp machine. I have no trouble accessing files on the winxp machine from my vista machine, but it wont work the other way around. It gives me an access denied error due to permissions, even though I let it have full control. Could this be because the 32bit is clashing with the 64 bit? Because I previously have winxp installed on both machines and file sharing was working fine.

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64 Fails To Access Net Share In WXP Pro SP2

Nov 3, 2009

I have a small network with 4 pcs. 1 is Vista 64, two XP Pro and 1 W2K. Peer
to Peer. All machines could see the other machines shares without problem.
The net browser is the W2K machine.

I had to change the chassis of 1 XP Pro box because of heating. everything
was phisically moved to another chassis, no OS change watsoever, nor
component changes. Now, both XPs and the W2K can see shares in each other
normally, as before, and they even can see shares on the Vista box.

But the Vista started behaving in a wierd manner:

Vista to W2K: sees shares normally
Vista to WXP Pro not modified Sees shares normally
Vista to WXP Pro with new chassis: The XP does not recognize the vista User
and Password. I tried as Administrator, as user, changed passwords in both
XP and Vista, created a New user in both machines with and without password,
and still the XP refuses to recognize the Vista credentials.

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User Accounts: Accessing Printer Share Fails

Jun 5, 2008

I have a Windows Vista SP1 system trying to access a printer share on a XP Pro SP3 system. The admin accounts on Vista are able to get to the printer share with no problems. However, the User accounts are having problems with accessing the printer share. I had read an article on using a local port for accessing the share instead of using network share printer access. When the User accounts try to print, a print error is displayed on the job list and the print does not occur. I have opened up the printer share on the XP box to include everyone and guests to have full access and I still have the problem. Is it a problem with XP or Vista?

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Unable To Access Local Share - Ultimate

Mar 23, 2008

I am trying to access the public folder from another computer on my local network. After failing I started diagnosis at the local machine. I have UAC turned off and have shared the public folder (c:userspublic) with full control, change and read for everyone in share and Full control for everyone in the security tab. I can access the folder in windows explorer. If I select start network, machine name, public, I get a message that \machinenamepublic is not accessible. Network and sharing center show the following:

Network Discovery on

File Sharing on

Public floder sharing on (password required)

Printer sharing off

Password Protected Sharing on

Media sharing off

If I click on the link to show me all the files and folders that I am sharing nothing is displayed.

This is all local, not via the network.

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XP Network - Computers Unable To Share Files

Apr 23, 2008

I have a home office network with one new Dell laptop with Windows Vista Home Basic which I bought a couple of weeks ago, one desktop with Windows XP Pro and one older laptop with Windows XP Pro. The laptops are connected wirelessly, the desktop is using a wired Ethernet connection.

Obviously, there have been never a problem with XP machines. Initially, the Vista machine was also able to connect to everybody else. I didn't even bother to look at the settings because everything worked. Then I went to a business trip, and connected to other networks, including wireless public ones in the airports. When I came back, I was unable to share files or even see other computers on the LAN. The internet connection is working fine though. Oh yes, and I also installed a couple of updates, probably some of those constituting Service Pack 1 as well.

When I checked the network, to my surprise, it turned out that it became "Public" (could this be "guilt by association" - the airport wireless networks are public, so my home network is public, too?). I changed it to "Private". Didn't help. Checked shares, made sure that the users have the same passwords. Ditto. I deleted the history of the airport networks. Still the same.........

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How To Share Files Between Xp And Vista

Dec 16, 2008

I just bought a gatway laptop with vista and also have another laptop with xp. I have a network set up. Both laptops can get on that network wirelessly and can get on the internet with both. Now the PROBLEM, my xp laptop (wireless) sees the vista laptop (wireless) but the vista laptop doesn't see the xp laptop.

I have made the vistat laptop private and turned on all sharing. I also tried to double click the vista laptop icon(on the xp laptop) but got the error message (not authorized...). What steps do I need to take to get the two computers sharing?

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OMG Vista; Share A Folder On Vista To XP

May 11, 2009

I have one Vista and one XP. I would like to share a folder on my Vista to XP. I configured all the things that it needed to be configured....however, my XP can see my vista shard folder from Vista but I couldn't open--"Access denied. Contact Network Administrator".... I have everyone-full control permission on Vista shared folder.

Additionally, I tried to copy a file into my Public folder on Vista..my XP see it but can't open it.."Access denied. Contact Network Administrator"..... Lastly, I also tried disable firewall on my both boxes..but ..still having same problem...

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Vista Setup Network Share File Folder

Jun 2, 2008

I am trying to help someone running Vista Home Premium setup his network to share files and folders with his XP Home laptop. Oddly enough, there are no share options AT ALL. No share buttons or no share options in the context menus -- NOTHING. We've named the network and simply went out to share a printer (which we have the option to share) but it turns itself off. Same in Network and Sharing Center. We turn the options ON and then turn themselves OFF. We've done all the rebooting, etc. and still no go. I have gone through all the disabling of the UAC and ownership and permissions, et. al. but, can't get anywhere without the SHARE OPTION being available. Is his install of Windows Vista Home Premium broken or needing to be reinstalled? Could that be the problem? Could it have been setup improperly? I have successfully done this before on my Vista Business computer and my XP Pro laptop and although i did have a few 'permission' problems, they were at least workable.

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VIsta SP1 Fails To Install

Jun 17, 2009

Vista Ultimate - Win SBS R2 Domain member Symantec Anti-virus Corporate edition ISA firewall client. I have 2 vista systems on my small home network. I tried the push update of SP1 and it failed and I tried the downloaded SP1 and it failed with the usual error codes. I wnet through KB947366 and actually got the long install but it failed in pass 3. My other system had no problems and is at SP2. Both vista systems have nearly the same applications and both are domain members.

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Vista Unable To See XP In LAN

Oct 11, 2008

I got a laptop with Vista Ultimate 32bit and a XP desktop

Both of my PC is connected to DSL-2640T Modem+Router.

I change both my PC under MSHOME group.

My laptop using wireless connection & my desktop is on cable.

I have read some thread by installing a update on XP and reset in Vista but nothing happens.

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May 14, 2009

I am experiencing a whole deal of difficulty running a clean install of vista ultimate x64.

Now upon install it seems to boot fine and get into the initial install setup of keyboard type (US etc...) and the selection of the OS, I select my HDD to install vista on and the installation goes away copying files and extracting files ... then upon the reboot to setup the rest of windows this is where it all goes terribly wrong, i have had several different errors and BSODs examples are below:


Now i have researched all the errors i have had show up and can define nothing in common with them all, I have removed the X-FI creative sound card, wireless kbd and mouse and gone back to basics, i have checked all my hardware and it IS compatible with x64 but still no luck.

My system consists of:

PSU - Thermaltake tough power 1100W
CPU - Q6800 quad core
PGU - EN8800GTS x2
ram - 1G x4 kingston ddr2
HDD - WD 500G

i can get no replication of the error it just goes mental on the initial reboot after installing windows, and then reboots over and over, sometimes it gets further and gets back into windows but then i just get told the pc rebooted unexpectedly or the install was interupted to reboot and reinstall, i have tried to repair the half install but still no resolve (the even weirder thing was i tested vista ultimate x86 (32-bit) and all installs fine.

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Unable To Install Vista's SP2

Jun 3, 2009

I have been unable to install Vista's SP2. Otherwise, the system runs fine and all previous updates have been installed. Will the system be lacking something if I just continue with normal updates?

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Downgrade From To XP, Unable To Run Vista Properly

May 20, 2008

Had a virus on my computer. Friend of mine was able to wipe out my hardrive and start over, and reinstalled Vista, but my pc is not able to run vista properly. When I try to reinstall XP, it gives me an error message saying I already have a higher windows version installed. How do I get Vista off my PC?

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Unable To Open Zip Files In Vista

Nov 19, 2009

Since installing AVG 9 I have a few problems, one which is now known to AVG that attachements cannot be sent in the likes of Yahoo and Sky Mail, this has gone to the developers.

This one may not be AV related so thought I would ask here.

I have been unzipping files in Vista with no problem, after the download of AVG 9 I am unable to open them.

When I right click on the file I do not get Extract all in the list.

I do not know which is the program that opens zip files within Vista and so I am unable to tell it which program to Open with.

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Unable To Play My DVD On Vista Laptop

Apr 24, 2009

Not sure what is happening to my vista laptop. Recently i have noticed that i am unable to play my DVD's. More to the point I am unable to see the DVD player in my computer.

What i have done to remedy the situation is as follows.

1. Booted up and checked the BIOS made sure that the CD was booting first and HDD second.

2. Checked in My Computer properties there was no exclamation mark against any hardware and i was unable to see my DVD detailed there.

3. The DVD player is an internal player and i am unable to detatch and re-attach.

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Unable To Format Vista Partition

Mar 1, 2010

im trying to reformatt my vista partition. Because I feel like it, and its getting a bit laggy.

But anyways, I go and click on computer->vista drive->format->quick format-> error unable to format.

why does this happen!

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After Being Unable To Install SP2 For Ultimate, Reinstall Vista?

Sep 2, 2009

After being unable to install SP2 for Ultimate, my computer now says that I have to re-install Vista. Is there a way to get my data from the computer before doing this. I was in the process of backing up all of my inventory for my store and it reset on its own.

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Unable To Access The Drive From Windows Vista

Feb 8, 2009

Whenever I try to click on X: in My Computer I get the following: X: is not accessible. Access is denied. That's kinda funny given that earlier today, chkdsk /F was able to not only run on the drive but actually told me a few filenames (the records for those files had to be updated). I ran Ubuntu LiveCD and was able to access the drive just fine from that, as well. My question is... given all this, why am I unable to access the drive from Windows Vista? Sure, maybe the drive is going bad, but that doesn't explain why Ubuntu LiveCD and chkdsk /F can access it and Windows Vista cannot. So, short of just abandoning Window Vista all together in favor of Ubuntu, what can I do?

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VIsta Ultimate 64-bit Unable Printe Fucntioning

Apr 21, 2008

I built a new machine using Microsoft Vista Ultimate 64-bit. All aspects of the machine appear to be working as expected, except for printing. I am unable to print to a functioning, directly-connected HP Deskjet 820Cse. I connected an older HP Deskjet 722c with the same negative results. The Vista sees both printers when connected, and says all drivers are correctly loaded. I try to print a test page, and in both printers the printer pre-loads, pulling up a sheet of paper into position for printing - and then stops. After about 60 seconds, the printer resets the printer cartridge, and then does nothing except blinks the power light. When trying to print to a LAN printer (one of the HPs listed above), Vista 64-bit indicates that the PC that is sharing out the printer has the incorrect drivers, yet it works fine with the shared PC running XP. Another Vista Home Premium machine on the LAN has no issues printing to the shared printers.

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Send To Folder Unable To Figure In Vista

Aug 12, 2009

I just bought an acer laptop with Windows Vista Home Premium and would like to setup the send to folder for more destinations. On XP this was a matter of typing send to in the run in startup and hitting enter and the send to folder was displayed.I have been unable to figure out this in Vista. how to do this in Vista?

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Vista Graphic Card Unable To Install

Feb 17, 2009

I purchased a new CPU, RAM, mainboard and graphic card. It's the NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT, 512 MB, 256 Bit for about 100€ (~127 USD). Now that's already a nice card, but for 125€ (~158 USD) I could buy the same card with 1024 MB. That's easily 100% more for only +25% of the original price. Now my question is, using a dual monitor setup with the maximum resolution of 1440x900, would that be worth the money? I heard once or twice that video card memory is mostly related with the resolution.

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Cannot Install XP 32 On Partition In VISTA 64 - UNABLE TO FIND DRIVE

Dec 27, 2008

I have -Dell XPS 730x with 6 GIG DDR3 RAM, Intel i7 64 bit Processor, 500 GIG disk,

I am running -Windows Vista Home Premium 64 which was preinstalled on the cpu

I want to -Dual boot between Vista64 and Windows XP32

So far -I have done everything to this machine from creating a virtual window in Vista64, to going into the command prompt from vista boot disk and running diskpart to clear hard drive.

I currently have -Two partitions on one disk. Primary 200GIG and Healthy 265GIG -Windows Vista Home Premium64 installed and running

The problems im having -every time try to boot from CD and run the windows xp setup, it is UNABLE to find ANY HARD DRIVES!

I have researched that
- I must have the disk partitioned
- Windows XP must be installed first
- I have to play with the boot.ini
- If i install vista32 it will be more successful

The errors I have gotten -STOP: 0x0000008E - i researched this and it said one option is to take out the excess RAM

I will be happy if - By the end of this weekend I can successfully run XP or both OS's in dual boot.

I need to go through all this trouble because - Digidesign has not written software for 64 bit proccessing yet. I need to make music.

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Unable To Get It To Stop Showing Up In My 64-bit Vista UE's Windows Update

Mar 26, 2008

Is anyone else having problems installing this speific KB937287 update? I am unable to get it to stop showing up in my 64-bit Vista UE's Windows Update even though it was a success. All other today's updates were fine except one (KB937287 failed) and then rebooted, but now KB937287 keeps showing up even after successful installs.

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Unable To Installer The Hyper-V Manager On My Windows Vista Business X64 With SP2

Sep 2, 2009

I can't seem to be able to installer the Hyper-V Manager on my Windows Vista Business x64 with SP2. I have enabled the RSATs and it is not one of the options. so i have downloaded the patches from KBs 970203, 941314, 952627. I always get this error: The update does not apply to your system where can i get the Hyper-V manager?

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Unable To Install Get This Error Message Partition Of 40.8 GB For Installing Vista

Apr 16, 2009

i m trying to install vista and i get this error message: I have a partition of 40.8 GB for installing vista. I m using a 80 GB hard drive.

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Unable To Get Vista To Recognize Drivers For My Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 In A Non-RAID Capacity

Apr 30, 2009

I am unable to get Vista to recognize drivers for my Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 in a non-RAID capacity. It's a SATA drive and I am of the understanding that these cause similar problems fairly frequently. In most cases about which I have read, the issue has been solved by choosing the "load driver" option during Vista installation and manually selecting a SATA driver from a driver disk of some form. Unfortunately, this course of action has not turned up any SATA driver on my motherboard's driver disk nor have I been able to find one at the manufacturer's (Gigabyte) website. I am currently waiting for a reply from Gigabyte customer care and am about to look up JMicron's (the SATA controller producer for Gigabyte) website, but I hoped someone here might have some insight into the problem.

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Cannot Share Printer

Feb 26, 2010

I cannot get my 64 bit vista machine to connect to a printer connected to my 32 bit XP machine. I have read all kinds of advice on various forums and the microsoft support site but nothing seems to work. Both computers have been networked for some time, I am able to share files and folders, both computers see the other in their network folder. I have pinged the printer, the other computer back and forth and everything is OK. I can see the network printer connected to the host computer but when I try to connect, I get the message that the server does not have the correct driver(s) installed. The printer prints fine from the XP machine.

When I tried to install the drivers on the Vista machine I was told by HP that they do not have a full version of the drivers for my 64 bit macnhine but could only provide basic drivers which I downloaded and installed. I have tried creating a new port with the host computer name and printer name but all I get is the network path cannot be found. I have followed some of the suggestions for similiar problems on this site where people have had success but those ideas just don't work. The printer is a HP Photosmart 7960 which I have had for several years. Right now I am at my wits end and ready to go back and start over, maybe I missed something minor.

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Possible To Share The Printer Only?

Nov 29, 2009

When you turn on file and printer sharing, both file and printer sharing are turned on. Is there a way to turn on printer sharing only? by default, c$ is always shared on windows XP pro, I am not sure about vista/windows 7 home premium. So there is some security risk with file sharing, while there is less risk with printer sharing.

The PCs are behind the firewall, however, there is a possibility that the PC used by the kids have trojan or are even hijacked (anti-virus are installed but it's still not that secure). So I only want to share the printer.

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New Share Not Reliable

Jun 12, 2009

My client is having difficulties sharing files between two computers. The server PC is running Vista Ultimate SP1 and the client is running Vista Business SP1. Access to files in a subfolder under the built-in Users share seem normal. However, when I setup a new folder directly off the C: drive and shared it, files and folders are not reliably accessible from another PC.

Eventually, I want to restrict the new share to specific users, but initially, I set it up where the Everyone group is a co-owner. After the client computer starts up, it can access all files in the new share normally. However, after about 30 minutes of use, file access slows down. There is a delay of a few minutes sometimes before the close, delete or modify task finishes. Sometimes, the client PC hangs indefinitely and must be shut down.

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Share Drivers And Windows7?

Apr 7, 2009

can someone tell me if these 2 share drivers?? what about win2008/server? are they all on vista cores?

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