Vista Setup Network Share File Folder

Jun 2, 2008

I am trying to help someone running Vista Home Premium setup his network to share files and folders with his XP Home laptop. Oddly enough, there are no share options AT ALL. No share buttons or no share options in the context menus -- NOTHING. We've named the network and simply went out to share a printer (which we have the option to share) but it turns itself off. Same in Network and Sharing Center. We turn the options ON and then turn themselves OFF. We've done all the rebooting, etc. and still no go. I have gone through all the disabling of the UAC and ownership and permissions, et. al. but, can't get anywhere without the SHARE OPTION being available. Is his install of Windows Vista Home Premium broken or needing to be reinstalled? Could that be the problem? Could it have been setup improperly? I have successfully done this before on my Vista Business computer and my XP Pro laptop and although i did have a few 'permission' problems, they were at least workable.

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Setup File Share Between WinXP Home Network

Mar 28, 2010

It has been years, we have been transferring files between our home PCs and Laptops in our home network. But as we updated our Laptop with Vista SP1 & SP2, the network has become a one way only. We can transfer files to the rest of the network PCs, but the Vista Laptop does not let us in. We do see it listed in our network.

We had to re-format the laptop drive and as we loaded the Vista back again, we were able to transfer files two way, but as the SP1 and SP2 update was loaded, file transfer has become one way only. Did go through the setup on the Laptop drive as we did before. What are we missing in SP1 & SP2 updates?

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Public Folder To Share A File, "Network" Window

Feb 2, 2009

I have both a Vista 32 & Vista 64 Acer laptop on the same LAN. Both connect well with the Internet. when I try to see the other computer's Public folder to share a file, I can't even find the other computer in the "Network" window, only the router and the computer I'm working on.

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Network Share Setup Some Files"missing"

Feb 9, 2009

I have a network share setup b/w a Vista Ultimate x32 and XP machines. Using the XP machine, I open the Vista hosted share but found some files "missing", ie. even though they physically exist in the Vista machine, I simply cannot see them from XP. Turns out that these files are missing the EVERYONE in the File Permissions (right click file, properties, security). These are files downloaded using Firefox, and whether they are JPG, AVI, TXT, DOC, XLS they are all missing the EVERYONE permission. If I download the same files using Internet Explorer, the files get created with the EVERYONE permission.

My current workarounds ... which none are desirable are this:Use Internet Explorer, Add EVERYONE permission for each file manually (you have to do this one by one, can't select multiple files and perform bulk operation),Use CMD line utilities like takeown and icacls Note this is a secure home network, and while file sharing using EVEYRONE isn't the safest way to do this, I can finetune this later. The key problem at hand is what I've described above. I'd be happy just to be able to get FireFox create files with the full permissions, same way IE does.

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OMG Vista; Share A Folder On Vista To XP

May 11, 2009

I have one Vista and one XP. I would like to share a folder on my Vista to XP. I configured all the things that it needed to be configured....however, my XP can see my vista shard folder from Vista but I couldn't open--"Access denied. Contact Network Administrator".... I have everyone-full control permission on Vista shared folder.

Additionally, I tried to copy a file into my Public folder on XP see it but can't open it.."Access denied. Contact Network Administrator"..... Lastly, I also tried disable firewall on my both boxes..but ..still having same problem...

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Vista Home Basic Install Dvd For An 8 Pc Network Setup

Mar 26, 2008

In our Language School we have a Multimedia Language Lab (allowing the school
students to access through user name and password an internet platform to do
the exercise work after each class lesson). This system uses Windows Vista Basic as operating system and is based on a 802.11a/b/g Wireless LAN.

1.It is possible to create a Vista Install DVD allowing ??? in case of serious problems with the hardware on one PC ??? to format the hard disk and reload the Operating System, Configuration, Programs and LAN configuration (not exceeding 2 or 3 GB of disk space for the image) just by loading the Install DVD, without the need for calling any expert to solve the situation. I have to explain that recently a similar situation occurred and it took three hours of an expert???s time to reload the whole configuration and programs on the PC concerned.

2.If the answer to the above point is yes, what are the simple steps to follow to achieve what described at above point 1.

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Network Share Failed

Apr 7, 2009

Scenario: 4 PC's. All in the same domain.pc #1, Windows XP Pro pc #2, Windows NT 4.0 domain controller pc #3 Windows Vista 64 ultimate pc #4 windows Vista 32 ultimate Now up until about a week ago every single device could access each others shares no problems. No changes on any pc has been done. Windows Firewall has been turned off as well as defender where appropiate. The problem i have now is that pc#4 is now started having issues with accessing a share on pc#3. Continually getting prompted for username and password. I have even tried an domain admin account which fails. Pc#1 and pc#2 have no issues and are not prompted with username / password related promtps to access this share. Pc#3 can access shares on pc#1, #2 and #4.

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Share Internet Using Wireless Ad-hoc Network

Nov 29, 2008

i have two laptops using vista (home edition), i want to share internet using wireless ad-hoc network, but when i set up this network it doesn't show me Share internet connection. it worked the first time, but since then i can't do it anymore i have the ics enabled

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Networked Computers Work But Do Not Show Up In In The Vista Network Folder

Jan 31, 2008

I am networking Vista and XP. Everything seems to be working EXCEPT the XP computer does not show up in in the Vista network folder. I can access the XP computer by entering \computername in the "start search" box, after which I see all the XP shared files and can access the files as expected. When I run the "map complete network" function, the network map is correct and shows the switch, XP computer, and Vista computer. The XP side works 100%

The only problem is that on the Vista side when you open an explorer window and click on Network, the XP computer doesn't show up. For purposes of debugging, both firewalls are off. Authentication is set to NTLMv1 level, and the XP LLTD patch has been applied.

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Blue Screen: Share Folder

Nov 1, 2008

I get the BOD when I try to share a folder wiht other users on my computer. Vista says it is because of the program "my lock box" My lock box says it is ok for vista so I dont get it?

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XP Network - Computers Unable To Share Files

Apr 23, 2008

I have a home office network with one new Dell laptop with Windows Vista Home Basic which I bought a couple of weeks ago, one desktop with Windows XP Pro and one older laptop with Windows XP Pro. The laptops are connected wirelessly, the desktop is using a wired Ethernet connection.

Obviously, there have been never a problem with XP machines. Initially, the Vista machine was also able to connect to everybody else. I didn't even bother to look at the settings because everything worked. Then I went to a business trip, and connected to other networks, including wireless public ones in the airports. When I came back, I was unable to share files or even see other computers on the LAN. The internet connection is working fine though. Oh yes, and I also installed a couple of updates, probably some of those constituting Service Pack 1 as well.

When I checked the network, to my surprise, it turned out that it became "Public" (could this be "guilt by association" - the airport wireless networks are public, so my home network is public, too?). I changed it to "Private". Didn't help. Checked shares, made sure that the users have the same passwords. Ditto. I deleted the history of the airport networks. Still the same.........

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Connecting To Share In A Network After Password Change

Dec 4, 2009

ComputerA, running Windows XP 32-bit has a shared folder in read-only mode called SFiles with a sign-on of CAShare and a password of ZXJK1122. ComputerB, running Windows Vista 64, in the Network entry of Windows Explorer shows ComputerA. When I expand ComputerA I can see the SFiles shared folder undereath and when I try to click on the folder it asks me for a sign-on and password. I answer with CAShare and ZXJK1122, and it asks me if I want to save this information and I say yes. Subsequently, when I click on the SFiles shared folder it gives me read-only access to the files in the shared folder. This works excellently.

Subsequently, on ComputerA, I decide to change the password for the sign-on of CAShare from ZXJK1122 to NPPP345T. Now on ComputerB when I try to click on the SFiles shared folder in Windows Explorer I get a message of: "Windows can not access \ComputerASFiles with an error code of Ox80070005, Acces is denied."

That's fair enough, since I changed the password for the sign-on. So I want Windows Explorer on ComputerB to ask me for a new password, and I will reply NPPP345T and now have read-only access again which is fine. But it does not do this but repeatedly denies me access each time I click on the shared folder. Surely there must be some way to tell Window Explorer to get a new password from me for this share. How do I do that ? It seems impossible that Vista will keep me from accessing shared folders of another computer on my network simply because it has decided that I can not change the signon/password to the other computer's shares.

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Cannot Connect To Network Share But Reach Internet

Mar 23, 2008

I have a laptop with Vista business edition connected to a domain. I have installed it with no problems. Now when my user got it she cannot reach the shares or connect to the server with \servernameshare I get the message 0x80070035 I logged in with my domain admin user but i have the same problem. We can reach websites and ping the servers works. What can I do to solve the problem. I have bought 4 laptops but only 1 have this problem.

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Share Printer Network: Error 0x00000709

Nov 10, 2008

I try to share my printer on my network I get a error 0x00000709 make sure that you have typed the name correctly and that the printer is connected to the network. I can see the printer all looks good but I get this error.

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Network Share Drive Letters Disappearing

May 6, 2008

I haven't found a solution to this yet: I have 2 network driver established. They reconnect during reboots and are accessible fine. For some reason they stopped being visible in explorer until I explicitly go to them by enteing the letter in the address bar. Then one or both with show up (usually just the one I put in) I also have an internet webdav drive that also does not show up until i put it's letter in the address bar. If I use applications to access the letters, they show up ok in that application's file open/save box.

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Can I Mount A Share To A Folder And NOT A Drive Letter?

Mar 11, 2010

I am running Windows 7, but this would pertain to earlier versions too.I have access to a share, I'll call it \SERVERDocuments. I know how to mount that to a drive letter. That is not what I want to do. Instead I want to map it to my C:UsersusernameDocuments. I have searched online and others have asked this only to be told how to map to a drive letter.

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Hp 5550: Direct Connection By Not Via Network Share Permalink

Feb 7, 2008

HP deskjet OK direct connection by not via network share permalink. I have a HP deskjet 5550 printer connected to a XP pro (32 bit), it is shared. I have no problem using this shared printer either from the local XP machine or another XP machine. I had no problem using the share when I have Vista Ultimate 32 bit installed. However the Vista Ultimate 64 bit gives an error stating the server does not have the correct drivers, and requests that I supply and inf file. Searching the HP web site they state the vista already has the drivers. I connect direct using a USB cable and can print without issue. Even after that no luck connecting via a share.

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Share DVD Drive On Wireless Network (Group Policy?)

Feb 18, 2010

I'm trying to troubleshoot a problem. I have a Win7 Home Premium 32bit netbook and a Vista Home Premium 64bit laptop on a wireless network. I'm able to share files, folders, and a printer with no problem, but I can't seem to share the DVD drive on the laptop. I want to be able to install software on the Win7 netbook using the Vista laptop's DVD drive over the network. The DVD drive is shared and given full control permission. It shows up on the Win7 netbook, but when I try to access it, it says Windows cannot access (drive name). You do not have permission to access (drive name). Contact your network administrator to request access.

After browsing the net for a solution, I think an entry in the Vista registry is restricting access to the drive through a group policy. I saw on another forum where changing the Default value to 0 may correct this issue. I also changed the ValueType value to 0. Neither worked for me. Then I noticed that DisplayName value, @wsecedit.dll,-59098. (See picture) I researched and found out that it had something to do with a Group Policy restriction. Since there is no Group Policy Editor for Vista Home Premium, could I simply delete that entry? How else could I change or edit that? (I saw on this forum where someone is working on Group Policy Editor for all versions of Vista).

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Run Application Located In Network Share From Command Prompt...

May 8, 2008

I am running Vista Business Edition I have a shared folder c:share on my hard drive, and I mapped that to my z: Now from command prompt which is launched with Admin privileges, i am not able to run any application located in Z:. for example Z:
est.exe...It gives an error - System cannot find the drive specified. How should i resolve this or in vista, we cant run any application located in network share from command prompt?

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Home Network: Cannot Open Share Created Files

Jun 29, 2008

There was no problem to see all computers and share files between them. Now new computer FIVE Vista 64 came to Home Network. I see all computers in my Home Network but I cannot open any computers ONE, TWO, and THREE (with Vista 32) from FIVE as well cannot open FIVE from ONE, TWO and THREE. (I am looking for share created files.) Computers ask me for “User Name” and “Password”. So far I never created User Names and Password for any of my computers

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Share File Error Not Accessible

Mar 8, 2009

I have a network setup between my PC and a laptop. both running vista. The network folders can be accessed from the laptop but not from the PC.the PC cannot even connect to its own shared files with the following error; not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions. The specified network provider name is invalid.
networks are both set to private with discovery and file sharing on. both have password protected sharing.

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Un-share Folders: You Could Not Stop Sharing The Selected Folder

May 25, 2008

I have two user accounts, one is an administrator. I don't want the standard account to be able to view the data in my account. I tried to "un-share folders but I keep getting this error message 'You could not stop sharing the selected folder.' Further info says that this folder is in a shared folder, huh? It shouldn't be.

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Stop Vista Home Premium From Locking Up When I Right Click On A File In A Folder

Oct 28, 2009

how to stop Vista Home Premium from locking up when I right click on a file in a folder. Why is this constantly happening? It's becoming annoying to the point of making me dread doing some of my work where right clicking is necessary.

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How To Setup VPN And Network Drive?

Jul 1, 2008

I would like to setup a VPN so that i can share my home videos and pictures with my family across the state. I would like to be able to setup a network drive so that vista media center can monitor it. This way we could turn on vista and browse to the vids or pics and see what is new. This would save a lot of hassle of emailing them all the time. We all have the same dynamic isp, routers and Vista proff or ultimate. So i'm thinking that if i can get 2 computers to work like i want over a VPN then i'll have no problem with the rest of the families computers. I have used Cisco to successfully setup a vpn across country using one computer with vista and the other with xp. Is vista's vpn setup similar to cisco's? Is Vista capable of creating what i described above?

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How Setup Network Printer

Mar 23, 2008

if anyone knows if setting up a network printer in Vista is profile specific. I know currently with XP, if you setup a network printer it only shows up for the user that is logged into the pc. To get around that currently, we setup a local print port and point it to the print server.

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Trying To Setup A Small Home Network

Feb 6, 2009

I've been trying for a while now, to connect 3 of my computers in a small home network. As far I understand all I have to do is have a wireless router. and then put all 3 computers under the same workgroup, then they should be able to see each other. I do have a trend micro firewall, which I put under the profile small home network.

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Setup Network Not Installing Drivers

May 30, 2009

Today, I've re-installed Vista about 4 freakin times from scratch. Every time, I have setup my network (not installing any drivers) and download these two apps: VMWARE Workstation 6.5.0 (full version, not pirated, etc), and Alchohol 52%. Every time I install Alcohol 52% and restarted my computer, it would always go into an endless loop, or give me the Blue Screen of Death. On Alchohol's website, it said that it is 100% Vista compatible. I know that it is, because I've installed it on Windows 7 and in Windows Vista (vmware install) before. When I install Ubuntu Linux, however, I get no BSOD's. Alchohol runs perfectly under WINE (hahaha). Vista sucks. 4 times. Called M$ and they said (in other words, obviously), that they don't give a crap what runs under vista.
yes, i've right-clicked, run as admin, etc, all vista sh*** that we need to do to install a program. So, 4 BSOD's in one day. M$. Windows Vista; A life without walls. yeah, right.

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LAN Setup Temporary Wired Ethernet Network

Feb 6, 2009

I provide the technical support for an international photographic competition and this involves setting up a temporary wired Ethernet network to interconnect several laptops during our entry processing or judging sessions. This network uses a small 5-port Fast Ethernet switch and fixed IP addresses.

I only used laptops running Windows XP and everything was fine. I'm now trying to add a new laptop running Vista Home Premium and am hitting problems due to my total lack of any previous Vista experience. I have managed to set the IP address on the Vista laptop but it cannot 'see' any other machines on the network and the XP laptops cannot gain access to the Vista machine.

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Setup Can't Update File

Apr 6, 2009

I am trying to install Microsoft Office 2003 and I keep getting the following error message: Error 1913. Setup cannot update file C:Windowswin.ini. Verify that the file exists exists in your system and that you have sufficient permissions to update it. I have tried to open the cd and run it as an administrator and that did not work either. Since this is a new laptop, the trial version for 2007 was installed but i believe i removed it. I know this was a post long ago but I still can not get this to work. SP1 is installed on this laptop.

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Can't Installing Setup.exe File

Mar 23, 2008

so i used flashget to download a game patch and then tried running it it got to the bit were vista ask you weather to allow or cancel. so i cliked allow then nothing happens. any1 know wat to do?

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Emai Setup: Wireless Connection To An Unsecured Network

Mar 23, 2008

I have a wireless connection to an unsecured network so i don't think i have an ISP

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