Emai Setup: Wireless Connection To An Unsecured Network

Mar 23, 2008

I have a wireless connection to an unsecured network so i don't think i have an ISP

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Limited On Secure Network Fine On Unsecured

Mar 25, 2009

One new computer using Vista Home. Installed wireless network card and ran software. Found and established connection to wireless network in the office. Then....I setup the network to be secured, connected with a Win XP computer with no problems using the correct key. Did the same process with the Vista computer, found the network, asked for key, entered correct key and have limited connection. Reset everything on network. Switched back to unsecured and hooked right up. Disabled firewall, the only thing running is McAfee Total Protection, no firewalls.

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Unidentified Network Wireless Connection

May 17, 2008

On my new laprop with Vista Home Premium I have several network connections for the different locations at home. Beside the wireless internet connection I have a wired and a wireless connection to my local network,, which ends up in a proxy server for the internet connection. My wireless connection directly to the internet (IP=3D192.168.1.51) is correctly identified with the name of my wireless router. The other network connections (IP 10.1.1.x) are identified as "Unidentified network" and declared as "Public". I always have to manually redefine it as "Private" but did not find a possibility to change the name. Is there a way to permanently set the desired values?

I also have a problem that the connection to my XP business desktop breaks down after a while. I have a mapping to a share (c$) which works prefectly for a while but after some time (don't have enough experience yet how long it actually takes) copying files from vista to XP is not possible anymore, while the opposite direction is still OK. I guess it cannot be a fierwall problem, I have turned off the Windows firewall and use a desktop firewall that works OK all the time.

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Wireless Network Connection Periodically Is Dropped

Oct 5, 2009

I have a desktop PC (running XP Pro) connected by wire to my router and it
has no problems. I also have a Dell Studio 1555 laptop (running Vista 64
Home Premium) connected to the router by wifi and it works fine most of the
time. Every once in a while, maybe every 3 or 4 days) the lapto shows that
it is disconnected from the network. When I try to reconnect it never
reconnects. The only solution I have found is to reboot and then connection
to the network always is fine.

I have a second router and tried it and have the exact same problem so it is
not the router. I have seen some items on the web which indicate that Vista
might be the problem but I have not seen any solutions.

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Wireless Network Connection:how Can Get This Back To Mynet

Aug 4, 2008

Ultimate, Premium, Pro & Home. Installed new router and changed network name from mynet to MyNet. After signing on with new key I now have Mynet 2 under wireless network connection and in the system tray. Not causing any problems but this isn't what I wanted. On the other OSs how can I sign on with the new key and not get a second wireless network connection of MyNet 2? On Premium how can I get this back to mynet or MyNet (without the 2)

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Wireless Connection Works, Cable Connection Does Not!

May 15, 2009

I am having the worst problems connecting using a cable connection, which I need because as I am in Europe at the moment, many sites or private homes are not equipped with wireless. Now, when I connect with cable, everything seems to be working fine, the Toshiba connectivity doctor tells me I am connected, the diagnose program assures me that the problem has been resolved etc. etc. and yet whenever I try to connect (IE, Mozilla, Google, I have tried them all), I get an error screen. I have tried everything I could think of, checking my settings etc. Nothing works.

Let me emphasize that:
1) wireless connection works fine
2) it is a problem with my computer, not the host, since I have encountered
the same problem everywhere (libraries with password protected access,
private homes without password protected access etc.).

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Connecting A Sony Vaio To Wireless Network: Switch On Wireless Adaptor Capability

Mar 23, 2008

a friend has a new sony vaio with vista home premium installed. For some reason it will not connect to my netgear router wirelessly. I have tried everything. I am however not too hot on Vista as this is my first time with it. The adaptor says its on, but when you interegate it and ask why it wont connect it keeps telling me "switch on wireless adaptor capability". In the network connections it is on, the switch on the front right is swiitched on and the wireless network light on the front is on. The network is fine and working as i have my laptop connected to it. All security is present and entered. It seems to be the computer as it doesnt find any networks when there are loads in the area. Am i missing something exceptionally obvious? Does Vista have another "on" switch for this adaptor?

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Connection Terminated-MCE Extender Setup

Mar 24, 2009

I have tried everything that I could find on the net in the last week, and this is my last step before I call Microsoft. I cannot access media center on my 360.

I tried to hook up my 360 as an extender. It connected to my vista pc with no problem but when I tried to play an internet video, my x-box would lock up. Note: that my own pictures and videos played fine and some of the internet videos, like "news", played fine also.

Before I got carried away with diagnosis I thought I would check for updates on my pc. First, I found that my old Antivirus software was now available for 64bit OS so I dumped McAfee (hated Mcafee) and reloaded PC tools Spyware Dr. w/ AV & decided to purchase Reg Mechanic also at the same time. I ran the AV and Registery Mechanic and fixed all errors and then retried to run the videos on the MCE x-box. Now I get either "Connection Terminated" or "Connection Failed" every time I try to set it up.....

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Wireless Connection Without Selection The Connection

Mar 24, 2008

With Vista, I can get internet for my new Dell XPS laptop over the wireless connection without doing anything other than selecting the connection. No user name or password is needed. But to plug in directly into my cable modem, it does not work. Seems to require user name and password. But I use Verizon and a Motorola SB5101 modem and while it is broadband, I did not think it is pppoe. I don't even know of any user name or password for my account. Am I wrong, is all broadband pppoe? My internet connection works just fine without asking for pppoe login info when I use my desktop with Windows XP. So, it seems to Vista specific problem.

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WRT54GS Wireless Linksys Router: Reset Button On The Back Of The Wireless Router But Will This Reset My Wireless Network

Dec 11, 2009

I have forgotten the Username and Password for the Login ID... and it is not the default (Username: *blank* Password: admin). I have heard you can hold the reset button on the back of the wireless router but will this reset my wireless network? By that i mean... will i be able to connect with my laptop still through that wireless network or will i have to set it up again?

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Not Finding Wireless Network: Network Cable Is Nplugged

Nov 27, 2008

I have bought DD a laptop for Christmas and thought I'd get it all set up beforehand. I already have a wireless network here at home, with 2 desktops running xp) and a macbook, they connect via a belkin wireless modem router. Vista however, doesn't even find a network, I get a message saying the network cable is nplugged. Its wireless enabled and the switch is on

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How To Setup VPN And Network Drive?

Jul 1, 2008

I would like to setup a VPN so that i can share my home videos and pictures with my family across the state. I would like to be able to setup a network drive so that vista media center can monitor it. This way we could turn on vista and browse to the vids or pics and see what is new. This would save a lot of hassle of emailing them all the time. We all have the same dynamic isp, routers and Vista proff or ultimate. So i'm thinking that if i can get 2 computers to work like i want over a VPN then i'll have no problem with the rest of the families computers. I have used Cisco to successfully setup a vpn across country using one computer with vista and the other with xp. Is vista's vpn setup similar to cisco's? Is Vista capable of creating what i described above?

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How Setup Network Printer

Mar 23, 2008

if anyone knows if setting up a network printer in Vista is profile specific. I know currently with XP, if you setup a network printer it only shows up for the user that is logged into the pc. To get around that currently, we setup a local print port and point it to the print server.

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Trying To Setup A Small Home Network

Feb 6, 2009

I've been trying for a while now, to connect 3 of my computers in a small home network. As far I understand all I have to do is have a wireless router. and then put all 3 computers under the same workgroup, then they should be able to see each other. I do have a trend micro firewall, which I put under the profile small home network.

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Setup Network Not Installing Drivers

May 30, 2009

Today, I've re-installed Vista about 4 freakin times from scratch. Every time, I have setup my network (not installing any drivers) and download these two apps: VMWARE Workstation 6.5.0 (full version, not pirated, etc), and Alchohol 52%. Every time I install Alcohol 52% and restarted my computer, it would always go into an endless loop, or give me the Blue Screen of Death. On Alchohol's website, it said that it is 100% Vista compatible. I know that it is, because I've installed it on Windows 7 and in Windows Vista (vmware install) before. When I install Ubuntu Linux, however, I get no BSOD's. Alchohol runs perfectly under WINE (hahaha). Vista sucks. 4 times. Called M$ and they said (in other words, obviously), that they don't give a crap what runs under vista.
yes, i've right-clicked, run as admin, etc, all vista sh*** that we need to do to install a program. So, 4 BSOD's in one day. M$. Windows Vista; A life without walls. yeah, right.

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LAN Setup Temporary Wired Ethernet Network

Feb 6, 2009

I provide the technical support for an international photographic competition and this involves setting up a temporary wired Ethernet network to interconnect several laptops during our entry processing or judging sessions. This network uses a small 5-port Fast Ethernet switch and fixed IP addresses.

I only used laptops running Windows XP and everything was fine. I'm now trying to add a new laptop running Vista Home Premium and am hitting problems due to my total lack of any previous Vista experience. I have managed to set the IP address on the Vista laptop but it cannot 'see' any other machines on the network and the XP laptops cannot gain access to the Vista machine.

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Vista Home Basic Install Dvd For An 8 Pc Network Setup

Mar 26, 2008

In our Language School we have a Multimedia Language Lab (allowing the school
students to access through user name and password an internet platform to do
the exercise work after each class lesson). This system uses Windows Vista Basic as operating system and is based on a 802.11a/b/g Wireless LAN.

1.It is possible to create a Vista Install DVD allowing ??? in case of serious problems with the hardware on one PC ??? to format the hard disk and reload the Operating System, Configuration, Programs and LAN configuration (not exceeding 2 or 3 GB of disk space for the image) just by loading the Install DVD, without the need for calling any expert to solve the situation. I have to explain that recently a similar situation occurred and it took three hours of an expert???s time to reload the whole configuration and programs on the PC concerned.

2.If the answer to the above point is yes, what are the simple steps to follow to achieve what described at above point 1.

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Setup File Share Between WinXP Home Network

Mar 28, 2010

It has been years, we have been transferring files between our home PCs and Laptops in our home network. But as we updated our Laptop with Vista SP1 & SP2, the network has become a one way only. We can transfer files to the rest of the network PCs, but the Vista Laptop does not let us in. We do see it listed in our network.

We had to re-format the laptop drive and as we loaded the Vista back again, we were able to transfer files two way, but as the SP1 and SP2 update was loaded, file transfer has become one way only. Did go through the setup on the Laptop drive as we did before. What are we missing in SP1 & SP2 updates?

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Vista Setup Network Share File Folder

Jun 2, 2008

I am trying to help someone running Vista Home Premium setup his network to share files and folders with his XP Home laptop. Oddly enough, there are no share options AT ALL. No share buttons or no share options in the context menus -- NOTHING. We've named the network and simply went out to share a printer (which we have the option to share) but it turns itself off. Same in Network and Sharing Center. We turn the options ON and then turn themselves OFF. We've done all the rebooting, etc. and still no go. I have gone through all the disabling of the UAC and ownership and permissions, et. al. but, can't get anywhere without the SHARE OPTION being available. Is his install of Windows Vista Home Premium broken or needing to be reinstalled? Could that be the problem? Could it have been setup improperly? I have successfully done this before on my Vista Business computer and my XP Pro laptop and although i did have a few 'permission' problems, they were at least workable.

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Wireless LAN Connection

Oct 4, 2009

I use Window Vista. I have no problem connecting to the internet if I use a normal cable but when I use my wireless LAN AP, my PC can detect the wireless router with no problem at all but then my PC could not connect to the Internet (the Earth). My wireless router is a IEEE 802.11 LAN. I believe this is related to some codes or something that I should enter?

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Microphone With Wireless Connection

Jun 25, 2009

Recently when using Skype, my microphone is very scratchy when I am on wireless. I thought that it was the microphone. However, if I am on a hard wired connection, the microphone is fine. Also an external microphone works fine even when I am on the same wireless connection. I am in China, need to talk with family. I have a Toshiba Satellite laptop. My wife has the same computer and hers works fine on wireless. So I don’t feel that it is the wireless connection.

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Wireless Connection Not Turing

Jun 15, 2008

My wireless is not turning on so that I can connect to my home wireless network. The wireless is set to "on" on the switch on my computer. When I reset my computer, the light turns on as if the wireless is working. As vista starts up, the light and wireless connection remain active, but as soon as vista is done starting up, the light indicating my wireless radio is on turns off and I can't connect to any wireless

Does this make sense? other computers in the house are connecting fine to the wireless but my computer is dropping it before i can even connect.

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Securing A Wireless Connection

May 28, 2009

My son's got a Vista laptop running off a wireless Linksys router. It's been running great for almost 2 years but for some reason his wireless connection recently went from `secured' to `unsecured'. Have no idea what caused this change. Nothing was done to the router. Can anyone tell me how to re-secure his current wireless connection? Perhaps there are some MS sites out there that can provide step by step directions.

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Wireless Connection Not Connect

Jun 1, 2008

I cannot connect to my wireless network after reintsalling Vista on my notebook. I hvae an HP dv6139us notebook. I can see the newtork and I can try to connect but everytime I try to, it does not connect for an unknown reason. I have a secure network and i put the correct passphrase in as all my other computers connect with no problems. I have also dover a little deeper into this and when you look and the nwetwork and sharing center and click view full map, under the drop down menu there is an error message that states, network adapter is not enabled. How do i enbale the adatper? As I have checked this in the device manager and it shows that this is enabled. I am totally confused and lost and about to pull my hair out.

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Wireless Connection Not Working

Aug 20, 2009

Have installed vista over xp everything fine except my wireless connection press switch but have been told software update or driver needed for acer aspire 1690 anyone know where I can look? my belkin adaptor allows me to connect fine.

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Wireless Connection Can't Work

Apr 17, 2010

Vista HP 32bit....When I power on my laptop after not using the Power off.....so its coming out of Sleep....and you see RESUMING WINDOWS.....9 out of 10 times I won't get connected to my Router. I have used the Diagnostic Tool...and get the same results, which is, power off the Router...and power it back on...and when I do that, I do get re-connected.

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Connection Wireless Can't Working

Nov 24, 2008

I've been having this issue ever since I bought my new tablet pc. I am connected wirelessly to a network here at work. I've never had an issue with any other computer before until this one. I'm using a Vista 64 ultimate and this is my issue. I connect to the wireless network... I can browse the internet just fine. I have a shortcut on my desktop \ Once I click on that it ask me for my user id and password so I enter and I then get to the network folder. After a few seconds it says Not Responding and I can no longer connect to the network or the internet although I can ping all internet addresses just fine. Disconnecting from the wireless and reconneting does not work... Disabling and reenabling doesn't work either. I have to shut down the pc and restart for it to come back up.

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Wireless Connection Failed

Sep 14, 2008

Am using a Vista (Dell Inspiron 1525) laptop to access a Lyncsys network and keep getting nabove message.

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Can't Working Wireless Connection

Aug 29, 2009

I have a Compaq Presario f730US. I run Vista 32bit. When I got the computer back the next day, I could no longer get wireless. The Wireless button on the front won't turn blue. I have tried installing the drivers. I can use the ethernet but I got a laptop so I woulldn't be on a leash.

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Wireless Not Working. Wireless Network Detection Has Stopped Working

Apr 11, 2009

I am using a windows Vista 32 bit home premium notebook computer for which the wireless network detection has stopped working. I updated the driver for the built in wireless card with out any results. I also tried a plug in wireless card which windows detected and said was working properly and this did not work either. This leaves me to believe that something is wrong with the OS. I can get on the internet via dialup modem and also by the ethernet connection with a DSL modem. I have been to several hotspots that I know have wifi and no networks show up. All critical windows updates have been installed.

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Wireless Connection But No Internet Access...

Sep 26, 2009

I have been on the phone collectively for 6 hours with AT&T as well as had a technician out here to look at this problem. I have a new wireless router box. The whole At&T system went down briefly (tvs and all). When it booted back up my computer wouldn't recognize the wireless network. After getting a new box, it will now recognize the wireless network in my home. It says I am connected to the network with excellent strength but I still cannot get online. My desktop works fine and I plugged the ethernet cable into my computer and it still won't get online being hardwired to the router. My firewalls are turned off. I have run an ipconfig with the following message:...................

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