Spore Creature Creator Crash?

Jun 18, 2008

OK, my Dell Dimension E521 running Vista Business SP1 does NOT like Spore Creature Creator. (single core, 1 gig ram, integrated HD audio chip (SigmaTel), GeForce 7300 LE PCIe card) I installed the Trail version yesterday and no problems. I used the EA Downloader to download the full version and quickly found out that you had to uninstall the trial to get the full version to install correctly.

After installing the full version, I started the game and the game crashes
shortly after the EA Logo appears on screen.I went through my registry and striped out all the Spore entries and reinstalled, but I am getting the same crash on start-up.

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Spore Fan:theme For Vista Related

Mar 17, 2009

I'm a real fan of spore.Does anyone now of a theme for vista related to spore e.g a full theme,sound pack,cursor pack or anything else.

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Free Pdf Creator?

May 27, 2008

Does anyone know of a free pdf creator that will work with Vista? I'm not looking for a program that just functions as a printer. I want to be able to create a pdf, continually add to it, and create bookmarks in it.

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Can Not Roxio Creator 10

Jul 31, 2008

I have tried everything but can not get Roxio Creator 10 to upgrade my Dell Desktop from verison 9 ...After 3 hours of trying everything ... I am at a lost ...

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Keyboard Utility (Creator?)

Dec 7, 2009

I would like to find the Microsoft Keyboard Utility (Creator?) which I had downloaded from the company's Web site. how I can reach the appropriate page? Is it compatible with 64 bit systems. I have used it with XP and Vista 32 bit. but I have since moved to Win 7 64 bit.

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Roxio Creator 9, Cannot Use Cineplayer

Feb 6, 2009

I have Roxio Creator 9 (which works fine on my desktop XP machine) on my Vista Sp1 laptop and cannot use Cineplayer. After the flash screen shows for several seconds I get "Cineplayer has stopped working" and a second message asking to close the program. I did a clean install (twice) and all other Creator applications work as expected.

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Roxio Creator Pro :didnt Work

Nov 22, 2009

i recently installed roxio creator pro and was having trouble burning cds so i uninstalled still didnt work and i reinstalled and uninstalled again now it doesnt reckognize any discs cd or dvd it just kicks them out and says please put in disc. everything was working fine til i tried the roxio did i lose the drivers or what and the unit is fine.

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Unable To Get Roxio Easy Media Creator To Work

Dec 31, 2008

I have not been able to get my Roxio Easy Media Creator to work. When I click on any of the icons, it says that the 'certificate is invalid or corrupted' and wants me to reinstall it. Is there some way of repairing this short of a complete reinstall? I have the Roxio disk supplied by Dell and I was hoping to get away with not having to completely reinstall the program. I have no luck with that stuff.

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Roxio Creator 2009 Suitable Drive Not Detected

Feb 9, 2009

when ever i try to burn data to a disc.i get this roxio creator 2009 special edition a suitable drive was not detected please attach a drive and try again. in my device manager dvd/cd rom drives this device is working properly.does anyone know of a fixes to this? i have windows vista home premium 32bit with sp1

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DVD Creator "No Video"?

Dec 16, 2009

What is the best NG to learn how to create DVD movies that might actually work when attempting to watch on TV? I am using Convert2DVD 4 to create DVD movies NTSC but when I attempt to watch them on TV I get nothing or a msg that states "No Video". I can play these movies fine on my computer.

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Pc Will Crash Regardless Of What Im Doing

Sep 19, 2008

i turn on the pc and its fine, but within the first 15-20 minutes the pc will crash regardless of what im doing, i could be on a word document, a game, the internet, and it will crash. then i turn it off, then on again and its fine the rest of the time im on it could be an hour, could be all day. its always every other time it crashes, and usually within the first 15-20 minutes, but sometimes longer. the spec of my pc is: processor: Intel core 2Duo E4500, 2.2 GHz, 2047 MB of RAM, and 32-bit operating system, and i use windows vista home premium.

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Crysis Crash

Mar 23, 2008

Every time i play Crysis i crashes after i short while. I've tried to install all new drivers for motherboard, Vista, Graphic Card and sound card.

It almost always comes with the message "nvlddmkm driver" failed.

What does this mean?

How can I run Crysis without crashes?

I run
Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4 Ghz
4 GB RAM (3327 MB)
Windows Vista Ultimate 32 bit
Gainward 8800GTX 768 MB graphic card
ASUS P5K motherboard

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Computer Crash

Feb 16, 2009

My computer crashed and I had to format and lost everything. Is there any way to retrieve my saved and unread mail and all of my contacts.

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Constantly Crash's

Jan 5, 2008

it's getting kinda boring now surely those nuggets over at microsoft are aware of all the problems with vista since i changed over i have made it a point to make sure i only use vista compatable hardware and software but that doesn't seem to help as the only stable software that runs(without crashing) was programmed for XP now that is just silly and a software company's excuse is ''we had to rush it onto the market'' so what does that mean, did they not even test their software now wishing i got a mac instead as microsoft and software company's need to pull their fingers out and start doing things properly i would rather wait 6 months for a game or app that actually works than spend the money to find out that it doesn't do what it says on the box all this due to the fact that not one app or game designed with vista in mind will run without crashing repeatedly over and over again so what does vista do other than try to look good not alot just gives you a headache as you wonder yet again why your computer has either crashed or just shut down what seemed to be an app or game that didn't seem to have a problem when it all of a sudden ends the app or game it even closed chess on me as it encountered a problem i understand that these things do happen but not on this scale this is just to often and microsoft really need a shoe put up there rear for not addressing these issue's sooner.

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Syncing Causes WMP To Crash

Mar 23, 2008

I have been trying to sync media onto my 2 gb Patriot miniSD card. However, every time I build up my list of media I want to add onto it and I click the "Sync Now" button, WMP crashes. It begins to sync the first few songs, however after 4 songs I get an error message that states that "WMP is not responding". I have tried to do this same thing with different media, but I still have my WMP crashing. I have checked Microsoft for any updates, but it seems that I have kept my computer in good condition (I've only had this computer for about 1 month now). The WMP crashing issue is a recurring problem for me so now I'm at my last resort. What do I do?

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IE And Firefox Crash

Apr 11, 2009

The other night I come home from work late. I go to check my email and non-sense...but can't. Internet Explorer starts to crash..a lot. So, I found someone to send me Firefox the next day (I couldn't keep IE open long enough to do anything, half the time it didn't even open before the crash msg came up.) Still FF crashes. I don't know what the problem is..or was, it seems to be doing ok right now, first time I've actually been able to keep my browser open long enough to do something..I'm afraid to close it in case it doesn't work again. So..here are the
reports, first the IE and then the FF.

Problem signature
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:iexplore.exe
Application Version:7.0.6001.18000
Application Timestamp:47918f11
Fault Module Name:StackHash_40d4................

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Winamp Crash

May 17, 2009

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: winamp.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4896392e
Fault Module Name: ntdll.dll
Fault Module Version: 6.0.6001.18000
Fault Module Timestamp: 4791a783
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 0002f217
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: fd00
Additional Information 2: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160
Additional Information 3: fd00
Additional Information 4: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160

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Hdd Partition Crash

Jun 8, 2008

Factory re-installation from hidden hdd partition after crash complete reformat of C: PLUS installation of all updates incl SP1. AVG fully updated and scanned daily, ditto Ad-Aware and Spybot. IE7 is apparently corrupt, certainly giving major problems. The "quick-start" icon, when right-clicked to "run as Administrator" yields the message "This program is unsigned, do you really want to run" (starts normally when run as "user"). Plus (just one of many problems both as User or Administrator) click a "print" link on a website, IE7 greys out, looks for a "solution on the web", then restarts ...and yes, I have both Java and Activex latest versions, loaded).

As a work-around I'm using Firefox (which does EXACTLY what I expect of a browser, and I used to do in IE6). IE7 is supposedly "core" to Vista OS, can't help feeling that something is seriously wrong, and I may have OS problems as yet undiscovered. Is there a way of reloading just IE7, or are there registry tweaks to correct?

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Crash Starting DVD

Mar 23, 2008

For some reason, Vista crashes as soon as a DVD (hardware or virtual) starts to play (BCCode e3). LiveTV and AVI play without any problem.I deinstalled some programmes, one of which was Nero 6 Express.This Nero was incompatible, but wanted to try it anyway. Although i cannot pinpoint the cause of the crashes, but i suspect my Nero experiment. Anybody any 'serious' clue of how to fix this?

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Graphics Crash, Blocks

Feb 5, 2008

I reinstalled Vista fresh on the drive and now it gives me this horrible distortion in the graphics. Everything installs fine, I assume. I just can't do anything because I can't see anything. It's not black, but has tons of blocks all over it. I was thinking it was my graphics card taking a dive, but I can get OSX86/Ubuntu with Desktop effects to run fine. So, I am at a loss, as both the other systems require graphics acceleration. It's just Vista that doesn't want to work.

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Crash On Almoust Every Game

Sep 28, 2008

I bet you heard it alot, but yes it actually crashes to the desktop on almoust every game that i play. FS X, Settlers 6, Half Life 2, Bioshock, and the list goes on.. The crashes are that the game just freezes abit and it switches to the desktop and says that the app has crashed, and gives me a choise between check the net for the solution and restart it. Sometimes the errors explain the app crash with a direct x file as the "couse" of the problem. While i checked the forums i saw a few video drivers and tryed to install them. Each driver gave me diffrent "new" problems. some of them crashed the game but it took it about 10-15 more mins to do it.
The latest NVIDIA driver is the moust unstable from all the drivers that i have tryed....
Some of the drivers even crashed into the BSOD with a 101 error...
And when it showed it, the error was about some other file, somehow related to
Sometimes it crashes to the desktop with a file from the game it self as the couse of the crash, for example client.dll for Half Life EP 2.

My specs are :
AMD Athlon 2x3000+
GeForce 8800GT 512MB only 1 card
Vista Ultimate x64
should i just install XP and wait untill Vista will have a good support of drivers and fixes.

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System Crash: All Has Failed

Dec 19, 2008

When the computer starts up it gets to the loading screen and then crashes: A blue screen comes up with a load of type on it but the system does a crash dump before I can read what it says. The computer then restarts with an option to continue normally or launch startup repair. I than launch startup repair and it says it "cannot repair this computer automatically".

The diagnostics and repair details are as follows: "Number of repair attempts: 13......

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Corrupted Directx And Crash

Oct 12, 2008

My laptop (Hp Pavilion dv6500 Notebook Pc) had a crash yesterday but after shutting it down and restarting it, all seemd to be normal. But today when I wanted to play some Generals I got a nasty suprise. I started up the game and I got a message saying I didn't have the right directx version. This is weird since I've been playing the game for almost a year now on this laptop. Anyway, I thought maybe something got corrupted after the crash. I startend another game just to make sure and it too gave me an error that I didn't had a proper directx version.

So I checked dxdiag and it said I had directx 10 as my latest version, which is what I had before the crash. I've updated all my drivers, reinstalled directx and reinstalled my games but nothing seems to work. I hope someone could point me out a direction that might help me fix this problem. I'm a student I seriously need my games for some relaxation .

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Games Crash On 64 Ultimate

Jun 7, 2009

I have a problem with vista 64 ultimate. When i play a game, there is nothing, it never crash or anything. But when i restore games to minimize it half so i can do other stuff, so the game is running in the background on the desktop then it crashes. Like if someone writes a email, and i want to copy the name to a text document, then i restore the game, to get it on the backgroud so i can read the email and write it down. But after 5-10 sec if any game is restored,then my comp crashes.

Once i gotten blue screen of death but it normally goes black screen. Its like vista ultimate 64, cant handle a game running on restored mode, so i can maximize it again for full screen. And that is really annoying. It also shuts out the possibility to play games in windowed mode. If i play a game in windowed mode it dont crash but if i click on a icon like my computer then there is 5-10 sec time before it crashes unless i come fast back clicking on the game again.
Hopefully all get the point of what im saying.

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Azureus Crash At First 2 Seconds

Feb 24, 2008

Whenever I start up azureus it crashes automatically, it only started doing this today. If u want the crash log please tell me where to find it.

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Firefox: Reports Crash

Sep 16, 2008

Has anyone else been getting random firefox crash reports lately? And when i click restart firefox it wont, it keeps opening the crash report dialog box. I have to reboot the system for firefox to work again. This has happened to me twice in the last 2 days.

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Crash Out Of The Blue Screen

Nov 6, 2008

The system has been stable for some time but today while working in Excel I got an IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL 0A BSOD, rebooted and within 5 minutes got SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION 3B BSOD and now getting this repeatedly. My best guess right now is that a stick of RAM has failed so have removed all but one 2GB stick and no crashes so far - will run some memory tests on each stick in turn tomorrow. I really hope that's all it is (& I can get it replaced under warranty!) and it's not a mobo fault.

The BIOS did go into recovery mode when I tried to enter it, that's okay now but the raid 5 array is re-initialising as a result . The auto memory timings have never matched the spd (slower) but that never bothered me but I think I'll manually set to the stated timings of 4-4-4-12 depending on what the tests reveal. Only real SW change apart from usual MS updates is I installed VMC TV Pack and USB wifi adapter a few days ago but I'd have expected to see this sooner if that was the cause. From what I've read a 3B is more likely hardware anyway?

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Media Player 11 Crash

Mar 28, 2008

I am unable to open WMP 11 and only get the options to close program or search for answers and close. Is there a way of reinstalling WMP 11 or repairing it?

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:wmplayer.exe
Application Version:11.0.6000.6344
Application Timestamp:46e5f12e
Fault Module Name:Indiv01.key
Fault Module Version:11.0.6000.7000
Fault Module Timestamp:474e5998
Exception Code:c0000005
Exception Offset:000ad13c
OS Version:6.0.6000.
Locale ID:2057
Additional Information 1:8d13
Additional Information 2:cdca9b1d21d12b77d84f02df48e34311
Additional Information 3:8d13
Additional Information 4:cdca9b1d21d12b77d84f02df48e34311

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VirtualDrive? Crash Have Other Issues

Mar 26, 2009

Can anyone elaborate on what this is and if it could cause problems with the programs Vista decides to use it with? Is it ok to turn off if it does cause problems? From what I gathered Vista decides for me that certain config files for certain programs get put into an area that is User Account specific rather than put it in the actual program folder. Which to me would be all well and good if it were to put these files in to a folder that wasn't hidden or hard to find like the My Documents folder like some programs/games do. Another thing that bugs me is that it doesn't tell you when it does this and does not allow any user input on this. I've also noticed that the programs that are put into this "VirtualDrive" crash or have other issues that I don't remember having before.

I don't really find this function of Vista to be at all necessary to me because I'm the only one that uses this computer and I don't need things to be account specific. It's incredibly inconvenient when you go to look for a file that you're used to be in a certain place and its just not there. It took me forever to figure where the files actually were.

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Life Cam VX 1000: APP Crash

Jun 24, 2008

I recently updated my XP to Vista and bought a new webcam Lifecam VX 1000, after downloading the Cd, when i connect through USB and try opening the camera, it shows a msg saying that APP Crash and hence check online solutions.

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Shadowrun Live Crash

Jun 21, 2008

I just bought Shadowrun PC and can play the trainging/bot matches fine. but when i try to connect online, the game "stops working" and closes. its not the Live account, i already checked.

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