Search Folder Disappeared From Right Pane Startup Menu

Apr 4, 2008

The Search item has disappeared from the right pane of my Startup Menu. I have no idea how I lost it, but it was there when I first got my computer (Vaio, running Vista Home Premium). I now have to go to Help & Support to get access to it. I use the Advanced Search facility, so I can't just open up any folder. Does anyone know how to pin it back onto the Start Menu? I've even tried going to Open Taskbar & Start Menu properties and selecting Use Default Settings on the Start tab - no luck!

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Add Search Folder To Start Menu

Mar 28, 2009

This is a small thing but still something that bugs me. I was watching one of the Vista demo videos and it seems there is suppose to be a link to the search folder on my start menu. The first time I used the "windows/f" shortcut it brought up google search (google desktop came preinstalled with my computer) so I went to "default" programs and made windows search the default program and now the search folder comes up but I can't find a way to put a link to it on my start menu. I have tried going through the list on the start menu "customize" section but it's not on the list. I have Vist Home Premium if that makes any difference.

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Possible To Keep Search Pane In View?

May 28, 2008

I want to be able to keep the search pane in 'My Documents' or other folders in view all the time instead of having to keep going to 'Layout' and selecting it each time I want to use it.

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Start Menu Right Pane

Apr 24, 2008

I have 2 Hard Drives - 1 for OS the other for Data. Since all my data is on disk D I wanted to change the Documents, Music, and Pictires links on the rhs of the start pane to point to the new location. i did that OK by using properties, move location.however I stuffed it up by changing where "Videos" points. "videos is a link under the users on c:. Anyway, I sent it to the wrong place. When I tried to fix it my documents, pictures and music links were all lost. Somehow i've managed to re-establish the Documents link to point to the correct place (on the Data HDD) but I can't change Music or Pictures. They are just empty and do nothing. If I point to them and right click and select properties there is no "Location" tab, and in fact there is nothing at all.The links are OK in "Favourite Links" when Computer window is open, but they are dead on my start panel right hand side. All the other items in that panel are OK. How can I reset those links to point where I want.

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Customizing Right Pane In Start Menu.

Apr 15, 2008

I'm looking to put shortcuts to each of my primary hard drives in the circled pane.
I'm pretty sure it's possible and all I have to do is modify a system file or some ****, but where would I go about doing such a thing?

Above picture isn't mine, due to my print screen not working, but I have near all of the right panes contents off (via Start Menu Properties), thus why I'm wanting to put my own custom shortcuts there.

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Start Menu Disappeared

Jul 2, 2008

Recently most of the programs in my Start Menu disappeared. Almost everything that disappeared is Microsoft related, like Office. When I rebooted it said that explorer.exe and sprtcmd.exe in the C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuPrograms directory is corrupt and I should run chkdsk. However, chkdsk won't run. I set it to run on reboot but it never does. Then I tried using sfc /scannow but it only got to 71% before saying it can't continue. I tried going into the Programs folder but it says the directory is corrupt or unreadable. I've got Vista Home Premium, and my computer is a Dell XPS M1530.

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Start Menu Folders Disappeared

Oct 18, 2009

A couple minutes ago something weird happened with my startup menu: most of the program folders in the program list have disappeared.

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Folders Pane Showing 2 Of Every Folder

Sep 23, 2009

The pic is fairly self-explanatory, but as you can see on the left hand side in the folders pane, there is 2 of nearly every folder.

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Windows Mail Folder Pane

Jun 13, 2009

The folder list is no longer displayed in the left hand pane in Windows Mail (apart from Local folders, Inbox and Newsgroups). In order to navigate to my other folders, I have to click on Local Folders, when they are displayed in the message pane. I can then open any folder but cannot transfer files to the folder from the inbox.

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Tabs Disappeared, And Unable To Hide Menu Bar

Mar 29, 2008

Tools/Internet Options/General tab, click on Tab settings and re-enable this feature. If it is enabled already, uncheck the box, click apply/ok and then close all open browsers. Repeat to re-enable this feature.

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Blank Folder Pane In Windows Explorer

Feb 23, 2010

I do not have a folder pane (a folder tree with the Desktop, my Computer, the Network) in Explorer any more. This is a rather annoiing and difficult problem, and have searched several times for hour with NO solution for Vista. I do not know exactly when this started, since I'm not normally using Windows Explorer that much. Now when I open the Explorer, the place where the Folder pane should be is totally blank, as seen below. (My Layout is set to "Navigation Pane")

I can see contents of folders in the Right pane and navigate through them, but can't see any folder hierarchy in the Left Folder-pane -- it's just totally blank as shown above. Does anyone have a solution? I'd rather not re-install Vista...PS: The problem seemed to exists in W9x and ME too Windows Explorer-Left Pane Empty - Tech Support Guy Forums and has a fix from MS, to delete a part of the registry, but this does not work for Vista.PS: I've read Brink's information on resetting Folder View settings and tried this to..

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Names Of Panes Called The Folder Pane

Dec 6, 2008

In a Vista Windows Explorer window, what is the right pane's name? There is the Layout/Menu Bar/Details Pane, Preview Pane & Navigation Pane but I don't see a name for this pane....I think maybe it is called the Folder Pane or Display Pane or the Folder Display Pane?

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Switch User Option Disappeared From Shut Down Menu

May 19, 2008

I'm running Vista Home Premium (6.0.6001--sp 1). Since installing Checkpoint VPN client, the Switch User option has disappeared from my shutdown menu. (I've since deinstalled the VPN.) I've read elsewhere that it might be a group-settings issue, and it can be toggled by using the group administration panel. This was for Vista Ultimate, though; trying to run "gpedit.msc" fails with a "not found" error. Is there another way to alter this? Perhaps by hacking the registry? My wife and I switch fairly often between our profiles, so I would like to have the option.

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Sub-folder: Always Open In Windows Mail Left Pane

Mar 23, 2008

When using Windows Mail, I have a series of folders and sub-folders on the left side. It used to be that the sub-folders were always closed. Now, for some reason, the sub-folders are always open when I open up Windows Mail.

This is regardless of how I exit Windows Mail. In other words, when I'm all done with Windows Mail, I leave it with all sub-folders closed, but the next time when I open and use it again, I find that all the sub-folders are open again.

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Document Folder Files Are Dispayed Right Hand Pane

Oct 15, 2009

I tried moving My Documents folder to my D: drive and now have big problems! The whole folder disappeared. After searching the net for answers I altered some Registry settings (which was stupid I know) but was able to get My Documents folder back under Desktop. Now I don't have a User profile under C:Users, just a Public folder. Here's the good part, if I right-click on My Documents folder in the Start Menu it says that my Location is C:UsersmyUserName which clearly doesn't exist.

Then if I click on myUserName in Windows Explorer it has every folder in the right hand pane except for the "Documents" folder but if I expand the tree of the username on the left hand side of Windows Explorer it has a Documents folder and all my files are dispayed in the right hand pane. Also my NTUSER.dat file is in myUserName folder under Desktop not under C:Users**** where it's supposed to be. Have tried System Restore several times but it makes no difference. Does any of this make any sense? How restore my "Personal" folder under C:Users and the proper registry settings that I should have?

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Folder :: Details Pane Not Showing Accumulative File Size Total

Mar 23, 2008

When I click on a folder, then look down in the Details Pane at the bottom it shows the number of files in the folder but NOT the accumulative file size total.

I also noticed the same thing when I had the Recycle Bin Folder open.

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Search In Right Click Menu

Jun 10, 2008

Noticed that when we right click on a folder, we do not see the search option anymore in Vista. Instead, we can see a search bar on the top right hand side in Windows Explorer (After opening the Folder/drive contents) Is there a setting/registry tweak?

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SP1 Search Bug, Missing From The Context Menu?

Mar 23, 2008

Installed SP1, now when I right click on any folder in windows explorer, the search option is missing from the context menu? Tried all my drives and a bunch of
different folders, still no search. I enabled Windows Search service again, had it disabled since it eats to many resources, still no search. Pre-SP1 of course did not do this.

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No Search Command In Context Menu

Apr 13, 2008

I'm having some problems with third party software and was hoping using system restoring would hep but it didn't.

I've also notice that I no longer have the Search command in the context menu when I right click a folder in explorer.

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Search Function In Start Menu

Mar 28, 2008

I downloaded and installed Vista SP1 with only one problem. There no longer is a search function in my start menu. Has anyone else had this problem? How can it be rectified?

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Start Menu Search Text Box

Apr 3, 2008

Is there any way to change the default action when a person hits 'Enter' inside the Start Menu's search text box? I would rather "Search the Internet" when I hit Enter rather than having VISTA search my hard drive (index).

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Speed Up Start Menu Search

May 14, 2006

When a users enters text in the search box on the start panel Windows automatically searches the file index as well.  The file index includes all of the searchable files on your hard drive and can be quite large.  One way to speed up searching through your start menu applications is to narrow the scope of the search so that it does not include hard drive files.

Prevent Start Menu Searches from searching the File index:

1. Open Registry Editor (regedit).

2. Navigate through HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software, Microsoft, Windows, CurrentVersion, Explorer and finally Advanced.

3. Find and right click on Start_SearchFiles and select Modify....

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Snipping Tool In The Search Bar In The Windows Menu

Jun 6, 2008

Reading the latest Computer Shopper, one of the tips was using the Vista snipping tool. The article says it is in the accessories folder on the start menu. For the life of me, I can not see it. How do I make it show up?

For Vista users you can just type "Snipping Tool" in the search bar in the windows menu. The first time you run it it will ask if you want to add it to your quick launch bar. I selected yes keeping in mind it is always easier to remove something from it than to add to it.

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Sp1 Removes Instant Search In Start Menu

Mar 23, 2008

I am REALLY mad to read ( that Vista Service Pack 1 R E M O V E S the instant search field from the start menu! I use the instant search often, finding it the easiest way find a single file that i'm not certain where lies. And now MS will punish me as a customer by withdrawing one of the useful features of vista (instead of the many useless ones) just because Google complains. Microsoft, shame on you for NOT focusing on delivering a good product to your customers, but continuing with silly stuff like RED or Version N or 8 different kinds of Vista SKU's......

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Speed Up Start Menu Search (New Method)

Feb 11, 2007

The search box on the new Start Menu in Windows Vista can be very useful for everyday tasks. This search box is very powerful because not only does it search the start menu and control panel, but it also searches your pictures, documents and even your e-mails. The scope of the search is very wide and you can see some performance benefits if you narrow it down to just searching the start menu and control panel. Follow these steps to optimize your start menu search:

Right click on the start button and select Properties.

Click on the Customize button.

Remove the check from Search Communications....

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Restore Start Menu Search Button In Vista SP1

May 23, 2008

In Windows Vista SP1 Microsoft removed the option for the Search button on the right side of the start panel.  If you used that button frequently it is possible to bring it back by replacing the Help and Support button....

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Startup Menu It's Called MSSMSGS

Jun 24, 2008

I think I've got this virus on my laptop. In the startup menu it's called MSSMSGS. I've searched it up on the internet but I couldn't find anything to confirm my suspicions on whether it's a virus or not.

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Blank Bottens In Startup Menu

May 8, 2008

Factory preinstalled vista home basic 32 bit I have 2 programms in startup that dont need to be there makes computer start slow Real Player and Adobe Acrobat, like to remove them but the bottens are blanked out Uninstall program does not remove the exec or what ever that is not long ago I have restored my computer to Factory Settings ($)would some body like to tell me how to unblank does bottens ? so I can remove them from starup.

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No Search I Context Menu, No Drag And Drop To Command Prompt

Apr 14, 2009

I was testing Vista for one year and at the end I am going back to the XP. I not interested in appearance. The system should work and I do not care if it have transparent windows or not. It have to be fast and have all function I had in former System (Windows XP in my case) What am I lacking in Vista:

1.No search i context menu
2.No drag and drop to command prompt
3.No folder backup (ntbackup)
4 Eating more than 1GB ram
5 More clicking to get to the same properties

Can any of you tell me why should I stay with Vista? It is your last chance to convinced me.

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Folder Associations Disappeared

May 14, 2008

i'm using vista 64bit. Some of my file associations seem to have disappeared and i am being told to reset them in the control panel - that bit is easy enough but i'm having trouble setting them for actual folders, i can't open the folder just by clicking on it, i have to right click and then select open. i have spent hours trying to find a way to set the association for the folder but no luck - i dont know if this makes any difference but the folder i am trying to open, i marked as hidden. once i openiit with the right click everything else seems to be ok.

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My Document Folder Disappeared

Jul 8, 2009

My Documents folder(My Document) juzt disapeared. who can help me restore or recover it in any possible way. I´m runing a Vista home basic laptop but i´m sure i didnt delete these neither maybe someone did but i dont know how these culd suddenly disappear. I´m having AVG dailly auto update and scan so i hafly ruled out the virus inffection. I tried almost everything, to restore, regedit, undelete, but nothing help but through these i only happen to get the folder itsself but but the files in it still at large...The othe thing is when i got the folder but it suddenly duplicate and name the other folder Document145.. Now what does that mean again?

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